Anti gun myths about armed good guys are again proven wrong in Walmart shooting...

Skull Pilot continues to falsify deliberately. I have not criticized CCWs at all. I am saying they did not interfere, which was the right move. So, by not interfering, one cannot argue that CCW overwhelmingly prevents crime.

It prevents crime when used in SELF DEFENSE.
But that doesn't matter to you does it?
Now YOU are narrowing, appropriately so.
2aguy uses loaded sources.

The correct one for mass murders is Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive

No....I use the left wing, anti gun, Mother Jones....they actually use the FBI definition of mass public shooting.....the GVA doesn't use that one because if they did, they couldn't lie about the number of mass public shootings.....

Mass murder is not mass public shootings.....which is why we don't trust you bait and switch, using mass murders, knowing that uninformed people will assume you meant mass public are vile assholes.......
Your source is inaccurate.

Here is the correct source for mass murders. Tough to be an alt right gang stalker like the gun bunnies.

Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive is the official number of mass public shootings via the definition used by the FBI....

And it would be even lower, but obama had the FBI change the number of murdered to qualify as a mass public shooting from 4 to 3..........

Notice how few there actually are...and how few victims there are compared to other ways of dying...but the anti gunners can't show you these stats because it ruins their emotional....fact less, arguments for gun control...

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 73.

Knives murder over 1,500 people every single year....

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Deaths from mass shootings 2015..... 37
Great. Get more guns out on the street. Then we can all stand around with guns in our hands and watch the people already shot gurgle their lives away.

If you'e dumb enough to get shot, so be it. My job as a bystander is to protect myself and my family, NOT to help you. Especially not on our overly litigious society where I could get sued by you or your next of kin if I do something wrong.
The US has the highest gun death rate of any first world country, as well as the highest rate of gun ownership. That hasn’t changed. Nor will it.

You keep saying guns keep you safe and yet no country has the rate of mass shootings, school shootings, and overall violence of the US.

So keep believing the steaming pile of crap the NRA is selling. Because no matter how you spin it, you’re still dying in much greater numbers, and victims of greater numbers of violent crimes than any First Nation in the world.

Why does nobody have a response to this question?? (Because there is no response, because they’re wrong). Why is Switzerland the safest country in the world, with a super low homicide rate, despite issuing their citizens the most dangerous type of gun, a full auto assault rifle, that you are allowed to carry on the street whenever the mood strikes?

If it’s because the Swiss people are different, and you can’t compare 2 different countries than stop comparing the US to the rest of the world. And if guns are the problem, then there should certainly be the highest correlation in Switzerland, with the most dangerous weapons all over the place (obviously Switzerland must be lying). So which is it?
The US has the highest gun death rate of any first world country, as well as the highest rate of gun ownership. That hasn’t changed. Nor will it.

You keep saying guns keep you safe and yet no country has the rate of mass shootings, school shootings, and overall violence of the US.

So keep believing the steaming pile of crap the NRA is selling. Because no matter how you spin it, you’re still dying in much greater numbers, and victims of greater numbers of violent crimes than any First Nation in the world.

Why does nobody have a response to this question?? (Because there is no response, because they’re wrong). Why is Switzerland the safest country in the world, with a super low homicide rate, despite issuing their citizens the most dangerous type of gun, a full auto assault rifle, that you are allowed to carry on the street whenever the mood strikes?

If it’s because the Swiss people are different, and you can’t compare 2 different countries than stop comparing the US to the rest of the world. And if guns are the problem, then there should certainly be the highest correlation in Switzerland, with the most dangerous weapons all over the place (obviously Switzerland must be lying). So which is it?

And....those Swiss with rifles kept the Germans from invading their country.....
And....those Swiss with rifles kept the Germans from invading their country.....
That's just full retard. you the truth is full retard...


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot. This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million. Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.
The Swiss cannot and could not withstand an invasion by either Germany or France or Italy.

You are proving to everyone just how worthless are your arguments.
The Swiss cannot and could not withstand an invasion by either Germany or France or Italy.

You are proving to everyone just how worthless are your arguments.

Not my the post......the Germans knew they couldn't hold the territory and didn't want to waste the time, money and troops to try it.....

Notice...genius.....the other nations disarmed their people...they were invaded, and their people were handed over to the Germans for murder.......

The difference between them and Switzerland, they disarmed their people, the Swiss didn't.

Had the other countries in Europe had the same levels of armed citizens, the Germans could never have held the territory they would have made invading those countries pointless.....
The post is worthless.

The Germans wanted the banking services of Switzerland.

You are just not good at this.
The post is worthless.

The Germans wanted the banking services of Switzerland.

You are just not good at this.

And that is stupid. The Germans would simply have taken over the banking system in Switzerland the same way the did in all the other countries they invaded....

You are pathetic at this...
You really are no good at this, so keep posting.

The rest of the free world would not have dealt with the Swiss banking system, so there would be no gain to the Germans.
You really are no good at this, so keep posting.

The rest of the free world would not have dealt with the Swiss banking system, so there would be no gain to the Germans.

What "rest of the free world" Germany controlled all of Europe......
You really are no good at this, so keep posting.

The rest of the free world would not have dealt with the Swiss banking system, so there would be no gain to the Germans.

What "rest of the free world" Germany controlled all of Europe......
It did not control Sweden, the UK, the Irish Republic, Spain, or the USA, Canada, Mexico, Central or South America, the British Empire, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia., etc.

Please keep posting. It's a good learning experience for you.
Gun grabbers would have preferred that the shooter murder at least a few of WM shoppers that way they could again use a tragic incident to push their gun grabbing crap. The MSM would have more horrific stories about dead innocents (maybe even children) to sell more sponsor time as reporters with cameras capture horror, screaming and sadness. A total win/win for the left. Unfortunately (for them) armed citizens prevented any of that from happening. The gunman ran away with his tail between his legs.
You really are no good at this, so keep posting.

The rest of the free world would not have dealt with the Swiss banking system, so there would be no gain to the Germans.

What "rest of the free world" Germany controlled all of Europe......
It did not control Sweden, the UK, the Irish Republic, Spain, or the USA, Canada, Mexico, Central or South America, the British Empire, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia., etc.

Please keep posting. It's a good learning experience for you.

They controlled Europe...would have conquered Britain, and Spain....all of the important countries and they would have controlled their banking systems......keep telling yourself the lie, you might believe it one day...

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