Anti gun protester David Hogg protected by armed guards

Well, I was not on this forum when Obama did that, so you are correct.

yes, Obama added 1.4 trillion his first year in the middle of a recession. Trump will add 1.3 trillion his second year in the middle of an amazing economy with record low unemployment. But you do not fucking care, all you can do is bring up Obama, Obama, Obama.

Dude, Obama is gone and he is not coming back. Focus on the here and now and quit living in your Obama fantasy world.

I doubt the deficit will go as high as $1.3 trillion. That's a prediction by a gang of leftwing hacks. It's simply not credible.

Fuck, you are just stupid.

Here we go, let's go with the actual numbers.

On 1 Jan 2018 the debt was $20,492,746,546,190.
On 21 Jun 2018 the debt was $21,130,804,062,854
So, we have added $638,057,516,661 to the debt since 1 Jan 2018
There are 171 days between those two dates. That means that we have added $3,731,330,506 per day to the debt.

$3,731,330,506 x 365 = $1,361,935,634,978. That is what we are on track to add to the debt this CY. That is not anything but hard, cold, pure facts. Keep in mind we did this while setting a record for tax revenue in April.

Now, if you would like to look at the FY we can do that to, that number comes up to $1,224,829,458,646 being added to the debt this FY.

But you do not care

You make the mistake of assuming that debt increases by the same amount each quarter.

As deficit soars, House to vote on GOP balanced budget amendment | Jamie Dupree - AJC

The updated Congressional Budget Office estimate for 2018 is a deficit of $804 billion.

When has the CBO ever been right.

The previous FY the 2nd and 3rd quarters added the least to the debt and the 1st and 4th added the most. In fact the middle two quarters the debt shrunk. If that holds true then the numbers will be even worse than they seem.

Face it dude, you keep defending the debt by trying to make light of it. Something a devout conservative would never fucking do.

"It won't be a will only be 804 billion"....something a devout conservative would never, ever, ever say.

You are a lefty all the way.

Let's see some actual numbers. I'm not taking your word for it.

Face it dude, you're a Dim in sheep's clothing who only attacks Republicans for the deficit. Most of the new spending in the last budget bill was demanded by Democrats. Yet, you never criticized the Dims once. Face it, you're a two-faced lying hosebag.

The guy that is cool with 805 billion added to the debt is calling me a Dim!

Here is the source for the numbers...
Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Here are the numbers...

1st QTR $403,382,237,111
2nd QTR - $130,406,888,371
3rd QTR - $1,865,880,025.50
4th QTR $400,345,833,402.20
Tax cuts always lead to a reduction in the amount of increase in tax revenue
I've already proved you're lying. And yet, like all statists/fascists, you go right back to the lying. Unbelievable. Dude, revenues to the government have been higher post-tax cuts in March, April, and May of 2018 than they were pre-tax cuts in March, April, and May of 2017.

That is an indisputable fact. So President Trump's policies have increased revenue to the government without increase taxes on the American people. That is a win-win to anyone other than an idiot statist/fascist (such as yourself).
Our problem is spending, and Trump signed the spending bill, and thus he is responsible for it as much as anyone else, his name is on it.
Ok..that is the only legitimate point you have. The only one. But Congress made the bill and their name is on it too. That's a complete and total failure of the entire Republican Party (Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump).

But you only call out Trump because you're a whiny little fascist bitch. You can't be honest about anything. Not even your views. You rail against tax cuts. You rail against the 2nd Amendment. You rail against liberty. You rail against Trump. And then you claim to be "ultra right-wing". Grow up already. You're a fuck'n hardliner leftie. Just fuck'n admit it.
So, tell me again how the tax cuts have no impact, fucking lying piece of shit.
They do have an impact. The increase revenue to the government. Here it is once again. An $18 billion increase.

Go Figure: Tax Revenues Climbed $18 Billion In First Month Of GOP Tax Cuts | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
Did spending suddenly go up by 1,494,988,050t the month after the tax cuts.
Yes, dumb shit. Do you not comprehend that every day, we adding ginormous numbers to the social security and medicare rolls as the baby boomer generation retires? And what does that do? It causes costs to drastically increase. This is why I can't stand discussing shit with you government parasites. You people are so ignorant of every issue.

Who created the unconstitutional social programs that you mooch off of and that are causing costs to skyrocket every day? The Dumbocrats. And who warned against each and every one of them? The Republicans.
Our problem is spending, and Trump signed the spending bill, and thus he is responsible for it as much as anyone else, his name is on it.
Ok..that is the only legitimate point you have. The only one. But Congress made the bill and their name is on it too. That's a complete and total failure of the entire Republican Party (Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump).

But you only call out Trump because you're a whiny little fascist bitch. You can't be honest about anything. Not even your views. You rail against tax cuts. You rail against the 2nd Amendment. You rail against liberty. You rail against Trump. And then you claim to be "ultra right-wing". Grow up already. You're a fuck'n hardliner leftie. Just fuck'n admit it.

I brought up Trump because he is the reason people like you and Bripat will not say a bad thing about the debt. You claim to be a devout conservative but since your savior is sitting in the White House things like debt no longer matter to you. you are not a conservative, you are a fucking Trump sheep that has lacks the ability to think for yourself.

Yes, I rail against tax cuts because I am against debt and deficit spending. I think it is wrong to saddle our kids and grandkids with our debt, but you, since you are a fucking freeloader, do not give a shit about anyone but yourself.
Yes, I rail against tax cuts because I am against debt and deficit spending.
And yet I already proved that at the tax cuts have resulted in increased revenue to the government. So it has nothing to do with "debt" and "deficit" spending. Like all miserable fuck'n parasites, you're soooo worried that your gravy train is going to dry up.
I brought up Trump because he is the reason people like you and Bripat will not say a bad thing about the debt.
Snowflake, you've been bitching about Trump since you joined the board. He's the whole reason you joined the board. In fact, the first post I ever saw from you, you were bitching about President Trump. You didn't bring him up to prove any point (you have no point). You're just pissed off that constitutional government is being restored and you're scared stupid that your government gravy train will dry up.
The face of Left-Wing hypocrisy! (well, one of the many faces :04: ;) )

They do have an impact. The increase revenue to the government. Here it is once again. An $18 billion increase.

Go Figure: Tax Revenues Climbed $18 Billion In First Month Of GOP Tax Cuts | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Yes, revenue climbs, but it climbs slower than before the tax cuts.

In the 10 years prior to the Reagan Tax cuts revenue increased at an average rate of 12.41% per year, the 10 years after the Reagan tax cuts revenue increased at an average rate of 5.68% per year.

In the 10 years prior to the Bush II tax cuts revenue increased at an average rate of 6.61% per year, the 10 years after the Bush II tax cuts revenue increased at an average rate of 1.87% per year.

Those are the cold, hard facts.

The numbers I used for my calculations came from this source...

Federal Tax Revenue by Source, 1934 - 2018 - Tax Foundation

The percent of change was determined by the following calculation...

Current year-previous year
Previous Year
Yes, I rail against tax cuts because I am against debt and deficit spending.
And yet I already proved that at the tax cuts have resulted in increased revenue to the government. So it has nothing to do with "debt" and "deficit" spending. Like all miserable fuck'n parasites, you're soooo worried that your gravy train is going to dry up.

And I have proven that the increase in revenue is slower after tax cuts than before.
They do have an impact. The increase revenue to the government. Here it is once again. An $18 billion increase.

Go Figure: Tax Revenues Climbed $18 Billion In First Month Of GOP Tax Cuts | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

According to your link tax revenue went up 5.2% from the previous Jan.

What your link does not tell you is that the previous Jan revenue had increased by 9.7% from the Jan before that.

So, what you link really proves is that once again, tax cuts have slowed the rate of growth of revenue.

In case they did not teach your this in your burger flipping class, 9.7% growth is better than 5.2%
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The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

This is a whiny little bitch who hasn't even lived half of his life yet, send this little whiny bitch to a war watch how fast this stupid sob shuts the hell up.

The logic of this argument, used again and again is just ridiculous.

I wouldn't want to be protected by armed guys. It would imply there's something wrong with the place I am.

But that doesn't mean I should be stupid and not have armed guards where they are necessary.

Who wouldn't fear some of these gun nuts enough to require protection?

Smart people. "Gun nuts" not out to rob, assault, or kill you. Criminals are, and if they are armed while you are not, you have no defense. It's really that simple.

Well no, nothing is ever that simple.

But it's worth a try pretending the world is simple and ignoring the facts in order to make everything fit how you want things to look.
The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

This is a whiny little bitch who hasn't even lived half of his life yet, send this little whiny bitch to a war watch how fast this stupid sob shuts the hell up.

Courageous young man who has the rabid right and the NRA damn nervous.

And the irony that RWNJs are so terrified of this kid that they would shoot him down but idolize murderers.

BTW, the title is a lie. He's not "anti-gun". He's pro-life. That's something RWNJs know nothing about. Oh, they'll screech about forcing women to reproduce but notice they want this kid murdered.
yes, Obama added 1.4 trillion his first year in the middle of a recession. Trump will add 1.3 trillion his second year in the middle of an amazing economy with record low unemployment.
Please explain to the class how President Trump will “add $1.3 trillion” to the national debt. And don’t illustrate to everyone how you are an ignorant partisan hack by claiming “tax cuts” because I already owned your ass in another thread by proving that the tax cuts have resulted in higher revenues to the government.

So it’s not tax cuts. And I also proved in another thread that he is reducing government and government costs - so it’s not the size of government. So please, tell us exactly what President Trump policy will cause the increase to the national debt.

In the exact same way that Obama added to the debt in his time in office, it is called "the buck stops here".

Tax cuts always lead to a reduction in the amount of increase in tax revenue, i have given the data on this forum 5 times now. Feel free to look for them, I gave the number for the 10 years before and after both the Reagan and the Bush II tax cuts. And revenue growth slowed for both. Those are the cold, hard facts.

Our problem is spending, and Trump signed the spending bill, and thus he is responsible for it as much as anyone else, his name is on it.

Also, going back to last month...Since the day the tax cuts took effect, we are adding $1,494,988,050 more to the deficit each day than before the tax cuts.

So, tell me again how the tax cuts have no impact, fucking lying piece of shit. Did spending suddenly go up by 1,494,988,050t the month after the tax cuts.
It’s Impossible for the federal government boost the economy, It has no fucking credibility
The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

This is a whiny little bitch who hasn't even lived half of his life yet, send this little whiny bitch to a war watch how fast this stupid sob shuts the hell up.

Courageous young man who has the rabid right and the NRA damn nervous.

And the irony that RWNJs are so terrified of this kid that they would shoot him down but idolize murderers.

BTW, the title is a lie. He's not "anti-gun". He's pro-life. That's something RWNJs know nothing about. Oh, they'll screech about forcing women to reproduce but notice they want this kid murdered.
Little Hogg boy wants to abolish the second amendment...
The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

This is a whiny little bitch who hasn't even lived half of his life yet, send this little whiny bitch to a war watch how fast this stupid sob shuts the hell up.

The logic of this argument, used again and again is just ridiculous.

I wouldn't want to be protected by armed guys. It would imply there's something wrong with the place I am.

But that doesn't mean I should be stupid and not have armed guards where they are necessary.

Who wouldn't fear some of these gun nuts enough to require protection?

So he requires the protection of guns. Where necessary, of course.
Yet if I desire the same I'm to be ridiculed, shamed and called gun nut.

That right there is purdy speshul.
The 18-year-old attended the Parkland, Florida school where a student murdered 17 people in February, then made himself famous with relentless calls for gun control in the wake of the tragedy.

Anti-gun protester David Hogg — protected by armed guards?

This is a whiny little bitch who hasn't even lived half of his life yet, send this little whiny bitch to a war watch how fast this stupid sob shuts the hell up.

The logic of this argument, used again and again is just ridiculous.

I wouldn't want to be protected by armed guys. It would imply there's something wrong with the place I am.

But that doesn't mean I should be stupid and not have armed guards where they are necessary.

Who wouldn't fear some of these gun nuts enough to require protection?

So he requires the protection of guns. Where necessary, of course.
Yet if I desire the same I'm to be ridiculed, shamed and called gun nut.

That right there is purdy speshul.

No, that's not how it is.

He requires gun protection because guns in society cause a problem and he's a target for some of those gun nuts.

You're "ridiculed, shamed and called a gun nut" or whatever because you support the keeping of those guns which force people to have protection of guns.

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