Anti-Hagel groups use delay


Aug 5, 2012
Hagel delay gives opposition time to refine attack - Israel News, Ynetnews

Delay on confirmation vote for defense secretary nomination gives anti-Hagel groups, including Emergency Committee for Israel, opportunity to dissuade senators from voting for him

US Senate Republicans have succeeded in delaying a confirmation vote on Chuck Hagel's nomination as defense secretary, but signaled they would eventually relent and allow a vote after they return from their recess on February 25.

But the weeklong Senate recess gives outside interest groups opposed to Hagel's nomination more time to sharpen their attack against President Barack Obama's choice. They're promising to scour Hagel's record and to pressure senators to vote against him.


The whole 'friends of Hamas' hoax was specifically to give them more time to try to bring something against Hagel. It's disappointing that pro Israel groups are deciding this. But not to mention, the republicans asked for Hagel, Clinton and Panetta to be questioned, they did, they got all their answers and in the end they still said they filibuster the nomination. Pathetic.
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It's kind of hard to believe him when Israel is mentioned 144 times during Hagel's hearing....:cool:
Mar 14 2012
Democratic Hypocrisy
A palpable air of hypocrisy hangs over the Senate these days. Seeking to distract attention from President Obama’s unconstitutional “recess” appointments — not to mention the failure of his economic policies — Democrats disingenuously accuse Republicans of “obstructing” the president’s judicial nominees.

In an attempt to create the perception of Republican resistance, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev), has taken the extraordinary step of scheduling contentious cloture votes for 17 nominees who were otherwise on the normal path to routine confirmation, claiming “delay for delay’s sake.”

Of course, these desperate claims are entirely false: the Senate has already confirmed more of President Obama’s nominees (129) than it did during President George W. Bush’s entire second term (120), and has done so at an almost identical pace (average of 218 and 211 days, respectively, from nomination to confirmation). Indeed, not long ago Reid acknowledged that the Senate has “done a good job on nominations,” and a Judiciary Committee Democrat recently noted that we have been “speeding up the confirmation of judges.”

Claims of Republican obstruction are not only demonstrably false, they are highly hypocritical. The very Democrats now seeking to manufacture confirmation controversy personally devised and carried out a systematic effort to block President Bush’s judicial nominees through an unprecedented use of the Senate filibuster.

It is a matter of historical record that beginning in 2001, Senate Democrats dramatically changed the confirmation process. Throughout the Bush administration, Democrats actively sought to block numerous judicial nominees, forcing more than 30 cloture votes as Republicans tried to end persistent Democratic filibuster efforts.

Democratic Hypocrisy - Op-Eds - Press Office - Mike Lee, United States Senator for Utah
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It's kind of hard to believe him when Israel is mentioned 144 times during Hagel's hearing....:cool:

those Repubs fear a foreign lobby bankrolling their opponent in the next election more than their own constituents. :clap2: They should, now that Citizens United has put congress up for sale to the highest bidder which is oftentimes that foreign lobby which shall remain nameless. Hint: its the lobby that all major Presidential candidates must get permission to run/go bow down to before every Presidential election :thup:
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I don't only condemn Israeli lobbies, I am also saddened by all the other lobbyist groups who decide our transition and elections practically. They choose what happens and it's very apparent. Every American knows lobbyists corrupt our system.

But Israeli lobbies anger me more because they always interfere with our foreign policy which is very important.
Hagel delay gives opposition time to refine attack - Israel News, Ynetnews

Delay on confirmation vote for defense secretary nomination gives anti-Hagel groups, including Emergency Committee for Israel, opportunity to dissuade senators from voting for him

US Senate Republicans have succeeded in delaying a confirmation vote on Chuck Hagel's nomination as defense secretary, but signaled they would eventually relent and allow a vote after they return from their recess on February 25.

But the weeklong Senate recess gives outside interest groups opposed to Hagel's nomination more time to sharpen their attack against President Barack Obama's choice. They're promising to scour Hagel's record and to pressure senators to vote against him.


The whole 'friends of Hamas' hoax was specifically to give them more time to try to bring something against Hagel. It's disappointing that pro Israel groups are deciding this. But not to mention, the republicans asked for Hagel, Clinton and Panetta to be questioned, they did, they got all their answers and in the end they still said they filibuster the nomination. Pathetic.

Hagel needs more time to find his hidden info apparently


Home - No To Chuck
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Patriot Voices? I wonder if that website was created by an Israeli lobbyist group.....:cool:
Why don't we just stop w/ the charade & send all our SECDEF nominees over to that foreign country & let them pick them directly. This kabuki theater stuff is insulting.
Obama has a stable full of qualified nominees. If he wanted to, he could just lead another horse out of the stable. No fuss, no muss.

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