Anti Lockdown protests spreading across China

Do the Chinese people have it wrong?

Are lockdowns, masks, and experimental gene therapy the way to beat COVID?

Do we have stats that Florida did worse than New York? Did Sweden do better than the rest of the West?

Why do sl many people love lockdowns, masks, and taking experimental shots?
Lets become CHINA, for fuck sakes. :rolleyes:

It is what the cult wants. They love China and fascism.
LOL. I think that's the point we're all trying to make. We DIDN'T become China. Not even close. You've been so turned around by alt-right media you don't know which way is up anymore.
If China's no COVID policies were implemented here, there would be armed revolt in the streets. If you think anyone wants to see that implemented here, then you are too partisan to have a normal conversation with.
But that's been the problem from the outset of the pandemic. You refuse to listen, you refuse to practice common courtesy, you refuse to be a human being. And that ultimately is why the pandemic's effects have
lasted as long as they have.
Lockdowns were also bullshit in the US at the height of COVID because while Democrats and their Media were losing their shit over the notion of people attending family holidays, church services, sporting events, and small business shopping, they had no problem with people attending social justice protests by the thousands standing cheek to cheek.
Or crippled small businesses with a couple customers while allowing big box retail to have several hundred inside.
5e disgusting cult will support the Chinese government over the people because the STATE is their GOD.
My views : I myself worship noninterventionism. When in Rome, I do as Romans do. CCP forces Americans to eat rice or use chopsticks? No. Then Uncle Sam needs to force the Chinese to eat McDonald's or KFC? If they prefer Communism to democracy( moneyocracy actually ), that's the end of the universe?

So l let the commies be the commies! :)

Facts: The controversial US health official also accused the Chinese authorities of acting in a “suspicious, non-transparent way” during disease outbreaks, “even when there’s nothing to hide.” However, Fauci himself previously admitted to lying to the US public in order to “nudge” up vaccination rates.

Fauci lectures China on lockdowns — RT World News – Fauci lectures China on lockdowns
My views : I myself worship noninterventionism. When in Rome, I do as Romans do. CCP forces Americans to eat rice or use chopsticks? No. Then Uncle Sam needs to force the Chinese to eat McDonald's or KFC? If they prefer Communism to democracy( moneyocracy actually ), that's the end of the universe?

So l let the commies be the commies! :)

Facts: The controversial US health official also accused the Chinese authorities of acting in a “suspicious, non-transparent way” during disease outbreaks, “even when there’s nothing to hide.” However, Fauci himself previously admitted to lying to the US public in order to “nudge” up vaccination rates.

Fauci lectures China on lockdowns — RT World News – Fauci lectures China on lockdowns

The Dem cultists only see perceived injustices in the US where they can make political hay out of it.

Crickets about China welding people into their homes.

USA should call out China for human rights violations, but the US government doesnt actually care.
"China is a big country. other countries are small countries. that's just a fact. we do not seek to dominate smaller countries, but we do not tolerate being told what to do by smaller countries" - President Xi

Of course there is plenty of evidence that keeping your distance slows the spread of the virus down. Especially when used in conjunction with other preventative measures.
Look, I get it, you don't want to comply. Fine. That's your right. But don't for one minute try to sell the bullshit that there isn't any kind of science behind it. And don't denigrate people who follow it. Respect your fellow citizen. Move on with your life.

It was "arbitrary". Read it and weep

A matter of degrees. This article doesn't really say what you think it does. Need to read the whole article.
The unvaccinated are still more likely to be hospitalized with serious complications and they are more likely to die.

Yes, I know people who are vaccinated and boosted who got COVID. But only in one case was the infection severe enough to require a short
hospital stay. The rest all had mild symptoms with no lasting after effects. But I know two unvaccinated people who got the supposedly mild
omicron variant that suffered greatly. Both have lasting coughs, fatigue, and continued issues with smell and taste.
A matter of degrees. This article doesn't really say what you think it does. Need to read the whole article.
The unvaccinated are still more likely to be hospitalized with serious complications and they are more likely to die.

Yes, I know people who are vaccinated and boosted who got COVID. But only in one case was the infection severe enough to require a short
hospital stay. The rest all had mild symptoms with no lasting after effects. But I know two unvaccinated people who got the supposedly mild
omicron variant that suffered greatly. Both have lasting coughs, fatigue, and continued issues with smell and taste.

One must wonder at what point these folks will stop defending the shots...if ever
One must wonder at what point these folks will stop defending the shots...if ever
Again, you are free to do what you want. But the virus is a crapshoot. And the numbers aren't your side.

Just sayin...oh, and stop denigrating people who choose to do the right thing for themselves. Just close your mouth and accept it.
This is not like the isolated Tiananmen Square uprising. This is occurring in many cities throughout China.
Xi Jinping may not be able to control this.
Just a thought, the people of China may yet rebel and form a different democratic government.


Yup! The CCP is in full panic as is Lula and his Commie allies in Brazil

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