Anti-Mask Protester Punches Masked Cancer Patient in Front of Medical Clinic

In the smaller context, I tend to agree with you--in the larger one? What a piss-poor decision to choose that venue for your 'protest'!
City Hall..maybe the County the mask mandate is theirs..or anywhere else. To choose a place of healing is disrespectful and flat out wrong--IMO.
I do not disagree.

What I find MOST disagreeable, however, is how Covid has been used for a political agenda and how the mainstream media has manipulated people into devolving into tribalism.

This was an interaction between two warriors protecting their tribe and not between two individuals disagreeing on policy.
I do not disagree.

What I find MOST disagreeable, however, is how Covid has been used for a political agenda and how the mainstream media has manipulated people into devolving into tribalism.

This was an interaction between two warriors protecting their tribe and not between two individuals disagreeing on policy.
For sure..although I'd not lay all the blame on MSM. Social media bears a large part of the blame, as well. Not to mention politicians on both sides of the aisle seeing power in factional dispute.
As for devolving into humans we seem to do that with a depressing regularity~

“ The potty month lib woman started the altercation”

what is there for you to disagree with?

the protestors were peacefully demonstrating, which they have a right to do

For a dying cancer patient the potty mouth lib woman had s lot of energy to shout at the protestors and than start a shoving match with them
here’s further proof of how conservatives and libertarians perceive as ‘justified’ using violence and spreading suffering and death in an effort to advance their anti-mask, anti-vaccination rhetoric.
No its a typical lib lie

The anti mask protesters were attacked by the potty mouth lib woman

She caused all the trouble
I've never gone to a cancer treatment center to protest mask mandates, but I have gone to cancer treatment centers to protest cancer patients.

Booo! Get your cancer away from me. Booo!
Well..this is nice..protesting a mask mandate at a Cancer Treatment center?? Because immune-suppressed patients don't need extra care/ oh wait..yes, they do~

An anti-mask protester in California is under fire for more than just her unorthodox medical beliefs after she was caught on video striking a masked woman who identified herself as a breast cancer patient by hitting her in the chest during a heated demonstration outside of a treatment center.

a close up of a person: Kate Burns being punched by Shiva Bagheri
© Provided by Law & Crime Kate Burns being punched by Shiva Bagheri
Anti-mask demonstrators appear to have been gathered outside of the Cedars-Sinai Breast Health Services building in West Hollywood Thursday to protest the facility’s rule that all persons who enter building wear a mask, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
Prior to the physical altercation, a self-identified breast cancer patient — subsequently named as one Kate Burns — who said she receives her treatments at the clinic had a testy exchange with some of the protesters.
Various videos posted on social media portray the following scene of events.
“I’m a cancer patient. I get treated here. Get the fuck away,” Burns says to a group of protesters holding anti-vaccination signs on the sidewalk in front of the clinic.
A male protester then asked Burns why she is so angry.
“Because I’ve just gone through fucking breast cancer and you motherfuckers are here,” Burns shot back.
Burns also had a quick response for another male protester who said the demonstration had “nothing to do” with Burns.
“You are protesting a breast cancer fucking center. It has everything to do with me and my community,” an incensed Burns said in the recording. “Do you know anything about chemotherapy? Do you know what happens to the immune system?”

Various recordings from the scene suggest that tension between the protesters and the counter-protesters continued to escalate, culminating with a female protester punching Burns at least once in the chest.
According to one of the videos, the female anti-mask protester was holding a megaphone up to Burns’s face and speaking into it when a counter-protester standing near Burns reached over and shoved the megaphone out of the anti-mask protester’s hands. The anti-mask protester then appeared to try and go after the counter-protester who touched the megaphone — but Burns blocked the way, leaned in slightly, and bounced the anti-mask protester back with her shoulder.
The female anti-mask protester then punched Burns in the chest and attempted to strike her a few more times while ripping the cancer patient’s mask off and discarding it on the ground. It’s unclear from the chaos in the video whether the attempted additional blows made contact with Burns, but Burns said on Twitter that she was “hit twice.”
Burns posted video of the altercation to Twitter with the caption, “Just another day in the bad place.”
I wonder if cancer treatments cause lib women to vomit the F-bomb all over public sidewalks?
Well..this is nice..protesting a mask mandate at a Cancer Treatment center?? Because immune-suppressed patients don't need extra care/ oh wait..yes, they do~

An anti-mask protester in California is under fire for more than just her unorthodox medical beliefs after she was caught on video striking a masked woman who identified herself as a breast cancer patient by hitting her in the chest during a heated demonstration outside of a treatment center.

a close up of a person: Kate Burns being punched by Shiva Bagheri
© Provided by Law & Crime Kate Burns being punched by Shiva Bagheri
Anti-mask demonstrators appear to have been gathered outside of the Cedars-Sinai Breast Health Services building in West Hollywood Thursday to protest the facility’s rule that all persons who enter building wear a mask, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
Prior to the physical altercation, a self-identified breast cancer patient — subsequently named as one Kate Burns — who said she receives her treatments at the clinic had a testy exchange with some of the protesters.
Various videos posted on social media portray the following scene of events.
“I’m a cancer patient. I get treated here. Get the fuck away,” Burns says to a group of protesters holding anti-vaccination signs on the sidewalk in front of the clinic.
A male protester then asked Burns why she is so angry.
“Because I’ve just gone through fucking breast cancer and you motherfuckers are here,” Burns shot back.
Burns also had a quick response for another male protester who said the demonstration had “nothing to do” with Burns.
“You are protesting a breast cancer fucking center. It has everything to do with me and my community,” an incensed Burns said in the recording. “Do you know anything about chemotherapy? Do you know what happens to the immune system?”

Various recordings from the scene suggest that tension between the protesters and the counter-protesters continued to escalate, culminating with a female protester punching Burns at least once in the chest.
According to one of the videos, the female anti-mask protester was holding a megaphone up to Burns’s face and speaking into it when a counter-protester standing near Burns reached over and shoved the megaphone out of the anti-mask protester’s hands. The anti-mask protester then appeared to try and go after the counter-protester who touched the megaphone — but Burns blocked the way, leaned in slightly, and bounced the anti-mask protester back with her shoulder.
The female anti-mask protester then punched Burns in the chest and attempted to strike her a few more times while ripping the cancer patient’s mask off and discarding it on the ground. It’s unclear from the chaos in the video whether the attempted additional blows made contact with Burns, but Burns said on Twitter that she was “hit twice.”
Burns posted video of the altercation to Twitter with the caption, “Just another day in the bad place.”
Wow , protesting like a lefty. Don't worry, it was mostly peaceful.
Well..this is nice..protesting a mask mandate at a Cancer Treatment center?? Because immune-suppressed patients don't need extra care/ oh wait..yes, they do~

An anti-mask protester in California is under fire for more than just her unorthodox medical beliefs after she was caught on video striking a masked woman who identified herself as a breast cancer patient by hitting her in the chest during a heated demonstration outside of a treatment center.

a close up of a person: Kate Burns being punched by Shiva Bagheri
© Provided by Law & Crime Kate Burns being punched by Shiva Bagheri
Anti-mask demonstrators appear to have been gathered outside of the Cedars-Sinai Breast Health Services building in West Hollywood Thursday to protest the facility’s rule that all persons who enter building wear a mask, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
Prior to the physical altercation, a self-identified breast cancer patient — subsequently named as one Kate Burns — who said she receives her treatments at the clinic had a testy exchange with some of the protesters.
Various videos posted on social media portray the following scene of events.
“I’m a cancer patient. I get treated here. Get the fuck away,” Burns says to a group of protesters holding anti-vaccination signs on the sidewalk in front of the clinic.
A male protester then asked Burns why she is so angry.
“Because I’ve just gone through fucking breast cancer and you motherfuckers are here,” Burns shot back.
Burns also had a quick response for another male protester who said the demonstration had “nothing to do” with Burns.
“You are protesting a breast cancer fucking center. It has everything to do with me and my community,” an incensed Burns said in the recording. “Do you know anything about chemotherapy? Do you know what happens to the immune system?”

Various recordings from the scene suggest that tension between the protesters and the counter-protesters continued to escalate, culminating with a female protester punching Burns at least once in the chest.
According to one of the videos, the female anti-mask protester was holding a megaphone up to Burns’s face and speaking into it when a counter-protester standing near Burns reached over and shoved the megaphone out of the anti-mask protester’s hands. The anti-mask protester then appeared to try and go after the counter-protester who touched the megaphone — but Burns blocked the way, leaned in slightly, and bounced the anti-mask protester back with her shoulder.
The female anti-mask protester then punched Burns in the chest and attempted to strike her a few more times while ripping the cancer patient’s mask off and discarding it on the ground. It’s unclear from the chaos in the video whether the attempted additional blows made contact with Burns, but Burns said on Twitter that she was “hit twice.”
Burns posted video of the altercation to Twitter with the caption, “Just another day in the bad place.”
Did he burn down anything?
They were within their rights to protest. The cancer patient wasn't "attacked", she was the one who instigated the situation. Don't start shit and there usually won't be any. All she had to do was behave like a rational adult and allow others their right to free speech. She wasn't being personally attacked at all. She CHOSE to incite those she disagreed with. So be it.
I see. Participating in a protest outside a cancer hospital is not "starting shit", eh?

Protesting masks is free speech, but telling the protesters they are idiots is not, eh?
In the video, some retard shouts, "Masks don't work!"

Gee, perhaps the next time he has to have surgery, everyone in the OR should be maskless.

Fucking idiot.
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I have a friend who is fighting cancer and has a suppressed immune system as a result of her treatments. I can tell you she would not be as nice as the cancer lady in the video was.

I would like to know what special retards thought protesting outside a cancer ward was a good idea.

Goddam. The tards are getting dumber by the day.
I wonder if cancer treatments cause lib women to vomit the F-bomb all over public sidewalks?
Had cancer? It would cause me vomit the fuck you loser~ See how easy that came out..and I'm cancer free, at the moment.
Because that is what the side you defend does. The violence is to intimidate people. The next logical step in a Communist revolution.
I don't defend a side idiot...I mock idiots and praise common sense and decency. Communist revolution?? What the fuck does that have to do with some idiot punching a cancer patient? the only violence we're talking about here is some idiot assaulting a cancer patient.
Why would you NOT want people wearing masks in a building where people have weakened immune systems. I don't understand protesting masks at this clinic. Why not enforce all safety protocols?
I don't defend a side idiot...I mock idiots and praise common sense and decency. Communist revolution?? What the fuck does that have to do with some idiot punching a cancer patient? the only violence we're talking about here is some idiot assaulting a cancer patient.
Pointing out hypocrisy upsets some people.
They were within their rights to protest. The cancer patient wasn't "attacked", she was the one who instigated the situation. Don't start shit and there usually won't be any. All she had to do was behave like a rational adult and allow others their right to free speech. She wasn't being personally attacked at all. She CHOSE to incite those she disagreed with. So be it.
When it comes to defending herself and our kids, my wife goes from zero to Death in a nanosecond.

If some ignorant c*nt put a megaphone up to my wife's face like that, the tard would be lucky there was a hospital a few feet away when my wife was done beating the shit out of her.

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