Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

See what I mean? It never ends.

You managed to disagree, without directly addressing my point.

Thus my point stands.

A 78% increase in a tiny insignificant problem is still a tiny insignificant problem.

People burning down mosques is an insignificant problem?

In a nation of 300 million, one person burning down one mosque is an insignificant problem.

But in a nation of 300 million people, one Muslim killing a non-Muslim is a major, MAJOR fucking oh my god we're all going to die, get out the guns and ban them all problem.

A person's life is more important than a building.

ANd dozens, hundreds of lives in more important than a building.

Ban muslim immigration.

What the fuck?
Denial of reality, denial of reality, denial of reality. The muzzie lovers don't have the desire to research the history of islam. They're stuck in that stupid belief that tolerance and diversity will make this nation stronger. You have to be aware of the history of who you are tolerant of first.

First you go and say "muzzie lovers" insults upon insults, and then you go and say that people like me, who I assume you think I like Islam (for your info I hate all religions) I know a hell of a lot about history.

So, you people can't tell us how many Muslims have been attacked in the US. Can you tell me how many Muslim countries have been controlled by western countries in the last 200 years? You can list them all if you like.

So you are an atheist...

Why are you defending the most vile religion possible? It completely baffles me as an atheist... Most terrorism that is committed is commited by muslims, against other muslims (does this fit into the category "anti-muslim?") Where there are muslims, there is terrorism. Therefore your stupid theories about superior western culture incubating them with terrorism is asinine.
because your bashing Islam while protecting and upholding Christianity. When Christianity is shit

Christianity is nowhere near as shitty as Islam. More liberal false equivalencies, they just can't help themselves.

Where are the hordes of war monger Christian terrorists? Instead they turn their other cheek or whatever... vastly superior morality in any case (compared to you or the muslims).

Yeah, I guess the Christian Germans and the Christian Russians and the Christian British and the Christian French, Italians, Americans etc didn't take part in WW2 with the loss of how many lives?

Yes, and I am talking about Christians today, because, well, we are living today.

Further, can't you seriously come up with a better example? Christianity had pretty much nothing to do with the war. Pathetic...
First you go and say "muzzie lovers" insults upon insults, and then you go and say that people like me, who I assume you think I like Islam (for your info I hate all religions) I know a hell of a lot about history.

So, you people can't tell us how many Muslims have been attacked in the US. Can you tell me how many Muslim countries have been controlled by western countries in the last 200 years? You can list them all if you like.

So you are an atheist...

Why are you defending the most vile religion possible? It completely baffles me as an atheist... Most terrorism that is committed is commited by muslims, against other muslims (does this fit into the category "anti-muslim?") Where there are muslims, there is terrorism. Therefore your stupid theories about superior western culture incubating them with terrorism is asinine.
because your bashing Islam while protecting and upholding Christianity. When Christianity is shit

Christianity is nowhere near as shitty as Islam. More liberal false equivalencies, they just can't help themselves.

Where are the hordes of war monger Christian terrorists? Instead they turn their other cheek or whatever... vastly superior morality in any case (compared to you or the muslims).
i dont care which ones shittier than the other they're both shit as long as your upholding shit i will call you an asshole

Well then you should start caring. Executing gays or not executing them is a matter of life and death...
I dont care your still promoting christianity, no matter what valid criticisms you bring up about Islam at the end of your argument thats what your doing
Not proof at all. Most people who are called "Muslim sympathizers" or "Muzzie lovers" or whatever are simply people who want to uphold the first amendment and freedom of religion.

So who is preventing their freedom of religion?

First off, I don't buy this report at all. MSM highlights anything they can related to race. I've never seen (at least in my area) any problems of Muslims being attacked. What do they consider an attack? Was it directly proportional to their religion, or was it just an attack like any one of us get attacked? Was the so-called attack provoked?

This is all politics by some left-wing organization that's for Hillary. It's meaningless.

The guy who murdered all the Sikhs because he thought they were Muslim. That's not a problem to you, eh?
Note the lack of any absolute numbers or hint about the actual real size of this problem.

A 78% increase in a tiny insignificant problem is still a tiny insignificant problem.

The Left needs to believe that the US is an Evul Racist place to justify their agenda of discrimination supposed to address the Evulness.

It is a lie.

See what I mean? It never ends.

You managed to disagree, without directly addressing my point.

Thus my point stands.

A 78% increase in a tiny insignificant problem is still a tiny insignificant problem.

People burning down mosques is an insignificant problem?

In a nation of 300 million, one person burning down one mosque is an insignificant problem.

lol, How many are you allowed before we can label you a problem?

Not sure, but a lot more than ONE.
Not proof at all. Most people who are called "Muslim sympathizers" or "Muzzie lovers" or whatever are simply people who want to uphold the first amendment and freedom of religion.

So who is preventing their freedom of religion?

First off, I don't buy this report at all. MSM highlights anything they can related to race. I've never seen (at least in my area) any problems of Muslims being attacked. What do they consider an attack? Was it directly proportional to their religion, or was it just an attack like any one of us get attacked? Was the so-called attack provoked?

This is all politics by some left-wing organization that's for Hillary. It's meaningless.

Oh, so you don't see it, it doesn't happen. I knew a Muslim girl who wore a headscarf and she had problems after 9/11.

What is an attack? Well maybe when someone feels threatened enough that they're willing to go spend time to report it.
Islam today is more a political movement then a religion.
your thinking of chrisitanity, seems there isn't a single christian left in the world just a bunch of genocidal maniacs using religion to fulfill their goals.

Exactly where are these "genocidal maniacs" operating?

Do you even read the news?

Exactly where in the world is Christianity even suggesting a thing like an Islamic caliphate?

I realize that you were once taken to a church where you memory is they tried to drown you, thus you hate Christianity. But do you have to lie about it?
First you go and say "muzzie lovers" insults upon insults, and then you go and say that people like me, who I assume you think I like Islam (for your info I hate all religions) I know a hell of a lot about history.

So, you people can't tell us how many Muslims have been attacked in the US. Can you tell me how many Muslim countries have been controlled by western countries in the last 200 years? You can list them all if you like.

So you are an atheist...

Why are you defending the most vile religion possible? It completely baffles me as an atheist... Most terrorism that is committed is commited by muslims, against other muslims (does this fit into the category "anti-muslim?") Where there are muslims, there is terrorism. Therefore your stupid theories about superior western culture incubating them with terrorism is asinine.
because your bashing Islam while protecting and upholding Christianity. When Christianity is shit

Christianity is nowhere near as shitty as Islam. More liberal false equivalencies, they just can't help themselves.

Where are the hordes of war monger Christian terrorists? Instead they turn their other cheek or whatever... vastly superior morality in any case (compared to you or the muslims).

Yeah, I guess the Christian Germans and the Christian Russians and the Christian British and the Christian French, Italians, Americans etc didn't take part in WW2 with the loss of how many lives?

Yes, and I am talking about Christians today, because, well, we are living today.

Further, can't you seriously come up with a better example? Christianity had pretty much nothing to do with the war. Pathetic...

The secularists eventually got Christianity under control.
Islam today is more a political movement then a religion.
your thinking of chrisitanity, seems there isn't a single christian left in the world just a bunch of genocidal maniacs using religion to fulfill their goals.

Exactly where is this "genocidal maniacs" operating?

Do you even read the news?

Exactly where in the world is Christianity even suggesting a thing like an Islamic caliphate?

I realize that you were once taken to a church where you memory is they tried to drown you, thus you hate Christianity. But do you have to lie about it?
its not a competition
Not proof at all. Most people who are called "Muslim sympathizers" or "Muzzie lovers" or whatever are simply people who want to uphold the first amendment and freedom of religion.

So who is preventing their freedom of religion?

First off, I don't buy this report at all. MSM highlights anything they can related to race. I've never seen (at least in my area) any problems of Muslims being attacked. What do they consider an attack? Was it directly proportional to their religion, or was it just an attack like any one of us get attacked? Was the so-called attack provoked?

This is all politics by some left-wing organization that's for Hillary. It's meaningless.

Oh, so you don't see it, it doesn't happen. I knew a Muslim girl who wore a headscarf and she had problems after 9/11.

What is an attack? Well maybe when someone feels threatened enough that they're willing to go spend time to report it.

They're resorting to the argument that anything less than murder should not be considered an anti-Muslim problem.

These are the Islamophobes, in the flesh, for real, exactly the ones Hillary Clinton referred to.
Islam today is more a political movement then a religion.
your thinking of chrisitanity, seems there isn't a single christian left in the world just a bunch of genocidal maniacs using religion to fulfill their goals.

Exactly where is this "genocidal maniacs" operating?

Do you even read the news?

Exactly where in the world is Christianity even suggesting a thing like an Islamic caliphate?

I realize that you were once taken to a church where you memory is they tried to drown you, thus you hate Christianity. But do you have to lie about it?
its not a competition

Only if you have no sense of proportion or significance. Admittedly most liberals don't, that's why they so freely construct false equivalencies.

Islam is utter shit, hangs gays, oppresses women... to compare western christianity to that is just plain laughable. They have one thing in common, they are religions.
Islam today is more a political movement then a religion.
your thinking of chrisitanity, seems there isn't a single christian left in the world just a bunch of genocidal maniacs using religion to fulfill their goals.

Exactly where is this "genocidal maniacs" operating?

Do you even read the news?

Exactly where in the world is Christianity even suggesting a thing like an Islamic caliphate?

I realize that you were once taken to a church where you memory is they tried to drown you, thus you hate Christianity. But do you have to lie about it?
its not a competition

Only if you have no sense of proportion or significance. Admittedly most liberals don't, that's why they so freely construct false equivalencies.

Islam is utter shit, hangs gays, oppresses women... to compare western christianity to that is just plain laughable. They have one thing in common, they are religions.
that argument is flawed, what about all the religions other than islam that are more peaceful than christianity, are we supposed condemn and murder all christians because zoroastrians or Shintoists have never hurt a fly?
Islam today is more a political movement then a religion.
your thinking of chrisitanity, seems there isn't a single christian left in the world just a bunch of genocidal maniacs using religion to fulfill their goals.

Exactly where is this "genocidal maniacs" operating?

Do you even read the news?

Exactly where in the world is Christianity even suggesting a thing like an Islamic caliphate?

I realize that you were once taken to a church where you memory is they tried to drown you, thus you hate Christianity. But do you have to lie about it?
its not a competition

Only if you have no sense of proportion or significance. Admittedly most liberals don't, that's why they so freely construct false equivalencies.

Islam is utter shit, hangs gays, oppresses women... to compare western christianity to that is just plain laughable. They have one thing in common, they are religions.
that argument is flawed, what about all the religions other than islam that are more peaceful than christianity, are we supposed condemn and murder all christians because zoroastrians or Shintoists have never hurt a fly?

Where did I say that we are supposed to murder all Muslims?

Try to keep up! But thanks for showing your liberal colors... only a twisted mind would draw this sort of conclusions.
your thinking of chrisitanity, seems there isn't a single christian left in the world just a bunch of genocidal maniacs using religion to fulfill their goals.

Exactly where is this "genocidal maniacs" operating?

Do you even read the news?

Exactly where in the world is Christianity even suggesting a thing like an Islamic caliphate?

I realize that you were once taken to a church where you memory is they tried to drown you, thus you hate Christianity. But do you have to lie about it?
its not a competition

Only if you have no sense of proportion or significance. Admittedly most liberals don't, that's why they so freely construct false equivalencies.

Islam is utter shit, hangs gays, oppresses women... to compare western christianity to that is just plain laughable. They have one thing in common, they are religions.
that argument is flawed, what about all the religions other than islam that are more peaceful than christianity, are we supposed condemn and murder all christians because zoroastrians or Shintoists have never hurt a fly?

Where did I say that we are supposed to murder all Muslims?

Try to keep up!
one of your friends in this thread did? its not hard to find so-called christians that freely suggest genocide against all 1.5 billion muslims
Hate crimes against American Muslims have soared to their highest levels since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data compiled by researchers, an increase apparently fueled by terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad and by divisive language on the campaign trail.

The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

While the most current hate crime statistics from the FBI are not expected until November, new data from researchers atCalifornia State University found that hate crimes against American Muslims were up 78 percent over the course of 2015. Attacks on those perceived as Arab rose even more sharply.

Police and media reports in recent months have indicated a continued flow of attacks, often against victims wearing traditional Muslim garb or seen as Middle Eastern.

Gee thanks, Mr. Trump. Thanks for a glimpse into what an American future would look like in your reich.

Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

Yeah....that link goes nowhere.....and it would be nice to see what they actually consider "hate crimes" and since it is more than likely a left wing is probably based on non facts....or as we say...lies....and lies of omission.......
Exactly where is this "genocidal maniacs" operating?

Do you even read the news?

Exactly where in the world is Christianity even suggesting a thing like an Islamic caliphate?

I realize that you were once taken to a church where you memory is they tried to drown you, thus you hate Christianity. But do you have to lie about it?
its not a competition

Only if you have no sense of proportion or significance. Admittedly most liberals don't, that's why they so freely construct false equivalencies.

Islam is utter shit, hangs gays, oppresses women... to compare western christianity to that is just plain laughable. They have one thing in common, they are religions.
that argument is flawed, what about all the religions other than islam that are more peaceful than christianity, are we supposed condemn and murder all christians because zoroastrians or Shintoists have never hurt a fly?

Where did I say that we are supposed to murder all Muslims?

Try to keep up!
one of your friends in this thread did? its not hard to find so-called christians that freely suggest genocide against all 1.5 billion muslims

Who said we need to kill all muslims?

Are you sure that you aren't imagining things?
your thinking of chrisitanity, seems there isn't a single christian left in the world just a bunch of genocidal maniacs using religion to fulfill their goals.

Exactly where is this "genocidal maniacs" operating?

Do you even read the news?

Exactly where in the world is Christianity even suggesting a thing like an Islamic caliphate?

I realize that you were once taken to a church where you memory is they tried to drown you, thus you hate Christianity. But do you have to lie about it?
its not a competition

Only if you have no sense of proportion or significance. Admittedly most liberals don't, that's why they so freely construct false equivalencies.

Islam is utter shit, hangs gays, oppresses women... to compare western christianity to that is just plain laughable. They have one thing in common, they are religions.
that argument is flawed, what about all the religions other than islam that are more peaceful than christianity, are we supposed condemn and murder all christians because zoroastrians or Shintoists have never hurt a fly?

Where did I say that we are supposed to murder all Muslims?

Try to keep up! But thanks for showing your liberal colors... only a twisted mind would draw this sort of conclusions.
He doesn't have a mind. If you threw a hand full of electrical contacts into a bowl of oatmeal you'd have what he's working with.
its not a competition

Only if you have no sense of proportion or significance. Admittedly most liberals don't, that's why they so freely construct false equivalencies.

Islam is utter shit, hangs gays, oppresses women... to compare western christianity to that is just plain laughable. They have one thing in common, they are religions.
that argument is flawed, what about all the religions other than islam that are more peaceful than christianity, are we supposed condemn and murder all christians because zoroastrians or Shintoists have never hurt a fly?

Where did I say that we are supposed to murder all Muslims?

Try to keep up!
one of your friends in this thread did? its not hard to find so-called christians that freely suggest genocide against all 1.5 billion muslims

Who said we need to kill all muslims?

Are you sure that you aren't imagining things?
are you christian? or are you a right wing atheist?
Denial of reality, denial of reality, denial of reality. The muzzie lovers don't have the desire to research the history of islam. They're stuck in that stupid belief that tolerance and diversity will make this nation stronger. You have to be aware of the history of who you are tolerant of first.

First you go and say "muzzie lovers" insults upon insults, and then you go and say that people like me, who I assume you think I like Islam (for your info I hate all religions) I know a hell of a lot about history.

So, you people can't tell us how many Muslims have been attacked in the US. Can you tell me how many Muslim countries have been controlled by western countries in the last 200 years? You can list them all if you like.

So you are an atheist...

Why are you defending the most vile religion possible? It completely baffles me as an atheist... Most terrorism that is committed is commited by muslims, against other muslims (does this fit into the category "anti-muslim?") Where there are muslims, there is terrorism. Therefore your stupid theories about superior western culture incubating them with terrorism is asinine.
because your bashing Islam while protecting and upholding Christianity. When Christianity is shit

Christianity is nowhere near as shitty as Islam. More liberal false equivalencies, they just can't help themselves.

Where are the hordes of war monger Christian terrorists? Instead they turn their other cheek or whatever... vastly superior morality in any case (compared to you or the muslims).

Yeah, I guess the Christian Germans and the Christian Russians and the Christian British and the Christian French, Italians, Americans etc didn't take part in WW2 with the loss of how many lives?
Religion had nothing to do with it.

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