Anti Muslim Hysteria in the School. Parents Prefer Ignorance to Learning

When was the last time an American beheaded a Gay, or stoned a Woman?

I fail to see how there's any kind of comparison between modern American intolerance, and modern Islamic intolerance?
Maybe that's what refugees and immigrants are trying to get away from. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: cannot show me that those things have not been taught but rather you name call. Low IQ, eh?

No. The left wants to ban Christian teaching but allows Islam. Is that too tough for you?
You can repeat horseshit as many times as you want, but it is still nothing but warmed over horseshit

Immigrants doing jobs that Americans won't do, and adding to our cultural diversity.

Michigan Doctor Charged With Performing Female Genital Mutilation On Girls
And Trump is mutilating females in his own way

Trump Signs Anti-Planned Parenthood Bill As Anti-Choice Activists Look On | Right Wing Watch

Naturally, Religious Right activists were thrilled by the measure targeting Planned Parenthood, apparently unconcerned about the fact that it will block low-income patients’ access to health care. Trump even invited top right-wing activists to the Oval Office to watch him sign the legislation.

Videos | The Huffington Post

If you could ban Trump and Trump supporters from immigrating to this nation, thus containing and restricting the growth of their political power and them being a part of your future cultural fusion, would you do it?
Unfortunately trump and his chimpanzees are home grown terrorists. They aren't being imported from anywhere.
And Trump is mutilating females in his own way

[Videos | The Huffington Post

When confronted with utter stupidity such as this you have to wonder how "people" like regressive parasite survive. It has to be in a basement with a lot of padding.

I hope who ever lowers his food down just stops.

deflect from the fact that your leader is a sexual predator. It's easier than defending him, huh?

Go ask an adult to tell you about a guy named "Bill Clinton." I'm sure you've never heard of him.
And Trump is mutilating females in his own way

[Videos | The Huffington Post

When confronted with utter stupidity such as this you have to wonder how "people" like regressive parasite survive. It has to be in a basement with a lot of padding.

I hope who ever lowers his food down just stops.

deflect from the fact that your leader is a sexual predator. It's easier than defending him, huh?

Go ask an adult to tell you about a guy named "Bill Clinton." I'm sure you've never heard of him.
I always find the bill clinton deflection especially strange..
Do you think that people who are unfaithful in marriage are as morally reprehensible as rapists?
Dear lord.
And Trump is mutilating females in his own way

[Videos | The Huffington Post

When confronted with utter stupidity such as this you have to wonder how "people" like regressive parasite survive. It has to be in a basement with a lot of padding.

I hope who ever lowers his food down just stops.

deflect from the fact that your leader is a sexual predator. It's easier than defending him, huh?

Go ask an adult to tell you about a guy named "Bill Clinton." I'm sure you've never heard of him.
I always find the bill clinton deflection especially strange..
Do you think that people who are unfaithful in marriage are as morally reprehensible as rapists?
Dear lord.

Thanks for proving you don't know about Bubba. Now, go ask an older person who remembers those long, long ago days...
Religions don't belong in school. Muslim, Christian etc. Doesn't matter. Kids should be learning facts and skills. Not this mythical bullshit.
And Trump is mutilating females in his own way

[Videos | The Huffington Post

When confronted with utter stupidity such as this you have to wonder how "people" like regressive parasite survive. It has to be in a basement with a lot of padding.

I hope who ever lowers his food down just stops.

deflect from the fact that your leader is a sexual predator. It's easier than defending him, huh?

Go ask an adult to tell you about a guy named "Bill Clinton." I'm sure you've never heard of him.
I always find the bill clinton deflection especially strange..
Do you think that people who are unfaithful in marriage are as morally reprehensible as rapists?
Dear lord.

Thanks for proving you don't know about Bubba. Now, go ask an older person who remembers those long, long ago days...
I'm old enough, thanks.
Paula Jones

Juanita Broaddrick

Kathleen Willey

Eileen Wellstone

Carolyn Moffet

Elizabeth Ward Gracen

Becky Brown

Helen Dowdy

Cristy Zercher
Religions don't belong in school. Muslim, Christian etc. Doesn't matter. Kids should be learning facts and skills. Not this mythical bullshit.
Eh. I get more offended when religion is mixed with my government than with my education.
Religions don't belong in school. Muslim, Christian etc. Doesn't matter. Kids should be learning facts and skills. Not this mythical bullshit.
Eh. I get more offended when religion is mixed with my government than with my education.
Religions don't belong in school. Muslim, Christian etc. Doesn't matter. Kids should be learning facts and skills. Not this mythical bullshit.
Eh. I get more offended when religion is mixed with my government than with my education.
Religions don't belong in school. Muslim, Christian etc. Doesn't matter. Kids should be learning facts and skills. ...

Kids learn facts about religions, cultures, peoples, history, etc.
Facts about religion.. You mean the violence and destruction it causes?
guns don't kill people, people do, right?
it's not religion- it's peoples distorted perception of it's teachings that cause violence.
Any religion in it's extreme is dangerous.
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Religions don't belong in school. Muslim, Christian etc. Doesn't matter. Kids should be learning facts and skills. Not this mythical bullshit.
Eh. I get more offended when religion is mixed with my government than with my education.
politicans like mike pence who use their extremist religious views t
Religions don't belong in school. Muslim, Christian etc. Doesn't matter. Kids should be learning facts and skills. ...

Kids learn facts about religions, cultures, peoples, history, etc.
Facts about religion.. You mean the violence and destruction it causes?
guns don't kill people, people do, right?
it's not religion- it's peoples distorted perception of it's teachings that cause violence.
Any religion in it's extreme is dangerous.
Religion shouldn't be taught in school. Kids should learn facts and skills. If they want to hear fairy tales, maybe their parents can read to them before bed.
Religions don't belong in school. Muslim, Christian etc. Doesn't matter. Kids should be learning facts and skills. Not this mythical bullshit.
Eh. I get more offended when religion is mixed with my government than with my education.
politicans like mike pence who use their extremist religious views t
Religions don't belong in school. Muslim, Christian etc. Doesn't matter. Kids should be learning facts and skills. ...

Kids learn facts about religions, cultures, peoples, history, etc.
Facts about religion.. You mean the violence and destruction it causes?
guns don't kill people, people do, right?
it's not religion- it's peoples distorted perception of it's teachings that cause violence.
Any religion in it's extreme is dangerous.
Religion shouldn't be taught in school. Kids should learn facts and skills. If they want to hear fairy tales, maybe their parents can read to them before bed.
Exactly why dems don't want money for the public school system being funneled into private schools. But please do, continue... lmao
Religions don't belong in school. Muslim, Christian etc. Doesn't matter. Kids should be learning facts and skills. ...

Kids learn facts about religions, cultures, peoples, history, etc.
Facts about religion.. You mean the violence and destruction it causes?

Facts, not your bigoted hatred of it.
What facts are there to religion?
When and where it started, who started it, basic principles, most believe in gods/god, how they worship, traditions that come along with it, the history of religion.. geez, there's just so much.. it's like one could teach a whole subject on it!

I have studied christianity, islam, buddhism, sikhism, judaism, hinduism, Jainism, Shinto, Bahai, Paganism...
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