Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

How do you know they do not cuss? Because they say so on TV.

They may off the set (hope not), and who knows, but as long as they don't when we are watching the show, and especially when praying on the show, then I'm A-OK with the fact that they don't curse on the show, and that is good enough with me, and for my family and friends.

I heard that they wanted them to curse on the show a little, in order to give the show a more realistic of all things (feel) about it, even wanted to add bleeps where there weren't even curse words at, but the Roberstsons refused it all. So "Good" for them is what I say about it.

Then it's amazing that you think in this way, because here you are basically saying that you don't understand how the Robertsons can be the same kind of people in their thinking as you are. :cuckoo:

Couldn't prove it by us, especially as many times as you have now posted on this topic, so who are you trying to kid about not caring for what someone else does ? Idolize ? No, just glad that some people are holding up some family values once again for a change, instead of all the other scummy immoral crap that people seem to be holding up and idolizing these days in which they are rating and watching now.

Push them on you ? Hey you are here on your own free will, and you can easily leave this topic for another one on your own free will. As far as TV goes, then just turn the channel is all you have to do.

Your Point being or are you trying to brag or something now ?

Your getting excited, just slow down a bit. We have been through all this already, so are you wanting us to revisit it all once again for you ?

And here you are still here ? Must be more than a non-issue for you.

Amazing anyone believes what they portray on that show is real but there is no shortage of naive and gullible citizens be they Democrat or Republican.

Doesn't have to be real, but rather it only has to have a real impact on it's viewers in which they relate to as being good, and not in the opposite which is bad. Hey, and the way things went, they have a great influence on people that is seen as good according to those who are watching and loving the show. Now are you amongst the few who cried, and then wet their pants because they wanted it to be bad for the Robertsons when it didn't turn out that way ? Did yall want it to be be bad just because of a few people like you, and a few others out there that might have said it was ? :eusa_boohoo:

Are you really this infatuated with a reality TV show?
Is your life that shallow you have to come to the defense of a TV show that manipulates and stages the content?
I do not want anything to be bad for the Robertsons.
Nothing would be bad for those folks, they have 100 million in the bank.
Sad state this nation is in if folks hold up a TV reality make believe show family as the role models for their family.
You still here complaining, and still worrying about that show ? Now here you are again worrying about who likes it and who don't blah, blah, blah. If it means nothing to you, and it is a non-issue with you, then why are you still here going on and on about it ? You are a strange individual do you know that ? Care to pick a card, because that's how you like to play cards it seems, and this by you just throwing in your wild card here and there after you have drawn your cards. Problem is I got the trump cards that keep countering your wild cards in which you keep throwing down...LOL...Do you still want to play, and does it still not matter to you while you keep on playing your losing hand ?
But to claim these folks were somehow persecuted and wronged is hilarious and absurd.

Not at all. These people were most certainly wronged and persecuted because of their personal opinions/religious beliefs for no better reason than others had different ones. Whether or not that persecution was also illegal is an entirely separate issue.
If this matter means nothing to you why do you keep posting about it?

Must be some milk weak pussies if they had their feelings hurt by some folk that disagreed with what they said.
What exactly is the persecution that any of them were exposed to?
Are you that weak kneed that you get upset if someone disagrees with you publicly?
You have no idea what persecution is.
And you have no idea what you are talking about...Sheesh!
They may off the set (hope not), and who knows, but as long as they don't when we are watching the show, and especially when praying on the show, then I'm A-OK with the fact that they don't curse on the show, and that is good enough with me, and for my family and friends.

I heard that they wanted them to curse on the show a little, in order to give the show a more realistic of all things (feel) about it, even wanted to add bleeps where there weren't even curse words at, but the Roberstsons refused it all. So "Good" for them is what I say about it.

Then it's amazing that you think in this way, because here you are basically saying that you don't understand how the Robertsons can be the same kind of people in their thinking as you are. :cuckoo:

Couldn't prove it by us, especially as many times as you have now posted on this topic, so who are you trying to kid about not caring for what someone else does ? Idolize ? No, just glad that some people are holding up some family values once again for a change, instead of all the other scummy immoral crap that people seem to be holding up and idolizing these days in which they are rating and watching now.

Push them on you ? Hey you are here on your own free will, and you can easily leave this topic for another one on your own free will. As far as TV goes, then just turn the channel is all you have to do.

Your Point being or are you trying to brag or something now ?

Your getting excited, just slow down a bit. We have been through all this already, so are you wanting us to revisit it all once again for you ?

And here you are still here ? Must be more than a non-issue for you.

Doesn't have to be real, but rather it only has to have a real impact on it's viewers in which they relate to as being good, and not in the opposite which is bad. Hey, and the way things went, they have a great influence on people that is seen as good according to those who are watching and loving the show. Now are you amongst the few who cried, and then wet their pants because they wanted it to be bad for the Robertsons when it didn't turn out that way ? Did yall want it to be be bad just because of a few people like you, and a few others out there that might have said it was ? :eusa_boohoo:

Are you really this infatuated with a reality TV show?
Is your life that shallow you have to come to the defense of a TV show that manipulates and stages the content?
I do not want anything to be bad for the Robertsons.
Nothing would be bad for those folks, they have 100 million in the bank.
Sad state this nation is in if folks hold up a TV reality make believe show family as the role models for their family.

I actually am not a Duck Dynasty fan. I have watched the show to see what it was all about, but it just isn't my thing. But I did give it the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval" in Foxfyre's rating system.

What in the hell is wrong with holding something that wholesome and innocuous up as a role model for families? Why are you so persistent in denigrating those who like and appreciate Duck Dynasty? Do you think it is more wholesome to hold up the dozens and dozens of programs out there that promote and glamorize drugs, promiscuous sex, unlimited alcohol, profanity, and violence as the way 'normal' people are? As the role model for families?

Hec he don't know, you might as well be talking to a wall.
So the show is now judged on the first opening day or start of the new season eh ? Kidding me right ? Yall got to come up with a lot better than this idiocy ya know. Wow!

I like the way they try and group the show in with other shows ratings, just to hide their (the industries) bias in these new instant attacks in which are to start their new season of denial of the truth in America, and a new round of hate in which they (the industry) is going to be engaging in also for 2014. So Sad watching the now taken over, and controlled ((by devils)) entertainment industry in this nation these days. How do you know that it wasn't A&E's downed ratings for the suspending of Phil unjustly, and because the show is still affiliated with A&E, and that it may suffer lower ratings all because of remaining affiliated with A&E ? How about the other shows on A&E, are they down on the ratings in the new year also or just as well ? One thing that may come out of all of this, is that we will soon know the percentage in which the industry is being controlled by devils, and that will be a great thing. Because if boycotts are going to be the new norm, then lets get it on for 2014 baby. It don't need to stop with the entertainment industry only either, it needs to go into everything that has been taken over by a few while the majority of the people slept or had trusted way to long in this nation. Faun your pic is fitting for you upon your critique of these ratings for DD. I'm just sayin.

I'm not judging the show based on one episode. I'm pointing out the viewership for their season premier is way down from the previous year's premier. That has no bearing on their next episode. But they lost 3.3 million viewers (28%) from their last [record breaking] premier. As for why it's down so much is anyone's speculation; though yours makes little sense. Why would Phil Robertson supporters not watch his show because they're mad at A&E for suspending him? That only hurts Phil Robertson. I would think if anything, his supporters would have tuned in just to show how popular Phil Robertson and his gay bashing views are.

Ahh, just as I thought, this was yet another attack against the Robertsons, as you people just can't stand the fact that these people don't curse, and that they pray daily, and also that they stand up for what they believe in morally and spiritually. If more Americans were like the Robertsons, then this nation would get back to being a great nation once again, because it would once again include these kinds of attributes and things without them being attacked or allowed to be attacked like they are these days in this nation.

Give it up already would ya. Sheesh! I mean everyone can see right through you people now, but you keep on exposing yourselves as anti-freedom loving, anti-liberty, and anti-morals when you speak. Do you have no shame at all ? No need to answer that, because it apears that you may have already answered that. Of course when the show was new, it would have then had or would have gotten great ratings, and then like everything does, it would level off over time as people become more use to it, but that in no way suggest the show is a wash as you are hoping for, and are inferring in your post. Now we know why you are saying what you are saying, as your last statement just said it all. :eusa_boohoo:

Here's where you are wrong. I don't give a shit if he's religious nor do I care what he says. My point is that when you publically bash a group of people, as he did, backlash is not unexpected. I'm also not saying their premier viewership dropped by 28 percent from their premier because of what he said. I even admitted guessing why amounts to nothing more than speculation. But the premier was down 3.3 million viewers from their previous premier.
They may off the set (hope not), and who knows, but as long as they don't when we are watching the show, and especially when praying on the show, then I'm A-OK with the fact that they don't curse on the show, and that is good enough with me, and for my family and friends.

I heard that they wanted them to curse on the show a little, in order to give the show a more realistic of all things (feel) about it, even wanted to add bleeps where there weren't even curse words at, but the Roberstsons refused it all. So "Good" for them is what I say about it.

Then it's amazing that you think in this way, because here you are basically saying that you don't understand how the Robertsons can be the same kind of people in their thinking as you are. :cuckoo:

Couldn't prove it by us, especially as many times as you have now posted on this topic, so who are you trying to kid about not caring for what someone else does ? Idolize ? No, just glad that some people are holding up some family values once again for a change, instead of all the other scummy immoral crap that people seem to be holding up and idolizing these days in which they are rating and watching now.

Push them on you ? Hey you are here on your own free will, and you can easily leave this topic for another one on your own free will. As far as TV goes, then just turn the channel is all you have to do.

Your Point being or are you trying to brag or something now ?

Your getting excited, just slow down a bit. We have been through all this already, so are you wanting us to revisit it all once again for you ?

And here you are still here ? Must be more than a non-issue for you.

Doesn't have to be real, but rather it only has to have a real impact on it's viewers in which they relate to as being good, and not in the opposite which is bad. Hey, and the way things went, they have a great influence on people that is seen as good according to those who are watching and loving the show. Now are you amongst the few who cried, and then wet their pants because they wanted it to be bad for the Robertsons when it didn't turn out that way ? Did yall want it to be be bad just because of a few people like you, and a few others out there might have said it was ? :eusa_boohoo:

That's the whole point isn't it? There is so very little on television any more showing people living whatever life they are living that doesn't involve profanity, greed, crime, gratuitous sex, gratuitous violence, and appearance that there is no faith or old fashioned traditional values left in America. So yeah, it is driving some people nuts that a show about a sometimes sappy, silly, funny, down home family's life and antics together without profanity, greed, crime, gratuitous sex and violence, etc., and who are unashamedly people of faith, has garnered such a following. And that so many, and probably most, who do not share his fundamentalist beliefs, came to Phil Robertson's defense when he was attacked for expressing his personal beliefs. Beliefs that are never aired on Duck Dynasty.

It's just like the grumbles and rumbles that "Alone Yet Not Alone", a Christian song expressing concepts in a Christian movie of the same name, got an Oscar nomination for best original song. Some just can't stand it that something that wholesome is being allowed to be 'normal' these days.

Of course that is why the PC people hate Duck Dynasty in the first place. And why, as the OP says, they finally made a serious error in how they attacked it.

Your claim that "the PC people hate Duck Dynasty" is what the PC people in your world have brainwashed you into believing.
I know of no one that hates the show. They hated the comments that were made which were not part of the show but came from someone that is worshiped like a God and is a public figure employed by an entity subject to public opinion and Robertson is paid 7 figures a year times multiples.
Your claim this is about good versus evil is absurd. This was about money from the word go. Gay folks and their families spend money and buy goods advertised on the show.
If anything it is you that is trying to censor their free speech because you do not like what they say about Phil Robertson.
And you claim you and Robertson are some how the victim.

Wrong again, but keep trying..
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I'm not judging the show based on one episode. I'm pointing out the viewership for their season premier is way down from the previous year's premier. That has no bearing on their next episode. But they lost 3.3 million viewers (28%) from their last [record breaking] premier. As for why it's down so much is anyone's speculation; though yours makes little sense. Why would Phil Robertson supporters not watch his show because they're mad at A&E for suspending him? That only hurts Phil Robertson. I would think if anything, his supporters would have tuned in just to show how popular Phil Robertson and his gay bashing views are.

Ahh, just as I thought, this was yet another attack against the Robertsons, as you people just can't stand the fact that these people don't curse, and that they pray daily, and also that they stand up for what they believe in morally and spiritually. If more Americans were like the Robertsons, then this nation would get back to being a great nation once again, because it would once again include these kinds of attributes and things without them being attacked or allowed to be attacked like they are these days in this nation.

Give it up already would ya. Sheesh! I mean everyone can see right through you people now, but you keep on exposing yourselves as anti-freedom loving, anti-liberty, and anti-morals when you speak. Do you have no shame at all ? No need to answer that, because it apears that you may have already answered that. Of course when the show was new, it would have then had or would have gotten great ratings, and then like everything does, it would level off over time as people become more use to it, but that in no way suggest the show is a wash as you are hoping for, and are inferring in your post. Now we know why you are saying what you are saying, as your last statement just said it all. :eusa_boohoo:

Here's where you are wrong. I don't give a shit if he's religious nor do I care what he says. My point is that when you publically bash a group of people, as he did, backlash is not unexpected. I'm also not saying their premier viewership dropped by 28 percent from their premier because of what he said. I even admitted guessing why amounts to nothing more than speculation. But the premier was down 3.3 million viewers from their previous premier.
Quit trying to walk it back now...Sheesh.
Ahh, just as I thought, this was yet another attack against the Robertsons, as you people just can't stand the fact that these people don't curse, and that they pray daily, and also that they stand up for what they believe in morally and spiritually. If more Americans were like the Robertsons, then this nation would get back to being a great nation once again, because it would once again include these kinds of attributes and things without them being attacked or allowed to be attacked like they are these days in this nation.

Give it up already would ya. Sheesh! I mean everyone can see right through you people now, but you keep on exposing yourselves as anti-freedom loving, anti-liberty, and anti-morals when you speak. Do you have no shame at all ? No need to answer that, because it apears that you may have already answered that. Of course when the show was new, it would have then had or would have gotten great ratings, and then like everything does, it would level off over time as people become more use to it, but that in no way suggest the show is a wash as you are hoping for, and are inferring in your post. Now we know why you are saying what you are saying, as your last statement just said it all. :eusa_boohoo:

Here's where you are wrong. I don't give a shit if he's religious nor do I care what he says. My point is that when you publically bash a group of people, as he did, backlash is not unexpected. I'm also not saying their premier viewership dropped by 28 percent from their premier because of what he said. I even admitted guessing why amounts to nothing more than speculation. But the premier was down 3.3 million viewers from their previous premier.
Quit trying to walk it back now...Sheesh.

You're nuts. I'm not "walking anything back" as I'm not saying anything differently than I have said since first mentioning their drop in ratings from last year's premier.
Here's where you are wrong. I don't give a shit if he's religious nor do I care what he says. My point is that when you publically bash a group of people, as he did, backlash is not unexpected. I'm also not saying their premier viewership dropped by 28 percent from their premier because of what he said. I even admitted guessing why amounts to nothing more than speculation. But the premier was down 3.3 million viewers from their previous premier.
Quit trying to walk it back now...Sheesh.

You're nuts. I'm not "walking anything back" as I'm not saying anything differently than I have said since first mentioning their drop in ratings from last year's premier.
Ok, and so there is no reasoning behind your posting what you have posted about these numbers on this specific topic or thread eh ? I mean as opposed to you creating a topic that you may want to create upon another non-biased thread or non-biased category in which to be listed, and that includes other numbers from other shows suffering or not suffering in the entertainment industry as well. What was your motivation in posting what you did in this specific thread I wonder ? I mean you do know what this thread or topis is about don't you ?
On a side note, there is an add running at the top of this US Message Board page, and it is from some site that is called Zoosk. I guess it is some hook up or dating site and/or something to that affect, but what I noticed is that within the pic's that are runing on the face of that add, some of the women or should I say girls look to be under aged. Now I wonder whats up with that ? Is there anyone that keeps a check on these sites and their content one wonders ?

You have an advert for dating underage girls on your browser?

I have ads for lawn tractors on mine...

...that's because I was researching them earlier today.

...just sayin'...
Quit trying to walk it back now...Sheesh.

You're nuts. I'm not "walking anything back" as I'm not saying anything differently than I have said since first mentioning their drop in ratings from last year's premier.
Ok, and so there is no reasoning behind your posting what you have posted about these numbers on this specific topic or thread eh ? I mean as opposed to you creating a topic that you may want to create upon another non-biased thread or non-biased category in which to be listed, and that includes other numbers from other shows suffering or not suffering in the entertainment industry as well. What was your motivation in posting what you did in this specific thread I wonder ? I mean you do know what this thread or topis is about don't you ?
My motivation was posting that their ratings dropped 28% because it was reported in the news. I have said, and still maintain, that no one can say what caused that drop. I posted it in this forum since this is a Duck Dynasty thread which I am subscribed to.
On a side note, there is an add running at the top of this US Message Board page, and it is from some site that is called Zoosk. I guess it is some hook up or dating site and/or something to that affect, but what I noticed is that within the pic's that are runing on the face of that add, some of the women or should I say girls look to be under aged. Now I wonder whats up with that ? Is there anyone that keeps a check on these sites and their content one wonders ?

You have an advert for dating underage girls on your browser?

I have ads for lawn tractors on mine...

...that's because I was researching them earlier today.

...just sayin'...
Interesting ... my banner is an ad for Nespresso cappuccino machines. I was on their website to collect my $75 credit for purchasing one.
On a side note, there is an add running at the top of this US Message Board page, and it is from some site that is called Zoosk. I guess it is some hook up or dating site and/or something to that affect, but what I noticed is that within the pic's that are runing on the face of that add, some of the women or should I say girls look to be under aged. Now I wonder whats up with that ? Is there anyone that keeps a check on these sites and their content one wonders ?

You have an advert for dating underage girls on your browser?

I have ads for lawn tractors on mine...

...that's because I was researching them earlier today.

...just sayin'...
So the pictures running on the face of these adds aren't random ? How would you know that ? Have you been browsing such adds and have first hand experience of these things ? I have never browsed these sites, so how are these pics or adds connected to my browsing the net ? Now I'm not the only one using this computer, but I will investgate more into it. The adds and pics are appearing as random with women who are the ages that apear to be in their twenties or so, but some of the pics are (IMHO) the faces of girls that are under age (around 15 or so). I only noticed one when looking up at the add as it streamed, but that is something that shoudn't be coming from sites that are supposed to be legit right ? Hec I am so old that the girls may have been 18, because everyone looks young to me anymore..LOL
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On a side note, there is an add running at the top of this US Message Board page, and it is from some site that is called Zoosk. I guess it is some hook up or dating site and/or something to that affect, but what I noticed is that within the pic's that are runing on the face of that add, some of the women or should I say girls look to be under aged. Now I wonder whats up with that ? Is there anyone that keeps a check on these sites and their content one wonders ?

You have an advert for dating underage girls on your browser?

I have ads for lawn tractors on mine...

...that's because I was researching them earlier today.

...just sayin'...
Interesting ... my banner is an ad for Nespresso cappuccino machines. I was on their website to collect my $75 credit for purchasing one.

Funny that the people who go mental over the idea that the NSA might have a record of some phone call you made don't seem to care at all

that Google knows more about your day to day activities than all the government agencies combined.
On a side note, there is an add running at the top of this US Message Board page, and it is from some site that is called Zoosk. I guess it is some hook up or dating site and/or something to that affect, but what I noticed is that within the pic's that are runing on the face of that add, some of the women or should I say girls look to be under aged. Now I wonder whats up with that ? Is there anyone that keeps a check on these sites and their content one wonders ?

You have an advert for dating underage girls on your browser?

I have ads for lawn tractors on mine...

...that's because I was researching them earlier today.

...just sayin'...
So the pictures running on the face of these adds aren't random ? How would you know that ? Have you been browsing such adds and have first hand experience of these things ? I have never browsed these sites, so how are these pics connected to my browsing the net ? Now I'm not the only one using this computer, but I will investgate more into it. The pics are appearing as random with women who are the ages that apear to be in their twenties or so, but some of the pics are (IMHO) the faces of girls that are under age (around 15 or so). I only noticed one when looking up at the add as it streamed, but that is something that shoudn't be coming from sites that are supposed to be legit right ? Hec I am so old that the girls may have been 18, because everyone looks young to me anymore..LOL

It was a joke, Snoopy. But yes, some of the google ads are based on what I would call google's spying on your internet activity.

I have a banner ad blocker but only works once in awhile.
A few minutes ago there was an ad for VISA on my screen--a site I have never researched ever or any other credit card.

Now there is an ad for something called EHR medical software, also something I have never researched ever or any other such software.

However, it was interesting to me that recently there was an ad up there featuring several different sampls of gift wrap storage systems, something hubby and I HAVE recently researched on line. And the same phenomenon appeared on Youtube when I accessed a particular video I wanted to hear. So they ARE tracking us out there while a lot of it is purely random.

I'm sure Duck Dynasty ads will likely show up here and there for us participating on this thread too.
On a side note, there is an add running at the top of this US Message Board page, and it is from some site that is called Zoosk. I guess it is some hook up or dating site and/or something to that affect, but what I noticed is that within the pic's that are runing on the face of that add, some of the women or should I say girls look to be under aged. Now I wonder whats up with that ? Is there anyone that keeps a check on these sites and their content one wonders ?

You have an advert for dating underage girls on your browser?

I have ads for lawn tractors on mine...

...that's because I was researching them earlier today.

...just sayin'...
Interesting ... my banner is an ad for Nespresso cappuccino machines. I was on their website to collect my $75 credit for purchasing one.

Yep, they're not quite smart enough to figure out that advertising something that you just bought isn't exactly going to be productive.
You have an advert for dating underage girls on your browser?

I have ads for lawn tractors on mine...

...that's because I was researching them earlier today.

...just sayin'...
So the pictures running on the face of these adds aren't random ? How would you know that ? Have you been browsing such adds and have first hand experience of these things ? I have never browsed these sites, so how are these pics connected to my browsing the net ? Now I'm not the only one using this computer, but I will investgate more into it. The pics are appearing as random with women who are the ages that apear to be in their twenties or so, but some of the pics are (IMHO) the faces of girls that are under age (around 15 or so). I only noticed one when looking up at the add as it streamed, but that is something that shoudn't be coming from sites that are supposed to be legit right ? Hec I am so old that the girls may have been 18, because everyone looks young to me anymore..LOL

It was a joke, Snoopy. But yes, some of the google ads are based on what I would call google's spying on your internet activity.

I have a banner ad blocker but only works once in awhile.
Well it still makes one wonder why sites would have possible pics of girls seemingly to young to date streaming across their banner like that. There was only one face that I noticed in with the rest, but that may be one to many if she wasn't supposed to be on there. Sex trafficking is a serious issue in this nation, and it amazes me how sometimes it is right out in broad daylight like that, yet it goes un-noticed ?
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