Anti Second / Levi Strauss & Co. comes out for gun control

I suspect Levi is just trying to get a bigger share of the youth market. They used to have the whole enchilada and now they are a bit player. Sort of a crass marketing ploy. Who wears more jeans? Conservatives or liberals. Kids or thirty somethings, forty something, etc. I am amazed that so many companies are injecting politics into their sales strategies. This is based on what? The nfl? Hello reality
/----/ I read an article that said women are not buying jeans and have moved on to Yoga pants. And no I don't have a link.
even my own wife is now wearing those tight ass pants. I love it, gives my imagination a lot to think about always.
damn, tight jeans ain't got nothing on these new pants women are wearing. thanks ladies.
/----/ be careful what you wish for........
good on them they're comfortable with themselves to wear em. I'll still look.

/----/ They must be worn out or purchased from a thrift store. No Conservative would burn expensive sneakers.

They burned the NFL gear after this all started LOL

And some are burning their shoes and NIKE GEAR.......

2 million viewers stopped watching the NFL last year........over the same issue.......LOL

I stopped watching two years ago.

I haven't watched a NFL game since the kneeling.
Guess I am going to have to buy Wranglers or Lee, or something from Buckle now.
I can't believe these idiots in charge don't think there is an alternative to their brand. they don't want my money, fk man, they won't get it. or any fking business out there that wishes to get political. Like the nfl. don't watch anymore, nor do I buy any merchandise.
Nike is now having issues after their latest idiotic statements.

Know what these companies have in common?

They use slave labor in Asian Nations to make their overpriced products. To me, you are not an American company if you do not employ Americans in this country.

Screw Em.

Nike Stock Plunges After Tapping Kaepernick as 'Just Do It' Campaign Poster Boy
they're greedy, the price of their products with the slave labor for lining their pockets and these stupid fking leftists now love em. can't make this up.
Essentially that was THE BILL CLINTON ECONOMY. Screw The AMERICAN WORKER, and produce slave made products overseas and take advantage of the shitty trade agreements we had in place, just for that purpose just to increase their profit margins at the expense of our manufacturing base and our work force.
it happened to my own company. I was pissed, manufacturing moved to guadalajara, mehico.
BTW, manufacturing is now in china. quality sucked in mehico. BTW, it also sucks from china as well.
I can't believe these idiots in charge don't think there is an alternative to their brand. they don't want my money, fk man, they won't get it. or any fking business out there that wishes to get political. Like the nfl. don't watch anymore, nor do I buy any merchandise.
Nike is now having issues after their latest idiotic statements.

Know what these companies have in common?

They use slave labor in Asian Nations to make their overpriced products. To me, you are not an American company if you do not employ Americans in this country.

Screw Em.

Nike Stock Plunges After Tapping Kaepernick as 'Just Do It' Campaign Poster Boy
they're greedy, the price of their products with the slave labor for lining their pockets and these stupid fking leftists now love em. can't make this up.
Essentially that was THE BILL CLINTON ECONOMY. Screw The AMERICAN WORKER, and produce slave made products overseas and take advantage of the shitty trade agreements we had in place, just for that purpose just to increase their profit margins at the expense of our manufacturing base and our work force.
it happened to my own company. I was pissed, manufacturing moved to guadalajara, mehico.
BTW, manufacturing is now in china. quality sucked in mehico. BTW, it also sucks from china as well.
it's also a shipping fking nightmare.
I can't believe these idiots in charge don't think there is an alternative to their brand. they don't want my money, fk man, they won't get it. or any fking business out there that wishes to get political. Like the nfl. don't watch anymore, nor do I buy any merchandise.
Nike is now having issues after their latest idiotic statements.

Know what these companies have in common?

They use slave labor in Asian Nations to make their overpriced products. To me, you are not an American company if you do not employ Americans in this country.

Screw Em.

Nike Stock Plunges After Tapping Kaepernick as 'Just Do It' Campaign Poster Boy
they're greedy, the price of their products with the slave labor for lining their pockets and these stupid fking leftists now love em. can't make this up.
Essentially that was THE BILL CLINTON ECONOMY. Screw The AMERICAN WORKER, and produce slave made products overseas and take advantage of the shitty trade agreements we had in place, just for that purpose just to increase their profit margins at the expense of our manufacturing base and our work force.
it happened to my own company. I was pissed, manufacturing moved to guadalajara, mehico.
BTW, manufacturing is now in china. quality sucked in mehico. BTW, it also sucks from china as well.
/-----/ Hillary's sombrero is made in China and is already starting to unravel.
not your president.jpg
I’m surprised that nobody has remembered that Levi’s was one of the big power players pushing to keep Haiti’s Minimum wage from the outrageous level of sixty cents an hour. The State Department, under Hillary, pushed and won a reduction of this outrageous increase to a mere thirty cents an hour.

WIKILEAKS: U.S. Fought To Lower Minimum Wage In Haiti So Hanes And Levis Would Stay Cheap

Yes. It’s true. WikiLeaks Haiti: The Nation Partners With Haïti Liberté on Release of Secret Haiti Cables

As if you needed a second amendment reason to boycott Levi’s. So now those who rush out to support them, are supporting the slave labor wages paid by Levi’s in Third World Countries. Way to go gang! Teach those damned Conservatives a lesson and wear the clothes manufactured by people who are paid so little they can’t even afford a days worth of rice from a full days wages.
When companies are all ra ra pro war military , do you consider that politics ?
yes. name a business.

Actually I already did -- NFL. Just to use something current.

--- or was that post taken down too?
nfl isn't a company. nor is baseball or hockey or any sporting league. it is a league made up of businesses. And it doesn't promote military, it recognizes them.


You want to distinguish between "company" and "business" to slither out of this? Based on what, whether they "make" something?

This just in --- any company or business can be engaged in either a product or a service. Entertainment could be considered either; in the abstract it's certainly spoken of as a product.

NFL (MLB, etc) are profit-making ventures: "businesses" a/k/a "companies" as that's how they're structured. If little Timmy sells lemonade on the street he's operating a business, not a company, but long before you get to the level of NFL you're a "company" as well.

Now on to Thing Two -- "it doesn't promote military, it recognizes them"

Inasmuch as there is no -- Zero --- none --- relationship between a jingo war-song exercise and a football game, there is nothing to "recognize". It's something that was NEVER PRESENT until NFL plunked it in there. And it does that and similar exercises for profit ... profit taken from your tax dollars Bubba. Profit dictated there by the same MIC war machine that generates the wars that follow.

So the answer stands --- NFL is a ready example of a company (or "businesss") that is "all ra ra [sic] pro-military". It can't be denied especially when it's injecting paid advertising into a theater where thousands of people gathered, NONE of whom came to see Jingo Jangles.
they're not promoting military, they are thanking them with honoring their efforts. that isn't promoting. sorry fella.

Lol. They took millions from the pentagon to “promote “ the military.

You can’t have it both ways . If you want politics out, leave it out . All this military obsession is promoting the war machine effort.

/----/ They must be worn out or purchased from a thrift store. No Conservative would burn expensive sneakers.

They burned the NFL gear after this all started LOL

And some are burning their shoes and NIKE GEAR.......

2 million viewers stopped watching the NFL last year........over the same issue.......LOL

I stopped watching two years ago.

I haven't watched a NFL game since the kneeling.

------------------------------------ i haven't watched since Thanksgiving some year in the early 60s , just a comment .

/----/ They must be worn out or purchased from a thrift store. No Conservative would burn expensive sneakers.

They burned the NFL gear after this all started LOL

And some are burning their shoes and NIKE GEAR.......

2 million viewers stopped watching the NFL last year........over the same issue.......LOL

I stopped watching two years ago.

I haven't watched a NFL game since the kneeling.

------------------------------------ i haven't watched since Thanksgiving some year in the early 60s , just a comment .

/----/ I only watch the Superbowl out of obligation and because we're usually invited to a party.
simply knowing that its 'everytown for gun safety' everyone should know that they are anti gun no matter what they say Pogo .
Excellent point. Read up on that outfit and you will find it is just a democratic cover operation. Look at their board of directors. Levi gives them money and then pulls the pontius pilot deal of washing their hands of it. They are not focused on guns, they are focused on removing people from office.
/----/ They must be worn out or purchased from a thrift store. No Conservative would burn expensive sneakers.
They burned the NFL gear after this all started LOL

And some are burning their shoes and NIKE GEAR.......

2 million viewers stopped watching the NFL last year........over the same issue.......LOL
I stopped watching two years ago.
I haven't watched a NFL game since the kneeling.
------------------------------------ i haven't watched since Thanksgiving some year in the early 60s , just a comment .
/----/ I only watch the Superbowl out of obligation and because we're usually invited to a party.
We don’t do that anymore
Meh...I used to wear Levi shorts.
Now the only jeans I wear are Wrangler camos in the dead of winter.
yes. name a business.

Actually I already did -- NFL. Just to use something current.

--- or was that post taken down too?
nfl isn't a company. nor is baseball or hockey or any sporting league. it is a league made up of businesses. And it doesn't promote military, it recognizes them.


You want to distinguish between "company" and "business" to slither out of this? Based on what, whether they "make" something?

This just in --- any company or business can be engaged in either a product or a service. Entertainment could be considered either; in the abstract it's certainly spoken of as a product.

NFL (MLB, etc) are profit-making ventures: "businesses" a/k/a "companies" as that's how they're structured. If little Timmy sells lemonade on the street he's operating a business, not a company, but long before you get to the level of NFL you're a "company" as well.

Now on to Thing Two -- "it doesn't promote military, it recognizes them"

Inasmuch as there is no -- Zero --- none --- relationship between a jingo war-song exercise and a football game, there is nothing to "recognize". It's something that was NEVER PRESENT until NFL plunked it in there. And it does that and similar exercises for profit ... profit taken from your tax dollars Bubba. Profit dictated there by the same MIC war machine that generates the wars that follow.

So the answer stands --- NFL is a ready example of a company (or "businesss") that is "all ra ra [sic] pro-military". It can't be denied especially when it's injecting paid advertising into a theater where thousands of people gathered, NONE of whom came to see Jingo Jangles.
they're not promoting military, they are thanking them with honoring their efforts. that isn't promoting. sorry fella.

Lol. They took millions from the pentagon to “promote “ the military.

You can’t have it both ways . If you want politics out, leave it out . All this military obsession is promoting the war machine effort.

The military is political?
Actually I already did -- NFL. Just to use something current.

--- or was that post taken down too?
nfl isn't a company. nor is baseball or hockey or any sporting league. it is a league made up of businesses. And it doesn't promote military, it recognizes them.


You want to distinguish between "company" and "business" to slither out of this? Based on what, whether they "make" something?

This just in --- any company or business can be engaged in either a product or a service. Entertainment could be considered either; in the abstract it's certainly spoken of as a product.

NFL (MLB, etc) are profit-making ventures: "businesses" a/k/a "companies" as that's how they're structured. If little Timmy sells lemonade on the street he's operating a business, not a company, but long before you get to the level of NFL you're a "company" as well.

Now on to Thing Two -- "it doesn't promote military, it recognizes them"

Inasmuch as there is no -- Zero --- none --- relationship between a jingo war-song exercise and a football game, there is nothing to "recognize". It's something that was NEVER PRESENT until NFL plunked it in there. And it does that and similar exercises for profit ... profit taken from your tax dollars Bubba. Profit dictated there by the same MIC war machine that generates the wars that follow.

So the answer stands --- NFL is a ready example of a company (or "businesss") that is "all ra ra [sic] pro-military". It can't be denied especially when it's injecting paid advertising into a theater where thousands of people gathered, NONE of whom came to see Jingo Jangles.
they're not promoting military, they are thanking them with honoring their efforts. that isn't promoting. sorry fella.

Lol. They took millions from the pentagon to “promote “ the military.

You can’t have it both ways . If you want politics out, leave it out . All this military obsession is promoting the war machine effort.

The military is political?

The MIC certainly is. Eisenhower's original term was "the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex".
nfl isn't a company. nor is baseball or hockey or any sporting league. it is a league made up of businesses. And it doesn't promote military, it recognizes them.


You want to distinguish between "company" and "business" to slither out of this? Based on what, whether they "make" something?

This just in --- any company or business can be engaged in either a product or a service. Entertainment could be considered either; in the abstract it's certainly spoken of as a product.

NFL (MLB, etc) are profit-making ventures: "businesses" a/k/a "companies" as that's how they're structured. If little Timmy sells lemonade on the street he's operating a business, not a company, but long before you get to the level of NFL you're a "company" as well.

Now on to Thing Two -- "it doesn't promote military, it recognizes them"

Inasmuch as there is no -- Zero --- none --- relationship between a jingo war-song exercise and a football game, there is nothing to "recognize". It's something that was NEVER PRESENT until NFL plunked it in there. And it does that and similar exercises for profit ... profit taken from your tax dollars Bubba. Profit dictated there by the same MIC war machine that generates the wars that follow.

So the answer stands --- NFL is a ready example of a company (or "businesss") that is "all ra ra [sic] pro-military". It can't be denied especially when it's injecting paid advertising into a theater where thousands of people gathered, NONE of whom came to see Jingo Jangles.
they're not promoting military, they are thanking them with honoring their efforts. that isn't promoting. sorry fella.

Lol. They took millions from the pentagon to “promote “ the military.

You can’t have it both ways . If you want politics out, leave it out . All this military obsession is promoting the war machine effort.

The military is political?

The MIC certainly is. Eisenhower's original term was "the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex".

So if you consider it political, then it's safe to say that the left is anti-military and the right is pro-military? I think that's a reasonable assumption. It's a shame, because at one time, the entire country was pro-military.

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