Anti Second / Levi Strauss & Co. comes out for gun control


You want to distinguish between "company" and "business" to slither out of this? Based on what, whether they "make" something?

This just in --- any company or business can be engaged in either a product or a service. Entertainment could be considered either; in the abstract it's certainly spoken of as a product.

NFL (MLB, etc) are profit-making ventures: "businesses" a/k/a "companies" as that's how they're structured. If little Timmy sells lemonade on the street he's operating a business, not a company, but long before you get to the level of NFL you're a "company" as well.

Now on to Thing Two -- "it doesn't promote military, it recognizes them"

Inasmuch as there is no -- Zero --- none --- relationship between a jingo war-song exercise and a football game, there is nothing to "recognize". It's something that was NEVER PRESENT until NFL plunked it in there. And it does that and similar exercises for profit ... profit taken from your tax dollars Bubba. Profit dictated there by the same MIC war machine that generates the wars that follow.

So the answer stands --- NFL is a ready example of a company (or "businesss") that is "all ra ra [sic] pro-military". It can't be denied especially when it's injecting paid advertising into a theater where thousands of people gathered, NONE of whom came to see Jingo Jangles.
they're not promoting military, they are thanking them with honoring their efforts. that isn't promoting. sorry fella.

Lol. They took millions from the pentagon to “promote “ the military.

You can’t have it both ways . If you want politics out, leave it out . All this military obsession is promoting the war machine effort.

The military is political?

The MIC certainly is. Eisenhower's original term was "the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex".

So if you consider it political, then it's safe to say that the left is anti-military and the right is pro-military? I think that's a reasonable assumption. It's a shame, because at one time, the entire country was pro-military.

If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.
they're not promoting military, they are thanking them with honoring their efforts. that isn't promoting. sorry fella.

Lol. They took millions from the pentagon to “promote “ the military.

You can’t have it both ways . If you want politics out, leave it out . All this military obsession is promoting the war machine effort.

The military is political?

The MIC certainly is. Eisenhower's original term was "the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex".

So if you consider it political, then it's safe to say that the left is anti-military and the right is pro-military? I think that's a reasonable assumption. It's a shame, because at one time, the entire country was pro-military.

If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.

I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.
Lol. They took millions from the pentagon to “promote “ the military.

You can’t have it both ways . If you want politics out, leave it out . All this military obsession is promoting the war machine effort.

The military is political?

The MIC certainly is. Eisenhower's original term was "the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex".

So if you consider it political, then it's safe to say that the left is anti-military and the right is pro-military? I think that's a reasonable assumption. It's a shame, because at one time, the entire country was pro-military.

If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.

I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

It has nothing to do with "left" or "right", cherrypick all you like. It's about exactly what I said it is.

Sorry, you don't get to edit my post.
The military is political?

The MIC certainly is. Eisenhower's original term was "the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex".

So if you consider it political, then it's safe to say that the left is anti-military and the right is pro-military? I think that's a reasonable assumption. It's a shame, because at one time, the entire country was pro-military.

If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.

I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

It has nothing to do with "left" or "right", cherrypick all you like. It's about exactly what I said it is.

Sorry, you don't get to edit my post.

Oh, just a few minutes ago, the military was political, now it has nothing to do with the left or the right?

Make up your mind. The military is either political or it is not.
The MIC certainly is. Eisenhower's original term was "the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex".

So if you consider it political, then it's safe to say that the left is anti-military and the right is pro-military? I think that's a reasonable assumption. It's a shame, because at one time, the entire country was pro-military.

If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.

I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

It has nothing to do with "left" or "right", cherrypick all you like. It's about exactly what I said it is.

Sorry, you don't get to edit my post.

Oh, just a few minutes ago, the military was political, now it has nothing to do with the left or the right?

Make up your mind. The military is either political or it is not.

So you think "political" means "made up of left and/or right" do you?

I suspect Levi is just trying to get a bigger share of the youth market. They used to have the whole enchilada and now they are a bit player. Sort of a crass marketing ploy. Who wears more jeans? Conservatives or liberals. Kids or thirty somethings, forty something, etc. I am amazed that so many companies are injecting politics into their sales strategies. This is based on what? The nfl? Hello reality
Parents buy more jeans.
Lol. They took millions from the pentagon to “promote “ the military.

You can’t have it both ways . If you want politics out, leave it out . All this military obsession is promoting the war machine effort.

The military is political?

The MIC certainly is. Eisenhower's original term was "the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex".

So if you consider it political, then it's safe to say that the left is anti-military and the right is pro-military? I think that's a reasonable assumption. It's a shame, because at one time, the entire country was pro-military.

If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.

I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

War is political. We are constantly bombarded with pro war messages . To a point where we need the be fighting somewhere all the time .

We’ve been in Afghanistan for what. 17 years? I read a story about troop deaths today ! It was on page 7.

But keep beating the war drum .
The military is political?

The MIC certainly is. Eisenhower's original term was "the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex".

So if you consider it political, then it's safe to say that the left is anti-military and the right is pro-military? I think that's a reasonable assumption. It's a shame, because at one time, the entire country was pro-military.

If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.

I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

War is political. We are constantly bombarded with pro war messages . To a point where we need the be fighting somewhere all the time .

We’ve been in Afghanistan for what. 17 years? I read a story about troop deaths today ! It was on page 7.

But keep beating the war drum .

So having a strong military means pro-war? I actually thought it was pro-protection. How many other free countries rely on a strong American military to secure them from attacks by aggressive regimes?
The MIC certainly is. Eisenhower's original term was "the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex".

So if you consider it political, then it's safe to say that the left is anti-military and the right is pro-military? I think that's a reasonable assumption. It's a shame, because at one time, the entire country was pro-military.

If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.

I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

War is political. We are constantly bombarded with pro war messages . To a point where we need the be fighting somewhere all the time .

We’ve been in Afghanistan for what. 17 years? I read a story about troop deaths today ! It was on page 7.

But keep beating the war drum .

So having a strong military means pro-war? I actually thought it was pro-protection. How many other free countries rely on a strong American military to secure them from attacks by aggressive regimes?

Having a strong military doesn’t mean u have to use it . We have been a perpetual war since Korea .

Are we really defending America over in 3rd world countries clear across the globe ?
So if you consider it political, then it's safe to say that the left is anti-military and the right is pro-military? I think that's a reasonable assumption. It's a shame, because at one time, the entire country was pro-military.

If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.

I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

War is political. We are constantly bombarded with pro war messages . To a point where we need the be fighting somewhere all the time .

We’ve been in Afghanistan for what. 17 years? I read a story about troop deaths today ! It was on page 7.

But keep beating the war drum .

So having a strong military means pro-war? I actually thought it was pro-protection. How many other free countries rely on a strong American military to secure them from attacks by aggressive regimes?

Having a strong military doesn’t mean u have to use it . We have been a perpetual war since Korea .

Are we really defending America over in 3rd world countries clear across the globe ?

It all depends on the situation. I do believe that in an "us against them" world we live in, we need a strong military as a deterrent.
If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.

I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

War is political. We are constantly bombarded with pro war messages . To a point where we need the be fighting somewhere all the time .

We’ve been in Afghanistan for what. 17 years? I read a story about troop deaths today ! It was on page 7.

But keep beating the war drum .

So having a strong military means pro-war? I actually thought it was pro-protection. How many other free countries rely on a strong American military to secure them from attacks by aggressive regimes?

Having a strong military doesn’t mean u have to use it . We have been a perpetual war since Korea .

Are we really defending America over in 3rd world countries clear across the globe ?

It all depends on the situation. I do believe that in an "us against them" world we live in, we need a strong military as a deterrent.

It’s all a scam to distract us and feed the war machine . Ever notice the military is never “strong enough” no matter how much we spend ?

And god forbid you try and question the military! Can’t have that now .

What’s the old Voltaire quote ? “To learn who rules over you. Simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

War is political. We are constantly bombarded with pro war messages . To a point where we need the be fighting somewhere all the time .

We’ve been in Afghanistan for what. 17 years? I read a story about troop deaths today ! It was on page 7.

But keep beating the war drum .

So having a strong military means pro-war? I actually thought it was pro-protection. How many other free countries rely on a strong American military to secure them from attacks by aggressive regimes?

Having a strong military doesn’t mean u have to use it . We have been a perpetual war since Korea .

Are we really defending America over in 3rd world countries clear across the globe ?

It all depends on the situation. I do believe that in an "us against them" world we live in, we need a strong military as a deterrent.

It’s all a scam to distract us and feed the war machine . Ever notice the military is never “strong enough” no matter how much we spend ?

And god forbid you try and question the military! Can’t have that now .

What’s the old Voltaire quote ? “To learn who rules over you. Simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Correct, you can't have a strong enough military. Without a military (or a very weak one) what kind of world do you suppose we would live in? Because our foes are always trying to make their military stronger. China is doing that today.
If you read up you'll see what the poster cited was "the war machine effort". The idea of endless war perpetuated by Congress for profit. And you grease those wheels by commanding the sheeple to "rise for our national Jingo Balls, seeing as how you're all gathered here in the thousands for a completely different purpose and are therefore literally a captive audience".

That's what MIC means. You're welcome.

I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

War is political. We are constantly bombarded with pro war messages . To a point where we need the be fighting somewhere all the time .

We’ve been in Afghanistan for what. 17 years? I read a story about troop deaths today ! It was on page 7.

But keep beating the war drum .

So having a strong military means pro-war? I actually thought it was pro-protection. How many other free countries rely on a strong American military to secure them from attacks by aggressive regimes?

Having a strong military doesn’t mean u have to use it . We have been a perpetual war since Korea .

Are we really defending America over in 3rd world countries clear across the globe ?

It all depends on the situation. I do believe that in an "us against them" world we live in, we need a strong military as a deterrent.

Well then there's your problem. You're standing on a false premise.

Sorry, the world is just not a freakin' comic book.

Now, free yourself of that infantile "us vs. them" mentality and all will be a lot easier.
War is political. We are constantly bombarded with pro war messages . To a point where we need the be fighting somewhere all the time .

We’ve been in Afghanistan for what. 17 years? I read a story about troop deaths today ! It was on page 7.

But keep beating the war drum .

So having a strong military means pro-war? I actually thought it was pro-protection. How many other free countries rely on a strong American military to secure them from attacks by aggressive regimes?

Having a strong military doesn’t mean u have to use it . We have been a perpetual war since Korea .

Are we really defending America over in 3rd world countries clear across the globe ?

It all depends on the situation. I do believe that in an "us against them" world we live in, we need a strong military as a deterrent.

It’s all a scam to distract us and feed the war machine . Ever notice the military is never “strong enough” no matter how much we spend ?

And god forbid you try and question the military! Can’t have that now .

What’s the old Voltaire quote ? “To learn who rules over you. Simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Correct, you can't have a strong enough military. Without a military (or a very weak one) what kind of world do you suppose we would live in? Because our foes are always trying to make their military stronger. China is doing that today.

Where do you stop ?

Should we be like North Korea ? All spending on military to a point your citizens starve ?
So having a strong military means pro-war? I actually thought it was pro-protection. How many other free countries rely on a strong American military to secure them from attacks by aggressive regimes?

Having a strong military doesn’t mean u have to use it . We have been a perpetual war since Korea .

Are we really defending America over in 3rd world countries clear across the globe ?

It all depends on the situation. I do believe that in an "us against them" world we live in, we need a strong military as a deterrent.

It’s all a scam to distract us and feed the war machine . Ever notice the military is never “strong enough” no matter how much we spend ?

And god forbid you try and question the military! Can’t have that now .

What’s the old Voltaire quote ? “To learn who rules over you. Simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Correct, you can't have a strong enough military. Without a military (or a very weak one) what kind of world do you suppose we would live in? Because our foes are always trying to make their military stronger. China is doing that today.

Where do you stop ?

Should we be like North Korea ? All spending on military to a point your citizens starve ?

There's a shining example of where "us and them" leads.
So having a strong military means pro-war? I actually thought it was pro-protection. How many other free countries rely on a strong American military to secure them from attacks by aggressive regimes?

Having a strong military doesn’t mean u have to use it . We have been a perpetual war since Korea .

Are we really defending America over in 3rd world countries clear across the globe ?

It all depends on the situation. I do believe that in an "us against them" world we live in, we need a strong military as a deterrent.

It’s all a scam to distract us and feed the war machine . Ever notice the military is never “strong enough” no matter how much we spend ?

And god forbid you try and question the military! Can’t have that now .

What’s the old Voltaire quote ? “To learn who rules over you. Simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Correct, you can't have a strong enough military. Without a military (or a very weak one) what kind of world do you suppose we would live in? Because our foes are always trying to make their military stronger. China is doing that today.

Where do you stop ?

Should we be like North Korea ? All spending on military to a point your citizens starve ?

Nobody is going to starve in this country unfortunately. And it's really less about how much we got more than it is the best that one can get. Technology is the key to a strong country. How much? More than any single one of our enemies.
I know exactly what it means, it means leftist hatred of our military, thank you.

War is political. We are constantly bombarded with pro war messages . To a point where we need the be fighting somewhere all the time .

We’ve been in Afghanistan for what. 17 years? I read a story about troop deaths today ! It was on page 7.

But keep beating the war drum .

So having a strong military means pro-war? I actually thought it was pro-protection. How many other free countries rely on a strong American military to secure them from attacks by aggressive regimes?

Having a strong military doesn’t mean u have to use it . We have been a perpetual war since Korea .

Are we really defending America over in 3rd world countries clear across the globe ?

It all depends on the situation. I do believe that in an "us against them" world we live in, we need a strong military as a deterrent.

Well then there's your problem. You're standing on a false premise.

Sorry, the world is just not a freakin' comic book.

Now, free yourself of that infantile "us vs. them" mentality and all will be a lot easier.

So would sticking the palms of my hands over my ears and singing aloud. But that's not going to address the problem--only ignore the problem until it's too late.

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