Anti-Semitism and Zionism

There were no conversions dufus! Judaism did not allow conversions until late in the 20th century. and conversions were only allowed by reform rabbis and temples. Shows how little you know what you're talking about.
What you mean? Of course Judaism allowed conversions.
Why is it hat every thread about anti Zionism devolves into a conversation about how evil the Jews are? Oh. Because...
Just for the record, which is worse, Zionists or synthetic Jews?
All Zionists or nearly all Zionists are FABRICATED JEWS......not Original you see Rouds and NONE go back 4000 years unless you are talking about Central Asia where the originated from but not Jewish in any way,just Converts from a Mumbo-Jumbo sect.but you already know this I have told you so many times....try to concentrate...steve
How sad that you live in such a fabricated world, steve.
Going back in time with a time machine would not convince you either that the Jews of today are the descendants of the Hebrews of 3800 years ago.

But then.....who cares what someone like you says.

You do not affect the indigenous people of Israel one iota. No more than Christianity and Islam have done for the past 2000 years.

Replacement religions, and now.... replacement of people.

Jews are not Jews and the Arabs are the indigenous people of ancient Canaan.

And when it comes for you to be replaced?

Who will be left to defend and protect you?

It will never happen?

Are you sure?
How Strange!!!!!Arabs are not Canaanites,where ever do you get that idea????Indigenous Jews in Israel....????....There are hardly any left,they have been usurped by Plastic Converts from who knows where,but they are Zionists...You know those Wanabee Synthetics who try to call themselves Jews....which they are not Morally or by DNA Testing.....Mumbo-Jumbo's as I said.
Any discussion about conversions is an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people and sort them into "real" and "synthetic" in an attempt to reject modern Jews' claims to their own history, ancestry, culture and religion.
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Synthetic Jews KILL AND MURDER CHILDREN,AND LOCK THEM UP IN CAGES...Your Trash Point IS??????????Bullshit as usual
Who synthesized these synthetic Jews? Is there a formula? :rofl:
Yes they are converts but not Jews,well I'm being kind by calling them Synthetic Jews
I have to tell you, trying to decipher you guys' outlandish theories is like trying to translate what UFO aliens from outer space transmit. And even that, the second one is easier because we would be dealing with an intelligent life form, whereas you guys...
No you cannot,so you use cheap pathetic I said Zionism is for the less intelligent as is clearly shown on here.....Please Rocco and Teddy,give us a post to bring normality back to the Thread....these Luddites are painful....steve
Any discussion about conversions is an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people and sort them into "real" and "synthetic" in an attempt to reject modern Jews' claims to their own history, ancestry, culture and religion.
Modern Jews have NO HISTORY,has'nt the penny dropped yet!!!!!!!
Any discussion about conversions is an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people and sort them into "real" and "synthetic" in an attempt to reject modern Jews' claims to their own history, ancestry, culture and religion.
Modern Jews have NO HISTORY,has'nt the penny dropped yet!!!!!!!

See? That is the why anti-zionism is really just antisemitism. It rejects even the very notion that the Jewish people are, you know, the Jewish people, despite all reasonable measures.
Any discussion about conversions is an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people and sort them into "real" and "synthetic" in an attempt to reject modern Jews' claims to their own history, ancestry, culture and religion.
NO it is just a simple fact
Well unfortunately Original Real Jews are Losing the battle...just sayin
It's a time to understand this very simple thing: only the Jewish people decide who is a Jew. Your opinion is irrelevant.
Well I too could become a Jew then,like so many before me....but it is still a Joke all said and done.That is the relevance
Any discussion about conversions is an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people and sort them into "real" and "synthetic" in an attempt to reject modern Jews' claims to their own history, ancestry, culture and religion.
Any discussion about conversions is an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people and sort them into "real" and "synthetic" in an attempt to reject modern Jews' claims to their own history, ancestry, culture and religion.
Modern Jews have NO HISTORY,has'nt the penny dropped yet!!!!!!!

See? That is the why anti-zionism is really just antisemitism. It rejects even the very notion that the Jewish people are, you know, the Jewish people, despite all reasonable measures.
That is only your opinion,I know people from Ethiopia,when the Israelis air lifted the lost Tribe many they took were of the Muslim faith,because they told me...they left Israel like many Russian Jews because they could not see a future there,they now live in Paradise and are very happy who is actually is a Jew in Israel???????Shusha you are on a hiding to nothing in this debate....moreover Stop using the Anti-Semitic Card because you ain't Semitic
Well unfortunately Original Real Jews are Losing the battle...just sayin
It's a time to understand this very simple thing: only the Jewish people decide who is a Jew. Your opinion is irrelevant.

The religious authorities of any religion usually decide who is a co-religionist, however, becoming a Christian, for example, does not make one indigenous to Palestine, where Christianity was born. A convert to Hinduism does not automatically become indigenous to India.
Well unfortunately Original Real Jews are Losing the battle...just sayin
It's a time to understand this very simple thing: only the Jewish people decide who is a Jew. Your opinion is irrelevant.
Well I too could become a Jew then
No, you couldn't.
Of course I could,if you Rouds,Indie can I certainly can
Nope, you certainly can't. Anti Semites are not welcomed in Judaism and in the Jewish people.
Well unfortunately Original Real Jews are Losing the battle...just sayin
It's a time to understand this very simple thing: only the Jewish people decide who is a Jew. Your opinion is irrelevant.

The religious authorities of any religion usually decide who is a co-religionist, however, becoming a Christian, for example\
The discussion is about who is Jewish. Nothing to do with Christianity.
Well unfortunately Original Real Jews are Losing the battle...just sayin
It's a time to understand this very simple thing: only the Jewish people decide who is a Jew. Your opinion is irrelevant.

The religious authorities of any religion usually decide who is a co-religionist, however, becoming a Christian, for example, does not make one indigenous to Palestine, where Christianity was born. A convert to Hinduism does not automatically become indigenous to India.

Christians are not an ethnic group.
This logic never works because Judaism was never denationalized, unlike Roman Christianity in the very beginning.

The triple connection of Torah - Land - Nation was never abandoned in Judaism.

Am Israel Chai.
Any discussion about conversions is an attempt to disenfranchise the Jewish people and sort them into "real" and "synthetic" in an attempt to reject modern Jews' claims to their own history, ancestry, culture and religion.
Modern Jews have NO HISTORY,has'nt the penny dropped yet!!!!!!!
Jews have the most extensive written history of any people on earth.
Well unfortunately Original Real Jews are Losing the battle...just sayin
It's a time to understand this very simple thing: only the Jewish people decide who is a Jew. Your opinion is irrelevant.

The religious authorities of any religion usually decide who is a co-religionist, however, becoming a Christian, for example, does not make one indigenous to Palestine, where Christianity was born. A convert to Hinduism does not automatically become indigenous to India.

Christians are not an ethnic group.
This logic never works because Judaism was never denationalized, unlike Roman Christianity in the very beginning.

The triple connection of Torah - Land - Nation was never abandoned in Judaism.

Am Israel Chai.

Jews are not an ethnic group either. Italian Jews, for example, are ethnically Italian. European Jews are ethnically European. The religion practiced doesn't change ethnicity. Further, in addition to a common ethnicity, there are no generalized differences between the DNA of an Italian Christian and an Italian Jew. And, as we know, European Jews have DNA in common with other Europeans.

" As reported online today in Nature Communications, more than 80% of Ashkenazi mtDNAs had their origins thousands of years ago in Western Europe, during or before Biblical times—and in some cases even before farming came to that part of the continent some 7500 years ago. The closest matches were with mtDNAs from people who today live in and around Italy. The results imply that the Jews can trace their heritage to women who had lived in Europe at that time. Very few Ashkenazi mtDNAs could be traced to the Middle East."

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