Anti-Semitism and Zionism

Why is it hat every thread about anti Zionism devolves into a conversation about how evil the Jews are? Oh. Because...
99.99% of Jews are Zionists, dipstick. You are a great example of why antizionism is the new antisemtism.
DUH...Wrong Again...Go to the Naughty Corner Rouds and take Indie with you
Just how do you really mean to prove that 99 % of all Jews are not Zionists, aka, for the recreation of a sovereign State for the Jewish People/Nation?

This should be good :)
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Synthetic Jews KILL AND MURDER CHILDREN,AND LOCK THEM UP IN CAGES...Your Trash Point IS??????????Bullshit as usual
Who synthesized these synthetic Jews? Is there a formula? :rofl:
Why is it hat every thread about anti Zionism devolves into a conversation about how evil the Jews are? Oh. Because...
99.99% of Jews are Zionists, dipstick. You are a great example of why antizionism is the new antisemtism.
Roudy I know your Math was terrible and still are way out...but it is insidious how a Cult has managed to influence some Jews since I said before Zionism was designed for SIMPLETONS...Shame really but there you go
Zionism, recreating the Jewish Nation on ancient Jewish homeland is a....cult. Uhmmmm, it simply cannot be the shrimp on the barbie, now can has to be something else which is causing you to come up with all of this high ended ideas.

Which cult are you an adherent of?
How much is the membership?
RE: Anti-Semitism and Zionism
※→ theliq, et al,

I'm not sure what is obvious and what is obscured.


ψ "Jewish" is a religious term. ( A relationship between Man and the Supreme Being.")

ψ "Zionist" is a political term. [ The establishment and preservation of the Jewish National Home (Israel) and the protection of it people.]​

That is how I observe it today.

Most Respectfully,
Really !!!!!!!!!!!! But you forgot Zionism equals Terrorism...WHY
You are not discussing, only making accusations.

You are an antisemite who is clearly an anti zionist because you not only do not understand who is who and what is what, you seem to want the world to be as you say it is or should be.

The Jews = Zionists are terrorists?

Are the Kurds also terrorists?

What other people defending their homeland from the attacks of those who keep trying to conquer their land and kill them all would be considered terrorists?

Your only answer is : The Zionists. They are not Jews. They do not belong on the land.

Accusing, alleging all of these things does not make them true and Israel will never live by these endless lies.

Israel will continue to be and to defend itself and its population, all of them, because that is the right the Jewish people earned legally 100 years ago.

The real question is: Why have you ever bought into the allegations that Zionism equals terrorism.

If you can ever figure it out, it will be one more step towards to putting an end to anti semitism.

Good luck, and happy new year in your new search.
Incredulous Answer BY YOU....Never heard of the Stern Group and the other Zionist Terrorist Groups...Stop wasting my time until you have...even some of Israel's Prime Ministers were Zionist Terrorist Murdering Scum
You are the one wasting everyone's time.

When Arabs and the British did everything in their power, using terrorism and cutting any and all rights Jews had on their ancient land, there were groups pre Israel which had to opt for equal measures of what they were getting. The only solution they saw for the British refusal to protect the Jews and help them recreate their sovereignty over their ancient land, and endless taking away of Jewish rights, was to make the British leave, finally what they should have left at least ten years before Israel declared Independence.

Jews are the indigenous people of the land, and since the non indigenous Arabs were intent in killing all the Jews in order to take all the land for Islam, some Jews ended up doing to them and the British what the Arabs and the British had done to them, which includes murder, restrictions in Jewish immigration as per the Mandate, and expulsion from Jewish majority cities like Hebron.

The Arabs wanted the Mandate for themselves. All of it.
The British gave away 78% of the Mandate to Arabs, and then wanted the rest for themselves.

The Arabs and the British were the terrorists, with each wanting the rest of the Mandate for themselves and only because the Mandate had been about giving back sovereignty to the Jewish Nation.

You are a disgusting anti semite, Jew hater.

Just have the guts to say so, instead of putting the blame on the Jews who were only fighting to stay alive as they built the infrastructure necessary to legally rebuilt and attain sovereignty over any part of their ancient home.

Terrorists, Nazis are the Husseini clan who were hand in hand with the German Nazis and were planning on building concentration camps for Jews and killing all of them at the end of WWII, had the Germans won.

Try again, terrorist liquidator, who wants to see the Husseini dream come to fruition.

As you can see, some dreams like your do turn into nightmares, because the reality is the Jews will never be exterminated, no matter what prayers, and wishes, and bds and all other attempts being made since 1948 will continue to happen.

Jews are the indigenous people of the land.
Arabs are the invaders and terrorists and nazi sympathizers with the dream of making all fo Asia and the world "Jew Free".

No, can do.

Better for you to be upset than for all of us to be dead and gone.

Very Sad that you don't know that the Zionist Trash collaborated with the Nazis and sent thousands of Jews(may they rest in peace) to the GAS CHAMBERS,,,,,,FACT....It is you and all Zionists who are the disgrace to Jews and Mankind.everything you say is criminial
Did you forget about the Nazi Mudti, mr synthetic Muslim from down under?

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers
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You are the one wasting everyone's time.

When Arabs and the British did everything in their power, using terrorism and cutting any and all rights Jews had on their ancient land, there were groups pre Israel which had to opt for equal measures of what they were getting. The only solution they saw for the British refusal to protect the Jews and help them recreate their sovereignty over their ancient land, and endless taking away of Jewish rights, was to make the British leave, finally what they should have left at least ten years before Israel declared Independence.

Jews are the indigenous people of the land, and since the non indigenous Arabs were intent in killing all the Jews in order to take all the land for Islam, some Jews ended up doing to them and the British what the Arabs and the British had done to them, which includes murder, restrictions in Jewish immigration as per the Mandate, and expulsion from Jewish majority cities like Hebron.

The Arabs wanted the Mandate for themselves. All of it.
The British gave away 78% of the Mandate to Arabs, and then wanted the rest for themselves.

The Arabs and the British were the terrorists, with each wanting the rest of the Mandate for themselves and only because the Mandate had been about giving back sovereignty to the Jewish Nation.

You are a disgusting anti semite, Jew hater.

Just have the guts to say so, instead of putting the blame on the Jews who were only fighting to stay alive as they built the infrastructure necessary to legally rebuilt and attain sovereignty over any part of their ancient home.

Terrorists, Nazis are the Husseini clan who were hand in hand with the German Nazis and were planning on building concentration camps for Jews and killing all of them at the end of WWII, had the Germans won.

Try again, terrorist liquidator, who wants to see the Husseini dream come to fruition.

As you can see, some dreams like your do turn into nightmares, because the reality is the Jews will never be exterminated, no matter what prayers, and wishes, and bds and all other attempts being made since 1948 will continue to happen.

Jews are the indigenous people of the land.
Arabs are the invaders and terrorists and nazi sympathizers with the dream of making all fo Asia and the world "Jew Free".

No, can do.

Better for you to be upset than for all of us to be dead and gone.

Very Sad that you don't know that the Zionist Trash collaborated with the Nazis and sent thousands of Jews(may they rest in peace) to the GAS CHAMBERS,,,,,,FACT....It is you and all Zionists who are the disgrace to Jews and Mankind.everything you say is criminial
I do not believe Perry Mason will want you in the Jury for this trial.

But the War Crimes Court in Den Haage would.....that is why,if Nitandyarwho,steps foot in Belgium he will be arrested for War Crimes Against Humanity....Gutless Bastard Refuses to go there
At least you do have high fulluting dreams. We'll give you that.

Those "arrest warrants" are as valid as those UN resolutions which so many of you boast about.

What else do you have in your antisemitic pouch?
How dare you say I am Anti-Semitic,I love the Jews Originals and the Palestinians.....I just DESPISE the Zionists...Liars and Terrorists LOCK,STOCK AND BARREL....It is Zionists that Murdered Jews,It is the Zionists that are never answered my request about you enlightening your brain about the Zionist Terrorist Groups like the Stern Group and others,funny are just a Sheep in Wolves cannot,will not accept your dread past and Mighty Dread it is too.....Typical of Zionistas
Ha ha ha, I gotta admit, this guy is on a roll. "I love Jews but I despise Zionists! I also don't hate blacks, I think everyone should own on Earth!"

What else? Looks like the booze is still in your bloodstream, Abdul.
Why is it hat every thread about anti Zionism devolves into a conversation about how evil the Jews are? Oh. Because...
99.99% of Jews are Zionists, dipstick. You are a great example of why antizionism is the new antisemtism.
Roudy I know your Math was terrible and still are way out...but it is insidious how a Cult has managed to influence some Jews since I said before Zionism was designed for SIMPLETONS...Shame really but there you go
You aren't a Jew, and no nothing about Zionism, and what Israel and specifically Jerusalem has meant to the Jewish people for the last 4000 years.

Right now you're a blabbering drunkard that decided to continue drinking on New Year's Day. .
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Synthetic Jews KILL AND MURDER CHILDREN,AND LOCK THEM UP IN CAGES...Your Trash Point IS??????????Bullshit as usual
Who synthesized these synthetic Jews? Is there a formula? :rofl:
Yes they are converts but not Jews,well I'm being kind by calling them Synthetic Jews
Why is it hat every thread about anti Zionism devolves into a conversation about how evil the Jews are? Oh. Because...
So are you a synthetic Muslim, or a prefabricated Antisemite?
Rouds you know I am not a Muslim,but I do like your terminology PREFABRICATED so I will use the term FABRICATED JEWS,for all Converts from now on if that is OK by YOU...steve
Why is it hat every thread about anti Zionism devolves into a conversation about how evil the Jews are? Oh. Because...
99.99% of Jews are Zionists, dipstick. You are a great example of why antizionism is the new antisemtism.
Roudy I know your Math was terrible and still are way out...but it is insidious how a Cult has managed to influence some Jews since I said before Zionism was designed for SIMPLETONS...Shame really but there you go
You aren't a Jew, and no nothing about Zionism, and what Israel and specifically Jerusalem has meant to the Jewish people for the last 4000 years.

Right now you're a blabbering drunkard that decided to continue drinking on New Year's Day. .
I know all about Zionists
Why is it hat every thread about anti Zionism devolves into a conversation about how evil the Jews are? Oh. Because...
Just for the record, which is worse, Zionists or synthetic Jews?
All Zionists or nearly all Zionists are FABRICATED JEWS......not Original you see Rouds and NONE go back 4000 years unless you are talking about Central Asia where the originated from but not Jewish in any way,just Converts from a Mumbo-Jumbo sect.but you already know this I have told you so many times....try to No Great Jew and there have been many over the years have EVER BEEN ZIONISTS they are far too intelligent to be intimidated by that Faux Organization the Zionists...NONE
Why is it hat every thread about anti Zionism devolves into a conversation about how evil the Jews are? Oh. Because...
Just for the record, which is worse, Zionists or synthetic Jews?
All Zionists or nearly all Zionists are FABRICATED JEWS......not Original you see Rouds and NONE go back 4000 years unless you are talking about Central Asia where the originated from but not Jewish in any way,just Converts from a Mumbo-Jumbo sect.but you already know this I have told you so many times....try to concentrate...steve
How sad that you live in such a fabricated world, steve.
Going back in time with a time machine would not convince you either that the Jews of today are the descendants of the Hebrews of 3800 years ago.

But then.....who cares what someone like you says.

You do not affect the indigenous people of Israel one iota. No more than Christianity and Islam have done for the past 2000 years.

Replacement religions, and now.... replacement of people.

Jews are not Jews and the Arabs are the indigenous people of ancient Canaan.

And when it comes for you to be replaced?

Who will be left to defend and protect you?

It will never happen?

Are you sure?
All Zionists or nearly all Zionists are FABRICATED JEWS......not Original you see Rouds and NONE go back 4000 years unless you are talking about Central Asia where the originated from but not Jewish in any way,just Converts from a Mumbo-Jumbo sect.but you already know this I have told you so many times....try to No Great Jew and there have been many over the years have EVER BEEN ZIONISTS they are far too intelligent to be intimidated by that Faux Organization the Zionists...NONE

Ya gotta love this board. The only REAL (TM) Jew here is the one who never spoke a word of Hebrew all the way through her years of Hebrew school. :spinner:
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Synthetic Jews KILL AND MURDER CHILDREN,AND LOCK THEM UP IN CAGES...Your Trash Point IS??????????Bullshit as usual
Who synthesized these synthetic Jews? Is there a formula? :rofl:
Yes they are converts but not Jews,well I'm being kind by calling them Synthetic Jews
I have to tell you, trying to decipher you guys' outlandish theories is like trying to translate what UFO aliens from outer space transmit. And even that, the second one is easier because we would be dealing with an intelligent life form, whereas you guys...
Why is it hat every thread about anti Zionism devolves into a conversation about how evil the Jews are? Oh. Because...
So are you a synthetic Muslim, or a prefabricated Antisemite?
Rouds you know I am not a Muslim,but I do like your terminology PREFABRICATED so I will use the term FABRICATED JEWS,for all Converts from now on if that is OK by YOU...steve
There were no conversions dufus! Judaism did not allow conversions until late in the 20th century. and conversions were only allowed by reform rabbis and temples. Shows how little you know what you're talking about.
ψ "Jewish" is a religious term. ( A relationship between Man and the Supreme Being.")
No, it's not religious. To be Jewish means affiliation with the Jewish people.

An ethnoreligious group (or ethno-religious group) is an ethnic group whose members are also unified by a common religious background. Ethnoreligious communities define their ethnic identity neither by ancestral heritage nor simply by religious affiliation but often through a combination of both. An ethnoreligious group has a shared history and a cultural tradition of its own. In many cases ethnoreligious groups are ethno-cultural groups with a traditional ethnic religion; in other cases ethnoreligious groups begin as communities united by a common faith which through endogamy developed cultural and ancestral ties.[1][2] Some ethnoreligious groups' identities are reinforced by the experience of living within a larger community as a distinct minority. Ethnoreligious groups can be tied to ethnic nationalism if the ethnoreligious group possesses a historical base in a specific region.[3] In many ethnoreligious groups emphasis is placed upon religious endogamy, and the concurrent discouragement of interfaith marriages or intercourse, as a means of preserving the stability and historical longevity of the community and culture.

Ethnoreligious group - Wikipedia

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