Anti-Semitism and Zionism

1. The author explains in detail how many anti-Semites actually support Zionism.
This comes directly from Herzl in his diary:
"It would be an excellent idea to call in respectable, accredited anti-Semites as liquidators of property. To the people they would vouch for the fact that we do not wish to bring about the impoverishment of the countries that we leave. At first they must not be given large fees for this; otherwise we shall spoil our instruments and make them despicable as 'stooges of the Jews.' Later their fees will increase, and in the end we shall have only Gentile officials in the countries from which we have emigrated. The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies." (The Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl. Vol. 1, edited by Raphael Patai, translated by Harry Zohn, page 83-84)

2. The author himself (a university professor in Israel) supports Palestinian rights.
Many Jews, the world over, support the Palestinian people and see zionism as the greatest danger not only to Palestine, but to the Jewish people as well.

3. Part of his very last sentence says: "[T]he equation between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism must ... be rejected."
Anyone who has studied this simple topic knows this. When one is charged with antisemitism, it generally means that they have brought up a point that the zionists don't want spoken of. The antisemitism charge is a trick the zionists use to keep their crimes hidden and they have admitted this:
Former Israeli minister, Shulamit Aloni, fearlessly admitted that "anti-Semitism is a trick that we always use"

As outrageous Hertzl words sound, I'm not sure we can fully comprehend the time line in which he contemplated different strategies, or the situation in Europe and Palestine.

However it's not difficult to connect the dots between the simultaneous Pogroms in Europe as well as in middle east, specifically Syria-Palestine . Zionism came as a solution to antisemitism, not an idealistic hope that antisemitism will end with the establishment of Israel - on the contrary as the painful realization, that it's not going anywhere.
I see that video way too often being used, as an excuse to the most blatant racist arguments.
And unfortunately such arguments are dominant in 99% of anti-Israel rhetoric.
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Antizionism is the modern politically correct and socially acceptable way of being antisemitic. Antizionism is not the c.riticism of Israel -- antizionism is the denial of the Jewish people the same rights as are inherent to all other peoples. Its the double standard by which Jews are measured.

We see examples of it on this thread: where a Jewish national homeland is labelled as dangerous and criminal and a trick. Where Jewish people are labelled liars, and scum and self-hating and guilty and terrorists. (All classic antisemitic canards).
No problem with a national home for any group. The problem is when you take homes away from others to establish a national home.
No problem with a national home for any group. The problem is when you take homes away from others to establish a national home.

So only peoples with unclaimed territory can have a national home? How does THAT work? Is Catalonia not permitted to have part of Spain, then?
No problem with a national home for any group. The problem is when you take homes away from others to establish a national home.
Fascinating as you will never apply that to the Muslim invaders in the 7th century anywhere they conquered, or even to the Muslim and British who attacked, murdered and expelled Jews from their homes once the Mandate began, from 1920 to 1948.

Muslims attacking and taking anything from any Jew = acceptable.

Jews legally claiming a small part of their homeland, as the rest was given away by one empire to another, and working to achieve Statehood = unacceptable

The Muslims endlessly took homes and lives from the Jews from 1920 to 1948 in order to create a Caliphate out of what had been the Ottoman Empire.

No, let us not at all discuss the fact that the Arabs had no control over the region named Palestine and did not consider themselves Palestinians to begin with. Or that so many Arabs were made to move to the area due to Jewish offered jobs, and the way the Ottomans and the British ended up allowing endless numbers of Arabs to move into the Mandate for Palestine.

No, letting all of those Muslims to move into the Mandate and take over land which might have gone to any of the Jews returning to their homeland to recreate their nation could not possibly, ever, be called antisemitism.

And being anti Zionism cannot, ever, be called antisemitism if the antisemites all agree about it.
Are Palestinians considered semetic?
I do not see the need to play with the meaning of words. :)

Semitic refers to languages. Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, etc.

Because of the non ending refusal of Arabs to share the Mandate for Palestine, we are now seeing Semitic being used to define people, when it should not.

It is about languages and it does not really tell who the indigenous people of Israel, or Arabia, or Lebanon, or Syria, or another part of the area are.

They wish to play that game, I would say let them.

They can say that Ashkenazi are not semitic until they are blue and white in the face. It changes nothing.

They are Jew haters who cannot stand Jews having sovereignty and power.

Too bad.
More Absolute Nonsence...Zionism is not a language...You are starting the New Year Well!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOT
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
No problem with a national home for any group. The problem is when you take homes away from others to establish a national home.
Fascinating as you will never apply that to the Muslim invaders in the 7th century anywhere they conquered, or even to the Muslim and British who attacked, murdered and expelled Jews from their homes once the Mandate began, from 1920 to 1948.

Muslims attacking and taking anything from any Jew = acceptable.

Jews legally claiming a small part of their homeland, as the rest was given away by one empire to another, and working to achieve Statehood = unacceptable

The Muslims endlessly took homes and lives from the Jews from 1920 to 1948 in order to create a Caliphate out of what had been the Ottoman Empire.

No, let us not at all discuss the fact that the Arabs had no control over the region named Palestine and did not consider themselves Palestinians to begin with. Or that so many Arabs were made to move to the area due to Jewish offered jobs, and the way the Ottomans and the British ended up allowing endless numbers of Arabs to move into the Mandate for Palestine.

No, letting all of those Muslims to move into the Mandate and take over land which might have gone to any of the Jews returning to their homeland to recreate their nation could not possibly, ever, be called antisemitism.

And being anti Zionism cannot, ever, be called antisemitism if the antisemites all agree about it.
O MY GOD????????....Illegal Zionist Trash Invaded Palestine from 1897 onwards...they had no rights(They should have been Deported) where the British and Palestinians failed was when the Zionist Trash Terrorists took up arms to overthrow them,they had been conned........These Zionists were not and are not Godly
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Only the State of Israel is is full of converts from who knows where....NOT REAL JEWS....ZIONISIM KILLS REAL JEWS........
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Only the State of Israel is is full of converts from who knows where....NOT REAL JEWS....ZIONISIM KILLS REAL JEWS........
Synthetic Muslims...Muslims who don't constantly commit murder in the name of their mullahs.
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Synthetic Jews KILL AND MURDER CHILDREN,AND LOCK THEM UP IN CAGES...Your Trash Point IS??????????Bullshit as usual
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Synthetic Jews KILL AND MURDER CHILDREN,AND LOCK THEM UP IN CAGES...Your Trash Point IS??????????Bullshit as usual
Check the web and see who is full of bullshit.
The "Jew" media isn't on your side even though Arabs are far wealthier than Jews.
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Synthetic Jews KILL AND MURDER CHILDREN,AND LOCK THEM UP IN CAGES...Your Trash Point IS??????????Bullshit as usual

You forgot the part about using their blood for matzoh.
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Only the State of Israel is is full of converts from who knows where....NOT REAL JEWS....ZIONISIM KILLS REAL JEWS........
Synthetic Muslims...Muslims who don't constantly commit murder in the name of their mullahs.
See how you all have to plagerize my thoughts....Zionists are a little simple,that IS why NO GREAT JEWS IN HISTORY HAVE BEEN ZIONISTS.........NONE,as men and women of thought,they know why........Zionism was designed for the stupid
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Only the State of Israel is is full of converts from who knows where....NOT REAL JEWS....ZIONISIM KILLS REAL JEWS........
Synthetic Muslims...Muslims who don't constantly commit murder in the name of their mullahs.
See how you all have to plagerize my thoughts....Zionists are a little simple,that I why NO GREAT JEWS IN HISTORY HAVE BEEN ZIONISTS.........NONE,as men and women of thought,they know why........Zionism was designed for the stupid
You start the bullshit and I point out the facts.
But don't feel too bad, only 300,000,000 Muslims actively approve of Jihad.
300,000,000 non synthetic Muslims.
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Synthetic Jews KILL AND MURDER CHILDREN,AND LOCK THEM UP IN CAGES...Your Trash Point IS??????????Bullshit as usual

You forgot the part about using their blood for matzoh.
Idiot Comment,,,as usual
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Only the State of Israel is is full of converts from who knows where....NOT REAL JEWS....ZIONISIM KILLS REAL JEWS........
Synthetic Muslims...Muslims who don't constantly commit murder in the name of their mullahs.
See how you all have to plagerize my thoughts....Zionists are a little simple,that I why NO GREAT JEWS IN HISTORY HAVE BEEN ZIONISTS.........NONE,as men and women of thought,they know why........Zionism was designed for the stupid
You start the bullshit and I point out the facts.
But don't feel too bad, only 300,000,000 Muslims actively approve of Jihad.
300,000,000 non synthetic Muslims.
Indie,You always were a little SIMPLE.....Zionist Simple
He was wrong...because a convert synthetic Jew can never be Semitic....Only Zionist Scum like you believe in this lie

You'll be saying next that Israel is actually called ZIONAEL,you Zio's would love that,which is your aim of course,you can then throw out all non-zionist Jews

That will be the Biggest Joke of All,,,Palestine full of Convert Synthetic NON SEMITIC PEOPLE with no direct link to Abraham...Still Claiming somehow they are from this Land,,,,,WELL AS INSANE AS THIS SOUNDS.....THE ZIONIST TERRORISTS ARE HALF WAY THERE
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Synthetic Jews KILL AND MURDER CHILDREN,AND LOCK THEM UP IN CAGES...Your Trash Point IS??????????Bullshit as usual

You forgot the part about using their blood for matzoh.
Idiot Comment,,,as usual
Shame on you for being ashamed of your fellow non-synthetic Muslims.
A synthetic Muslim doesn't behead people.
I more than happy to play the "synthetic" game.
Only the State of Israel is is full of converts from who knows where....NOT REAL JEWS....ZIONISIM KILLS REAL JEWS........
Synthetic Muslims...Muslims who don't constantly commit murder in the name of their mullahs.
See how you all have to plagerize my thoughts....Zionists are a little simple,that I why NO GREAT JEWS IN HISTORY HAVE BEEN ZIONISTS.........NONE,as men and women of thought,they know why........Zionism was designed for the stupid
You start the bullshit and I point out the facts.
But don't feel too bad, only 300,000,000 Muslims actively approve of Jihad.
300,000,000 non synthetic Muslims.
Indie,You always were a little SIMPLE.....Zionist Simple
And you always never pay attention to all the Middle East inter-Arab murder going on.
You're callous!
Only the State of Israel is is full of converts from who knows where....NOT REAL JEWS....ZIONISIM KILLS REAL JEWS........
Synthetic Muslims...Muslims who don't constantly commit murder in the name of their mullahs.
See how you all have to plagerize my thoughts....Zionists are a little simple,that I why NO GREAT JEWS IN HISTORY HAVE BEEN ZIONISTS.........NONE,as men and women of thought,they know why........Zionism was designed for the stupid
You start the bullshit and I point out the facts.
But don't feel too bad, only 300,000,000 Muslims actively approve of Jihad.
300,000,000 non synthetic Muslims.
Indie,You always were a little SIMPLE.....Zionist Simple
And you always never pay attention to all the Middle East inter-Arab murder going on.
You're callous!
You are a SIMPLETON,A LIAR AND A ZIONIST MURDERER,not worthy of respect or attention

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