Zone1 Anti-Semitism.

I lived in downtown San Jose, California during the early 1980's, when the area was engulfed by Vietnamese war refugees. Most were desperately poor. They were also good people. They took any job they could find, saved their money, and started Vietnamese restaurants I dined in and Vietnamese shops I shopped at.

Vietnamese teenagers did not spend their days harassing their teachers. They respected their teachers, and tried to learn, although many could not understand much English. They did not spend their nights getting into trouble. They did their homework.

I often got off work at 10:00 pm, and walked three miles through what was becoming Little Saigon. I was perfectly safe.

If I tried that where I live now I would risk my life.
I was a volunteer tutor (English Comp) when I was in college, and by far my best tutee was a Vietnamese guy who was majoring in math - brilliant kid - but weak, understandably, in English.

It was a joy to work with him. He really wanted to master the language, and followed through on every assignment. He knew I was volunteering my time, of course, and thanked me after each session. And he was so respectful!

I remember one time I had to cancel a session because I was cramming for my own exam. Instead of saying, OK…see you next week…he asked if we could find another time THIS week after my exam. He didn’t want to miss out on any learning.

The other tutees were black, and they were not as dedicated.
Orientals did not benefit from skin color. Now most of them are more prosperous than most white Gentiles. I am a white Gentile by the way.
And here is the old dumb Asian claim. Asians, not orientals. Assians incclludee people from India and when you look at Asian income levels, if you take out Indians the median income for Asians drops dramatically. You really don't know what you're talking about. You're white and running your mouth because other similarly ignorant and bigoted whites are running theirs.
I lived in downtown San Jose, California during the early 1980's, when the area was engulfed by Vietnamese war refugees. Most were desperately poor. They were also good people. They took any job they could find, saved their money, and started Vietnamese restaurants I dined in and Vietnamese shops I shopped at.

Vietnamese teenagers did not spend their days harassing their teachers. They respected their teachers, and tried to learn, although many could not understand much English. They did not spend their nights getting into trouble. They did their homework.

I often got off work at 10:00 pm, and walked three miles through what was becoming Little Saigon. I was perfectly safe.

If I tried that where I live now I would risk my life.
Explain why far more blacks than Vietnamese go to college in California.
White Jews benefitted from skin color and were allowed opportunities blacks, including black Jews, could not get. Anti semitiism is not common among blacks. Anti black racism is more common among white jews than anti semitism is among blacks. American history shows that some Jews actually owned slaves. It also shows that some Jews practiced Jim Crow. It also shows that some Jews worked with blacks to form the NAACP and that blacks stood with Jews during WW2 when many white Gentiles refused. In THIS forum there are several white Jews who are overtly racist.

All of this is true Hector.
Explain why far more blacks than Vietnamese go to college in California.
Because there are more blacks than Vietnamese in California.

Explain why more blacks than Australians go to college in California.
White Jews benefitted from skin color and were allowed opportunities blacks, including black Jews, could not get. Anti semitiism is not common among blacks. Anti black racism is more common among white jews than anti semitism is among blacks. American history shows that some Jews actually owned slaves. It also shows that some Jews practiced Jim Crow. It also shows that some Jews worked with blacks to form the NAACP and that blacks stood with Jews during WW2 when many white Gentiles refused. In THIS forum there are several white Jews who are overtly racist.

All of this is true Hector.
Hector is too smart to fall for that.

Jews used to be the blacks’ strongest advocates - fighting side by side with them during the Civil Rights Movement, and risking and losing their lives in the process. What do we get in response? High levels of antisemitism among blacks.

And that’s because blacks resent the fact that a small minority, suffering from millenia of horrific prejudice, can rise to not only succeed - but become more successful than the average. How can blacks blame bigotry for their failures when an entire generation of Jews had half their families wiped out by Hitler, and STILL managed to come out on top?

Don’t be so jealous of Jews! Instead, follow our lead - study hard in school, don’t have children out of wedlock, go on to college, and lead a comfortable life. Many blacks have done that very thing. The others, well….they need to get with the program and stop blaming whites (and Jews) for their own failures.
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Happy Purim to all Jews!

Historically, anti-Semitism has caused great harm to Jewish people. I would never support Ukraine given their history of worst pogroms. I am grateful to Russian People for playing the greatest role any mortal has played in saving Humankind from Nazis.
Support for the Jews is a lame excuse for supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy is Jewish. His great grandfather was killed in the Holocaust.
Explain why far more blacks than Vietnamese go to college in California.
I think it is because there more Negroes in California than Vietnamese. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled against affirmative action I expect the number of Negroes everywhere in the United States who go do college will decline sharply.

Vietnamese who did not come to the United States until after the War in Vietnam are already more prosperous on the average than most Negroes. This is not because of yellow skin privilege. It because they are nearly always better people.
I think it is because there more Negroes in California than Vietnamese. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled against affirmative action I expect the number of Negroes everywhere in the United States who go do college will decline sharply.

Vietnamese who did not come to the United States until after the War in Vietnam are already more prosperous on the average than most Negroes. This is not because of yellow skin privilege. It because they are nearly always better people ::: Failzero says “ Orientals ( Asians) willingly enable the White Hegemony “
And here is the old dumb Asian claim. Asians, not orientals. Assians incclludee people from India and when you look at Asian income levels, if you take out Indians the median income for Asians drops dramatically. You really don't know what you're talking about. You're white and running your mouth because other similarly ignorant and bigoted whites are running theirs.
I do not pretend to know everything. Nevertheless, I make a reasonable effort to inform myself. What don't I know that if I learned would cause me to agree with you?
Explain why far more blacks than Vietnamese go to college in California.
For one thing there are far more blacks in California than Vietnamese. According to the census there are only 600,000 Americans of Vietnamese heritage in California versus 2,300,000 blacks.

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