Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

They could have gotten off at a exit and went another route, which I do all the damn time here in Houston when Traffic is messed up.

in the middle of the freaking desert? There is usually no "other way around". Once you trapped you can't back up 3 miles thru on-coming traffic to "the exit". Give it a rest please.
He'll have another angle before long.
More lies. That's about a dozen against me in this thread alone. You hammered your dumb asshole label home though.

No, you are refusing to understand the difference between a question and statement.

The founding fathers protested the King of England and destroyed many things during the protest which led to the war, and with your definition you would have called them terrorists for fighting against radical tyranny.

You are the type that would have sided with the King but in today time you will scuff at it, but your reaction to protestors against Trump tell me which side you would have been on.

You love freedom of speech and scream freedom when it is done by those like Clive Bundy or his family, but when someone on the left resort to the same tactics you scream domestic terrorism, and demand they be treated as terrorists.

The only non-terrorist to you is those that will vote for Trump and anyone that utter a word of disagreement against him is a terrorist. You would prefer to silence all those against Trump, and prefer to tell everyone how they should think.

For me it is simple, and if you support radical protestors like Clive Bundy then you should not have any issue with the left doing their protest, but if you have a issue with the left protesting your dear wanna-be dicator then you are part of the problem and hate the freedoms our founding fathers fought for.

Remember it is you that wrote there is a legal and correct way, and yet when the Bundy clan did it illegally you had not issue with it because it was against tyrannical government you hate, but when it is done to Trump, well now everyone is a terrorist to you...
A question and telling people they are the type believe in or do xyz is not the same thing dude. The founders warred against the military might of the Crown. They did not go around harassing the civilian population to effect change. That's very different and only you drew the comparison, not me.

I never supported Bundy so apparently you feel the need to add to your steamy pile. Last I heard they were off the beaten path and not fucking with people's lives or trying to shut down their rights. How is it the same?

Show me a thread or post by you calling Bundy a domestic terrorist for his actions and you just defended Bundy actions with your question..
No, it doesn't work that way, you dumb asshole. You don't get to speak for me. You don't get to change the subject.

This is about the domestic terrorists attacking their political enemy, Trump.

So the Tea Partiers a few years ago who disrupted town hall meetings were terrorists?

No, No, No!

Those were god fearing great Americans that had America best interest in their heart.

I mean how dare the American population vote in a Manchurian candidate like President Obama, and not have someone protest him!?!

The thing I love the most is when I am being told that if you are against Trump you have no business being at a Trump rally, but if I write if they don't like Clinton they have no business being at a Clinton rally they will tell me how wrong I am.

I have noticed with the Trump supporter that occupying land and having a armed conflict with the government is not a act of terrorism, but if someone stop the flow of traffic for someone to get to a Trump rally, well that is a act of treason... ( I know I am adding the treason and not terrorism but I believe they will go that far to call it treason )

Come November I would not be surprise to see someone like some of the posters here that support Trump at voting centers demanding ID of those that are non-white before they can enter to vote so they can bully and terrorize those voting for Clinton or another candidate and turn them away from the polls.
Come November I would not be surprise to see someone like some of the posters here that support Trump at voting centers demanding ID of those that are non-white before they can enter to vote so they can bully and terrorize those voting for Clinton or another candidate and turn them away from the polls.

The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."

The best thing about being a republican is being a perpetual victim. Oh us poor poor republicans.

Your ignorance is showing. The Democrat party is the party of victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Victims of big oil, victims of big Pharma, victims of the rich, victims of men, victims of white people, victims of Fox news, victims of low paying employers, victims of smokers, victims of guns........

That's right, if we could eliminate victims and irresponsibility, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why Democrats seek to make more victims all the time. You know, the War on Women and so forth.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.
You have a lot of opinion but no facts. There is no duty for them to vote on the nominee. None. Go find something besides a HuffPo op-ed.

The vacancy didn't open until this year and that hasn't been filled by an opposing party since the 80s. 1880s. And the whining and crying is on the left. They are so disturbed they have resorted to domestic terrorism.
Looks like it might have been more like 1940? I've never read Huffington Post in my life. I'd be interested in knowing what you're reading, though.
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.

Freedom of speech and if you don't like it Cuba will welcome you, and the true ignorant one is the one that support the usage of violence to silence those they do not agree with.
yeah Disir, sheesh

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Come on Dot..........there is no point to it. It's a parade of idiocy and if you can keep the momentum up all the way to the election then you might win something. But, winning the battle does not mean winning the war. Lose way more than what is gained.

Nothing was lost over this. People have protested President Obama and yet I have never seen someone on the left call those protestors domestic terrorists like someone did in this thread.

I am not saying what they did is correct but if the right can defend the Bundy clan while then scream domestic terrorism over a protest then I have to call them a hypocrite.

Also those telling me that someone protesting a rally of Trump should not have that right while they supported those birthers that protested President Obama, well they're a hypocrite.

I find it funny how Trump supporters want to silence everyone but when they were screaming about President Obama being a Manchurian candidate and illegal President, well they were great Americans.

So if the protestors against Trump are domestic terrorists then the same could be used for Bundy, Birthers, and our Founding Fathers, am I correct?

Watch and see that those screaming domestic terrorism will take issue with my question while never answering it.

You are not a victim. This is not OK. At some point there is a real big need for introspection. Many of us left the Democrats because they failed to deal with the issues. They are neoliberals and republicans masquerading as Democrats.

Now somewhere down this "team" shit somebody starting really believing I'm going to defend all liberal actions because an alleged liberal is behind it. I will not. The only things these little protests show is that the Democrats do not have jack on issues. You don't have anything but finger pointing. In fact, fear as a motivating factor looks the same on Fox for right wingers as it does for liberals in these protests. Yeah, losing the war.

When you start looking at whose behind some of this crap, you find a bunch of self entitled folks who want their names in the spotlight...................their fifteen minutes of fame.
The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."

The best thing about being a republican is being a perpetual victim. Oh us poor poor republicans.

Your ignorance is showing. The Democrat party is the party of victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Victims of big oil, victims of big Pharma, victims of the rich, victims of men, victims of white people, victims of Fox news, victims of low paying employers, victims of smokers, victims of guns........

That's right, if we could eliminate victims and irresponsibility, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why Democrats seek to make more victims all the time. You know, the War on Women and so forth.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.
You have a lot of opinion but no facts. There is no duty for them to vote on the nominee. None. Go find something besides a HuffPo op-ed.

The vacancy didn't open until this year and that hasn't been filled by an opposing party since the 80s. 1880s. And the whining and crying is on the left. They are so disturbed they have resorted to domestic terrorism.
Looks like it might have been more like 1940? I've never read Huffington Post in my life. I'd be interested in knowing what you're reading, though.
I don't have an account with the NYT so can't see it. Do they claim the position was vacated in the last year? If so, who?
No, you are refusing to understand the difference between a question and statement.

The founding fathers protested the King of England and destroyed many things during the protest which led to the war, and with your definition you would have called them terrorists for fighting against radical tyranny.

You are the type that would have sided with the King but in today time you will scuff at it, but your reaction to protestors against Trump tell me which side you would have been on.

You love freedom of speech and scream freedom when it is done by those like Clive Bundy or his family, but when someone on the left resort to the same tactics you scream domestic terrorism, and demand they be treated as terrorists.

The only non-terrorist to you is those that will vote for Trump and anyone that utter a word of disagreement against him is a terrorist. You would prefer to silence all those against Trump, and prefer to tell everyone how they should think.

For me it is simple, and if you support radical protestors like Clive Bundy then you should not have any issue with the left doing their protest, but if you have a issue with the left protesting your dear wanna-be dicator then you are part of the problem and hate the freedoms our founding fathers fought for.

Remember it is you that wrote there is a legal and correct way, and yet when the Bundy clan did it illegally you had not issue with it because it was against tyrannical government you hate, but when it is done to Trump, well now everyone is a terrorist to you...
A question and telling people they are the type believe in or do xyz is not the same thing dude. The founders warred against the military might of the Crown. They did not go around harassing the civilian population to effect change. That's very different and only you drew the comparison, not me.

I never supported Bundy so apparently you feel the need to add to your steamy pile. Last I heard they were off the beaten path and not fucking with people's lives or trying to shut down their rights. How is it the same?

Show me a thread or post by you calling Bundy a domestic terrorist for his actions and you just defended Bundy actions with your question..
No, it doesn't work that way, you dumb asshole. You don't get to speak for me. You don't get to change the subject.

This is about the domestic terrorists attacking their political enemy, Trump.

So the Tea Partiers a few years ago who disrupted town hall meetings were terrorists?

No, No, No!

Those were god fearing great Americans that had America best interest in their heart.

I mean how dare the American population vote in a Manchurian candidate like President Obama, and not have someone protest him!?!

The thing I love the most is when I am being told that if you are against Trump you have no business being at a Trump rally, but if I write if they don't like Clinton they have no business being at a Clinton rally they will tell me how wrong I am.

I have noticed with the Trump supporter that occupying land and having a armed conflict with the government is not a act of terrorism, but if someone stop the flow of traffic for someone to get to a Trump rally, well that is a act of treason... ( I know I am adding the treason and not terrorism but I believe they will go that far to call it treason )

Come November I would not be surprise to see someone like some of the posters here that support Trump at voting centers demanding ID of those that are non-white before they can enter to vote so they can bully and terrorize those voting for Clinton or another candidate and turn them away from the polls.
Your smear isn't working. Only libtards will side with you, because they don't give a shit. Who said shutting down Clinton was OK? You are full of bull so I'm skeptical anyone said so. Go start a Bundy thread, this one is about the domestic terrorists gunning for Trump.
Oh Gawd, more Democrat incitement and whining. If you're not supporting Trump, why are you at his rallies? Obviously, you're only there to disrupt and incite. Same ole tired shite. Go Trump!!
No, you are refusing to understand the difference between a question and statement.

The founding fathers protested the King of England and destroyed many things during the protest which led to the war, and with your definition you would have called them terrorists for fighting against radical tyranny.

You are the type that would have sided with the King but in today time you will scuff at it, but your reaction to protestors against Trump tell me which side you would have been on.

You love freedom of speech and scream freedom when it is done by those like Clive Bundy or his family, but when someone on the left resort to the same tactics you scream domestic terrorism, and demand they be treated as terrorists.

The only non-terrorist to you is those that will vote for Trump and anyone that utter a word of disagreement against him is a terrorist. You would prefer to silence all those against Trump, and prefer to tell everyone how they should think.

For me it is simple, and if you support radical protestors like Clive Bundy then you should not have any issue with the left doing their protest, but if you have a issue with the left protesting your dear wanna-be dicator then you are part of the problem and hate the freedoms our founding fathers fought for.

Remember it is you that wrote there is a legal and correct way, and yet when the Bundy clan did it illegally you had not issue with it because it was against tyrannical government you hate, but when it is done to Trump, well now everyone is a terrorist to you...
A question and telling people they are the type believe in or do xyz is not the same thing dude. The founders warred against the military might of the Crown. They did not go around harassing the civilian population to effect change. That's very different and only you drew the comparison, not me.

I never supported Bundy so apparently you feel the need to add to your steamy pile. Last I heard they were off the beaten path and not fucking with people's lives or trying to shut down their rights. How is it the same?

Show me a thread or post by you calling Bundy a domestic terrorist for his actions and you just defended Bundy actions with your question..
No, it doesn't work that way, you dumb asshole. You don't get to speak for me. You don't get to change the subject.

This is about the domestic terrorists attacking their political enemy, Trump.

So the Tea Partiers a few years ago who disrupted town hall meetings were terrorists?

There was never ever any violence there dumbshit.

No? And what violence did the hooded guy commit that Tea Partiers didn't?
Mike Honda shares accurate graphic about past Supreme Court nominations
Try this one. 1940 (FDR) is the last time a justice was nominated and confirmed during an election year. There were five in the twentieth century. I know there have been a lot of different dates thrown around, but I've NEVER heard 1880 before.
One thing I do know for sure is that the Democrats have NEVER, EVER pulled this shit in the history of our country. You can take that one to the bank. Look it up.
Oh Gawd, more Democrat incitement and whining. If you're not supporting Trump, why are you at his rallies? Obviously, you're only there to disrupt and incite. Same ole tired shite. Go Trump!!

Got to keep a list of all the RWnuts going on record supporting the beatdowns of rally protesters.
A question and telling people they are the type believe in or do xyz is not the same thing dude. The founders warred against the military might of the Crown. They did not go around harassing the civilian population to effect change. That's very different and only you drew the comparison, not me.

I never supported Bundy so apparently you feel the need to add to your steamy pile. Last I heard they were off the beaten path and not fucking with people's lives or trying to shut down their rights. How is it the same?

Show me a thread or post by you calling Bundy a domestic terrorist for his actions and you just defended Bundy actions with your question..
No, it doesn't work that way, you dumb asshole. You don't get to speak for me. You don't get to change the subject.

This is about the domestic terrorists attacking their political enemy, Trump.

So the Tea Partiers a few years ago who disrupted town hall meetings were terrorists?

No, No, No!

Those were god fearing great Americans that had America best interest in their heart.

I mean how dare the American population vote in a Manchurian candidate like President Obama, and not have someone protest him!?!

The thing I love the most is when I am being told that if you are against Trump you have no business being at a Trump rally, but if I write if they don't like Clinton they have no business being at a Clinton rally they will tell me how wrong I am.

I have noticed with the Trump supporter that occupying land and having a armed conflict with the government is not a act of terrorism, but if someone stop the flow of traffic for someone to get to a Trump rally, well that is a act of treason... ( I know I am adding the treason and not terrorism but I believe they will go that far to call it treason )

Come November I would not be surprise to see someone like some of the posters here that support Trump at voting centers demanding ID of those that are non-white before they can enter to vote so they can bully and terrorize those voting for Clinton or another candidate and turn them away from the polls.
Your smear isn't working. Only libtards will side with you, because they don't give a shit. Who said shutting down Clinton was OK? You are full of bull so I'm skeptical anyone said so. Go start a Bundy thread, this one is about the domestic terrorists gunning for Trump.

You're an advocate for physical violence against peaceful protesters. We'll make note of that.
Come November I would not be surprise to see someone like some of the posters here that support Trump at voting centers demanding ID of those that are non-white before they can enter to vote so they can bully and terrorize those voting for Clinton or another candidate and turn them away from the polls.

Are you saying murder is okay if you're not the only one who ever committed a murder?
Oh Gawd, more Democrat incitement and whining. If you're not supporting Trump, why are you at his rallies? Obviously, you're only there to disrupt and incite. Same ole tired shite. Go Trump!!

Got to keep a list of all the RWnuts going on record supporting the beatdowns of rally protesters.

It's all about the incitement. They're only there to cause problems. They want confrontation. But hopefully this stuff will only make Trump and his supporters stronger.
Oh Gawd, more Democrat incitement and whining. If you're not supporting Trump, why are you at his rallies? Obviously, you're only there to disrupt and incite. Same ole tired shite. Go Trump!!

Got to keep a list of all the RWnuts going on record supporting the beatdowns of rally protesters.

It's all about the incitement. They're only there to cause problems. They want confrontation. But hopefully this stuff will only make Trump and his supporters stronger.
Why do the Trump people who rant on about being "True Americans" want to change the tradition and practice of protesting at political rallies? The guy who got beat was simply holding up a sign and making a short protest and voicing his displeasure with Trump. Someone near him displayed a symbolic KKK hood. He was asked to leave and was walking out of the event when he was viciously attacked. When did this kind of protest become un-American? Why has it not been challenged with violence in the past or at other rallies where protesters are simply escorted out of the event? Must all America give up a freedom and tradition of the right to protest, because of Trump and his supporters lack in ability to deal with the same situation that other politicians have always had to deal with? If Trump can not organize and lead a simple political rally how can he be expected to run a country?
Oh Gawd, more Democrat incitement and whining. If you're not supporting Trump, why are you at his rallies? Obviously, you're only there to disrupt and incite. Same ole tired shite. Go Trump!!

Got to keep a list of all the RWnuts going on record supporting the beatdowns of rally protesters.

It's all about the incitement. They're only there to cause problems. They want confrontation. But hopefully this stuff will only make Trump and his supporters stronger.
Why do the Trump people who rant on about being "True Americans" want to change the tradition and practice of protesting at political rallies? The guy who got beat was simply holding up a sign and making a short protest and voicing his displeasure with Trump. Someone near him displayed a symbolic KKK hood. He was asked to leave and was walking out of the event when he was viciously attacked. When did this kind of protest become un-American? Why has it not been challenged with violence in the past or at other rallies where protesters are simply escorted out of the event? Must all America give up a freedom and tradition of the right to protest, because of Trump and his supporters lack in ability to deal with the same situation that other politicians have always had to deal with? If Trump can not organize and lead a simple political rally how can he be expected to run a country?

They're private events paid for by the Candidate. They have every right to boot you if you disrupt and incite. If you're there to listen, then fine. You'll have no problem. But if you're there to incite confrontation, then it won't be fine. You'll have a problem.

The People don't attend to listen to you rant & rave. They attend to listen to the Candidate speak. They have rights too. The moment you disrupt and incite, you've infringed on their rights. And you will be removed. You don't like that, tough shit. Don't attend Trump rallies.
Come November I would not be surprise to see someone like some of the posters here that support Trump at voting centers demanding ID of those that are non-white before they can enter to vote so they can bully and terrorize those voting for Clinton or another candidate and turn them away from the polls.

Looks like two citizens exercising their second amendment rights

I didn't see them punch or kick anyone in the video
Some of us have better memories than you RWnuts...

Who remembers this guy?


Phil Parlock is his name. A professional rightwing protester.

In 2004 he was protesting at a Kerry rally, dragging along his daughter for some reason,

and his protest sign got torn up. That's it. Nobody punched him, kicked him, anything of the sort.

OMG, did the RWnuts go crazy...

...attacking the evil liberal THUGS who tore up his sign.

lol, guess whose 'free speech' rights the RWnuts thought were being violated THEN?

...good guess..

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