Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

That's after the protester was throwing objects at the crowd. Next time the protesters may give it a thought or two before they start initiating violence. I'm sure steel toed boots dont feel very good.

Horsecrap. The protester was already being escorted out by cops when the supporter grabbed his sign and sucker-punched him. Nice deflection onto "Yeah, but he . . .", but no dice. Didn't your momma ever tell you two wrongs don't make a right?
My mama was a bitch. Fuck that protestor. After years of watching these scumbags act like asses, from Ferguson to Wallstreet to code pink, it's nice to see them get what they deserve. If the guy was innocent he wouldn't have been being escorted out.

Fuck him
there is no way your punk- ass did any time

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
If they have to face someone one on one or five on one they might get hurt and they prefer the police to be there so they can throw a sucker punch and then scream freedom.

Cowards hide behind the police and government when it suits them and then whine a bitch about the police and government when it does not allow thugs like Bundy to commit criminal acts...
Who's whining except the left? The terrorist isn't some innocent that got hit for no reason.

Terrorist? Goddam you people are hand wringing pussies.
Hand wringing? All you do is make shit up. Yes, it's domestic terrorism. Shutting down freedom of speech and travel isn't legal.

Grow a brain.

Wow, The Founding Fathers were domestic terrorists according to your definition... Hell the Bundy Clan are Domestic Terrorists accroding to you, am I correct?
How so? I answered your idiotic comparisons. Learn how to read or have someone explain the answers.

You're claiming the armed gangs with Bundy weren't terrorists, but some unarmed guys yelling at Trump are?

goddam, that's retarded even for you.
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.

Freedom of speech and if you don't like it Cuba will welcome you, and the true ignorant one is the one that support the usage of violence to silence those they do not agree with.

Cuba is more suited for the left than the right. Think about it:

Nobody but the government has guns
Free medical care for all and you don't have to have insurance.
Everybody (except government) is financially equal--equally poor.
You never have to worry about a political party challenging yours.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

That's after the protester was throwing objects at the crowd. Next time the protesters may give it a thought or two before they start initiating violence. I'm sure steel toed boots dont feel very good.

Horsecrap. The protester was already being escorted out by cops when the supporter grabbed his sign and sucker-punched him. Nice deflection onto "Yeah, but he . . .", but no dice. Didn't your momma ever tell you two wrongs don't make a right?
My mama was a bitch. Fuck that protestor. After years of watching these scumbags act like asses, from Ferguson to Wallstreet to code pink, it's nice to see them get what they deserve. If the guy was innocent he wouldn't have been being escorted out.

Fuck him
there is no way your punk- ass did any time

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
There is no way your bitch-ass is a male.

Gee this is a fun game....
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.

Freedom of speech and if you don't like it Cuba will welcome you, and the true ignorant one is the one that support the usage of violence to silence those they do not agree with.

Grow up. If you think that I am going to feel sorry for this guy and his hoodwearing girlie girl then you have another thing coming. He wanted attention and a reaction and he got one. Scream much and say nothing.

Alright, so if and when a Trump supporter does the same thing then I have the right to whip the shit out of them or will that be a different story and you will protect the Trump support right to protest?

Protest what? The hell do you think your protesting? Show up at a Sanders event and act like an idiot and if you get clocked for acting like a moron I will not cry. At all.
Domestic Terrorism is code for anyone that does not support Trump..

If they don't support Trump then they have no business at any Trump rally. don't vote for him. Keep your KKK hoods at home. Don't drag the flag. Don't stick your finger in the face of 25K persons. Against BHO law to be there, apparently. Don't hit spit kick or block highways.
The best thing about being a republican is being a perpetual victim. Oh us poor poor republicans.

Your ignorance is showing. The Democrat party is the party of victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Victims of big oil, victims of big Pharma, victims of the rich, victims of men, victims of white people, victims of Fox news, victims of low paying employers, victims of smokers, victims of guns........

That's right, if we could eliminate victims and irresponsibility, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why Democrats seek to make more victims all the time. You know, the War on Women and so forth.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.
You have a lot of opinion but no facts. There is no duty for them to vote on the nominee. None. Go find something besides a HuffPo op-ed.

The vacancy didn't open until this year and that hasn't been filled by an opposing party since the 80s. 1880s. And the whining and crying is on the left. They are so disturbed they have resorted to domestic terrorism.

Domestic Terrorism is code for anyone that does not support Trump...
More lies. That's about a dozen against me in this thread alone. You hammered your dumb asshole label home though.

No, you are refusing to understand the difference between a question and statement.

The founding fathers protested the King of England and destroyed many things during the protest which led to the war, and with your definition you would have called them terrorists for fighting against radical tyranny.

You are the type that would have sided with the King but in today time you will scuff at it, but your reaction to protestors against Trump tell me which side you would have been on.

You love freedom of speech and scream freedom when it is done by those like Clive Bundy or his family, but when someone on the left resort to the same tactics you scream domestic terrorism, and demand they be treated as terrorists.

The only non-terrorist to you is those that will vote for Trump and anyone that utter a word of disagreement against him is a terrorist. You would prefer to silence all those against Trump, and prefer to tell everyone how they should think.

For me it is simple, and if you support radical protestors like Clive Bundy then you should not have any issue with the left doing their protest, but if you have a issue with the left protesting your dear wanna-be dicator then you are part of the problem and hate the freedoms our founding fathers fought for.

Remember it is you that wrote there is a legal and correct way, and yet when the Bundy clan did it illegally you had not issue with it because it was against tyrannical government you hate, but when it is done to Trump, well now everyone is a terrorist to you...
Domestic Terrorism is code for anyone that does not support Trump..

If they don't support Trump then they have no business at any Trump rally. don't vote for him. Keep your KKK hoods at home. Don't drag the flag. Don't stick your finger in the face of 25K persons. Against BHO law to be there, apparently. Don't hit spit kick or block highways.

Awww, so no one is suppose to confront Trump on his nonsense and lies?

How sad, and yet did any of you call the Birthers, Tea Party Caucus, and those that protest President Obama terrorists or were they and are they still the freedom loving Americans you once supported?

If you dislike President Obama why did so many of you do the same thing these protestors are doing to Trump?
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.

Freedom of speech and if you don't like it Cuba will welcome you, and the true ignorant one is the one that support the usage of violence to silence those they do not agree with.
yeah Disir, sheesh

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

Come on Dot..........there is no point to it. It's a parade of idiocy and if you can keep the momentum up all the way to the election then you might win something. But, winning the battle does not mean winning the war. Lose way more than what is gained.
Awww, so no one is suppose to confront Trump on his nonsense and lies?

How sad, and yet did any of you call the Birthers, Tea Party Caucus, and those that protest President Obama terrorists or were they and are they still the freedom loving Americans you once supported?

If you dislike President Obama why did so many of you do the same thing these protestors are doing to Trump?

Never saw or heard of any Obama/Hillary/Sanders rally being disrupted or shut down by protesters? I remember some tea party asking questions at town halls and getting shouted down and a lot of yelling? Trump is not even elected to anything and these wacko think they have right to invade private event?
The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."

The best thing about being a republican is being a perpetual victim. Oh us poor poor republicans.

Your ignorance is showing. The Democrat party is the party of victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Victims of big oil, victims of big Pharma, victims of the rich, victims of men, victims of white people, victims of Fox news, victims of low paying employers, victims of smokers, victims of guns........

That's right, if we could eliminate victims and irresponsibility, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why Democrats seek to make more victims all the time. You know, the War on Women and so forth.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.

You're too old to be bleeding like that. Take your meds and settle down.

The right are not victims, the right points out injustices in our society and works to do something about them. It's the left that creates victims and then tells them they need big government to settle the score.

We don't want our Supreme Court to turn Commie on us, so we are doing something about it.

We know the media is mostly left-wing, so we did something about it. We took over talk radio and created a number one cable news network.

We don't want dictators taking our guns, so we elect people to make sure that doesn't happen and if anything, give law abiding citizens more rights to use our firearm.

As a "victim" of public school, you don't understand the difference between victimization pointing out flaws.

The center of this country is far to the left of where you are, so of course you're a chronic pants pisser over the fact that this country is never going to be the rightwing nuthouse you want it to be.

Right, believing in what the Constitution says and means, promoting self-reliance and personal responsibility, the belief that all men are created equal is a rightwing nuthouse.

Well obviously all those "far to the left" stay home during election time. That's why your primaries have low turnouts and we have a huge majority in Congress and a slight majority in the Senate.
Your ignorance is showing. The Democrat party is the party of victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Victims of big oil, victims of big Pharma, victims of the rich, victims of men, victims of white people, victims of Fox news, victims of low paying employers, victims of smokers, victims of guns........

That's right, if we could eliminate victims and irresponsibility, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why Democrats seek to make more victims all the time. You know, the War on Women and so forth.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.
You have a lot of opinion but no facts. There is no duty for them to vote on the nominee. None. Go find something besides a HuffPo op-ed.

The vacancy didn't open until this year and that hasn't been filled by an opposing party since the 80s. 1880s. And the whining and crying is on the left. They are so disturbed they have resorted to domestic terrorism.

Domestic Terrorism is code for anyone that does not support Trump...
More lies. That's about a dozen against me in this thread alone. You hammered your dumb asshole label home though.

No, you are refusing to understand the difference between a question and statement.

The founding fathers protested the King of England and destroyed many things during the protest which led to the war, and with your definition you would have called them terrorists for fighting against radical tyranny.

You are the type that would have sided with the King but in today time you will scuff at it, but your reaction to protestors against Trump tell me which side you would have been on.

You love freedom of speech and scream freedom when it is done by those like Clive Bundy or his family, but when someone on the left resort to the same tactics you scream domestic terrorism, and demand they be treated as terrorists.

The only non-terrorist to you is those that will vote for Trump and anyone that utter a word of disagreement against him is a terrorist. You would prefer to silence all those against Trump, and prefer to tell everyone how they should think.

For me it is simple, and if you support radical protestors like Clive Bundy then you should not have any issue with the left doing their protest, but if you have a issue with the left protesting your dear wanna-be dicator then you are part of the problem and hate the freedoms our founding fathers fought for.

Remember it is you that wrote there is a legal and correct way, and yet when the Bundy clan did it illegally you had not issue with it because it was against tyrannical government you hate, but when it is done to Trump, well now everyone is a terrorist to you...
A question and telling people they are the type believe in or do xyz is not the same thing dude. The founders warred against the military might of the Crown. They did not go around harassing the civilian population to effect change. That's very different and only you drew the comparison, not me.

I never supported Bundy so apparently you feel the need to add to your steamy pile. Last I heard they were off the beaten path and not fucking with people's lives or trying to shut down their rights. How is it the same?
Awww, so no one is suppose to confront Trump on his nonsense and lies?

How sad, and yet did any of you call the Birthers, Tea Party Caucus, and those that protest President Obama terrorists or were they and are they still the freedom loving Americans you once supported?

If you dislike President Obama why did so many of you do the same thing these protestors are doing to Trump?

Never saw or heard of any Obama/Hillary/Sanders rally being disrupted or shut down by protesters? I remember some tea party asking questions at town halls and getting shouted down and a lot of yelling? Trump is not even elected to anything and these wacko think they have right to invade private event?
Town Halls are events with opposing views, not rallies for a candidate. A swing and a miss.

That doesn't excuse anyone shouting down another though.
I find it amazing how Trump supporters enjoy the violence until it is done unto them. They love to applaud the stupidity but when someone that is not a Trump supporters uses the same tactic they will scream the individual is a terrorist and should be hung for playing the same way as a Trump supporter does.

They believe anyone that write or speak against Trump should be sucker punch and forced into silence, and I wonder would the Founding Fathers be proud of these moronic idiots or would the Founding Father had given us back to England and said it was not worth it because they discovered that Trump supporters ( like so man other Americans ) are idiots that do not deserve the freedom that our Founding Fathers fought for?

Yanno, I am a liberal and this bullshit is embarrassing. You have no idea how phenomenally ignorant these folks look. Scream much and say not a damn thing.

Freedom of speech and if you don't like it Cuba will welcome you, and the true ignorant one is the one that support the usage of violence to silence those they do not agree with.
yeah Disir, sheesh

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

Come on Dot..........there is no point to it. It's a parade of idiocy and if you can keep the momentum up all the way to the election then you might win something. But, winning the battle does not mean winning the war. Lose way more than what is gained.

Nothing was lost over this. People have protested President Obama and yet I have never seen someone on the left call those protestors domestic terrorists like someone did in this thread.

I am not saying what they did is correct but if the right can defend the Bundy clan while then scream domestic terrorism over a protest then I have to call them a hypocrite.

Also those telling me that someone protesting a rally of Trump should not have that right while they supported those birthers that protested President Obama, well they're a hypocrite.

I find it funny how Trump supporters want to silence everyone but when they were screaming about President Obama being a Manchurian candidate and illegal President, well they were great Americans.

So if the protestors against Trump are domestic terrorists then the same could be used for Bundy, Birthers, and our Founding Fathers, am I correct?

Watch and see that those screaming domestic terrorism will take issue with my question while never answering it.
Who's whining except the left? The terrorist isn't some innocent that got hit for no reason.

Terrorist? Goddam you people are hand wringing pussies.
Hand wringing? All you do is make shit up. Yes, it's domestic terrorism. Shutting down freedom of speech and travel isn't legal.

Grow a brain.

Wow, The Founding Fathers were domestic terrorists according to your definition... Hell the Bundy Clan are Domestic Terrorists accroding to you, am I correct?
How so? I answered your idiotic comparisons. Learn how to read or have someone explain the answers.

You're claiming the armed gangs with Bundy weren't terrorists, but some unarmed guys yelling at Trump are?

goddam, that's retarded even for you.
I didn't say anything about Bundy, you are insane. Very stupid but insane.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he incites.

The Leftists are freaking so much, this might be because if The Donald gets elected they're afraid they'll be forced to get a job.

I'm sure many Leftists obviously already have jobs, but these protesters aka Professional Agitators appear not to have a regular job as Agitation and Activism seems to have replaced a regular job.

I've notice that more and more young 'liberals' are actually looking for work since Donald has been succeeding. I think they might be scared they are getting thrown out of mom and dad's basement after Trump becomes president.
Nothing was lost over this. People have protested President Obama and yet I have never seen someone on the left call those protestors domestic terrorists like someone did in this thread.
That's a lie. People were trapped in traffic for hours, events were disrupted by the domestic terrorists.

If you have an example of people doing that to obama they were just as illegal and wrong.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.
You have a lot of opinion but no facts. There is no duty for them to vote on the nominee. None. Go find something besides a HuffPo op-ed.

The vacancy didn't open until this year and that hasn't been filled by an opposing party since the 80s. 1880s. And the whining and crying is on the left. They are so disturbed they have resorted to domestic terrorism.

Domestic Terrorism is code for anyone that does not support Trump...
More lies. That's about a dozen against me in this thread alone. You hammered your dumb asshole label home though.

No, you are refusing to understand the difference between a question and statement.

The founding fathers protested the King of England and destroyed many things during the protest which led to the war, and with your definition you would have called them terrorists for fighting against radical tyranny.

You are the type that would have sided with the King but in today time you will scuff at it, but your reaction to protestors against Trump tell me which side you would have been on.

You love freedom of speech and scream freedom when it is done by those like Clive Bundy or his family, but when someone on the left resort to the same tactics you scream domestic terrorism, and demand they be treated as terrorists.

The only non-terrorist to you is those that will vote for Trump and anyone that utter a word of disagreement against him is a terrorist. You would prefer to silence all those against Trump, and prefer to tell everyone how they should think.

For me it is simple, and if you support radical protestors like Clive Bundy then you should not have any issue with the left doing their protest, but if you have a issue with the left protesting your dear wanna-be dicator then you are part of the problem and hate the freedoms our founding fathers fought for.

Remember it is you that wrote there is a legal and correct way, and yet when the Bundy clan did it illegally you had not issue with it because it was against tyrannical government you hate, but when it is done to Trump, well now everyone is a terrorist to you...
A question and telling people they are the type believe in or do xyz is not the same thing dude. The founders warred against the military might of the Crown. They did not go around harassing the civilian population to effect change. That's very different and only you drew the comparison, not me.

I never supported Bundy so apparently you feel the need to add to your steamy pile. Last I heard they were off the beaten path and not fucking with people's lives or trying to shut down their rights. How is it the same?

Show me a thread or post by you calling Bundy a domestic terrorist for his actions and you just defended Bundy actions with your question.

Now matter if it is urban our out in the country the fact remains what Bundy did was illegal, and it was bothering the local residents of that region, so yeah it did bother someone, but hey Bundy is a Conservative that would most likely vote for Trump, so he's a good guy right?

Also what about those that were loyal to the crown during the Founding Fathers time, and you believe no one here in the colonies of that time were loyal to the crown, and felt the actions of our founding fathers were wrong?

You would have called them terrorists because they were fighting against the tyranny that you love to impose onto others.

Finally, Birthers protested President Obama at rallies, so should they be label as domestic terrorists?

I mean they were disrupting him, and by your definition they were indeed acting like domestic terrorists...
Lakhota said:
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).
The anti- Trump protesters were wearing KKK hoods. I see you left that out conveniently.

Funny. He was obviously a NaziCon plant.
But he wasn't. How do you feel about that now?

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