Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

It couldn't have been that the Trump protester was trying to provoke a violent respense, could it? Like the guy who got slugged last week after giving everyone there The Finger?

Does it occur to Lefties that no one is trying to prevent the two baby killers on the other side from speaking? Or that the proper way to rebut speech that you disagree with is NOT to try to prevent them from speaking?

No, it couldn't be, since he was already being escorted by the cops when he was punched.

It couldn't be that adults are supposed to control their own reactions, not allow them to be controlled by others, could it? No, that would require civilized behavior, something Trump doesn't really encourage.
You do realize Obama said things just like Trump? One is they bring a knife you bring a gun.

Was the protester armed?
It is the America Trump envisions for us all
true. We have enough rw thugs who arent man enough to face someone when they throw a punch already

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

If they have to face someone one on one or five on one they might get hurt and they prefer the police to be there so they can throw a sucker punch and then scream freedom.

Cowards hide behind the police and government when it suits them and then whine a bitch about the police and government when it does not allow thugs like Bundy to commit criminal acts...
Who's whining except the left? The terrorist isn't some innocent that got hit for no reason.

Terrorist? Goddam you people are hand wringing pussies.
Hand wringing? All you do is make shit up. Yes, it's domestic terrorism. Shutting down freedom of speech and travel isn't legal.

Grow a brain.

Assault isn't legal.

So if I do not vote for Trump am I a terrorist, and should I be sucer punch for speaking or writing the facts about Trump?

The true terrorist is the idiot that uses violence to attempt to silence the opposition from speaking, so why do you support acts of terrorism?
You can't read, you illiterate bastard. There are ways to protest legally, these are not examples of legal protests but acts to deny speech and freedom of movement.

Don't make it about the people who have been wronged. And don't twist what I said to try to smear your shit on me, I'll pound it right back into your puss filled face.

You are calling someone a terrorist and that is your words and not mine. To protests against Trump is not a act of terrorism, and to claim it is, well is just ignorant as can be, so stop being ignorant if you do not want your ignorance pointed out.

It is Trump supporters using acts of violence and you support it while getting upset with someone pointing out the fact your words are pure nonsense and worthless as can be.

Also the only way you will most likely pound is the public hair you call a penis, and your threats toward me is pathetic and asinine as can be.

So in the end the true terrorists in all of this are those that throw sucker punches, and those that want to silence those that protest against your beloved wanna-be dictator!

Now do you want to meet behind the gym so you can educate me how not supporting Trump is a act of terrorism and if someone voices their opinion them deserve acts of violence against them, or are you just a coward with tough words only for the internet?
You are the ignorant asshole here. You lied and expected to get away with it. You apparently like to dish out shit and turn school girl when called on it, so fuck you, I see what you are.

I didn't say voting for someone other than Trump was terrorism. You made that up. There are legal ways to protest, shutting down traffic and speech isn't it. So it is domestic terrorism. If you support that, you support domestic terrorism to get your way, and you do seem like the type.
adding to my "rw meltdown of the hour" thread you mouth- breathing hack
Another empty post. That's all you do. Clean the drool off your keyboard.

You should be the one that clean the drool off your keyboard because it is you that is rabid and full of hatred against anyone that does not support Trump.

It is those like you that call for the usage of violence against the opposition and applaud when it is done.

So be a proud terroristic lover and know Hitler would have been proud of you, but not our founding fathers, which by the way you have written would be consider Terrorists, am I correct?
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

That's after the protester was throwing objects at the crowd. Next time the protesters may give it a thought or two before they start initiating violence. I'm sure steel toed boots dont feel very good.

Horsecrap. The protester was already being escorted out by cops when the supporter grabbed his sign and sucker-punched him. Nice deflection onto "Yeah, but he . . .", but no dice. Didn't your momma ever tell you two wrongs don't make a right?

That wasn't reported. And of course two wrongs don't make a right. But, it is reality.

WHAT wasn't reported? That he was being escorted out by the cops? Yes, it was.

And no, it is NOT reality that two wrongs make a right, nor that it's okay for people to try to make it be so. I find it hard to be blase about "It's wrong, but people are just going to act like wild animals. Oh, well."

In Az, protesters were chaining themselves to cars and in utah, protesters were throwing rocks at supporters. Two wrongs never make it a right. The reality references back to the two groups committing the actions.
The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."

The best thing about being a republican is being a perpetual victim. Oh us poor poor republicans.

Your ignorance is showing. The Democrat party is the party of victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Victims of big oil, victims of big Pharma, victims of the rich, victims of men, victims of white people, victims of Fox news, victims of low paying employers, victims of smokers, victims of guns........

That's right, if we could eliminate victims and irresponsibility, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why Democrats seek to make more victims all the time. You know, the War on Women and so forth.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.
You have a lot of opinion but no facts. There is no duty for them to vote on the nominee. None. Go find something besides a HuffPo op-ed.

The vacancy didn't open until this year and that hasn't been filled by an opposing party since the 80s. 1880s. And the whining and crying is on the left. They are so disturbed they have resorted to domestic terrorism.

Domestic Terrorism is code for anyone that does not support Trump...
How do you expect terrorists to be treated?


So if I do not vote for Trump am I a terrorist, and should I be sucer punch for speaking or writing the facts about Trump?

The true terrorist is the idiot that uses violence to attempt to silence the opposition from speaking, so why do you support acts of terrorism?
So closing down a highway is okay? No, and I expect that a lot of pussy liberal protestors are gonna get the shit beat out of them in the future. Personally I think that every person that shut down the highway. Should loose all their welfare benefits. If you can shut down a highway, you can work.

So every Liberal is on welfare?

I know many in Kentucky that would argue with you on that ignorant statement...
I'm sure if you look it up, most of these protestors are on welfare. A self supporting person doesn't have the time to close down a highway for hours.

So then all of Trump supporters and Clive Bundy and his family are welfare freaks?
Supporting Trump at a rally one night during the week, is different than going around the united states causing trouble. Totally different situations. Quit looking stupid.
You can't read, you illiterate bastard. There are ways to protest legally, these are not examples of legal protests but acts to deny speech and freedom of movement.

Don't make it about the people who have been wronged. And don't twist what I said to try to smear your shit on me, I'll pound it right back into your puss filled face.

You are calling someone a terrorist and that is your words and not mine. To protests against Trump is not a act of terrorism, and to claim it is, well is just ignorant as can be, so stop being ignorant if you do not want your ignorance pointed out.

It is Trump supporters using acts of violence and you support it while getting upset with someone pointing out the fact your words are pure nonsense and worthless as can be.

Also the only way you will most likely pound is the public hair you call a penis, and your threats toward me is pathetic and asinine as can be.

So in the end the true terrorists in all of this are those that throw sucker punches, and those that want to silence those that protest against your beloved wanna-be dictator!

Now do you want to meet behind the gym so you can educate me how not supporting Trump is a act of terrorism and if someone voices their opinion them deserve acts of violence against them, or are you just a coward with tough words only for the internet?
You are the ignorant asshole here. You lied and expected to get away with it. You apparently like to dish out shit and turn school girl when called on it, so fuck you, I see what you are.

I didn't say voting for someone other than Trump was terrorism. You made that up. There are legal ways to protest, shutting down traffic and speech isn't it. So it is domestic terrorism. If you support that, you support domestic terrorism to get your way, and you do seem like the type.
adding to my "rw meltdown of the hour" thread you mouth- breathing hack
Another empty post. That's all you do. Clean the drool off your keyboard.

You should be the one that clean the drool off your keyboard because it is you that is rabid and full of hatred against anyone that does not support Trump.

It is those like you that call for the usage of violence against the opposition and applaud when it is done.

So be a proud terroristic lover and know Hitler would have been proud of you, but not our founding fathers, which by the way you have written would be consider Terrorists, am I correct?
Hey, your the liar. Thinking you can get away with it makes you stupid. So don't blame me.

The rabid hate is all yours and all you know how to do is throw more shit around. You tried to imply I thought the founders were terrorists and now it's Hitler? You poor stupid asshole.

The fact is there are legal ways to object to issues, that's called protesting. These are not protests, they are illegal acts to harm others so it is domestic terrorism.
It couldn't have been that the Trump protester was trying to provoke a violent respense, could it? Like the guy who got slugged last week after giving everyone there The Finger?

Does it occur to Lefties that no one is trying to prevent the two baby killers on the other side from speaking? Or that the proper way to rebut speech that you disagree with is NOT to try to prevent them from speaking?

No, it couldn't be, since he was already being escorted by the cops when he was punched.

It couldn't be that adults are supposed to control their own reactions, not allow them to be controlled by others, could it? No, that would require civilized behavior, something Trump doesn't really encourage.
You do realize Obama said things just like Trump? One is they bring a knife you bring a gun.

But that was different and ok you see....just like when pelosi said the occupy wall street thugs were to be blessed.
It is the America Trump envisions for us all
true. We have enough rw thugs who arent man enough to face someone when they throw a punch already

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

If they have to face someone one on one or five on one they might get hurt and they prefer the police to be there so they can throw a sucker punch and then scream freedom.

Cowards hide behind the police and government when it suits them and then whine a bitch about the police and government when it does not allow thugs like Bundy to commit criminal acts...
Who's whining except the left? The terrorist isn't some innocent that got hit for no reason.

Terrorist? Goddam you people are hand wringing pussies.
Hand wringing? All you do is make shit up. Yes, it's domestic terrorism. Shutting down freedom of speech and travel isn't legal.

Grow a brain.

Wow, The Founding Fathers were domestic terrorists according to your definition... Hell the Bundy Clan are Domestic Terrorists accroding to you, am I correct?
The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."

The best thing about being a republican is being a perpetual victim. Oh us poor poor republicans.

Your ignorance is showing. The Democrat party is the party of victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Victims of big oil, victims of big Pharma, victims of the rich, victims of men, victims of white people, victims of Fox news, victims of low paying employers, victims of smokers, victims of guns........

That's right, if we could eliminate victims and irresponsibility, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why Democrats seek to make more victims all the time. You know, the War on Women and so forth.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.
You have a lot of opinion but no facts. There is no duty for them to vote on the nominee. None. Go find something besides a HuffPo op-ed.

The vacancy didn't open until this year and that hasn't been filled by an opposing party since the 80s. 1880s. And the whining and crying is on the left. They are so disturbed they have resorted to domestic terrorism.

Domestic Terrorism is code for anyone that does not support Trump...
More lies. That's about a dozen against me in this thread alone. You hammered your dumb asshole label home though.
It couldn't have been that the Trump protester was trying to provoke a violent respense, could it? Like the guy who got slugged last week after giving everyone there The Finger?

Does it occur to Lefties that no one is trying to prevent the two baby killers on the other side from speaking? Or that the proper way to rebut speech that you disagree with is NOT to try to prevent them from speaking?

No, it couldn't be, since he was already being escorted by the cops when he was punched.

It couldn't be that adults are supposed to control their own reactions, not allow them to be controlled by others, could it? No, that would require civilized behavior, something Trump doesn't really encourage.
You do realize Obama said things just like Trump? One is they bring a knife you bring a gun.

Was the protester armed?
What difference does that make?
The communists wanted to get violent. Did they imagine nothing would happen to them?

We're literally in a war to take back our country for a communist community-organizer. Protesters should be lucky to get out of political rallies in one piece, if they insist on instigating violence. I see no difference between the the paid anarchists that show up at Trump rallies and the union thugs that were beating people up in Michigan a while back over right to work legislation.

true. We have enough rw thugs who arent man enough to face someone when they throw a punch already

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

If they have to face someone one on one or five on one they might get hurt and they prefer the police to be there so they can throw a sucker punch and then scream freedom.

Cowards hide behind the police and government when it suits them and then whine a bitch about the police and government when it does not allow thugs like Bundy to commit criminal acts...
Who's whining except the left? The terrorist isn't some innocent that got hit for no reason.

Terrorist? Goddam you people are hand wringing pussies.
Hand wringing? All you do is make shit up. Yes, it's domestic terrorism. Shutting down freedom of speech and travel isn't legal.

Grow a brain.

Wow, The Founding Fathers were domestic terrorists according to your definition... Hell the Bundy Clan are Domestic Terrorists accroding to you, am I correct?
How so? I answered your idiotic comparisons. Learn how to read or have someone explain the answers.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

That's after the protester was throwing objects at the crowd. Next time the protesters may give it a thought or two before they start initiating violence. I'm sure steel toed boots dont feel very good.

Horsecrap. The protester was already being escorted out by cops when the supporter grabbed his sign and sucker-punched him. Nice deflection onto "Yeah, but he . . .", but no dice. Didn't your momma ever tell you two wrongs don't make a right?
My mama was a bitch. Fuck that protestor. After years of watching these scumbags act like asses, from Ferguson to Wallstreet to code pink, it's nice to see them get what they deserve. If the guy was innocent he wouldn't have been being escorted out.

Fuck him
The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."

The best thing about being a republican is being a perpetual victim. Oh us poor poor republicans.

Your ignorance is showing. The Democrat party is the party of victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Victims of big oil, victims of big Pharma, victims of the rich, victims of men, victims of white people, victims of Fox news, victims of low paying employers, victims of smokers, victims of guns........

That's right, if we could eliminate victims and irresponsibility, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why Democrats seek to make more victims all the time. You know, the War on Women and so forth.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.

You're too old to be bleeding like that. Take your meds and settle down.

The right are not victims, the right points out injustices in our society and works to do something about them. It's the left that creates victims and then tells them they need big government to settle the score.

We don't want our Supreme Court to turn Commie on us, so we are doing something about it.

We know the media is mostly left-wing, so we did something about it. We took over talk radio and created a number one cable news network.

We don't want dictators taking our guns, so we elect people to make sure that doesn't happen and if anything, give law abiding citizens more rights to use our firearm.

As a "victim" of public school, you don't understand the difference between victimization pointing out flaws.
You are calling someone a terrorist and that is your words and not mine. To protests against Trump is not a act of terrorism, and to claim it is, well is just ignorant as can be, so stop being ignorant if you do not want your ignorance pointed out.

It is Trump supporters using acts of violence and you support it while getting upset with someone pointing out the fact your words are pure nonsense and worthless as can be.

Also the only way you will most likely pound is the public hair you call a penis, and your threats toward me is pathetic and asinine as can be.

So in the end the true terrorists in all of this are those that throw sucker punches, and those that want to silence those that protest against your beloved wanna-be dictator!

Now do you want to meet behind the gym so you can educate me how not supporting Trump is a act of terrorism and if someone voices their opinion them deserve acts of violence against them, or are you just a coward with tough words only for the internet?
You are the ignorant asshole here. You lied and expected to get away with it. You apparently like to dish out shit and turn school girl when called on it, so fuck you, I see what you are.

I didn't say voting for someone other than Trump was terrorism. You made that up. There are legal ways to protest, shutting down traffic and speech isn't it. So it is domestic terrorism. If you support that, you support domestic terrorism to get your way, and you do seem like the type.
adding to my "rw meltdown of the hour" thread you mouth- breathing hack
Another empty post. That's all you do. Clean the drool off your keyboard.

You should be the one that clean the drool off your keyboard because it is you that is rabid and full of hatred against anyone that does not support Trump.

It is those like you that call for the usage of violence against the opposition and applaud when it is done.

So be a proud terroristic lover and know Hitler would have been proud of you, but not our founding fathers, which by the way you have written would be consider Terrorists, am I correct?
Hey, your the liar. Thinking you can get away with it makes you stupid. So don't blame me.

The rabid hate is all yours and all you know how to do is throw more shit around. You tried to imply I thought the founders were terrorists and now it's Hitler? You poor stupid asshole.

The fact is there are legal ways to object to issues, that's called protesting. These are not protests, they are illegal acts to harm others so it is domestic terrorism.

So to fight violence is with violence is your solution, and to fight terrorism is to use another form of terrorism, am I correct?

Also I am asking you a question with a question mark at the end of it and you could just say I am incorrect and prove it but instead you refuse to answer because you know you are the one that supports acts of terrorism like the Bundy clan have done but then cry when some limp wrist liberal does the same damn thing.

Also it is those like you that believe every protestor on the left is a Welfare Queen, and does not work, so is it safe to assume you are also a welfare queen and the same could be said about those like Clive Bundy?

( Notice the question marks and notice how fast you will start drooling because I am not a Liberal and believe that those like you are just as dangerous as those you whine about, and a hypocrite to boot! )
The communists wanted to get violent. Did they imagine nothing would happen to them?

We're literally in a war to take back our country for a communist community-organizer. Protesters should be lucky to get out of political rallies in one piece, if they insist on instigating violence. I see no difference between the the paid anarchists that show up at Trump rallies and the union thugs that were beating people up in Michigan a while back over right to work legislation.

This is not your country and never will be.
Cops say the problem wasn't the protesters so much as it was two cars that got parked sideways across the street. The owners did, in fact, get arrested and the cars were towed, which in Arizona means some very hefty fines to reclaim them, assuming they're even able to.

Cop say? which Cops say? Two cars just suddenly appeared parked "sideways across the street"? huh? but " the problem wasn't the protesters so much"? where/who/how did those cars come from? wow.
The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."

The best thing about being a republican is being a perpetual victim. Oh us poor poor republicans.

Your ignorance is showing. The Democrat party is the party of victims. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

Victims of big oil, victims of big Pharma, victims of the rich, victims of men, victims of white people, victims of Fox news, victims of low paying employers, victims of smokers, victims of guns........

That's right, if we could eliminate victims and irresponsibility, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why Democrats seek to make more victims all the time. You know, the War on Women and so forth.
Republicans perpetually cry that they are victims of the unfair media, victims of these evil, organized protestors on the left, victims of Obama and his Nazi-Muslim government (make up your minds, guys), victims of gun-grabbers trying to steal their rights to kill.
Then they sit their fat, well-dressed asses in Washington and refuse to do their constitutional duty to advise the President on his Supreme Court nomination. It wouldn't be "fair" not to have a conservative majority on the Court. It's only fair if they win.
I'm beginning to hate Republicans. They are such whiners. You want to know why there is so much protest against Trump? The ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and the continual BS coming from the right. That's why protestors are infuriated. You don't like them protesting? Too fucking bad. I'm beginning to feel like throwing a rock or two myself.
I'm in a really crummy, immoderate mood today.

You're too old to be bleeding like that. Take your meds and settle down.

The right are not victims, the right points out injustices in our society and works to do something about them. It's the left that creates victims and then tells them they need big government to settle the score.

We don't want our Supreme Court to turn Commie on us, so we are doing something about it.

We know the media is mostly left-wing, so we did something about it. We took over talk radio and created a number one cable news network.

We don't want dictators taking our guns, so we elect people to make sure that doesn't happen and if anything, give law abiding citizens more rights to use our firearm.

As a "victim" of public school, you don't understand the difference between victimization pointing out flaws.

The center of this country is far to the left of where you are, so of course you're a chronic pants pisser over the fact that this country is never going to be the rightwing nuthouse you want it to be.

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