Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

To make it look like the KKK is protesting Adolf Trump. Why would you even ask such a stupid question?
The guy in the hood was trying to act like a Hitler kkk Trump. Get your head out of your ass.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
Look at the video. Anyway we know only democrats wear the hood.

Funny. Democrats "used" to wear the hood - until they all switched to the Republican Party. Learn some history.
KKK marched under the rebel flag
Now the Republicans fight for the flag
Nikki Haley did away with it. Try again. It was actually hollings a democrat that put it on our statehouse.
Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.

Yep, they're all in an uproar when some instigator gets punched, but they don't say a thing about people on their side who flagrantly break the law and obstruct Trump's freedom of speech. I never saw such a gang of hypocrites in my life.

Excuse me? Did you just agree with jknownothing that I'M a Democrat who thinks Baltimore and Ferguson were justified? Or were you in too much of a hurry to kneejerk out an insult to notice the conversation or who it was with?
My God you are fucking nuts with your postings. You have to be a liberal.

I'm not talking to you, fuckstain. Sit down and shut up until someone waves a Snausage over your nose. You're not Donald Trump, and no one's interested in you butting in and trying to shout people down.

Do you have that link to my "liberal posts"? No? Then you certainly do not have time to be slobbering any more bullshit accusations . . . unless this is your way of saying that you surrender and admit that you and your hero are both sniveling pussy boys. If that's the case, then I accept, not that it wasn't already patently obvious.
I wonder how the violence from Right wing protesters at Hillary Clinton political rallies are coming along.
So far not so good. They keep falling asleep.

Yeah, I would imagine so, because they have day time jobs. I tried to google protestors at Clinton rallies, and all I can come up with is Protestors at Trump rallies. Could it be that one side has more respect for the other's side to speak to their own base? imagine that.

Im pretty sure that if Conservative protestors were doing the same thing to Clinton there would be similar violence because RALLIES are just going to have a lot of emotion, and obviousy these protestors are bringing their's .

Its just that these dumb ass protestors dont realize, if you want to protest then you have to live with the consequences, you cant expect people to roll over for you lik ethey were your 5th grade home room teacher

I just heard, "People need to realize that we don't allow peaceful protesting in this country, and the price of speaking your mind is being beaten by thugs."

Funny, I used to live in America.
Funny but by how you blindly follow the liberal doctrine. If a republican would've showed up at a black panthers rally wearing a kkk hood and got the crap beat out of him. I could hear your silence on the matter.

Yeah, but that never happened...

Which part? Black panthers beating the shit out of Klan members, or me being a liberal?

Arguing used to be easier when it was against people like you, who AT LEAST had enough brain wattage to know which end of the political spectrum I'm on. The injection of these frothing Trumpette pinheads is like being airdropped into the dayroom at a mental asylum.
Lakhota has enough brain wattage to know which end of the political spectrum
you're on? She's one of the dumbest posters on this entire board.
I think all that tax payer liquor has ruined her brain.
Please don't expect me to take your side in a squabble between you and Cecilie. I'm not interested.
Don't expect you to.
Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.

What precisely is it that you think was won?
Branding is important. Trump is being branded as a leader that will bring disruption, division, possibly riots in the streets and a leader that can not control that which he is supposed to be in control of. The purpose of protest and street theater is to highlight a talking point or thought. The protester showed a symbolic Klan hood to highlight white supremacist support for Trump. Fair or not, that translates into Trump leading the racist trying to gain control of the Presidency.

He IS leading the white supremacists. They're not endorsing anyone else, are they? I don't see anyone objecting to branding the Democrats with connections to Black Lives Matter.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).

Its really not surprising to see these things happening. when you protest at a political rally, you can expect things to be emotionally charged, people Insult each other and thats what you get. This really has nothing to do with Trump one way or the other. You can see the same thing happen at a Raiders game.

I wonder how the violence from Right wing protesters at Hillary Clinton political rallies are coming along.

It's not happening because Republicans just don't go to Democrat political rallies. They generally aren't interested in confrontation.

Don't Democrats usually have their rallies on weekdays, when Republicans are at work?
Dear Mr Trump

If someone is wearing a shirt or carrying a sign that you don't agree with, a real American will just ignore it
If someone is disrupting your rally and not allowing you to speak...they should be escorted out
Beating the shit out of them is not an answer

Thank you

Funny but by how you blindly follow the liberal doctrine. If a republican would've showed up at a black panthers rally wearing a kkk hood and got the crap beat out of him. I could hear your silence on the matter.

Yeah, but that never happened...

Which part? Black panthers beating the shit out of Klan members, or me being a liberal?

Arguing used to be easier when it was against people like you, who AT LEAST had enough brain wattage to know which end of the political spectrum I'm on. The injection of these frothing Trumpette pinheads is like being airdropped into the dayroom at a mental asylum.
Lakhota has enough brain wattage to know which end of the political spectrum
you're on? She's one of the dumbest posters on this entire board.

Very true, but she DOES know which side of the aisle I'm on, which makes her smarter than jknownothing. Doesn't say much for him, does it?
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).
Trump reaps what he sows?
No asshole, the protesters come in looking for trouble then they cry like the little bitches they are when they get it.
If they didnt show up and act like assholes in the first place, there would be no issue, but they do, they come in and try to scream over Trump so the followers cant hear him, they push and shove, and then as soon as the get what they are asking for, they blame Trump.
You want to see fun? have those ignorant bastards try to block a road that I use to go home or anywhere else for that matter. I promise I will end up in jail, and no less than 15 to 20 of them will be peeled off the front of my truck and out of my tire treads.
If liberals want to figure out why they are so hated, they only have to look at how they act.
Protesters look to protest

Don't like it......remove them from the premises
Sucker punches and beatings are not your right in dealing with protest
Its not their right to restrict free travel.
Dont like it? remove them from my bumper.
I really dont give two shits for the lives of any of those assholes. To me they are nothing and not worthy of life to start with.
I cant stand Hillary, but I would never be involved with any protest to stop her from speaking, or to stop her supporters from hearing her, Why? because I am an American and I do support the constitution. And, I dont want my ass beat by the 30 supporters that she has show up to hear her.
They break the law...arrest them

Trump thuggery is not the answer
how about this. If they don't want an ass beating, then they should not go looking for it.
pretty simple I think.
I think the cameras should be turned off and those intent on disrupting be carried off never to be seen or heard of again.
They are eating away at the very core of what once made this country great. Don't like Trump? don't go to his rallies and don't vote for him. How hard is that to understand.
His supporters have rights too. The moment you disrupt and incite, you've infringed on their rights. If you wanna be respectful and listen, that's fine. But the moment you disrupt, it's no longer fine. The People attend to listen to the Candidate. They don't attend to listen to planted Democrat radicals. You don't like that, tough shit. Don't attend his rallies.
They did disrupt an event
The proper response is to escort them out...NOT beat them up

That is the way we have had political rallies for generations
Where you there, or are you talking out of your ass as usual?
Who needs to be there to see the protesters were not striking anyone? They were being escorted from the premises when they were attacked by Trump brown shirts
Did you know those two protesters had been
kicked out earlier for being disruptive and they got back in and were causing more disruptions with the Klan hoods?

It's all a scam. These wingnuts are paid and then planted in the rallies. Their sole purpose is to disrupt and incite. They're violating others' rights with their tactics. The radical wingnuts truly believe they're the only ones who have rights. They can put on their little shows, but then they'll be removed. The rights of all have to be respected.
If that is true, they are doing a great job

Go in there and show the country how violent Trump and his supporters are
"Adolf Trump's thugs are in for a rude awakening in November! Most Americans won't tolerate their shit."

"Native American Genocide

New Study Finds 67% Of Native Americans Find Redskins Name Offensive"

You mean law abiding Americans who have the right to vote will be harassed like the blacks during Civil Rights when they tried to vote Republican and the KKK crashed their party. Your democrat KKK is exposed.


Hillary-Clinton-and-Robert-Byrd-e1456869425191.jpg're just a guilt-mongering anti-American couch activist planting "white guilt propaganda" claiming to be sincere but have same attitude as the settlers dividing Americans and natives to not forgive and move forward in peace. Hypocrite!


Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).
Advice: If you don't like something. Don't make an ass of yourself attacking or hating on it. Then we all get along. If indeed you really WANT to get along.
They did disrupt an event
The proper response is to escort them out...NOT beat them up

That is the way we have had political rallies for generations
Where you there, or are you talking out of your ass as usual?
Who needs to be there to see the protesters were not striking anyone? They were being escorted from the premises when they were attacked by Trump brown shirts
Did you know those two protesters had been
kicked out earlier for being disruptive and they got back in and were causing more disruptions with the Klan hoods?

It's all a scam. These wingnuts are paid and then planted in the rallies. Their sole purpose is to disrupt and incite. They're violating others' rights with their tactics. The radical wingnuts truly believe they're the only ones who have rights. They can put on their little shows, but then they'll be removed. The rights of all have to be respected.
If that is true, they are doing a great job

Go in there and show the country how violent Trump and his supporters are

All those attending the rallies have rights. And that includes Donald Trump. The overwhelming amount of people attending, are there to hear the Candidate speak. So throw your little tantrums, and then GTFO.
I wonder how the violence from Right wing protesters at Hillary Clinton political rallies are coming along.
So far not so good. They keep falling asleep.

Yeah, I would imagine so, because they have day time jobs. I tried to google protestors at Clinton rallies, and all I can come up with is Protestors at Trump rallies. Could it be that one side has more respect for the other's side to speak to their own base? imagine that.

Im pretty sure that if Conservative protestors were doing the same thing to Clinton there would be similar violence because RALLIES are just going to have a lot of emotion, and obviousy these protestors are bringing their's .

Its just that these dumb ass protestors dont realize, if you want to protest then you have to live with the consequences, you cant expect people to roll over for you lik ethey were your 5th grade home room teacher

I just heard, "People need to realize that we don't allow peaceful protesting in this country, and the price of speaking your mind is being beaten by thugs."

Funny, I used to live in America.

Peaceful protesting is not getting in peoples faces, cussing in front of their kids, spitting at them, when those people came to see someone speak. This is more what its about than anything Trump had to say. Thousands of people there but there were only a few of these incidents. I would say the vast majority of people there were using restraint. It could be that these peaceful protesters are Damn rude and expect others to cower. They are basically taking away someone elses right to assemble and listen to someone speak. Why? are people doing this at Hillary ralleys? No. because they have respect. what you see from these protesters is a failure in education and basic common courtesy. If I get in your face at your rally shouting at you so you cant hear, I would expect someone to have enough at some point and slug me. Its just human nature, I cant get why the leftists feel so entitled to get in someones space, again, thats not peaceful protest, its insulting and imposing your will

VIDEO: BLACK COP Shocked by 'Evil' Behavior of Trump Protesters; Praises Restraint of Trump, Tucson Supporters - The Gateway Pundit

and the other thing is, if Hillary had any confidence in her campaign and any decency, (if she was really concerned about people getting hurt) she would be asking these protestors to stand down and let the opposition party speak. But shes not. you know why? because she loves this shit.
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I wonder how the violence from Right wing protesters at Hillary Clinton political rallies are coming along.
So far not so good. They keep falling asleep.

Yeah, I would imagine so, because they have day time jobs. I tried to google protestors at Clinton rallies, and all I can come up with is Protestors at Trump rallies. Could it be that one side has more respect for the other's side to speak to their own base? imagine that.

Im pretty sure that if Conservative protestors were doing the same thing to Clinton there would be similar violence because RALLIES are just going to have a lot of emotion, and obviousy these protestors are bringing their's .

Its just that these dumb ass protestors dont realize, if you want to protest then you have to live with the consequences, you cant expect people to roll over for you lik ethey were your 5th grade home room teacher

I just heard, "People need to realize that we don't allow peaceful protesting in this country, and the price of speaking your mind is being beaten by thugs."

Funny, I used to live in America.

Peaceful protesting is not getting in peoples faces, cussing in front of their kids, spitting at them, when those people came to see someone speak. This is more what its about than anything Trump had to say. Thousands of people there but there were only a few of these incidents. I would say the vast majority of people there were using restraint. It could be that these peaceful protesters are Damn rude and expect others to cower. They are basically taking away someone elses right to assemble and listen to someone speak. Why? are people doing this at Hillary ralleys? No. because they have respect. what you see from these protesters is a failure in education and basic common courtesy. If I get in your face at your rally shouting at you so you cant hear, I would expect someone to have enough at some point and slug me. Its just human nature, I cant get why the leftists feel so entitled to get in someones space, again, thats not peaceful protest, its insulting and imposing your will

VIDEO: BLACK COP Shocked by 'Evil' Behavior of Trump Protesters; Praises Restraint of Trump, Tucson Supporters - The Gateway Pundit

Spot On. Nuff said. :clap:

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