Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.

What precisely is it that you think was won?
Branding is important. Trump is being branded as a leader that will bring disruption, division, possibly riots in the streets and a leader that can not control that which he is supposed to be in control of. The purpose of protest and street theater is to highlight a talking point or thought. The protester showed a symbolic Klan hood to highlight white supremacist support for Trump. Fair or not, that translates into Trump leading the racist trying to gain control of the Presidency.

And who precisely do you think he is being branded to or for?
The vast majority of voters, especially those who pay little attention to politics until just before the election.

That isn't how it's going to play out. In fact, those consequences will be felt for a very long time.
Adolf Trump's thugs are in for a rude awakening in November! Most Americans won't tolerate their shit.
screw you Tonto, if you had half the white mans brain you would see this for what it really was. Put down the bottle and step away from the fire water.
"They showed up and said things we don't like! They DESERVED physical violence!"

Do you hear yourself? Are you proud of defending assault?

They do deserve to get escorted to the door. The punch was uncalled for but understandable.

Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.

Typical thug mentality that they can block the flow of traffic on a public road. It's a good way to get yourself run over as someone should if they prevent someone from exercising their rights.
If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.

Yep, they're all in an uproar when some instigator gets punched, but they don't say a thing about people on their side who flagrantly break the law and obstruct Trump's freedom of speech. I never saw such a gang of hypocrites in my life.

Excuse me? Did you just agree with jknownothing that I'M a Democrat who thinks Baltimore and Ferguson were justified? Or were you in too much of a hurry to kneejerk out an insult to notice the conversation or who it was with?
My God you are fucking nuts with your postings. You have to be a liberal.

I'm not talking to you, fuckstain. Sit down and shut up until someone waves a Snausage over your nose. You're not Donald Trump, and no one's interested in you butting in and trying to shout people down.

Do you have that link to my "liberal posts"? No? Then you certainly do not have time to be slobbering any more bullshit accusations . . . unless this is your way of saying that you surrender and admit that you and your hero are both sniveling pussy boys. If that's the case, then I accept, not that it wasn't already patently obvious.
Lol, you're an idiot.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he incites.

The Leftists are freaking so much, this might be because if The Donald gets elected they're afraid they'll be forced to get a job.

I'm sure many Leftists obviously already have jobs, but these protesters aka Professional Agitators appear not to have a regular job as Agitation and Activism seems to have replaced a regular job.

Oh yeah, Entitlement Moochers are scared to death. Their Gravy Train might be about to derail. :)

The moochers are those who want more tax cuts for the Rich.

How does that make them "moochers?" Whose money are they taking?

The Rich won't pay for the government they're being given, and they're are the ones profiting most from it.
The Rich?

You mean, Hillary and Obama?

I saw a woman wearing a pillow case with her fists in the air.....and some black guy starts beating someone comes the pillow case.....

I guess she didn't want an ass-whipping as well.
To make it look like the KKK is protesting Adolf Trump. Why would you even ask such a stupid question?
The guy in the hood was trying to act like a Hitler kkk Trump. Get your head out of your ass.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
Look at the video. Anyway we know only democrats wear the hood.

Funny. Democrats "used" to wear the hood - until they all switched to the Republican Party. Learn some history.
KKK marched under the rebel flag
Now the Republicans fight for the flag
Only in your twisted mind.
Trump’s campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.

Violence erupted at yet another Donald Trump rally Saturday when a protester was hit and kicked by a Trump supporter and Trump’s campaign manager was seen yanking the collar of a demonstrator on video.

The incidents add to the list of violent episodes that have followed Trump’s increasingly hostile and divisive campaign.

Video posted by NBC News’ Frank Thorp V shows security personnel escorting a protester out of the Tucson Convention Center, after which a black man is seen grabbing the person and unleashing a series of punches and kicks that send the protester to the ground.

More w/Videos: Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally

Violence at Trump rallies is getting out of hand. Trump reaps what he sows (incites).
Trump reaps what he sows?
No asshole, the protesters come in looking for trouble then they cry like the little bitches they are when they get it.
If they didnt show up and act like assholes in the first place, there would be no issue, but they do, they come in and try to scream over Trump so the followers cant hear him, they push and shove, and then as soon as the get what they are asking for, they blame Trump.
You want to see fun? have those ignorant bastards try to block a road that I use to go home or anywhere else for that matter. I promise I will end up in jail, and no less than 15 to 20 of them will be peeled off the front of my truck and out of my tire treads.
If liberals want to figure out why they are so hated, they only have to look at how they act.
Protesters look to protest

Don't like it......remove them from the premises
Sucker punches and beatings are not your right in dealing with protest
Go to an event and try it. Try picking a fight at a rally.
See it everyone will respect your right to protest.
The guy in the hood was trying to act like a Hitler kkk Trump. Get your head out of your ass.

Really? Where's your "credible" proof?
Look at the video. Anyway we know only democrats wear the hood.

Funny. Democrats "used" to wear the hood - until they all switched to the Republican Party. Learn some history.
KKK marched under the rebel flag
Now the Republicans fight for the flag
Nikki Haley did away with it. Try again. It was actually hollings a democrat that put it on our statehouse.
Liberals need to cultivate a false narrative that the GOP is filled with racists.
This is designed to keep blacks and Hispanics voting Democrat.
Nevermind the fact that Democrats can be just as racist as the people they call racists.
Many times, Democrats commit hate crimes based on race, and the left either blames it on the GOP or they ignore it when it's a Hispanic or a black who does it.

If Democrats didn't have their lies they would be history.
They do deserve to get escorted to the door. The punch was uncalled for but understandable.

Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.

Typical thug mentality that they can block the flow of traffic on a public road. It's a good way to get yourself run over as someone should if they prevent someone from exercising their rights.

If any demonstrator ever lays down in front of my car, it'll be the last car he'll ever lay down in front of. ~ George Wallace
Understandable? Please explain what's understandable about "You're being escorted out by the cops. I must knock you down and kick you"?

If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.

Typical thug mentality that they can block the flow of traffic on a public road. It's a good way to get yourself run over as someone should if they prevent someone from exercising their rights.

If any demonstrator ever lays down in front of my car, it'll be the last car he'll ever lay down in front of. ~ George Wallace

What's the problem? Are you saying someone has the right to inhibit my ability to travel by protesting? Good luck with that.
If Dims believe Baltimore and Ferguson are justified, then they have no leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about this.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.

Typical thug mentality that they can block the flow of traffic on a public road. It's a good way to get yourself run over as someone should if they prevent someone from exercising their rights.

If any demonstrator ever lays down in front of my car, it'll be the last car he'll ever lay down in front of. ~ George Wallace

What's the problem? Are you saying someone has the right to inhibit my ability to travel by protesting? Good luck with that.

I'm not the one that would need "luck" were you to run over someone protesting in the street.

George Wallace/Donald and the same.
And the silence from the liberals on here about those feral liberals blocking the highway.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.

Typical thug mentality that they can block the flow of traffic on a public road. It's a good way to get yourself run over as someone should if they prevent someone from exercising their rights.

If any demonstrator ever lays down in front of my car, it'll be the last car he'll ever lay down in front of. ~ George Wallace

What's the problem? Are you saying someone has the right to inhibit my ability to travel by protesting? Good luck with that.

I'm not the one that would need "luck" were you to run over someone protesting in the street.

George Wallace/Donald and the same.

The idiot blocking my way would. Guess you do believe someone has the right to inhibit my travel. Typical Liberal. Doubt you would say the same if it were a bunch of Bernie or Hillary protesters.
At least two threads on it all day yesterday. Routine civil disobedience protest of blocking traffic to get attention. It works, that's why it was used in the civil rights and anti-war protest as far back as the early sixties. Two cars towed away and two people arrested. The rally was held and Trump gave his speech or whatever.
Get used to this kind of thing. Protesters win, Trump and his supporters lose. Trumpism is being branded.

Typical thug mentality that they can block the flow of traffic on a public road. It's a good way to get yourself run over as someone should if they prevent someone from exercising their rights.

If any demonstrator ever lays down in front of my car, it'll be the last car he'll ever lay down in front of. ~ George Wallace

What's the problem? Are you saying someone has the right to inhibit my ability to travel by protesting? Good luck with that.

I'm not the one that would need "luck" were you to run over someone protesting in the street.

George Wallace/Donald and the same.

The idiot blocking my way would. Guess you do believe someone has the right to inhibit my travel. Typical Liberal. Doubt you would say the same if it were a bunch of Bernie or Hillary protesters.

Prison would suit you.
Typical thug mentality that they can block the flow of traffic on a public road. It's a good way to get yourself run over as someone should if they prevent someone from exercising their rights.

If any demonstrator ever lays down in front of my car, it'll be the last car he'll ever lay down in front of. ~ George Wallace

What's the problem? Are you saying someone has the right to inhibit my ability to travel by protesting? Good luck with that.

I'm not the one that would need "luck" were you to run over someone protesting in the street.

George Wallace/Donald and the same.

The idiot blocking my way would. Guess you do believe someone has the right to inhibit my travel. Typical Liberal. Doubt you would say the same if it were a bunch of Bernie or Hillary protesters.

Prison would suit you.

So sad you believe someone has the right to inhibit my right to freely travel. Typical Liberal.
If any demonstrator ever lays down in front of my car, it'll be the last car he'll ever lay down in front of. ~ George Wallace

What's the problem? Are you saying someone has the right to inhibit my ability to travel by protesting? Good luck with that.

I'm not the one that would need "luck" were you to run over someone protesting in the street.

George Wallace/Donald and the same.

The idiot blocking my way would. Guess you do believe someone has the right to inhibit my travel. Typical Liberal. Doubt you would say the same if it were a bunch of Bernie or Hillary protesters.

Prison would suit you.

So sad you believe someone has the right to inhibit my right to freely travel. Typical Liberal.

It's so sad that you think that's what I'm saying.

I'll type slow so you don't have the right to kill someone who is "inhibiting your right to freely travel".
Where you there, or are you talking out of your ass as usual?
Who needs to be there to see the protesters were not striking anyone? They were being escorted from the premises when they were attacked by Trump brown shirts
Did you know those two protesters had been
kicked out earlier for being disruptive and they got back in and were causing more disruptions with the Klan hoods?

It's all a scam. These wingnuts are paid and then planted in the rallies. Their sole purpose is to disrupt and incite. They're violating others' rights with their tactics. The radical wingnuts truly believe they're the only ones who have rights. They can put on their little shows, but then they'll be removed. The rights of all have to be respected.
If that is true, they are doing a great job

Go in there and show the country how violent Trump and his supporters are

All those attending the rallies have rights. And that includes Donald Trump. The overwhelming amount of people attending, are there to hear the Candidate speak. So throw your little tantrums, and then GTFO.

Very true

The candidate from either party has a right to speak and be heard
Those who disrupt the rally should be escorted out and arrested for disturbing the peace

However, beating up those who voice opposing views only confirms what they are saying about Trump
The black guy in the video was spit on by the protestor. thats why he beat his sorry ass. Just saw it on the news and will link when I can.
What's the problem? Are you saying someone has the right to inhibit my ability to travel by protesting? Good luck with that.

I'm not the one that would need "luck" were you to run over someone protesting in the street.

George Wallace/Donald and the same.

The idiot blocking my way would. Guess you do believe someone has the right to inhibit my travel. Typical Liberal. Doubt you would say the same if it were a bunch of Bernie or Hillary protesters.

Prison would suit you.

So sad you believe someone has the right to inhibit my right to freely travel. Typical Liberal.

It's so sad that you think that's what I'm saying.

I'll type slow so you don't have the right to kill someone who is "inhibiting your right to freely travel".

Someone protesting doesn't have a right to inhibit my free travel. Are you saying I should let them inhibit me? What are you suggesting I do?
The Leftists are freaking so much, this might be because if The Donald gets elected they're afraid they'll be forced to get a job.

I'm sure many Leftists obviously already have jobs, but these protesters aka Professional Agitators appear not to have a regular job as Agitation and Activism seems to have replaced a regular job.

Oh yeah, Entitlement Moochers are scared to death. Their Gravy Train might be about to derail. :)

The moochers are those who want more tax cuts for the Rich.

How does that make them "moochers?" Whose money are they taking?

The Rich won't pay for the government they're being given, and they're are the ones profiting most from it.
The Rich?

You mean, Hillary and Obama?

Obama raised the top rate on income taxes.

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