Anti-Trumpers at the CDC trying to hurt President Trump, letting innocent Americans get hurt and killed.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party members at the CDC are willing to hurt and kill Americans just to get at President Trump.....

The latest blunder, and possibly the final straw is the discovery that CDC has been lumping positive tests for Wuhan virus and antibodies into one number:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several state health departments have been reporting COVID-19 diagnostic tests and antibody tests as one grand tally, rather than keeping their results separate, The Atlantic reported.
Reporting these numbers as a lump sum, rather than two distinct data points, presents several major issues.
Namely, combining the numbers could make America’s diagnostic testing capabilities and testing rates appear higher than they actually are, according to The Atlantic. And as the tests serve profoundly different purposes, “positive” results from either test cannot be interpreted in the same way. Reporting all the positive results together, as one number, could skew our understanding of how many new COVID-19 cases emerge over time -- a crucial metric to help control outbreaks as states begin reopening.
When told how the CDC chose to lump the results of both tests together, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute Ashish Jha told The Atlantic, “You’ve got to be kidding me… How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess.”
Exactly so. But if you were trying to create a narrative of an out-of-control pandemic, one that was possibly deadly, what better way do that than include the results of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who have had Wuhan and likely didn’t even know they’d ever been infected into the current count of active cases? Alternatively, you could just be a f***ing idiot.
Maybe it wasn’t just incompetence. Red State quotes Tracy Beanz:

A senior administration official who spoke to UncoverDC expressed serious concern about politicization at the CDC, saying “We have scientists who are working against the release of diagnostics that will help heal the American people, and we in the administration are concerned they will do the same thing with a vaccine.
CDC has been doing studies and presenting analysis that is designed to hurt the President.

They are laying out junk science, that is designed to discredit the President, and they are putting out reports that are designed to frighten the American people. They are leaking, they are talking to the media, and removing data from the website and doing whatever it takes to interrupt the President’s coronavirus response.”

When the pandemic began, the CDC was using an antiquated system to track infectious disease. The official we spoke to told this reporter that the CDC was hesitant to upgrade their systems, and when the Trump Administration made the decision to move data collection from the CDC to HHS, the CDC removed all hospitalization data from their website indiscriminately, and not at the direction of HHS or anyone else, as has been insinuated elsewhere. The official told us “CDC had all of the data and didn’t put it up, because they were mad. CDC has been ordered to continue providing the data; as an operating division of HHS, they must comply. Now, everyone is operating from the same database, in real time and complete.”

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American Thinker

Has this Media Source failed a fact check?LET US KNOW HERE.

American Thinker - Questionable Source - Extreme Right Bias - Conservative - Republican - Fake News - Not Credible
Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources and several failed fact checks.
Detailed Report
Reasoning: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Ownership Transparency
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 48/180
American Thinker - Media Bias/Fact Check
The democrat party members at the CDC are willing to hurt and kill Americans just to get at President Trump.....

The latest blunder, and possibly the final straw is the discovery that CDC has been lumping positive tests for Wuhan virus and antibodies into one number:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several state health departments have been reporting COVID-19 diagnostic tests and antibody tests as one grand tally, rather than keeping their results separate, The Atlantic reported.
Reporting these numbers as a lump sum, rather than two distinct data points, presents several major issues.
Namely, combining the numbers could make America’s diagnostic testing capabilities and testing rates appear higher than they actually are, according to The Atlantic. And as the tests serve profoundly different purposes, “positive” results from either test cannot be interpreted in the same way. Reporting all the positive results together, as one number, could skew our understanding of how many new COVID-19 cases emerge over time -- a crucial metric to help control outbreaks as states begin reopening.
When told how the CDC chose to lump the results of both tests together, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute Ashish Jha told The Atlantic, “You’ve got to be kidding me… How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess.”
Exactly so. But if you were trying to create a narrative of an out-of-control pandemic, one that was possibly deadly, what better way do that than include the results of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who have had Wuhan and likely didn’t even know they’d ever been infected into the current count of active cases? Alternatively, you could just be a f***ing idiot.
Maybe it wasn’t just incompetence. Red State quotes Tracy Beanz:

A senior administration official who spoke to UncoverDC expressed serious concern about politicization at the CDC, saying “We have scientists who are working against the release of diagnostics that will help heal the American people, and we in the administration are concerned they will do the same thing with a vaccine.
CDC has been doing studies and presenting analysis that is designed to hurt the President.

They are laying out junk science, that is designed to discredit the President, and they are putting out reports that are designed to frighten the American people. They are leaking, they are talking to the media, and removing data from the website and doing whatever it takes to interrupt the President’s coronavirus response.”

When the pandemic began, the CDC was using an antiquated system to track infectious disease. The official we spoke to told this reporter that the CDC was hesitant to upgrade their systems, and when the Trump Administration made the decision to move data collection from the CDC to HHS, the CDC removed all hospitalization data from their website indiscriminately, and not at the direction of HHS or anyone else, as has been insinuated elsewhere. The official told us “CDC had all of the data and didn’t put it up, because they were mad. CDC has been ordered to continue providing the data; as an operating division of HHS, they must comply. Now, everyone is operating from the same database, in real time and complete.”

Again, you cherry pick. This accusation is from May. They've already corrected it. That is the real reason the Trump administration is now funneling these numbers through the White House instead of the CDC. They're gonna cook the books. Despicable.
Uh, Dick Tiny, 142,000 dead. The CDC doesn't have to make Trump look bad, he's doing a bangup job by himself.

He didn't kill them, you moron.....cuomo did a good job at killing over 5,000 senior citizens.
Uh, Dick Tiny, 142,000 dead. The CDC doesn't have to make Trump look bad, he's doing a bangup job by himself.

He didn't kill them, you moron.....cuomo did a good job at killing over 5,000 senior citizens.

But his inaction, denial, deflecting, and general incompetence did. Like it or not, the buck stops at his desk.
He thought his time was better spent golfing, campaigning, and tweeting.
He didn't kill them, you moron.....cuomo did a good job at killing over 5,000 senior citizens.

yet Cuomo is considered a hero for his handling of this Crisis, Trump, not so much.

Anyone who thinks Cuomo is a fucking hero as a goddamn idiot who needs to be fucking shot for being so fucking stupid.

This is all a political line of horseshit and communist fuck.

Anyone who thinks Cuomo is a fucking hero as a goddamn idiot who needs to be fucking shot for being so fucking stupid.

This is all a political line of horseshit and communist fuck.

Cuomo took this seriously and took action that saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

Trump called it a hoax and told people to drink bleach.

He didn't kill them, you moron.....cuomo did a good job at killing over 5,000 senior citizens.

yet Cuomo is considered a hero for his handling of this Crisis, Trump, not so much.

Anyone who thinks Cuomo is a fucking hero as a goddamn idiot who needs to be fucking shot for being so fucking stupid.

This is all a political line of horseshit and communist fuck.

Cuomo acted when he had to. That saved lives. The same thing other governors, mayors, and business leaders had to do. Trump wanted to hold his pep rallies and golf. Again, he has no interest in being President of the United States.
You can whack Cuomo around for the nursing home debacle, however, he was following state and federal guidelines laid down. I believe he's admitted as much. But in the end, I see the infection rates and deaths in NY going downward
each day. Unlike states like Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Oklahoma. All governors who owe their seats, and their allegiance to DJT.
The democrat party members at the CDC are willing to hurt and kill Americans just to get at President Trump.....

The latest blunder, and possibly the final straw is the discovery that CDC has been lumping positive tests for Wuhan virus and antibodies into one number:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several state health departments have been reporting COVID-19 diagnostic tests and antibody tests as one grand tally, rather than keeping their results separate, The Atlantic reported.
Reporting these numbers as a lump sum, rather than two distinct data points, presents several major issues.
Namely, combining the numbers could make America’s diagnostic testing capabilities and testing rates appear higher than they actually are, according to The Atlantic. And as the tests serve profoundly different purposes, “positive” results from either test cannot be interpreted in the same way. Reporting all the positive results together, as one number, could skew our understanding of how many new COVID-19 cases emerge over time -- a crucial metric to help control outbreaks as states begin reopening.
When told how the CDC chose to lump the results of both tests together, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute Ashish Jha told The Atlantic, “You’ve got to be kidding me… How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess.”
Exactly so. But if you were trying to create a narrative of an out-of-control pandemic, one that was possibly deadly, what better way do that than include the results of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who have had Wuhan and likely didn’t even know they’d ever been infected into the current count of active cases? Alternatively, you could just be a f***ing idiot.
Maybe it wasn’t just incompetence. Red State quotes Tracy Beanz:

A senior administration official who spoke to UncoverDC expressed serious concern about politicization at the CDC, saying “We have scientists who are working against the release of diagnostics that will help heal the American people, and we in the administration are concerned they will do the same thing with a vaccine.
CDC has been doing studies and presenting analysis that is designed to hurt the President.

They are laying out junk science, that is designed to discredit the President, and they are putting out reports that are designed to frighten the American people. They are leaking, they are talking to the media, and removing data from the website and doing whatever it takes to interrupt the President’s coronavirus response.”

When the pandemic began, the CDC was using an antiquated system to track infectious disease. The official we spoke to told this reporter that the CDC was hesitant to upgrade their systems, and when the Trump Administration made the decision to move data collection from the CDC to HHS, the CDC removed all hospitalization data from their website indiscriminately, and not at the direction of HHS or anyone else, as has been insinuated elsewhere. The official told us “CDC had all of the data and didn’t put it up, because they were mad. CDC has been ordered to continue providing the data; as an operating division of HHS, they must comply. Now, everyone is operating from the same database, in real time and complete.”

Trump supporters are the ones trying to politicize the CDC. Another crazy batshit conspiracy theory. Anything to coverf up Trump's incompetence. I suppose every state health department is conspiring as well. That is where these figures are coming from.
American Thinker

Has this Media Source failed a fact check?LET US KNOW HERE.

American Thinker - Questionable Source - Extreme Right Bias - Conservative - Republican - Fake News - Not Credible
Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources and several failed fact checks.
Detailed Report
Reasoning: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Ownership Transparency
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 48/180
American Thinker - Media Bias/Fact Check

The American Thinker was once a credible source but like other parts of the conservative media they sold out to Trump. They are now a unreliable source.
The democrat party members at the CDC are willing to hurt and kill Americans just to get at President Trump.....

The latest blunder, and possibly the final straw is the discovery that CDC has been lumping positive tests for Wuhan virus and antibodies into one number:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several state health departments have been reporting COVID-19 diagnostic tests and antibody tests as one grand tally, rather than keeping their results separate, The Atlantic reported.
Reporting these numbers as a lump sum, rather than two distinct data points, presents several major issues.
Namely, combining the numbers could make America’s diagnostic testing capabilities and testing rates appear higher than they actually are, according to The Atlantic. And as the tests serve profoundly different purposes, “positive” results from either test cannot be interpreted in the same way. Reporting all the positive results together, as one number, could skew our understanding of how many new COVID-19 cases emerge over time -- a crucial metric to help control outbreaks as states begin reopening.
When told how the CDC chose to lump the results of both tests together, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute Ashish Jha told The Atlantic, “You’ve got to be kidding me… How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess.”
Exactly so. But if you were trying to create a narrative of an out-of-control pandemic, one that was possibly deadly, what better way do that than include the results of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who have had Wuhan and likely didn’t even know they’d ever been infected into the current count of active cases? Alternatively, you could just be a f***ing idiot.
Maybe it wasn’t just incompetence. Red State quotes Tracy Beanz:

A senior administration official who spoke to UncoverDC expressed serious concern about politicization at the CDC, saying “We have scientists who are working against the release of diagnostics that will help heal the American people, and we in the administration are concerned they will do the same thing with a vaccine.
CDC has been doing studies and presenting analysis that is designed to hurt the President.

They are laying out junk science, that is designed to discredit the President, and they are putting out reports that are designed to frighten the American people. They are leaking, they are talking to the media, and removing data from the website and doing whatever it takes to interrupt the President’s coronavirus response.”

When the pandemic began, the CDC was using an antiquated system to track infectious disease. The official we spoke to told this reporter that the CDC was hesitant to upgrade their systems, and when the Trump Administration made the decision to move data collection from the CDC to HHS, the CDC removed all hospitalization data from their website indiscriminately, and not at the direction of HHS or anyone else, as has been insinuated elsewhere. The official told us “CDC had all of the data and didn’t put it up, because they were mad. CDC has been ordered to continue providing the data; as an operating division of HHS, they must comply. Now, everyone is operating from the same database, in real time and complete.”

The democRats started a civil war when they tried to over throw a setting president almost 4 years ago. It's just the shooting hasn't started yet. How much longer will we let these tyrants and their no IQed voting base skate? Just let me know.
The democrat party members at the CDC are willing to hurt and kill Americans just to get at President Trump.....

The latest blunder, and possibly the final straw is the discovery that CDC has been lumping positive tests for Wuhan virus and antibodies into one number:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several state health departments have been reporting COVID-19 diagnostic tests and antibody tests as one grand tally, rather than keeping their results separate, The Atlantic reported.
Reporting these numbers as a lump sum, rather than two distinct data points, presents several major issues.
Namely, combining the numbers could make America’s diagnostic testing capabilities and testing rates appear higher than they actually are, according to The Atlantic. And as the tests serve profoundly different purposes, “positive” results from either test cannot be interpreted in the same way. Reporting all the positive results together, as one number, could skew our understanding of how many new COVID-19 cases emerge over time -- a crucial metric to help control outbreaks as states begin reopening.
When told how the CDC chose to lump the results of both tests together, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute Ashish Jha told The Atlantic, “You’ve got to be kidding me… How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess.”
Exactly so. But if you were trying to create a narrative of an out-of-control pandemic, one that was possibly deadly, what better way do that than include the results of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who have had Wuhan and likely didn’t even know they’d ever been infected into the current count of active cases? Alternatively, you could just be a f***ing idiot.
Maybe it wasn’t just incompetence. Red State quotes Tracy Beanz:

A senior administration official who spoke to UncoverDC expressed serious concern about politicization at the CDC, saying “We have scientists who are working against the release of diagnostics that will help heal the American people, and we in the administration are concerned they will do the same thing with a vaccine.
CDC has been doing studies and presenting analysis that is designed to hurt the President.

They are laying out junk science, that is designed to discredit the President, and they are putting out reports that are designed to frighten the American people. They are leaking, they are talking to the media, and removing data from the website and doing whatever it takes to interrupt the President’s coronavirus response.”

When the pandemic began, the CDC was using an antiquated system to track infectious disease. The official we spoke to told this reporter that the CDC was hesitant to upgrade their systems, and when the Trump Administration made the decision to move data collection from the CDC to HHS, the CDC removed all hospitalization data from their website indiscriminately, and not at the direction of HHS or anyone else, as has been insinuated elsewhere. The official told us “CDC had all of the data and didn’t put it up, because they were mad. CDC has been ordered to continue providing the data; as an operating division of HHS, they must comply. Now, everyone is operating from the same database, in real time and complete.”

Naturally it's from American Thinker. They are always peddling vicious lies.
Again, you cherry pick. This accusation is from May. They've already corrected it. That is the real reason the Trump administration is now funneling these numbers through the White House instead of the CDC. They're gonna cook the books. Despicable.

Trump Christians have no principles.

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