Anti Vax/Anti Mask? - It's A-OK With Me!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
"Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re stupid!"

This quote, attributed to John Wayne, first appeared in the 1971 novel “The Friends of Eddie Coyle” by George V. Higgins.

To all you (less than) brilliant folks want to turn this pandemic into your personal little political statement, I say go for it! It's unfortunate that many of you will get sick, and some will die. It's also unfortunate that you'll be the cause of others to do the same. Those that get their shots and mask up will stay far healthier, than those that don't. So, by all means...exercise your God given red white and blue freedom to put your health at risk. Nature has a way of weeding out the old, the frail, and yes - - the stupid! :bye1:
"Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re stupid!"

This quote, attributed to John Wayne, first appeared in the 1971 novel “The Friends of Eddie Coyle” by George V. Higgins.

To all you (less than) brilliant folks want to turn this pandemic into your personal little political statement, I say go for it! It's unfortunate that many of you will get sick, and some will die. It's also unfortunate that you'll be the cause of others to do the same. Those that get their shots and mask up will stay far healthier, than those that don't. So, by all means...exercise your God given red white and blue freedom to put your health at risk. Nature has a way of weeding out the old, the frail, and yes - - the stupid! :bye1:

The vaccine isn't natural, so what does that make folks who die from it?

It's pretty arrogant and stupid to think anyone has the right to weigh the risks of a low lethality virus or potential side effects of the vaccine for someone else.
Its for genocide. Everyone just needs to wake up, listen up. step up to demand it be stopped immediately and let these genocide pushers go kill themselves with their damn jab.
Its for genocide. Everyone just needs to wake up, listen up. step up to demand it be stopped immediately and let these genocide pushers go kill themselves with their damn jab.
I know God gave you antibodies for covid. :abgg2q.jpg:
"Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re stupid!"

This quote, attributed to John Wayne, first appeared in the 1971 novel “The Friends of Eddie Coyle” by George V. Higgins.

To all you (less than) brilliant folks want to turn this pandemic into your personal little political statement, I say go for it! It's unfortunate that many of you will get sick, and some will die. It's also unfortunate that you'll be the cause of others to do the same. Those that get their shots and mask up will stay far healthier, than those that don't. So, by all means...exercise your God given red white and blue freedom to put your health at risk. Nature has a way of weeding out the old, the frail, and yes - - the stupid! :bye1:

Pfizer already down to 39% effectiveness against transmission for Delta. So....yeah
Someone gave my wife COVID antibodies, as of last week. Note that she never actually had any symptoms at all.
Lucky her, but god (no god) didn't give that to her. Did she give it to you, did she have a test to prove she had antibodies to it?
Someone gave my wife COVID antibodies, as of last week. Note that she never actually had any symptoms at all.
Ignore Penelope as she would rather try to make that statement about me instead of addressing the outright plain right in your face genocide going down. A lot of them will try to make it personal against the witnesses willing to call it for what it is, "genocide" and totally ignore the destruction of it all.


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