Anti-Wall, Anti-Ban protesters form wall and ban reporter


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Hypocrite liberals love walls when they approve of them
Anti-Wall, Anti-Ban Protesters Form Wall & Ban Reporter
Anti-Trump protesters chant “no wall” while they block people with a human wall.


Yep this is the typical left moronic behavior they are KING of HYPOCRITES...............QUEENS TOO.
Fkn morons don't even realize what not having a wall even means gawd damn your stupidity is pathetic.
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Granny says make it a toll wall an' make dem Hispexicans pay a toll to pay fer it when dey come in...

Growing signs of trouble for Trump’s border wall
3/09/17 - Illegal crossings are down. Trump’s budget chief suggests the project is hardly underway. And powerful Republicans are voicing reservations.
President Donald Trump’s plan for a border wall is showing more cracks. Trump is claiming that the ambitious — and hugely controversial — construction plan is “way, way, way ahead of schedule,” but in reality, there is growing evidence that Trump's central campaign pledge is in political peril. Illegal crossings are down at the U.S.-Mexico border, removing some of the justification for erecting the wall as soon as possible. Trump’s budget chief says the administration still doesn’t know what the wall will be made out of. Trump's executive order directing federal agencies to identify cost savings to fund the wall sparked a diplomatic crisis with Mexico's president during his first week in office, but so far found only $20 million in existing funds to finance what is likely a $20 billion-plus project. Now, his administration is floating controversial cuts to the Transportation Safety Administration and the Coast Guard to fund the wall's construction.

As the issues mount, several prominent Republicans are making their concerns more explicit. Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner, who chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee, told constituents during a telephone town hall Wednesday that “billions of dollars on a wall is not the right way to proceed” to secure the border, according to audio obtained by POLITICO on Thursday. “I don’t support a tariff to pay for any kind of wall.” Although Gardner framed his position in the language of a fiscal conservative, his concerns are also those of a lawmaker who will face reelection in 2020 in a state where Hispanics already account for 21 percent of the population. "We shouldn't just build a wall and add billions of dollars because that's what somebody said should be done," Gardner said.

As he begins to engage in real policymaking with a fractious GOP caucus, Trump appears driven by a desire to follow through on the campaign promises he made to his own base of supporters and a belief that his bully pulpit will be enough to keep recalcitrant Republicans in line behind him. The White House — which is primarily focused now on repealing and replacing Obamacare, a more immediate and similarly perilous legislative priority — insists that wall is definitely going up. The obvious discord, much like the current intraparty battle over health care reform, will eventually serve as another stress test of the GOP's coalition government — revealing whether traditional and Trump-styled conservatives can actually govern in tandem with an unpredictable president often indifferent to policy details but determined to win every fight.


See also:

Ay caramba! McConnell says Mexico won’t pay for border wall
Thursday, March 9, 2017 - The top Republican in the Senate said Thursday that Mexico won’t end up paying for President Trump’s border wall. “Uh, no,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said flatly when asked at a briefing hosted by Politico. He said a wall across the entire 1,950-mile border may not be needed, though he trusts Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly to get it right.
Congress is poised to begin debating the first installment of money for the wall. While Mr. Trump repeatedly said during the presidential campaign that Mexico would foot the bill, he now says American taxpayers will have to fund it at first and then he will find ways to recuperate the costs from Mexico. Mr. Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, said last week that estimates run from $8 million to $25 million a mile, depending on the terrain and type of wall. But he did indicate that their goal is still a barrier of some sort along the entire border. “I’ve got, I don’t know, six or seven different papers on my desk. I’ve got one that goes, starts at $8 million per mile. It goes up to about $25 million per mile. So again, it just depends on, when you’re talking about across 2,000 miles or so, what you decide to build in what areas,” he said in an interview on the “Hugh Hewitt Show.”

Fencing recently installed in Naco, Arizona, cost $6 million per mile. The price tag is also much higher than the last major round of construction following the 2006 Secure Fence Act. Federal investigators said the cost us cut in half by using government agencies — in particular, the National Guard — rather than private contractors. After reports of high costs leaked this year, Mr. Trump vowed that he would get involved and use his vaunted negotiating skills to lower the price. Mr. McConnell made the comments on the wall’s cost as illegal immigration across the southwest border appears to have dropped since Mr. Trump took office.

In February, the fewest number of people were caught crossing the border illegally of any month in the past five years. U.S. Border Patrol officials say the number of captures is a good indication of the overall flow. The drop in the flow amounted to about 40 percent compared with January, and it was consistent across all demographics, suggesting that Mr. Trump’s get-tough policies have already made an impact. News networks began to question whether, given the numbers, a wall was needed along the border.

Rep. Gwen Moore, Wisconsin Democrat, said Thursday that she had introduced a bill that would prevent taxpayers from having to foot the bill if a wall is built. “If Republicans capitulate to President Trump, a wall will indeed be built. But if this ludicrous proposal does come to fruition, I will do everything in my power as a member of Congress to protect my constituents from the financial fallout. I call on both Democrats and Republicans to join me in my effort by supporting this common-sense legislation,” she said.

Mitch McConnell says Mexico won’t pay for wall

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