Anti western cosplayers, don't let them to keep on ruining the Anime you love!

And they DAMN well better stop dressing up like Elvis.
And they constantly steal our music for their karaoke fetish.

We should start a grass roots movement to force the japs to cease and desist all use of American culture.

I also don't care about western music, vis, etc you probably think I will care about so go make those kind of movement and see how awful the reaction you will get, because :
- For example in music, no good logic to ban other peoples into music, are western peoples the only peoples who can sing in good english song? Nope but you still have the right because those music made by westerners but your act will be seen as discrimination.
- As for western culture stuff, you can only ban the one that clearly imitate western culture, are you going to say Lolita to be based on western culture too like many westerners is I see online who did that claim? If yes then just keep on hallucinating like that other person who insist to hallucinate that I'm a troll, mwahahaha

So what makes you think I give a rats ass about japan? Or cartoon characters for that matter?
That you would actually start a thread about it is pretty pathetic to tell you the truth.

If you don't care then why you keep replying this topic and my other topic with the subject of Anime? You care so much that you can't stop replying, just admit it mwahahaha

Just trying to see how far you'll go to try and justify your love of half naked cartoon characters.
Well that and it's a slow day on USMB.

Weak excuse because you have been following my topic since I register in this forum.

And you are supposed to stop replying my topic now to prove you don't care about what I said and Anime, yet you can't because like I said you care sooooo much, mwahahaha

Nah...pretty sure I just like trolling you.
I bet you have one of those pillows ....
This looks pretty good to me:


Now there's a hot non japanese chick ....
So much for the smart asian stereotype... So you say we are being racist because we ruin anime cosplay which is japanese, and the reason why we ruin it is because of our physical traits and because of that we shouldn't be allowed to cosplay. I think the only one being racist its you, judging westerners and trying to stop them from cosplaying because they look differently and are "uglier" than asians. Well that's stupid. Honestly i think no one should be judged based on race or ethnicity. On the other hand, i can assure you are pretty stupid, not because you're asian, but because of this idiotic post. P.S.: i don't even cosplay, i just don't like people trying to limit my choices because of my race P.P.S.: You should expand your vocabulary, you wrote sicko far too many times

1. Nope, not because of ruining Anime but because western cosplayers are imitating Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians [ because the characters are based on Asians ], imiating other race are racism such as the "black face' racism. I think you already know what black face so I don't need to explain it further to you.

2. Nope too, this movement are not founded because of the reason of uglyness, race, etc but because of western cosplayers are ruining Anime characters and being racist towards Asians. You either fail to read this topic fully or you try do derail this topic to make it look awfully bad to make peoples don't want to participate in this honorable movement, well congrats your attempt are failed.

Anyway you are the 3rd member here who just register to this forum to be able to reply this topic, I think that is because this topic have got 3 peoples who twit it and 84 peoples who recommend it on facebook so far.

Tell me more how characters like alucard are based on japanese people. Last time i checked alucard was an anime characters and was based on the lore of count dracula, which was based on a historical figure, Vlad III The impaler, who was born not in japan, but in hungary.

Racism: -The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specificto that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. As long as im concerned, im not deeming asian people inferior or superior by cosplaying so i would like to know how that is racism.

Honorable movement? This is nothing but a racist movement, trying to prevent western cosplayers from cosplaying anime characters because our traits are not the ideal for them.

I really hope you are a troll, because it is saddening to see someone so narrow minded.

Are you following that other member footsteps on using unlogical reason to claim Anime characters based on westerners? Story, setting, hair color, eyes color, etc except facial & body form never become as the factor of Anime characters appearance. So nope, even if the character are said to be based on vampire or something will still not turn their appearance to based on westerners.

1. Why do you think it is racist to imitate other race such as black face? Because imitating other race = you are trying to take away the identity of the race you try to imitate, each race are unique and each race take pride on their uniqueness including on their unique appearance, each race appearance are unique which make it possible for peoples including yourself to be able to tell who is Asian, who is African, etc. So nope you don't need to say or think that Asians are inferior to make your action of imitating Asians as racism. Black face never become ok if the intention is good, you know what I mean? If not then just say it so I will explain it more.

2. Still nope, this movement is based on the reason western cosplayers will always end up ruining Anime characters and being racist towards Asians when imitating Anime characters. Still not and will never be because of western cosplayers are different from Asians, well keep trying to derail this movement's reason, mwahahaha

Also like that other member, keep trying to hallucinate that I'm a troll because you can't accept to live in the reality of what I said which you can't prove to be wrong.

lol you completely avoided the fact some anime characters arent even asian, i proved my point but you are acting like those kids that just cover their ears and speak louder when someone tells them how they are wrong. I hoped you are a troll because you are complaining about something being racist using the most racist arguments i could think of, but whatever floats your boat, i dont even mind anymore haha, this isn't even a movement, because its never going to move forward, nothing this unreasonable would. OH BY THE WAY, WHAT NATIONALITY IS CHARIZARD, I DONT WANT TO TRY COSPLAYING IT AND END UP OFFENDING YOU HAHAHAHA
So much for the smart asian stereotype... So you say we are being racist because we ruin anime cosplay which is japanese, and the reason why we ruin it is because of our physical traits and because of that we shouldn't be allowed to cosplay. I think the only one being racist its you, judging westerners and trying to stop them from cosplaying because they look differently and are "uglier" than asians. Well that's stupid. Honestly i think no one should be judged based on race or ethnicity. On the other hand, i can assure you are pretty stupid, not because you're asian, but because of this idiotic post. P.S.: i don't even cosplay, i just don't like people trying to limit my choices because of my race P.P.S.: You should expand your vocabulary, you wrote sicko far too many times

1. Nope, not because of ruining Anime but because western cosplayers are imitating Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians [ because the characters are based on Asians ], imiating other race are racism such as the "black face' racism. I think you already know what black face so I don't need to explain it further to you.

2. Nope too, this movement are not founded because of the reason of uglyness, race, etc but because of western cosplayers are ruining Anime characters and being racist towards Asians. You either fail to read this topic fully or you try do derail this topic to make it look awfully bad to make peoples don't want to participate in this honorable movement, well congrats your attempt are failed.

Anyway you are the 3rd member here who just register to this forum to be able to reply this topic, I think that is because this topic have got 3 peoples who twit it and 84 peoples who recommend it on facebook so far.

Tell me more how characters like alucard are based on japanese people. Last time i checked alucard was an anime characters and was based on the lore of count dracula, which was based on a historical figure, Vlad III The impaler, who was born not in japan, but in hungary.

Racism: -The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specificto that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. As long as im concerned, im not deeming asian people inferior or superior by cosplaying so i would like to know how that is racism.

Honorable movement? This is nothing but a racist movement, trying to prevent western cosplayers from cosplaying anime characters because our traits are not the ideal for them.

I really hope you are a troll, because it is saddening to see someone so narrow minded.

Are you following that other member footsteps on using unlogical reason to claim Anime characters based on westerners? Story, setting, hair color, eyes color, etc except facial & body form never become as the factor of Anime characters appearance. So nope, even if the character are said to be based on vampire or something will still not turn their appearance to based on westerners.

1. Why do you think it is racist to imitate other race such as black face? Because imitating other race = you are trying to take away the identity of the race you try to imitate, each race are unique and each race take pride on their uniqueness including on their unique appearance, each race appearance are unique which make it possible for peoples including yourself to be able to tell who is Asian, who is African, etc. So nope you don't need to say or think that Asians are inferior to make your action of imitating Asians as racism. Black face never become ok if the intention is good, you know what I mean? If not then just say it so I will explain it more.

2. Still nope, this movement is based on the reason western cosplayers will always end up ruining Anime characters and being racist towards Asians when imitating Anime characters. Still not and will never be because of western cosplayers are different from Asians, well keep trying to derail this movement's reason, mwahahaha

Also like that other member, keep trying to hallucinate that I'm a troll because you can't accept to live in the reality of what I said which you can't prove to be wrong.

lol you completely avoided the fact some anime characters arent even asian, i proved my point but you are acting like those kids that just cover their ears and speak louder when someone tells them how they are wrong. I hoped you are a troll because you are complaining about something being racist using the most racist arguments i could think of, but whatever floats your boat, i dont even mind anymore haha, this isn't even a movement, because its never going to move forward, nothing this unreasonable would. OH BY THE WAY, WHAT NATIONALITY IS CHARIZARD, I DONT WANT TO TRY COSPLAYING IT AND END UP OFFENDING YOU HAHAHAHA

What kind of fact, your hallucination? Yea I better avoid that kind of "fact". Japanese themselves believes Anime characters based on Asians and yet you still trying to claim they are based on westerners? Not a smart way to do and you better avoid this topic because you won't be able to prove this wrong as long as you still hallucinating.
The foundation of this movement is supported both by Japanese and Japanese government so trying to prove this wrong by trying to say Anime characters based on westerners won't work unless the source [ images ] is from Japanese or Japanese government.
So much for the smart asian stereotype... So you say we are being racist because we ruin anime cosplay which is japanese, and the reason why we ruin it is because of our physical traits and because of that we shouldn't be allowed to cosplay. I think the only one being racist its you, judging westerners and trying to stop them from cosplaying because they look differently and are "uglier" than asians. Well that's stupid. Honestly i think no one should be judged based on race or ethnicity. On the other hand, i can assure you are pretty stupid, not because you're asian, but because of this idiotic post. P.S.: i don't even cosplay, i just don't like people trying to limit my choices because of my race P.P.S.: You should expand your vocabulary, you wrote sicko far too many times

1. Nope, not because of ruining Anime but because western cosplayers are imitating Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians [ because the characters are based on Asians ], imiating other race are racism such as the "black face' racism. I think you already know what black face so I don't need to explain it further to you.

2. Nope too, this movement are not founded because of the reason of uglyness, race, etc but because of western cosplayers are ruining Anime characters and being racist towards Asians. You either fail to read this topic fully or you try do derail this topic to make it look awfully bad to make peoples don't want to participate in this honorable movement, well congrats your attempt are failed.

Anyway you are the 3rd member here who just register to this forum to be able to reply this topic, I think that is because this topic have got 3 peoples who twit it and 84 peoples who recommend it on facebook so far.

Tell me more how characters like alucard are based on japanese people. Last time i checked alucard was an anime characters and was based on the lore of count dracula, which was based on a historical figure, Vlad III The impaler, who was born not in japan, but in hungary.

Racism: -The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specificto that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. As long as im concerned, im not deeming asian people inferior or superior by cosplaying so i would like to know how that is racism.

Honorable movement? This is nothing but a racist movement, trying to prevent western cosplayers from cosplaying anime characters because our traits are not the ideal for them.

I really hope you are a troll, because it is saddening to see someone so narrow minded.

Are you following that other member footsteps on using unlogical reason to claim Anime characters based on westerners? Story, setting, hair color, eyes color, etc except facial & body form never become as the factor of Anime characters appearance. So nope, even if the character are said to be based on vampire or something will still not turn their appearance to based on westerners.

1. Why do you think it is racist to imitate other race such as black face? Because imitating other race = you are trying to take away the identity of the race you try to imitate, each race are unique and each race take pride on their uniqueness including on their unique appearance, each race appearance are unique which make it possible for peoples including yourself to be able to tell who is Asian, who is African, etc. So nope you don't need to say or think that Asians are inferior to make your action of imitating Asians as racism. Black face never become ok if the intention is good, you know what I mean? If not then just say it so I will explain it more.

2. Still nope, this movement is based on the reason western cosplayers will always end up ruining Anime characters and being racist towards Asians when imitating Anime characters. Still not and will never be because of western cosplayers are different from Asians, well keep trying to derail this movement's reason, mwahahaha

Also like that other member, keep trying to hallucinate that I'm a troll because you can't accept to live in the reality of what I said which you can't prove to be wrong.

lol you completely avoided the fact some anime characters arent even asian, i proved my point but you are acting like those kids that just cover their ears and speak louder when someone tells them how they are wrong. I hoped you are a troll because you are complaining about something being racist using the most racist arguments i could think of, but whatever floats your boat, i dont even mind anymore haha, this isn't even a movement, because its never going to move forward, nothing this unreasonable would. OH BY THE WAY, WHAT NATIONALITY IS CHARIZARD, I DONT WANT TO TRY COSPLAYING IT AND END UP OFFENDING YOU HAHAHAHA

What kind of fact, your hallucination? Yea I better avoid that kind of "fact". Japanese themselves believes Anime characters based on Asians and yet you still trying to claim they are based on westerners? Not a smart way to do and you better avoid this topic because you won't be able to prove this wrong as long as you still hallucinating.

So in the anime itself it is said that alucard is dracula, a character from western lore and you say alucard is based on asians? lol pal, you are not even trying to counter argue, just saying im hallucinating, even when i give you solid facts, and i noticed you have been doing this in many posts, its indeed funny that you say no one proves you wrong but when people do you refuse to listen
Who cares? The western society is so convoluted that it's not surprising that any country would make fun of anything we westerners do. Get over it.
Just for info, most Anime fans world wide including in the west already think Anime characters like someone they love, respect, etc in reality especially in Japan where there are even public ceremonies where Anime fans there delcare certain Anime characters as their wives.

Oh I know. It's super weird and creepy. Grown men having sex with pillows with a depiction of a 13 year old in a sailor's outfit on it? No thanks.

Yea it sounds very weird to some peoples, but hey as long as they don't harm other peoples rights then it is up to them and no one can ban them.
yeah cum stained pillows ought to give them that sexual satisfaction all men seek...

The popularity of cosplay in Japan encourages the misconception that cosplay is specifically a Japanese or Asian hobby. The term cosplay is Japanese in origin, but costume play was originally a hobby from the United States where it has historically been known as costuming as opposed to cosplaying. The hobby was then later picked up by the Japanese and reinvented by Americans. For many years, costuming has had a widespread following and continues to experience growing popularity in North America and Europe, and has more recently spread throughout South America and Australia. Western cosplay's origins are based primarily in science fiction and fantasy fandoms. It is also more common for Western cosplayers to recreate characters from live-action series than it is for Japanese cosplayers. Western costumers also include subcultures of hobbyists who participate in Renaissance faires, live action role-playing games, and historical reenactments.


As early as 1975, a journalist described Trekkies as: smelling of assembly-line junk food, hugely consumed; the look is of people who consume it, habitually and at length; overfed and undernourished, eruptive of skin and flaccid of form, from the merely soft to the grotesquely obese.[17]

Cosplay - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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1. Nope, not because of ruining Anime but because western cosplayers are imitating Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians [ because the characters are based on Asians ], imiating other race are racism such as the "black face' racism. I think you already know what black face so I don't need to explain it further to you.

2. Nope too, this movement are not founded because of the reason of uglyness, race, etc but because of western cosplayers are ruining Anime characters and being racist towards Asians. You either fail to read this topic fully or you try do derail this topic to make it look awfully bad to make peoples don't want to participate in this honorable movement, well congrats your attempt are failed.

Anyway you are the 3rd member here who just register to this forum to be able to reply this topic, I think that is because this topic have got 3 peoples who twit it and 84 peoples who recommend it on facebook so far.

Tell me more how characters like alucard are based on japanese people. Last time i checked alucard was an anime characters and was based on the lore of count dracula, which was based on a historical figure, Vlad III The impaler, who was born not in japan, but in hungary.

Racism: -The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specificto that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. As long as im concerned, im not deeming asian people inferior or superior by cosplaying so i would like to know how that is racism.

Honorable movement? This is nothing but a racist movement, trying to prevent western cosplayers from cosplaying anime characters because our traits are not the ideal for them.

I really hope you are a troll, because it is saddening to see someone so narrow minded.

Are you following that other member footsteps on using unlogical reason to claim Anime characters based on westerners? Story, setting, hair color, eyes color, etc except facial & body form never become as the factor of Anime characters appearance. So nope, even if the character are said to be based on vampire or something will still not turn their appearance to based on westerners.

1. Why do you think it is racist to imitate other race such as black face? Because imitating other race = you are trying to take away the identity of the race you try to imitate, each race are unique and each race take pride on their uniqueness including on their unique appearance, each race appearance are unique which make it possible for peoples including yourself to be able to tell who is Asian, who is African, etc. So nope you don't need to say or think that Asians are inferior to make your action of imitating Asians as racism. Black face never become ok if the intention is good, you know what I mean? If not then just say it so I will explain it more.

2. Still nope, this movement is based on the reason western cosplayers will always end up ruining Anime characters and being racist towards Asians when imitating Anime characters. Still not and will never be because of western cosplayers are different from Asians, well keep trying to derail this movement's reason, mwahahaha

Also like that other member, keep trying to hallucinate that I'm a troll because you can't accept to live in the reality of what I said which you can't prove to be wrong.

lol you completely avoided the fact some anime characters arent even asian, i proved my point but you are acting like those kids that just cover their ears and speak louder when someone tells them how they are wrong. I hoped you are a troll because you are complaining about something being racist using the most racist arguments i could think of, but whatever floats your boat, i dont even mind anymore haha, this isn't even a movement, because its never going to move forward, nothing this unreasonable would. OH BY THE WAY, WHAT NATIONALITY IS CHARIZARD, I DONT WANT TO TRY COSPLAYING IT AND END UP OFFENDING YOU HAHAHAHA

What kind of fact, your hallucination? Yea I better avoid that kind of "fact". Japanese themselves believes Anime characters based on Asians and yet you still trying to claim they are based on westerners? Not a smart way to do and you better avoid this topic because you won't be able to prove this wrong as long as you still hallucinating.

So in the anime itself it is said that alucard is dracula, a character from western lore and you say alucard is based on asians? lol pal, you are not even trying to counter argue, just saying im hallucinating, even when i give you solid facts, and i noticed you have been doing this in many posts, its indeed funny that you say no one proves you wrong but when people do you refuse to listen

Well you still don't get it that story setting in a movie never automatically reflected on the characters, how about those many movies featuring Asian cast but they were said to be from outside of Asia, are their appearance suddenly change to reflect their origin in the story? Nope, so did you see the big flaw in your logic? If not then this is a more simple example, are all the peoples who are said to have come from Africa look like African to you?
Who cares? The western society is so convoluted that it's not surprising that any country would make fun of anything we westerners do. Get over it.

I think there are over 100 Anime dedicated conventions all over the west, in u.s.a alone there are around 40 Anime dedicated convention which beat the number of cartoon dedicated conventions there by a large number. What do you think of the future for western cartoon and comic? They seem starting to disappear due to the more attractive feature Anime and Manga have.
The foundation of this movement is supported both by Japanese and Japanese government so trying to prove this wrong by trying to say Anime characters based on westerners won't work unless the source [ images ] is from Japanese or Japanese government.
Why yes, the Japanese government is always right and dedicated to ensuring Japanese anime hegemony..
The foundation of this movement is supported both by Japanese and Japanese government so trying to prove this wrong by trying to say Anime characters based on westerners won't work unless the source [ images ] is from Japanese or Japanese government.
Why yes, the Japanese government is always right and dedicated to ensuring Japanese anime hegemony..

I think some westerners have realized this and have started an anti Anime movement on the internet.
The foundation of this movement is supported both by Japanese and Japanese government so trying to prove this wrong by trying to say Anime characters based on westerners won't work unless the source [ images ] is from Japanese or Japanese government.
Why yes, the Japanese government is always right and dedicated to ensuring Japanese anime hegemony..

I think some westerners have realized this and have started an anti Anime movement on the internet.
Geeks at the helm!!

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