Antiabortion Georgia has some of the highest infant mortality rates in the US.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Antiabortion Georgia has some of the highest infant mortality rates in the US.

The recently signed Georgia law does include exceptions for rape and incest, as well as for medical emergencies. But the law will hurt patients in Georgia, which has some of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the country, said Redman, the Spark Reproductive Justice Now executive director.

“People are dying because of the maternal health here in Georgia,” she said. “The fact that we’re eliminating a health care option, a service, will do a disservice to Georgians,” especially black, queer, and low-income people who are disproportionately likely to seek abortion care.

The "heartbeat" bills that could ban almost all abortions, explained

Wow, I guess I’ve been right all along. Republicans don’t really care about the baby. This is all about controlling women. Start by legislating their bodies.

Imagine being a woman who went through a tragic miscarry of a baby she wanted and Republicans come and investigate her for murder?
After Puerto Rico, turning asylum-seekers away, trying to cut pre-existing conditions and protections, and tax cuts for billionaires, it’s pretty clear Republicans are some cruel people.

So what's your problem then Deanturd? Babies die, you should be happy.

I'd like to at least give them a chance, if they opt to be a parasite like you, then flush them down a toilet.

Wow, I guess I’ve been right all along. Republicans don’t really care about the baby. This is all about controlling women. Start by legislating their bodies.
I thought that was pretty much a given.

If they cared about babies they would be for universal healthcare, snap, wic, public schools, and all the other programs meant to ensure children grow up happy, healthy, and productive.

They are against all of those. They want the kid born so they can bitch about how much it costs to support him. That and they think they've got a moral "high ground" position with the religious whack-jobs.
Antiabortion Georgia has some of the highest infant mortality rates in the US.

The recently signed Georgia law does include exceptions for rape and incest, as well as for medical emergencies. But the law will hurt patients in Georgia, which has some of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the country, said Redman, the Spark Reproductive Justice Now executive director.

“People are dying because of the maternal health here in Georgia,” she said. “The fact that we’re eliminating a health care option, a service, will do a disservice to Georgians,” especially black, queer, and low-income people who are disproportionately likely to seek abortion care.

The "heartbeat" bills that could ban almost all abortions, explained

Wow, I guess I’ve been right all along. Republicans don’t really care about the baby. This is all about controlling women. Start by legislating their bodies.


Blacks killing baby's what else is new?
So your statistics source is a rabid proponent of murdering unborn children? Does the taste of your own foot never make you gag? Imagine a world where tens of thousands of ideologically brainwashed fellow Americans are frothing at the mouth to murder babies. Sound horrifying? Sound like the Twilight Zone? Now take a step outside your front door. Surprise! We live in such a world. No matter how many times you and your ilk repackage your moral relativism, the contents will still smell like shit.
Antiabortion Georgia has some of the highest infant mortality rates in the US.

The recently signed Georgia law does include exceptions for rape and incest, as well as for medical emergencies. But the law will hurt patients in Georgia, which has some of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the country, said Redman, the Spark Reproductive Justice Now executive director.

“People are dying because of the maternal health here in Georgia,” she said. “The fact that we’re eliminating a health care option, a service, will do a disservice to Georgians,” especially black, queer, and low-income people who are disproportionately likely to seek abortion care.

The "heartbeat" bills that could ban almost all abortions, explained

Wow, I guess I’ve been right all along. Republicans don’t really care about the baby. This is all about controlling women. Start by legislating their bodies.


I don’t agree with the law, but I support a state’s right to decide address the issue as they see fit. It’s Better than have the federal government stick its nose in where it doesn’t belong.

For the record, I personally feel that abortions in general should not be performed after the first trimester, and there is ZERO logic in exceptions for rape and incest.

So what's your problem then Deanturd? Babies die, you should be happy.

I'd like to at least give them a chance, if they opt to be a parasite like you, then flush them down a toilet.

I should be happy because babies die? Is that why you’re happy?
So your statistics source is a rabid proponent of murdering unborn children? Does the taste of your own foot never make you gag? Imagine a world where tens of thousands of ideologically brainwashed fellow Americans are frothing at the mouth to murder babies. Sound horrifying? Sound like the Twilight Zone? Now take a step outside your front door. Surprise! We live in such a world. No matter how many times you and your ilk repackage your moral relativism, the contents will still smell like shit.
I’ve posted facts about the millions of Republicans who live in Appalachia. Appalachia is nearly all GOP. You don’t post any facts disproving anything I’ve said. You just attack. And use filthy language. What does that say about you?
Republicans are in favor of smaller less intrusive govt.:auiqs.jpg:

Actually conservatives are in favor of a smaller less intrusive federal government. Republicans, like democrats, are only interested in advancing their party, not ideals.
Conservatives want the drug war which is not representative of a smaller less intrusive govt. don't try to fool me with the same propaganda released by the echo chamber.
Republicans are in favor of smaller less intrusive govt.:auiqs.jpg:

Actually conservatives are in favor of a smaller less intrusive federal government. Republicans, like democrats, are only interested in advancing their party, not ideals.
Like legislating women’s bodies. I guess Republicans don’t consider that intrusive. Because they believe women should be property?
So your statistics source is a rabid proponent of murdering unborn children? Does the taste of your own foot never make you gag? Imagine a world where tens of thousands of ideologically brainwashed fellow Americans are frothing at the mouth to murder babies. Sound horrifying? Sound like the Twilight Zone? Now take a step outside your front door. Surprise! We live in such a world. No matter how many times you and your ilk repackage your moral relativism, the contents will still smell like shit.
I’ve posted facts about the millions of Republicans who live in Appalachia. Appalachia is nearly all GOP. You don’t post any facts disproving anything I’ve said. You just attack. And use filthy language. What does that say about you?

Problem is, your "facts" are blatant lies relative only to the ideology of your postmodernist religion. Every last one of your posts I've read have spewed anti-truth, anti-family, anti-America, anti-Christian and often, anti-child talking point rhetoric. Decent human beings possessed of the slightest spark of humanity, compassion and/or patriotism need not dirty their boots in your threads. Until you've been deprogrammed from the cult of radical Leftism, until you cease spewing deception, cruelty and lies . . . while knowing full well that's what you're doing, you'll get the same type of response from myself and many others.
Imagine being a woman who went through a tragic miscarry of a baby she wanted and Republicans come and investigate her for murder?
After Puerto Rico, turning asylum-seekers away, trying to cut pre-existing conditions and protections, and tax cuts for billionaires, it’s pretty clear Republicans are some cruel people.
You can’t kill babies anymore.. get over it
Republicans are in favor of smaller less intrusive govt.:auiqs.jpg:

Actually conservatives are in favor of a smaller less intrusive federal government. Republicans, like democrats, are only interested in advancing their party, not ideals.
Conservatives want the drug war which is not representative of a smaller less intrusive govt. don't try to fool me with the same propaganda released by the echo chamber.

Drug war? I think you’re stuck in the 90s, kinda like your avatar. States are legalizing pot and magic mushrooms, some war.
Republicans are in favor of smaller less intrusive govt.:auiqs.jpg:

Actually conservatives are in favor of a smaller less intrusive federal government. Republicans, like democrats, are only interested in advancing their party, not ideals.
Like legislating women’s bodies. I guess Republicans don’t consider that intrusive. Because they believe women should be property?

The new wave of young conservatives, what the media would call "alt-right" who were "radicalized on the internet" are all much, much more open minded about economic and foreign policy than the fully indoctrinated baby boomer generation. Us supposed neo-nazis who according to the left want to round up everyone who is not exactly like us and put them in gas chambers...the vast majority of us are still pro-life even when it's black and brown babies. Because we recognize it's wrong and harmful and disgusting. A truly reprehensible practice. That you equate the pro-life agenda with "hate" speaks volumes about the left.

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