Zone1 antiCatholics should accept Catholicism for this reason, if no other

There is only ONE Truth, only ONE Church

If a "church" purports to follow Christ.. that is great and many Protestant "churches" do follow Him in a lot of ways. But again, when they deviate from the Original Church, they have to face the fact they are deviating from the perfect ways of our Lord.
Unfortunately, the Catholic Church deviated from the original church. Did Christ and His Apostles wear ornate robes and carry a golden staff? Did they worship in giant buildings with stained-glass windows? Or were they more interested in using monetary resources to help the poor and hungry?
so it's fornication, not marriage?

Great... so Christ - like! Jesus said (my paraphrase) never to get rid of your wife (unless it's an invalid marriage, which means there was no real marriage in the 1st place)

I'm going with Jesus for $400, Alex...
You were asking how one could perform bigamy in the US, I told you how. If the group believes that God is in favor of bigamy and Christ approves, I don't think your opinion, or my opinion would carry any weight.
so it's fornication, not marriage?

Great... so Christ - like! Jesus said (my paraphrase) never to get rid of your wife (unless it's an invalid marriage, which means there was no real marriage in the 1st place)

I'm going with Jesus for $400, Alex...
What would you say to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon and other biblical figures who had more than one wife. None of them had to get licensed by the state to get married.
Unfortunately, the Catholic Church deviated from the original church. Did Christ and His Apostles wear ornate robes and carry a golden staff? Did they worship in giant buildings with stained-glass windows? Or were they more interested in using monetary resources to help the poor and hungry?

why pick on the Catholic Church leaders who strayed from Jesus?

The Catholic Church has always been scapegoated for all society's ills and yet it is Catholics (the real ones) who center their lives on Christ. There are not enough of them. That is why society in general does not believe in Catholicism: the good Catholics are rare. But Jesus told us that that would be the case. He even said that "MANY [myemphasis] will attempt to enter Heaven but will not be strong enough"... "Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of the Father"

If you think people are more Christ-like in non- Catholic communities, that is because people HIDE their sins and put on an act much of the time.
What would you say to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon and other biblical figures who had more than one wife. None of them had to get licensed by the state to get married.
That was b4 Jesus

Jesus changed a few things
why pick on the Catholic Church leaders who strayed from Jesus?

The Catholic Church has always been scapegoated for all society's ills and yet it is Catholics (the real ones) who center their lives on Christ. There are not enough of them. That is why society in general does not believe in Catholicism: the good Catholics are rare. But Jesus told us that that would be the case. He even said that "MANY [myemphasis] will attempt to enter Heaven but will not be strong enough"... "Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of the Father"

If you think people are more Christ-like in non- Catholic communities, that is because people HIDE their sins and put on an act much of the time.
I'm not picking on anyone. I'm saying that "the Church" isn't any particular denomination or organization. The church are followers of Christ who live by faith in Him and trust His Word. The Bible says that "where or two or three are gathered together in His name" there He is in their midst.
I'm not picking on anyone. I'm saying that "the Church" isn't any particular denomination or organization. The church are followers of Christ who live by faith in Him and trust His Word. The Bible says that "where or two or three are gathered together in His name" there He is in their midst.
He seems to want Catholics to be victims, they have their good and bad. They are just another religion.
You were asking how one could perform bigamy in the US, I told you how. If the group believes that God is in favor of bigamy and Christ approves, I don't think your opinion, or my opinion would carry any weight.

nice to see how you choose bigamists' opinions / views over Christ's

But hey, you're in good company. Jesus said Few find His narrow way.
I'm not picking on anyone. I'm saying that "the Church" isn't any particular denomination or organization. The church are followers of Christ who live by faith in Him and trust His Word. The Bible says that "where or two or three are gathered together in His name" there He is in their midst.

Tell that to Jesus Christ

He is the one who established a (visible) Church. Mt 16:18:

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it."

notice He said CHURCH

not ChurchES (plural)

Notice also that there is no other mention in Scripture (I've read the whole Bible) of anything or anyone ELSE that has power over "the gates of Hell"

just the Church
nice to see how you choose bigamists' opinions / views over Christ's

But hey, you're in good company. Jesus said Few find His narrow way.
Quote me where I said that? You asked the question, and I answered you and now you lie about me, seems like you are bearing false witness, not very Christ like, is it? Also, you are passing judgement, Christ said something about that as well.
Quote me where I said that? You asked the question, and I answered you and now you lie about me, seems like you are bearing false witness, not very Christ like, is it? Also, you are passing judgement, Christ said something about that as well.

Here are your exact words, which strongly imply that you are totally OK with making it legal to practice bigamy aka fornication (since bigamy IS illegal). You said:

If the group believes that God is in favor of bigamy and Christ approves, I don't think your opinion, or my opinion would carry any weight.

It's the old "Whatever you believe is fine with me, even if it is adultery or murder.. " schtick.. straight from Hell

OK, I re-read what you said and I think I did misunderstand u!

You simply say that our opinions wouldn't likely carry weight. OK, sorry.

But bigamy is illegal and it should be. Jesus was very much against divorce. In Malachi (before Christ came) it says that "God hates divorce"
Here are your exact words, which strongly imply that you are totally OK with making it legal to practice bigamy aka fornication (since bigamy IS illegal). You said:

If the group believes that God is in favor of bigamy and Christ approves, I don't think your opinion, or my opinion would carry any weight.

It's the old "Whatever you believe is fine with me, even if it is adultery or murder.. " schtick.. straight from Hell

OK, I re-read what you said and I think I did misunderstand u!

You simply say that our opinions wouldn't likely carry weight. OK, sorry.

But bigamy is illegal and it should be. Jesus was very much against divorce. In Malachi (before Christ came) it says that "God hates divorce"
Oh my! That is your interpterion, nowhere did I say I approve of bigamy, the point was, if the people in the religion believe that God approves and Christ approves of bigamy or anything else, then man's (your or my) opinion doesn't matter.

It would be like you believing that Catholicism is the only true church of God, my opinion or anyone else's opinion would matter.
Hitler was a Catholic
Hitler's mother was Catholic, he was baptized Roman Catholic, when he took power, he said he was not Catholic he was a German Christian. He can claim what he wanted but his works defined him as being no religion, but he was pure evil.
Hard to stake my salvation on the simple fact that some are not thugs. The History of the Catholic Church has convinced me to stay away.
Tell that to Jesus Christ

He is the one who established a (visible) Church. Mt 16:18:

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it."

notice He said CHURCH

not ChurchES (plural)

Notice also that there is no other mention in Scripture (I've read the whole Bible) of anything or anyone ELSE that has power over "the gates of Hell"

just the Church
Church means congregation. Nothing more and nothing less. Did He and the Apostles build a giant cathedral? Nope.

Definition of "Church" from the Strong's Concordance (G1577 - ekklēsia - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv)):


ekklēsia (Key)

  1. a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly
    1. an assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating
    2. the assembly of the Israelites
    3. any gathering or throng of men assembled by chance, tumultuously
    4. in a Christian sense
      1. an assembly of Christians gathered for worship in a religious meeting
      2. a company of Christian, or of those who, hoping for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own religious rites, hold their own religious meetings, and manage their own affairs, according to regulations prescribed for the body for order's sake
      3. those who anywhere, in a city, village, constitute such a company and are united into one body
      4. the whole body of Christians scattered throughout the earth
      5. the assembly of faithful Christians already dead and received into heaven
do your own homework. Jesus spoke about marriage. I don't know where that psg is. But there is such a thing as Search

you could search under the word Adultery
If you can't find a passage of Scripture in the Bible then you are no student of the Bible. Not trying to be mean. Just speaking the truth. The fact remains: Christ NEVER taught that a man should be married to one wife. Paul preached that a bishop (overseer of a congregation) should be married to one wife but not all Christians are bishops.

1 Timothy 3:2, “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;”
If you can't find a passage of Scripture in the Bible then you are no student of the Bible. Not trying to be mean. Just speaking the truth. The fact remains: Christ NEVER taught that a man should be married to one wife. Paul preached that a bishop (overseer of a congregation) should be married to one wife but not all Christians are bishops.

1 Timothy 3:2, “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;”

(Mark 10:1-12)

3And there came to him the Pharisees tempting him, saying: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? 4Who answering, said to them: Have ye not read, that he who made man from the beginning, made them male and female? And he said: 5For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be in one flesh. 6Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. 7They say to him: Why then did Moses command to give a bill of divorce, and to put away? 8He saith to them: Because Moses by reason of the hardness of your heart permitted you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. 9And I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication [unlawful/invalid "marriage"], and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery.

10His disciples say unto him: If the case of a man with his wife be so, it is not expedient to marry.

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