Zone1 antiCatholics should accept Catholicism for this reason, if no other

the reason ethic groups are castigated as lawless is because they are very effective as a organization that works together in unity to do lawless acts.

organized crime and working together as many, many people of one ethnic group to undermine the law of the land - this is why ethic groups are castigated as lawless - they are very effective and good and successful at accomplishing their law breaking activities.

but what about the rest of the people within the ethnic group who are law abiding, they deserve respect ? of course, is one ethnic group more prone to work together as a unit made of many members like a mob situation.

but the reason, for example the Irish, the Irish in the early history of America came to America in floods, there were mostly good law abiding Irish people ..... but . . . a small percentage but still many, many Irish people worked together as an ethnic community to commit crime and they were very, very effective at completing their crimes and getting away withy it, because they worked together as a group, this is why certain ethnic groups today in the 20th century are the statistical majority of highest ethnic group in prisons and castigated as a law breaking ethnical group

They work together and their crimes they intend to commit are successful and they get away with it without getting caught for a longer duration of time - and are able to commit more crime, compared to an individual breaking the law who is alone with no - one else working this lawlessness activity - and their ethnic or race seems at times to be targeted.

I don't get this

and i don't see how it is relevant to OP

I don't get this

and i don't see how it is relevant to OP

someone was previously mentioning the situation about the Godfather being a catholic criminal and lawlessness .
20th century - New York Mafia figures Carlo Gambino, Frank Costello, Joe Bonanno, and Joe Profaci, these mobsters worked with 5 large families in organized crime,

they were all ethnically of the Canaanite, Persian, Arabian / European mixture, these 5 families were very successful in pulling off huge crimes.

The Godfather movie was based from five major Italian American Mafia families in New York City: Bonanno, Colombo, Gambino, Genovese, and Lucchese.
Catholics are better than lawless thugs


Who can argue?

I accept Catholics and I was baptised in a Catholic church, but I accept other religions too.

I have read and studied the Catholic Bible and decrees as well as protestant Bibles. I also have studied Judaism and Islam. I enjoy reading the Torah and the Quran as well. I have meditated a lot and studied Buddism and Hinduism. I also like the teachings of Taoism. I have studied the Dead Sea Scrolls. I also have joined many magical groups and enjoy the study of Thelema and the occult.

I was baptised in a Catholic church, but my parents chose to be protestants instead as kid growing up.
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I accept Catholics and I was baptised in a Catholic church, but I accept other religions too.

I have read and studied the Catholic Bible and decrees as well as protestant Bibles. I also have studied Judaism and Islam. I enjoy reading the Torah and the Quran as well. I have meditated a lot and studied Buddism and Hinduism. I also like the teachings of Taoism. I have studied the Dead Sea Scrolls. I also have joined many magical groups and enjoy the study of Thelema and the occult.

I was baptised in a Catholic church, but my parents chose to be protestants instead as kid growing up.
so sorry to hear that. The protestants sometimes do better w/ Jesus than Catholics but that doesn't disprove Catholicism... people being what they are

subjectively focused entities much of the time

How the Vatican expects its clergy to respond to sexual abuse crimes.


INSTRUCTION On the Manner of Proceeding in Causes involving the Crime of Solicitation



11. Since, however, in dealing with these causes, more than usual care and concern must be shown that they be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and that, once decided and the decision executed, they are covered by permanent silence (Instruction of the Holy Office, 20 February 1867, No. 14), all those persons in any way associated with the tribunal, or knowledgeable of these matters by reason of their office, are bound to observe inviolably the
strictest confidentiality, commonly known as the secret of the Holy Office, in all things and with all persons, under pain of incurring automatic excommunication.

How the Vatican expects its clergy to respond to sexual abuse crimes.


INSTRUCTION On the Manner of Proceeding in Causes involving the Crime of Solicitation



11. Since, however, in dealing with these causes, more than usual care and concern must be shown that they be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and that, once decided and the decision executed, they are covered by permanent silence (Instruction of the Holy Office, 20 February 1867, No. 14), all those persons in any way associated with the tribunal, or knowledgeable of these matters by reason of their office, are bound to observe inviolably the
strictest confidentiality, commonly known as the secret of the Holy Office, in all things and with all persons, under pain of incurring automatic excommunication.
I always wonder about what saves a person. Grace? What if a person is full of bad works, killing people. Raping children and women. Are they still saved by grace? Seems like there would be no use of repentance and confession if works are not somehow connected to grace. Faith without works is dead. Does the faithless get grace too? Is this what social equity is all about? Socialism with salvation? No thanks! I'll not become Catholic or Protestant for Protestants also believe righteous works have no connection to grace.
Catholics make society a better place (the real ones anyhow)

They aren't smashing into stores on the pretense of "protesting" whatever they think is wrong in society

They aren't becoming abortion doctors like Gosnell --who joked about murdering babies (also murdered women, but the woman's movement don't care about women when it means also criticizing the abortion industry. They have their priorities, ya know)

Yes, there is a lot of mayhem that practicing Catholics just are not engaged in

And yet they are all going to Hell, to hear some protesters tell it

I’m in different to Catholics and Baptist, I didn’t like how they tried to cover up child abuse, nor their support for Germany in WWII.

Catholics have just as much of a right as any other religion to practice.
I’m in different to Catholics and Baptist, I didn’t like how they tried to cover up child abuse, nor their support for Germany in WWII.

Catholics have just as much of a right as any other religion to practice.

no problem with this post except for the allegation that the Catholic Church helped Germany (Nazis) in WWII

That is a myth

There may have been some bad priests here and there who supported Hitler, but Pope Pius XII did not, contrary to the popular.. again: myth.

He is said to have done long-distance exorcism rites on Hitler. I don't know if that is true but it wouldn't surprise me. I do know for a fact that he hid Jews in the Vatican and in monasteries.

It's no wonder he is vilified instead of being canonized... as the Church was taken over at his death by anti-Christs (as certain nefarious groups had been planning for over a century).
Catholics are better than lawless thugs


Who can argue?

I live among the LDS and FLDS (two sects of Mormons) in the southern Utah. I'd far prefer to live here than anywhere near the Crips & Bloods or any city run by Democrats.
I live among the LDS and FLDS (two sects of Mormons) in the southern Utah. I'd far prefer to live here than anywhere near the Crips & Bloods or any city run by Democrats.
I understand.

I don't agree w/ the mormons on much of anything, but no one can say they are lawless thugs (although I do recall a story of a "mormon" who murdered his wife, and then there was the story of Jodi Arias who murdered her boyfriend, both of them supposedly mormon converts)

The federal govt did the right thing (amazingly :rolleyes:) when they put their foot down about bigamy i n the LDS in the 1800s
I live among the LDS and FLDS (two sects of Mormons) in the southern Utah. I'd far prefer to live here than anywhere near the Crips & Bloods or any city run by Democrats.

where on earth did you get that HIDEOUS photo of bidum (tongue out)


I understand.

I don't agree w/ the mormons on much of anything, but no one can say they are lawless thugs (although I do recall a story of a "mormon" who murdered his wife, and then there was the story of Jodi Arias who murdered her boyfriend, both of them supposedly mormon converts)

The federal govt did the right thing (amazingly :rolleyes:) when they put their foot down about bigamy i n the LDS in the 1800s
The FLDS in this area have multiple wives. Polygamy is widespread around here. But they vote conservative and are mostly moral in every other way. Very hardworking and friendly people. I, too, could never be a Mormon, but I believe in the 1st Amendment, so I don't care what they believe. Most of the Catholics I've known have also been decent folks, although they seem to lean a little more to the left than Mormons do. At least in the case of Biden and Pelosi, who lean so far left they're kissing Marx's behind.
The FLDS in this area have multiple wives. Polygamy is widespread around here. But they vote conservative and are mostly moral in every other way. Very hardworking and friendly people. I, too, could never be a Mormon, but I believe in the 1st Amendment, so I don't care what they believe. Most of the Catholics I've known have also been decent folks, although they seem to lean a little more to the left than Mormons do. At least in the case of Biden and Pelosi, who lean so far left they're kissing Marx's behind.
Before I respond to anything else

How in God's name can people practice polygamy in the US?

That is against the law and should be
Before I respond to anything else

How in God's name can people practice polygamy in the US?

That is against the law and should be
I guess they can do it the same way two men can legally "marry." And, God allowed it in the Old Testament and never told anyone that it was against His law.
Before I respond to anything else

How in God's name can people practice polygamy in the US?

That is against the law and should be
You can marry however many you want it you bypass the civil system. How can people that live together call themselves married? You can live with as many as you wish and go through a minister of "God" and not the state and be married in the eyes of God, the government can't regulate that.
I accept Catholics and I was baptised in a Catholic church, but I accept other religions too.

I have read and studied the Catholic Bible and decrees as well as protestant Bibles. I also have studied Judaism and Islam. I enjoy reading the Torah and the Quran as well. I have meditated a lot and studied Buddism and Hinduism. I also like the teachings of Taoism. I have studied the Dead Sea Scrolls. I also have joined many magical groups and enjoy the study of Thelema and the occult.

I was baptised in a Catholic church, but my parents chose to be protestants instead as kid growing up.
There is only ONE Truth, only ONE Church

If a "church" purports to follow Christ.. that is great and many Protestant "churches" do follow Him in a lot of ways. But again, when they deviate from the Original Church, they have to face the fact they are deviating from the perfect ways of our Lord.
You can marry however many you want it you bypass the civil system. How can people that live together call themselves married? You can live with as many as you wish and go through a minister of "God" and not the state and be married in the eyes of God, the government can't regulate that.
so it's fornication, not marriage?

Great... so Christ - like! Jesus said (my paraphrase) never to get rid of your wife (unless it's an invalid marriage, which means there was no real marriage in the 1st place)

I'm going with Jesus for $400, Alex...

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