Antifa and the KKK

I've always had a fascination (I have no idea why) with the psychology of partisanship, and its behaviors. To make a VERY long story short, I'm convinced that adherence to a partisan ideology literally distorts both perceptions and thought processes - in other words, such a condition allows us to talk ourselves into damn near anything, justifying damn near anything..

I agree - and history shows that is the root of great human tragedy.

Further, I think that such a condition and intelligence are mutually exclusive, i.e., that a perfectly intelligent person can be afflicted, and turned into someone who simply isn't thinking clearly on political or politicized topics. I haven't yet cracked the code on how to effectively communicate with these folks, but I do have minor successes here and there - not necessarily in changing a mind, but just getting a normal conversation. That's enough, considering.

Normal conversation is a worthy goal! :)

Is it just me...or does it seem that the more information we have available, the more open our society - the more ignorant and closed minded we become?...less accepting of diversity of thought and reason? :dunno:
Yet another predictable behavior similarity I'm seeing between the two "sides" of the spectrum is the way the Lefties here are now going out of their way to pretend they are not aligned in any way with Antifa.

Is it not obvious that, when you constantly attack and insult and mock people, when you communicate virtually all the time in cartoonish hyperbole (You're Hitler! Your side are Nazis!), when you absolutely refuse to publicly have a normal, adult conversation with someone who dares to disagree with you, when you expose yourself to people and "news" that only agree with your political agenda, that you and your "side" are going to create, nurture and enable crazy people who take things too fucking far?

Is this not blatantly obvious?

The ends of the spectrum are effectively aligned with the dangerous, destructive crazies, because they CREATED and ENABLED them.

The more I learn about antifa and their methods, the less I like them.

Fear and hate bring out the worst in people -- antifa is an emotional response to the ignorance of bigotry.

Imagine if the alt-right KKK neo-clucks held a rally and no one showed up to protest, no media, nobody but their tiny ignorant group. If we all just collectively said with one strong voice, WE DON'T CARE BECAUSE YOU DON'T MATTER. And ignored them. No TV cameras. Bystanders just walk by like they don't exist, pretend the noise is just a construction crew with a jackhammer. Just noise.

Now, if the alt-right dimwits step out of line and engage in actions designed to intimidate or cause harm in any way, subtle or overt, then smash a legal hammer down on them using all the hate crime statutes possible. But don't publicize the trials, don't put them on TV. Make the 'face of hate' real (in the criminal law sense) but irrelevant faceless meaningless noise to good America.

Take away their voice.

antifa, you can't beat hate with more hate...
Ol' Joe doesn't understand the difference between "balance" (a term I've never used to describe myself or my positions) and (a sincere attempt at) dispassionate reason, which can land me on either "side" depending on the situation.

He also claims I brag about how liberal I am. (?)

Just two of a thousand or so distortions he's created in his mind about me, which is why I've given up trying to communicate with him.

It was never my intention to get up in his head like this, but it is what it is. It's, at once, flattering and creepy.

It's good you don't waste time on that bed wetter.

Ol' Joe doesn't understand the difference between "balance" (a term I've never used to describe myself or my positions) and (a sincere attempt at) dispassionate reason, which can land me on either "side" depending on the situation.

He also claims I brag about how liberal I am. (?)

Just two of a thousand or so distortions he's created in his mind about me, which is why I've given up trying to communicate with him.

It was never my intention to get up in his head like this, but it is what it is. It's, at once, flattering and creepy.

Translation- Joe bitchslaps your false premises down like they were the wife of that homophobic baker in Oregon

And then you whine that your psuedo-right wing rhetoric doesn't get accepted.
"Claimed to be superior because of their race"? I dunno, maybe a few. The far larger amount would be those who speak in demeaning ways about minorities, and I've seen that many times.

Since I'm of mixed race myself, since my family is, I take the term "racism" pretty seriously, and I don't throw it around and dilute like the Regressives love to. I'm serious with it. Disagreeing with Obama does not make you a racist, as much as many want to claim. But demeaning someone because of the ethnic group to which they belong is, it is a de facto inference of superiority, and I've seen plenty of that.

My family is "mixed". I only see one race however. I don't view people as different species.

I do think people get a little fucking sensitive about ethnic jokes, we should be able to make fun of each other. You are aware that in other countries they pick on "gringos" right? I even understand not liking other cultures, but to HATE them and view yourself as superior? That's a special sort of stupid and it makes you an inferior human.
Yup. The problem is there are too many who have a vested interest in keeping people hypersensitive. It's working, that's fer dam sure.
I've always had a fascination (I have no idea why) with the psychology of partisanship, and its behaviors. To make a VERY long story short, I'm convinced that adherence to a partisan ideology literally distorts both perceptions and thought processes - in other words, such a condition allows us to talk ourselves into damn near anything, justifying damn near anything..

I agree - and history shows that is the root of great human tragedy.

Further, I think that such a condition and intelligence are mutually exclusive, i.e., that a perfectly intelligent person can be afflicted, and turned into someone who simply isn't thinking clearly on political or politicized topics. I haven't yet cracked the code on how to effectively communicate with these folks, but I do have minor successes here and there - not necessarily in changing a mind, but just getting a normal conversation. That's enough, considering.

Normal conversation is a worthy goal! :)

Is it just me...or does it seem that the more information we have available, the more open our society - the more ignorant and closed minded we become?...less accepting of diversity of thought and reason? :dunno:
Yeah, and that's the internet, which has given us all our own little worlds in which to exist, avoiding all contrary thought.


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