Antifa: Archetype Fascists

I marvel at the restraint and class shown day after day by conservatives. And I'm sickened by how evil, vile, and violent the left is day after day...

Anyone want to sign a petition to have these clowns designated a domestic terror group?

Formally recognize AntiFa as a terrorist organization | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
Absolutely! And really - this shouldn't even be necessary. President Trump should have declared these anti-American animals a terrorist organization already. I can't wait until they start getting water boarded at Gitmo!
You can almost hear them crying for mommy.
This is the second time that this has happened in the past two days. It is time that President Trump declares Antifa the terrorist organization that they actually are and it's time the government eliminate them as such.

On a side note - conservatives have shown an astounding amount of patience and restraint. But it's time they start carrying firearms to protect themselves. I can tell you that I carry every single day of my life, and the first Antifa idiot (or any other idiot for that matter) who tries to stab me is going to get a couple of slugs center mass. This is exactly why the left has desperately wanted to disarm the American people for so long. They love to resort to violence and they don't want peaceful Americans to have the capacity to defend themselves.

Misidentified: A man was stabbed…because a haircut made him look like a Nazi
OP - face the fact that patriotic Americans are not going to lay down for you fascists.

Its just not going to happen.

The fact that you're cheering for the guys who violently counter protested free speech speaks volumes.
To me antifa smacks more of the nazi SA. The SA or "Brownshirts" were the thugs running around the streets intimidating opponents. What a lot of people don't realize about the SA was that their leadership was largely made up of socialists who weren't Hitler worshipers. Of course that's why Hitler had them executed.

Exactly. They are useful idiots to the totalitarians

They are racist
They want all controlling federal government
They are violent
They are cowards
They can't stand free speech or thought
Did I mention stupid

I was listening to them being interviewed today. They think they can be violent toward whomever they consider Nazis, even if they aren't actually nazis. Why? Because captain America and Indiana Jones, fictional characters, fought nazis during a war. Yes, they justify their violence based on fantasy

They don't seem to get that they are the fascists. They are the evil hurting our nation
The Nazis would tell stories about how those bloodthirsty Jews were attacking good Germans

The Trump-thugs are using the same playbook.

Sure, the dumb Trump-thugs, which is most of them, they're just Useful Idiots. They may actually even believe the propaganda they parrot, just like those Good Germans did.

Kushner is talking about bloodthirsty Jews hurting our nation?
Anyone want to sign a petition to have these clowns designated a domestic terror group?

Formally recognize AntiFa as a terrorist organization | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
The American people view the left as the anti-American terrorists that they are...
The petition, created by last week in the wake of the violent clashes between white supremacists and antifascists in Charlottesville, Va., argues that the group’s tactics are akin to ISIS petition to label antifa as a 'terror group' generates more than 290,000 signatures
The only other violent group who dresses in black and wears black masks is ISIS!
Give that a thought.
"Protesters are loading slingshots. One officer injured; fire medics responding" - Portland Police

Since there aren't a whole lot of actual Nazis in Portland to punch, Antifa's going with their backup plan of attacking police.

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