Antifa assaults families and children at Christian prayer event in Portland

It was a political event with the neo nazi proud boys providing security.

More victimhood from the dishonest right.

So it was O.K. for Antifa to tear into a political event ?

That was likely permitted.
That's pretty damn funny coming from someone who things Nazis were socialist because it's in the name.

No, they were socialist, BECAUSE THEY WERE. It's not my fault you're an idiot.
Friggin insane

What's nuts was pantyfa attacking "anti maskers" and "anti vaxxxers" last week
Come on, antifa. Fuck with allah.
Ain’t gonna happen because allah has nothing to do with American culture and history. Antifa are demmunists aiming to undermine American culture and history.

Muslims aren't the ones Antifa has an issue with. They have an issue with a corrupt ex-president who attacked the institutions of democracy. They have an issue with corrupt police departments that routinely abuse the rights of black people.
It was a political event with the neo nazi proud boys providing security.

More victimhood from the dishonest right.
It was a Christian gathering with many families with small children attacked by Antifa.
Anything to rationalize what Antifa did...attack children.

You are absolutely repugnant and well beneath contempt.
Face reality, loser. They're anarchists.

The whole thread premise is a lie anyway.

You lose all the way around, as usual.

Now fuck off, waaaay over there.
If they're anarchists, then wouldn't they also be against the government lock down? Why are they attacking a group of people that are speaking out against lock downs when they should be agreeing with said group?
Antifa must be the white supremacists the government keeps telling us is an existential threat right?
Possibly, agent provocateurs in the employ of Trump's Jan 6th rally. There is no proof that this is Antifa or any other extremist small group of anarchists.
Remember, you Democrats: You supported this, you never spoke put against this, and you voted for this.

"A large group of Antifa carrying shields and melee weapons attacked a group of Evangelical Christians congregating for a prayer and worship event at the waterfront in downtown Portland, Ore. Video recorded at the scene showed children and families running away as black-clad Antifa militants tore apart the sound equipment and assaulted attendees with pepper spray and projectiles.

The event was announced last month by a Christian ministry featuring firebrand Canadian preacher Artur Pawlowski. The Calgary pastor gained notoriety earlier this year for speaking out against lockdown measures that targeted places of worship. In response to the announcement of the worship event, Portland Antifa groups and activists on Twitter organized a direct action.

"Welcome to Portland, you won't like it here, pastor," tweeted Portland Antifa member Melissa Lewis....

...The Post Millennial can confirm that the Portland police department did not make any arrests and had no interactions with either group. The Portland mayor's office has been reached for comment."

BREAKING: Antifa assault families and children at Christian prayer event in Portland park
They might have expected this to happen in Portland, run by a slimeball like Ted Wheeler, who is mayor and commissioner of his STAND-DOWN cops.

The question that comes to my mind is why are good people like that living in that goofy cesspool ?

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