Antifa leaders going down...


I bet all AnTIFA and lefties are like this guy, eh?

There are two guys there.
Yes, they are. Criminal, brainwashed, mentally ill and dangerous. And also amazingly stupid.
But wear stylish bandanas..
Portland Antifa protesters caught on video bullying elderly motorist, woman in wheelchair

good thing they didn't drive a car into her and kill her
Good thing the guy didn't run over their dumb asses you mean.

As is wont to happen to antifers...

1:27 or so...

It's good thing that the Truck was not hurt.
Oh please, let's highlight a few morons and attempt to extrapolate that to broad brush paint people we disagree with
Nazis were socialists.
and fascist all at the same time!

Well except that fascism is a capitalist dictatorship with a silencing of the opposition with force, but not socialism unless it also turns into a dictatorship, but the state owns the means of production..

Hitler created Volkswagon aka The People's Car.

I can go to Seneca Missouri and use the People's Bank..
"....a group of neo-communist antifa — “anti-fascist” — thugs attacked peaceful protesters at a “No to Marxism in America” rally, wielding sticks and pepper spray, and beating people with homemade shields that read (I kid you not) “No Hate.” The Post reports how one peaceful protester “was attacked by five black-clad antifa members, each windmilling kicks and punches into a man desperately trying to protect himself.” Members of the Berkeley College Republicans were then stalked by antifa goons who followed them to a gas station and demanded they “get the [expletive] out” of their car, warning, “We are real hungry for supremacists and there is more of us.”

As if to prove Cummings’s point, the antifa movement responded with jackboots and clubs — because their definition of “fascist” includes not just neo-Nazis but also anyone who opposes their totalitarian worldview.

"And let’s be clear: Totalitarian is precisely what they are. Mark Bray, a Dartmouth lecturer who has defended antifa’s violent tactics, recently explained in The Post, “Its adherents are predominantly communists, socialists and anarchists” who believe that physical violence “is both ethically justifiable and strategically effective.” In other words, they are no different from neo-Nazis. Neo-Nazis are the violent advocates of a murderous ideology that killed 25 million people last century. Antifa members are the violent advocates of a murderous ideology that, according to “The Black Book of Communism,” killed between 85 million and 100 million people last century. Both practice violence and preach hate. They are morally indistinguishable. There is no difference between those who beat innocent people in the name of the ideology that gave us Hitler and Himmler and those who beat innocent people in the name of the ideology that gave us Stalin and Dzerzhinsky."
"....a group of neo-communist antifa — “anti-fascist” — thugs attacked peaceful protesters at a “No to Marxism in America” rally, wielding sticks and pepper spray, and beating people with homemade shields that read (I kid you not) “No Hate.” The Post reports how one peaceful protester “was attacked by five black-clad antifa members, each windmilling kicks and punches into a man desperately trying to protect himself.” Members of the Berkeley College Republicans were then stalked by antifa goons who followed them to a gas station and demanded they “get the [expletive] out” of their car, warning, “We are real hungry for supremacists and there is more of us.”

As if to prove Cummings’s point, the antifa movement responded with jackboots and clubs — because their definition of “fascist” includes not just neo-Nazis but also anyone who opposes their totalitarian worldview.

"And let’s be clear: Totalitarian is precisely what they are. Mark Bray, a Dartmouth lecturer who has defended antifa’s violent tactics, recently explained in The Post, “Its adherents are predominantly communists, socialists and anarchists” who believe that physical violence “is both ethically justifiable and strategically effective.” In other words, they are no different from neo-Nazis. Neo-Nazis are the violent advocates of a murderous ideology that killed 25 million people last century. Antifa members are the violent advocates of a murderous ideology that, according to “The Black Book of Communism,” killed between 85 million and 100 million people last century. Both practice violence and preach hate. They are morally indistinguishable. There is no difference between those who beat innocent people in the name of the ideology that gave us Hitler and Himmler and those who beat innocent people in the name of the ideology that gave us Stalin and Dzerzhinsky."
These guys in Antifa will need to find a new hobby...
There's this guy, arrested for attacking a couple of marines (like an idiot):

DC Antifa Leader Charged With ‘Ethnic Intimidation’ Related To Attack On Marines

Then this guy, who got plugged in a school in Eugina when he pulled a gun on a cop. The school, in their infinite wisdom, called him to let him know his ex was there to either view her daughter's school records, or remove the daughter from the school. Both of which she had the right to do. So the school said well wait until we call your psycho ex and the cops, so they can all converge on the school. Maybe some kids will get killed!

But no, this idiot pulled a gun and the cop killed him, in front of his daughter. Good job, school. You could have just let the mom take the kid and THEN called the dad, and let them figure it out between them. But you opted to stage a confrontation at the school.

Antifa Member Killed After Pulling Gun on Cops at School - Big League Politics

I bet all AnTIFA and lefties are like this guy, eh?
Holy shit you finally got something right!

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