Antifa "protester" drags old woman with flag

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Hiring armed criminals to disrupt protected public speech is a criminal act; why is the AG not investigating this under the RICO laws?
They want violence? Give it to them
Someone else give it to them.....right?

You should cease being redundant...cow in the way of your chest thumping, did I?

As for the video....while the guy who assaulted her should be arrested for that assault....watching the video I wonder what made him suddenly turn around AFTER he had passed her and backhand her and grab at her flag? More like a reaction than an action. Hmmmmm.....even tho that does not excuse him.

With FOX news right there to catch the lucky

He is a democrat, he hates the American flag and everything it stands for, There is no question, he is a Khmer Rouge traitor engaging in violence to end the Republic. You democrat gutter scum are fighting a civil war to end the free republic; you are traitors.
You actually think the guy only votes democratic party? It must be a small world where you live..

Your right Glow, and this is the trap we can all fall into because of these tensions ever since before the election and continuing through these recent events. Just as not every person who voted for Trump is a Racist, KKK member , its only right to also recognize not everyone who votes Democrat is a radical who is not patriotic to this country. We definately have different ways of looking at and thinking what is healthy for this country but even if we think each others leadership is deficient (Im keeping it clean here), we have to at least remain good neighbors when we are out on the street. if we lose that and cant talk to each other anymore, then weve really lost it.
Your right Glow, and this is the trap we can all fall into because of these tensions ever since before the election and continuing through these recent events. Just as not every person who voted for Trump is a Racist, KKK member , its only right to also recognize not everyone who votes Democrat is a radical who is not patriotic to this country. We definately have different ways of looking at and thinking what is healthy for this country but even if we think each others leadership is deficient (Im keeping it clean here), we have to at least remain good neighbors when we are out on the street. if we lose that and cant talk to each other anymore, then weve really lost it.



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Someone else give it to them.....right?

You should cease being redundant...cow in the way of your chest thumping, did I?

As for the video....while the guy who assaulted her should be arrested for that assault....watching the video I wonder what made him suddenly turn around AFTER he had passed her and backhand her and grab at her flag? More like a reaction than an action. Hmmmmm.....even tho that does not excuse him.

With FOX news right there to catch the lucky

He is a democrat, he hates the American flag and everything it stands for, There is no question, he is a Khmer Rouge traitor engaging in violence to end the Republic. You democrat gutter scum are fighting a civil war to end the free republic; you are traitors.
You actually think the guy only votes democratic party? It must be a small world where you live..

Your right Glow, and this is the trap we can all fall into because of these tensions ever since before the election and continuing through these recent events. Just as not every person who voted for Trump is a Racist, KKK member , its only right to also recognize not everyone who votes Democrat is a radical who is not patriotic to this country. We definately have different ways of looking at and thinking what is healthy for this country but even if we think each others leadership is deficient (Im keeping it clean here), we have to at least remain good neighbors when we are out on the street. if we lose that and cant talk to each other anymore, then weve really lost it.
You are right also...Having composure through the whirlwind is the best policy...
How far did he drag her?

It's still assault, you wouldnt be saying that if it was your mother. Or would you?
My mother would never be out there fighting for white supremacy so.... I don't really have an answer for you.
So now the free speech and the US Flag signifies White Supremacy ?

The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation aka BBC are referring to the Conservative's wanting to have a Free Speech march as "a Far Right Protest"

These POS can Rot In Hell... Fuck the Propaganda MSM.

To Europeans, ever since we drafted the Constitution we have been on the "far right," including the Democrats. Your whole continent, including your so called conservatives, all lean way to the left. To the BBC, our RINO's ARE the far right. :badgrin: Conservatives here know Hitler was a fucking socialist.

Americans have no use for European statist politics, always trying to control their citizens lives, our politicians emulate them, disugusting. We have been constantly fighting their internationalist elites trying to turn the entire planet into one huge police state. None of them would have any freedom w/o us, so fuck them.
Start beating these assholes

I agree.

Antifa thugs dress in black and wear masks when they confront right wing groups....

I would suggest right wing groups to do the same.

Let everybody be masked. :thup:

It's only fair!

They want violence? Give it to them
Someone else give it to them.....right?

Yes and that's THE MOST violent terrorists of ALL....the Amish :eek-52:

JimBowie1958 it's the Amish again :eek-52: :omg:




The below are Top Secret pictures from one of the TWENTY MILLION Amish Terrorist Training Camps.

Amish Radical Terrorist with a Shoulder to Air Rocket Launcher.


Amish Radical Terrorist Wimmens practicing Target Shooting.


The below are the Senior Commanders of Amish Radical Terrorist Sleeper Cells # VI, # VIII and # X.


The Amish are dangerous and they're out of control :eek-52: :omg:

Thank you for your interesting input, dear.
I agree.

Antifa thugs dress in black and wear masks when they confront right wing groups....

I would suggest right wing groups to do the same.

Let everybody be masked. :thup:

It's only fair!

They want violence? Give it to them
Someone else give it to them.....right?

You should cease being redundant...cow in the way of your chest thumping, did I?

As for the video....while the guy who assaulted her should be arrested for that assault....watching the video I wonder what made him suddenly turn around AFTER he had passed her and backhand her and grab at her flag? More like a reaction than an action. Hmmmmm.....even tho that does not excuse him.

With FOX news right there to catch the lucky

You don't think I read all that gibberish do you?
Actually's too much for you.
There's where your violence is coming from. Look at the video and see all the masked thugs protesting free speech.
WATCH: Older Woman Holding American Flag Hit, Dragged in Boston

Let's leave old people alone, everyone, shall we. No reason to do that.

Boy Faux News has a team on short stools milking this cow with fanatical vigor though, trying to equate, again using the false equivalency, this to something that happened in Charlotte. Faux News is anti -American. But let's ALL leave old people the hell alone derpies.
She's not Old.

To people like me she is, I'm 27 years old.
Well, that's not a surprise.
I agree.

Antifa thugs dress in black and wear masks when they confront right wing groups....

I would suggest right wing groups to do the same.

Let everybody be masked. :thup:

It's only fair!

They want violence? Give it to them
Someone else give it to them.....right?

You should cease being redundant...cow in the way of your chest thumping, did I?

As for the video....while the guy who assaulted her should be arrested for that assault....watching the video I wonder what made him suddenly turn around AFTER he had passed her and backhand her and grab at her flag? More like a reaction than an action. Hmmmmm.....even tho that does not excuse him.

With FOX news right there to catch the lucky

He is a democrat, he hates the American flag and everything it stands for, There is no question, he is a Khmer Rouge traitor engaging in violence to end the Republic. You democrat gutter scum are fighting a civil war to end the free republic; you are traitors.
You know that guy then...make sure you report his name to the Boston authorities for assault....if not, you are an accessory to assault.
They want violence? Give it to them

Yes, and why should Antifa have the advantage?

What's fair is fair.;)

Don't stoop down to their level Skye, sadly its the way the national dialogue has been trending. I'm not going to bail you out for assault and battery :nono:
... ok well maybe only one time because you probably don't have any priors


But seriously, it's not a matter of stoop down to their level, but a matter of self protection.

Why be a doormat and let them win the day????? No way.

Go into the thick of it using the same weapons and tactics of your enemy, even if those tactics are distasteful. ;)

Well sure, I would never begrudge you or anyone self defence Skye, though I've been giving this so much thought lately. Unfortunately us conservative normal people (im almost there) are going to have to be the adults in the room, and thats something I never wanted to do before.
But really, maybe it's in more of a general sense, This little violence we've been seeing now has had sort of a different flavor for the last 4 years or so and I'm hoping it's not the beginning of something worse. Though those white Supremecists only make up a tiny fraction of the population and the Alt-Left or whatever they are, probably are just a tiny fraction as well,... I hope these cancer cells can be extracted before they metastasize to the rest of the body. I'd hate to see us go the route of Nicaragua where people were kidnapped and tortured for their political affiliation. of course thats the xtreme end, and would probably be several generations away. Most likely continued violence like this will really just paralize our political process into a worse state than it already is.
Damn, i'm afraid we may not be able to just Molly Wopp these people cause they have it coming... there must be some kind of way to bring rational dialogue back again to how it used to be (when was that? the 80s?) I don't really have any answers for that though.

I agree with you and also hope this is not the beginning of something worse.

The only winners here are Soros, Obama and his leftovers, and the Deep State.

These people want to promote a civil war and bring down the Trump Administration....and they are using these Antifa pathetic useful idiots and thugs.

I hope with all my heart the the President is very aware of what is going on ...sees through this sham and finally punished these people.

Things can not continue this way.
Soros! Soros! Soros! Dem Ebil Jewish Overlords!
They want violence? Give it to them
Someone else give it to them.....right?

You should cease being redundant...cow in the way of your chest thumping, did I?

As for the video....while the guy who assaulted her should be arrested for that assault....watching the video I wonder what made him suddenly turn around AFTER he had passed her and backhand her and grab at her flag? More like a reaction than an action. Hmmmmm.....even tho that does not excuse him.

With FOX news right there to catch the lucky

You don't think I read all that gibberish do you?
Actually's too much for you.

Actually no, you're nearing 100.000 posts and still haven't uttered anything of value. Now shut up and cease thinking you do
Start beating these assholes

I agree.

Antifa thugs dress in black and wear masks when they confront right wing groups....

I would suggest right wing groups to do the same.

Let everybody be masked. :thup:

It's only fair!

They want violence? Give it to them

Yes, and why should Antifa have the advantage?

What's fair is fair.;)

Don't stoop down to their level Skye, sadly its the way the national dialogue has been trending. I'm not going to bail you out for assault and battery :nono:
... ok well maybe only one time because you probably don't have any priors


But seriously, it's not a matter of stoop down to their level, but a matter of self protection.

Why be a doormat and let them win the day????? No way.

Go into the thick of it using the same weapons and tactics of your enemy, even if those tactics are distasteful. ;)

Its worth pointing out that last week fascists drove a car into a crowd of people ,killing one poor girl and injuring many others.

I cant see where the supremacists have any high ground here.

Also worth pointing out that the local police were quite pleased that it all went off peacefully.

No fatalities,nobody got hurt. Where is the problem ?
These guys were in Charlottesville
“Crowds on Demand” Posts Charlotte Craigslist Ad Offering $25/Hr For Paid Protesters - Charlotte Stories

This is them:
Crowds on Demand

Wonder if they were in Boston.Wonder if they are going to Berkley.
I seriously doubt a client of theirs would have the marketing budget to fund the 40,000 person crowd that showed up!!

I doubt very seriously they would have needed to pay for all 40,000. There are dipshits a-plenty.
Hiring armed criminals to disrupt protected public speech is a criminal act; why is the AG not investigating this under the RICO laws?
But she is a White Supremacist, see, so its OK.


America needs a J. Edgar Hoover.

J. Edgar Hoover was correct, the below is what the Democrats have been doing for a long time with their Race Card Race Baiting.

FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, said of the Communist goals:

“Communists seek to advance the cause of Communism by injecting themselves into racial situations and in exploiting them, (1) to intensify the frictions between Negroes and Whites to ‘prove’ that discrimination against the minorities is an inherent defect of the capitalistic system, (2) to foster domestic disunity by dividing Negroes and Whites into antagonistic, warring factions, (3) to undermine and destroy established authority, (4) to incite racial strife and riotous activity, and (6) to portray the Communist movement as the ‘champion’ of social protest and the only force capable of ameliorating the conditions of the Negro and the oppressed.”
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