Antifa "protester" drags old woman with flag

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It's still assault, you wouldnt be saying that if it was your mother. Or would you?
My mother would never be out there fighting for white supremacy so.... I don't really have an answer for you.

It was a Free Speech Rally, the elderly lady was there to support Free Speech UNLIKE your Antifa Fascist friends who believe in Shutting Down Free Speech and violently assaulting people INCLUDING the police.

Black Flag what a silly little Fascist you are.

Im afraid I have to agree with you. the guy seems to be carrying a Black Flag for a reason

His sig line is also openly advocating violence. He's a typical Fascist of the Far Leftist variety aka Antifa.

He probably wished he would have been at that Free Speech Rally so he could have joined in and violently assaulted some elderly ladies himself....he's frustrated today because he couldn't get out because his basement door was bolted.

so says someone openly supportive of racists and nazis.

btw, people died fighting nazis... and you're worried about hurting their feelings?


Yeah a lot of people have died at the hands of the shit you leftist scum worship and more are dying every day MURDERER. As for Nazis you on the left ARE the NAZIS, it was absolutely proven in Charlottesville this past weekend when you Nazi errantly labeled group of rights violators attacked a group of AMERICANS exercising their Constitutionally protected right to peaceful assembly. You cant disprove that fact ANTIFA has NO right to attack or impede any person in the act of any legal task they choose to attempt. That means that when they assault people they are criminals, when they presume to decide who can and cannot have a monument of their choice they are committing an assault on Constitutional rights of EVERYONE. This is a long way from over, and it is going to be a real blood bath. It is exactly what those of us who posted a long time ago on some of the older Political forums warned would result from the actions that allowed the violation of individual rights by violent protesters in ANY situation. It is just starting to warm up just wait till about 40 or 50 of your antifa terrorist get the hell shot out of them and the ones who shoot them walk away!!!
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Start beating these assholes

I agree.

Antifa thugs dress in black and wear masks when they confront right wing groups....

I would suggest right wing groups to do the same.

Let everybody be masked. :thup:

It's only fair!

They want violence? Give it to them
Someone else give it to them.....right?

You should cease being redundant...cow

Has the Clown News Network given their opinion yet? That's what the Leftists CALL NEWS!

But but but that man who assaulted that woman with the flag was of COURSE Donald Trump HIMSELF.:omg:


There's where your violence is coming from. Look at the video and see all the masked thugs protesting free speech.
WATCH: Older Woman Holding American Flag Hit, Dragged in Boston

where does it say the person who pulled the flag away was an "antifa" or which side the older woman was on?

just wondering since it appears you got that from the voices in your head.
I was just going to post that! I can say it WAS NOT Antifa who grabbed the flag, they did NOT have Anifa garb on, and the perp had long blonde hair wearing a denim jacket it looked like....could have been another woman....? Really hard to tell? The punk could have had no ''side'' and just delinquent idiot troublemaker?

Plus the poor injured older woman had guts to continue to run after him or her!
kudos to her!

No where can you tell what side was she on...though waving the American flag is like waving the Union Flag, so I am thinking since it was not a confederate flag, she is probably on the left... :D


All that is what's IMPORTANT to you? GUESSING what side she was on? Go check yourself.. It's not funny or amusing if you feel that way..

nooooooo.... responding to the lying o/p DECIDING what side each was on with zero evidence but his own delusions..

he could have said how horrible, someone assaulted someone with a flag.

and most people would have said, yeah that was awful.

but he had to lie.

and now it seems that the poor innocent dear was yelling nazi epithets. I don't know if she was. but if she was, she still shouldn't have been assaulted. but I wouldn't feel bad for her nazi butt.
and now it seems that the poor innocent dear was yelling nazi epithets.

He's the missing link :smoke:
There's where your violence is coming from. Look at the video and see all the masked thugs protesting free speech.
WATCH: Older Woman Holding American Flag Hit, Dragged in Boston

Let's leave old people alone, everyone, shall we. No reason to do that.

Boy Faux News has a team on short stools milking this cow with fanatical vigor though, trying to equate, again using the false equivalency, this to something that happened in Charlotte. Faux News is anti -American. But let's ALL leave old people the hell alone derpies.
She's not Old.

To people like me she is, I'm 27 years old.
How far did he drag her?

It's still assault, you wouldnt be saying that if it was your mother. Or would you?
My mother would never be out there fighting for white supremacy so.... I don't really have an answer for you.
So now the free speech and the US Flag signifies White Supremacy ?

The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation aka BBC are referring to the Conservative's wanting to have a Free Speech march as "a Far Right Protest"

These POS can Rot In Hell... Fuck the Propaganda MSM.
Berkeley grants city manager power to make temporary protest rules

Next up No to Marxism in America. August 27th Berkley. I don't know who is speaking.

And a Freedom Rally August 26 in San Francisco.

so which side are you going to be on? the leftist NAZI terrorist, or the peaceful conservative?

I'm going to grab some popcorn and watch a fuckload of millenials do what the media tells them to do, when the media tells them to do it.

I told you what is going to happen.
Start beating these assholes

I agree.

Antifa thugs dress in black and wear masks when they confront right wing groups....

I would suggest right wing groups to do the same.

Let everybody be masked. :thup:

It's only fair!

They want violence? Give it to them

Yes, and why should Antifa have the advantage?

What's fair is fair.;)

Don't stoop down to their level Skye, sadly its the way the national dialogue has been trending. I'm not going to bail you out for assault and battery :nono:
... ok well maybe only one time because you probably don't have any priors


But seriously, it's not a matter of stoop down to their level, but a matter of self protection.

Why be a doormat and let them win the day????? No way.

Go into the thick of it using the same weapons and tactics of your enemy, even if those tactics are distasteful. ;)

Well sure, I would never begrudge you or anyone self defence Skye, though I've been giving this so much thought lately. Unfortunately us conservative normal people (im almost there) are going to have to be the adults in the room, and thats something I never wanted to do before.
But really, maybe it's in more of a general sense, This little violence we've been seeing now has had sort of a different flavor for the last 4 years or so and I'm hoping it's not the beginning of something worse. Though those white Supremecists only make up a tiny fraction of the population and the Alt-Left or whatever they are, probably are just a tiny fraction as well,... I hope these cancer cells can be extracted before they metastasize to the rest of the body. I'd hate to see us go the route of Nicaragua where people were kidnapped and tortured for their political affiliation. of course thats the xtreme end, and would probably be several generations away. Most likely continued violence like this will really just paralize our political process into a worse state than it already is.
Damn, i'm afraid we may not be able to just Molly Wopp these people cause they have it coming... there must be some kind of way to bring rational dialogue back again to how it used to be (when was that? the 80s?) I don't really have any answers for that though.
Of course I don't.

Of course you do. All of you antifart pussies are all alike. The woman was holding an American Flag. That is a patriotic thing to do. antifart (I'm stealing this from Joe Pags, so all credit to him for the new nickname) is anti American so it makes sense that they would attack the symbol for this country.
Well profart, I'm just waiting to hear the full story over here. Let me know when you have it.

The "whole story" is in the video. An elderly woman was holding a flag. A antifart coward grabbed the flag and dragged the older woman along with it. That is Assault. You condone it because you are a racist, elder hating scumbag. Simple.
What was going on that the profart woman was trying to block from the camera with the flag? Did she threaten anyone? Was she blocking the path?

Sorry but we're missing a lot of information here.
The only thing missing from this equation is your brain.

There's nothing left in the Right side of that brain, and nothing right with the Left side. But that actually becomes an algebraic equation as both sides probably cancel each other out .
How far did he drag her?

It's still assault, you wouldnt be saying that if it was your mother. Or would you?
My mother would never be out there fighting for white supremacy so.... I don't really have an answer for you.

Looked to me like she was just holding an American flag.
Funny how you morons somehow turn what's probably just a moderate/conservative into something like "white supremacy.
There's where your violence is coming from. Look at the video and see all the masked thugs protesting free speech.
WATCH: Older Woman Holding American Flag Hit, Dragged in Boston

where does it say the person who pulled the flag away was an "antifa" or which side the older woman was on?

just wondering since it appears you got that from the voices in your head.

Did you just wake up Jillian ? Have you missed demonstrations in the past where the antifa fucks mask their faces?
This is nothing new sweetheart.
In the U.S. today, someone hiding behind a mask and swinging a club, is a patriot and a hero.
Someone holding an American flag is the enemy, and is spat on.

Did you ever believe we would get to this point folks?
How far did he drag her?

It's still assault, you wouldnt be saying that if it was your mother. Or would you?
My mother would never be out there fighting for white supremacy so.... I don't really have an answer for you.
Where is the proof she was fighting for white supremacists.

She was standing there. Silently holding a flag.

So you are implying the flag on my uniform signified support for white supremacists?

You're a fucking idiot.
Start beating these assholes

I agree.

Antifa thugs dress in black and wear masks when they confront right wing groups....

I would suggest right wing groups to do the same.

Let everybody be masked. :thup:

It's only fair!

They want violence? Give it to them

Yes, and why should Antifa have the advantage?

What's fair is fair.;)

Don't stoop down to their level Skye, sadly its the way the national dialogue has been trending. I'm not going to bail you out for assault and battery :nono:
... ok well maybe only one time because you probably don't have any priors


But seriously, it's not a matter of stoop down to their level, but a matter of self protection.

Why be a doormat and let them win the day????? No way.

Go into the thick of it using the same weapons and tactics of your enemy, even if those tactics are distasteful. ;)

Why use same weapons, why not use superior weapons and make them rue the day?

ANTIFA is a terrorist organization. They need hunted down and eradicated from America.

They throw Molotov cocktails in other countries, probably other countries where crackers don't own .308s and know how to shoot them.

(I know in Ukraine)
Instead of condemning this disgusting happening, all you wanted to know was how far the elderly lady was dragged, you determined she wasn't dragged that makes it OKAY because she wasn't dragged that far?

I think we need to wait for the whole story to come out. A lot of bad was done, on both sides :laugh:
The old lady did nothing but stand there holding her flag and then got assaulted by a coward thug. The difference in this video and the car strike video, is we can clearly see before the attack and after. They old lady did nothing.
No discernible audio and the flag is blocking whatever was happening in front of it. Probably for a reason. Nope, we don't have enough information.

Seems like you don't like old ladies and flags. There's everything there in the vid.. She was assaulted and dragged. You CONDONE this?
Of course not. But we don't have all the information.
If you only had a brain.
Seems like you don't like old ladies and flags. There's everything there in the vid.. She was assaulted and dragged. You CONDONE this?
Of course not. But we don't have all the information.

I'm guessing the information you NEED is who she voted for? Is that what's missing here?
No we just need to wait for the whole story to come out.

Like "which side was she on" ? OF COURSE that's what information is lacking here. You support assault and intimidation based on how people politically identify. You're fooling no one..
Hey, we can't just jump to conclusions here.
Then why are you?
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