Antifa "protester" drags old woman with flag

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These guys were in Charlottesville
“Crowds on Demand” Posts Charlotte Craigslist Ad Offering $25/Hr For Paid Protesters - Charlotte Stories

This is them:
Crowds on Demand

Wonder if they were in Boston.Wonder if they are going to Berkley.
I seriously doubt a client of theirs would have the marketing budget to fund the 40,000 person crowd that showed up!!

Soros pays 5 or 10 of them to start violence with the assurance that the sheep will follow once it starts.

Soros learned this from Hitler, Hitler learned it from Lenin. All of these scum work to create chaos so they can assume power.
Hiring armed criminals to disrupt protected public speech is a criminal act; why is the AG not investigating this under the RICO laws?
But she is a White Supremacist, see, so its OK.


America needs a J. Edgar Hoover.

J. Edgar Hoover was correct, the below is what the Democrats have been doing for a long time with their Race Card Race Baiting.

FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, said of the Communist goals:

“Communists seek to advance the cause of Communism by injecting themselves into racial situations and in exploiting them, (1) to intensify the frictions between Negroes and Whites to ‘prove’ that discrimination against the minorities is an inherent defect of the capitalistic system, (2) to foster domestic disunity by dividing Negroes and Whites into antagonistic, warring factions, (3) to undermine and destroy established authority, (4) to incite racial strife and riotous activity, and (6) to portray the Communist movement as the ‘champion’ of social protest and the only force capable of ameliorating the conditions of the Negro and the oppressed.”
Need another drag queen in charge of the FBI?
You know that guy then...make sure you report his name to the Boston authorities for assault....if not, you are an accessory to assault.

I know that guy, I'm posting to his clone right now...

Goosestep on, Nazi Pete!
Then you certainly need to report him to the Boston police...unless you are an accessory to his vicariously thru the violence of others. That wouldn't surprise me.
How far did he drag her?

It's still assault, you wouldnt be saying that if it was your mother. Or would you?
My mother would never be out there fighting for white supremacy so.... I don't really have an answer for you.
So now the free speech and the US Flag signifies White Supremacy ?

The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation aka BBC are referring to the Conservative's wanting to have a Free Speech march as "a Far Right Protest"

These POS can Rot In Hell... Fuck the Propaganda MSM.

To Europeans, ever since we drafted the Constitution we have been on the "far right," including the Democrats. Your whole continent, including your so called conservatives, all lean way to the left. To the BBC, our RINO's ARE the far right. :badgrin: Conservatives here know Hitler was a fucking socialist.

Americans have no use for European statist politics, always trying to control their citizens lives, our politicians emulate them, disugusting. We have been constantly fighting their internationalist elites trying to turn the entire planet into one huge police state. None of them would have any freedom w/o us, so fuck them.

You don't have to tell me that our own Conservatives are basically Left leaning, the Conservative Conservatives they label us all as "Far Right", being Patriotic and wanting to put your own people first, secure your border, defend your own nations Sovereignty these are ALL "Far Right" positions.

They are ONLY "Far Right" to the International Globalists and their paid for mouthpieces in the MSM and the Useful Idiots who take to the Internets to push The Agenda.

The situation is this is about Patriots vs Globalists, you are either on the site of Patriotism to whatever is the nation of your Ancestors OR you are on the side of the Globalists....there is a time approaching VERY soon where people are going to be forced to choose a side to be on, there is to be NO more sitting the fence.

If you side with the Globalists, say goodbye to Free Speech, Individuality, Sovereignty and the majority of your OWN Civil Rights and Human Right to Self Determination.

People on Our Team have been attempting to warn our American brothers and sisters for several years about what is to come, we warned you about the Antifa, we told you to keep watch on them.

You're ALL going to have to make a choice.

To take the Red Pill or to take the Blue Pill.

The Red Pill forces you to face Reality, even though it might be uncomfortable to do that because taking the Red Pill means there are NO Safe Spaces to run to for comfort.

The Blue Pill keeps you in the Delusion that ALL is well.

You'd be advised to take the Red Pill, it's good to be on Our Team, the Red Pilled side.

Choose wisely:

Hiring armed criminals to disrupt protected public speech is a criminal act; why is the AG not investigating this under the RICO laws?
But she is a White Supremacist, see, so its OK.


America needs a J. Edgar Hoover.

J. Edgar Hoover was correct, the below is what the Democrats have been doing for a long time with their Race Card Race Baiting.

FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, said of the Communist goals:

“Communists seek to advance the cause of Communism by injecting themselves into racial situations and in exploiting them, (1) to intensify the frictions between Negroes and Whites to ‘prove’ that discrimination against the minorities is an inherent defect of the capitalistic system, (2) to foster domestic disunity by dividing Negroes and Whites into antagonistic, warring factions, (3) to undermine and destroy established authority, (4) to incite racial strife and riotous activity, and (6) to portray the Communist movement as the ‘champion’ of social protest and the only force capable of ameliorating the conditions of the Negro and the oppressed.”
Need another drag queen in charge of the FBI?

He can be forgiven some of his um eccentricities :smoke:
Hiring armed criminals to disrupt protected public speech is a criminal act; why is the AG not investigating this under the RICO laws?

I commented in this thread that The Good Side has infiltrated the Antifa some time ago, they number less than 10,000, anyone else that shows up for these Events is basically pulled from the unemployed and even homeless people, they are offered 500 each just for a few hours of joining in the violence, they are given something to cover their face with and also some type of weapon, usually a metal bar and a can of pepper spray.

We have many of our friends from The Good Side who have been monitoring the Antifa since August 2015, they now know EVERYTHING about them. The End Game that The Good Side has planned for the Antifa is soon to begin.

The actual Antifa are very disorganised and now also paranoid because they know they've been infiltrated, some have even been fighting among themselves because they are convinced so and so is an Informer.

The Good Side and the relevant Law Enforcement Agencies know the names of and where they squat, they cannot hide, they are soon going to have nowhere to run to.



- Snip -


^^^^ There is more of course, but that above is just a taster.

Silly pathetic Antifa Far Left Communist human filth, the time is approaching....Tick Tock Tick Tock :eusa_whistle:

Stay tuned....
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You know that guy then...make sure you report his name to the Boston authorities for assault....if not, you are an accessory to assault.

I know that guy, I'm posting to his clone right now...

Goosestep on, Nazi Pete!
Then you certainly need to report him to the Boston police...unless you are an accessory to his vicariously thru the violence of others. That wouldn't surprise me.

Ohh, if I'm an accessory, you better turn me in, Nazi Pete. Maybe it will earn you that Obama Youth merit badge you've been wanting for so long....
These guys were in Charlottesville
“Crowds on Demand” Posts Charlotte Craigslist Ad Offering $25/Hr For Paid Protesters - Charlotte Stories

This is them:
Crowds on Demand

Wonder if they were in Boston.Wonder if they are going to Berkley.
I seriously doubt a client of theirs would have the marketing budget to fund the 40,000 person crowd that showed up!!

Soros pays 5 or 10 of them to start violence with the assurance that the sheep will follow once it starts.

Soros learned this from Hitler, Hitler learned it from Lenin. All of these scum work to create chaos so they can assume power.

It seems that George Soros is sometimes um late with his payments to the Antifa, some Antifa Chapters they actually have been PROTESTING George Soros and have filmed themselves shouting:

"George Soros where's our money?"

The below is from April 2017:


Incredibly they've left the video still up, you can watch it at the below link:

Beverly Hills Antifa on Twitter
Yes, and why should Antifa have the advantage?

What's fair is fair.;)

Don't stoop down to their level Skye, sadly its the way the national dialogue has been trending. I'm not going to bail you out for assault and battery :nono:
... ok well maybe only one time because you probably don't have any priors


But seriously, it's not a matter of stoop down to their level, but a matter of self protection.

Why be a doormat and let them win the day????? No way.

Go into the thick of it using the same weapons and tactics of your enemy, even if those tactics are distasteful. ;)

Well sure, I would never begrudge you or anyone self defence Skye, though I've been giving this so much thought lately. Unfortunately us conservative normal people (im almost there) are going to have to be the adults in the room, and thats something I never wanted to do before.
But really, maybe it's in more of a general sense, This little violence we've been seeing now has had sort of a different flavor for the last 4 years or so and I'm hoping it's not the beginning of something worse. Though those white Supremecists only make up a tiny fraction of the population and the Alt-Left or whatever they are, probably are just a tiny fraction as well,... I hope these cancer cells can be extracted before they metastasize to the rest of the body. I'd hate to see us go the route of Nicaragua where people were kidnapped and tortured for their political affiliation. of course thats the xtreme end, and would probably be several generations away. Most likely continued violence like this will really just paralize our political process into a worse state than it already is.
Damn, i'm afraid we may not be able to just Molly Wopp these people cause they have it coming... there must be some kind of way to bring rational dialogue back again to how it used to be (when was that? the 80s?) I don't really have any answers for that though.

I agree with you and also hope this is not the beginning of something worse.

The only winners here are Soros, Obama and his leftovers, and the Deep State.

These people want to promote a civil war and bring down the Trump Administration....and they are using these Antifa pathetic useful idiots and thugs.

I hope with all my heart the the President is very aware of what is going on ...sees through this sham and finally punished these people.

Things can not continue this way.
Soros! Soros! Soros! Dem Ebil Jewish Overlords!

You obviously know nothing about The Tides Foundation or the Alliance for Global Justice, in this thread I already posted the most recent tax returns.

The Alliance for Global Justice are also listed as a registered 501(c)3 and now the evidence is there that they are using the donations they get from The Tides Foundation and others to fund violence and promote violence they have violated quite a number of American Federal Laws and the RICO Act can now also be involved in dealing with them.
These guys were in Charlottesville
“Crowds on Demand” Posts Charlotte Craigslist Ad Offering $25/Hr For Paid Protesters - Charlotte Stories

This is them:
Crowds on Demand

Wonder if they were in Boston.Wonder if they are going to Berkley.
I seriously doubt a client of theirs would have the marketing budget to fund the 40,000 person crowd that showed up!!

Soros pays 5 or 10 of them to start violence with the assurance that the sheep will follow once it starts.

Soros learned this from Hitler, Hitler learned it from Lenin. All of these scum work to create chaos so they can assume power.

It seems that George Soros is sometimes um late with his payments to the Antifa, some Antifa Chapters they actually have been PROTESTING George Soros and have filmed themselves shouting:

"George Soros where's our money?"

The below is from April 2017:

View attachment 144903

Incredibly they've left the video still up, you can watch it at the below link:

Beverly Hills Antifa on Twitter

^^^^ As I said I have already posted the tax returns for the Alliance for Global Justice - which includes the financial donations they get from The Tides Foundation, they are now in full violation of their registered 501(c)3 status, Hello RICO Act calling for them very soon.

This is my post where I have posted the tax returns for the Alliance for Global Justice.

Antifa "protester" drags old woman with flag

They were also behind the violent Berkeley Riots and a DNC Platform member was one of the initiators of those riots.

DNC Platform Member Cornel West Tied To Violent Berkeley Rioters

The below contains where they OPENLY celebrate that they were involved with the incredible violence at the recent G20 Summit.

Soros-Funded Militant Group Claims ‘German Contingent’ At G20 Protests



A Call from Refuse Fascism - November 4 It Begins: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

^^^^ The above is a full violation of this:


18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government
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These guys were in Charlottesville
“Crowds on Demand” Posts Charlotte Craigslist Ad Offering $25/Hr For Paid Protesters - Charlotte Stories

This is them:
Crowds on Demand

Wonder if they were in Boston.Wonder if they are going to Berkley.
I seriously doubt a client of theirs would have the marketing budget to fund the 40,000 person crowd that showed up!!

Soros pays 5 or 10 of them to start violence with the assurance that the sheep will follow once it starts.

Soros learned this from Hitler, Hitler learned it from Lenin. All of these scum work to create chaos so they can assume power.

It seems that George Soros is sometimes um late with his payments to the Antifa, some Antifa Chapters they actually have been PROTESTING George Soros and have filmed themselves shouting:

"George Soros where's our money?"

The below is from April 2017:

View attachment 144903

Incredibly they've left the video still up, you can watch it at the below link:

Beverly Hills Antifa on Twitter


No people won't bury the video of the Antifa violently attacking journalists on the Friday night in Charlottesville, Virginia, many of these journalists as you'll see from the video were viciously attacked with iron bars and sticks and had to receive hospital treatment for head injuries....including female journalists and those from a Richmond, Virginia news team.

The below illustrates that The Donald was CORRECT, violence on ALL SIDES at Charlottesville.

The below are filmed happenings from Boston yesterday, a peaceful man attending the Free Speech rally Triggers the Alt-Left by wearing an American flag and an Israeli flag, he is then harrassed by the Alt-Left who are joined by the Antifa Far Left Fascists and them calling him RACIST....also in the below video the Boston Police are verbally abused by the Alt-Left, Antifa and joined by their Pets BLM calling the police "Fucking scum"....the below video also contains the same footage from the OP of the old lady being attacked because she was holding an American flag (begins at 1 minute 11 seconds), it's EXTENDED though and because you see the FULL happening it illustrates that it WAS the Alt-Left who ATTACKED that lady, it then pans through her being dragged past Antifa with their faces covered and she is then RESCUED by Free Speech Conservatives who help and comfort her (at 2 minutes and 5 seconds) at 2 minutes and 18 seconds a Black Clad with face Covered Antifa approaches for reasons that cannot be determined from the video.

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Hiring armed criminals to disrupt protected public speech is a criminal act; why is the AG not investigating this under the RICO laws?
But she is a White Supremacist, see, so its OK.


America needs a J. Edgar Hoover.

J. Edgar Hoover was correct, the below is what the Democrats have been doing for a long time with their Race Card Race Baiting.

FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, said of the Communist goals:

“Communists seek to advance the cause of Communism by injecting themselves into racial situations and in exploiting them, (1) to intensify the frictions between Negroes and Whites to ‘prove’ that discrimination against the minorities is an inherent defect of the capitalistic system, (2) to foster domestic disunity by dividing Negroes and Whites into antagonistic, warring factions, (3) to undermine and destroy established authority, (4) to incite racial strife and riotous activity, and (6) to portray the Communist movement as the ‘champion’ of social protest and the only force capable of ameliorating the conditions of the Negro and the oppressed.”
Need another drag queen in charge of the FBI?

He can be forgiven some of his um eccentricities :smoke:
You know that guy then...make sure you report his name to the Boston authorities for assault....if not, you are an accessory to assault.

I know that guy, I'm posting to his clone right now...

Goosestep on, Nazi Pete!
Then you certainly need to report him to the Boston police...unless you are an accessory to his vicariously thru the violence of others. That wouldn't surprise me.

Ohh, if I'm an accessory, you better turn me in, Nazi Pete. Maybe it will earn you that Obama Youth merit badge you've been wanting for so long....
You are the one claiming you know who the assaulter is. I have no inkling as to who they are so I cannot be an accessory. You on the other hand, have made the claim that you know him. It's on you. Glad I could help clear that up for you.
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