ANTIFA Supporters...... Defend this

You never see these pussies square up and take on an age appropriate person face to face.

ANTIFA are absolutely cowards.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!
Could you imagine these Violent Femmes taking on a similar sized crowd of people who actually know how to fight?

Holy shit
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!

Trump and the GOP condemn and disavow "white supremacists" just about every goddamn day. When is the last time a democrat condemned Antifa?
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!
/——/ Got any fake outrage for democRATs who stand up for Mexican Nationalists?
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!

For starters, you have a Liberal mayor in Portland showing his support for ANTIFA by doing noting to protect its citizens. Why does a Presidential candidates’ view matter? The reality is that you are trying to shift this back to Trump because ANTIFA is owned by the Left.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!

Trump and the GOP condemn and disavow "white supremacists" just about every goddamn day. When is the last time a democrat condemned Antifa?

Pelosi has in the last year condemned ANTIFA. That said, rarely, if ever, do you see Democrats condemn them. They sit passive, quiet and enjoy the disruption and violence.

Trumpian would love it if you and I were as stupid as they are and actually believe that the truth extremist group ANTIFA is the real Democrat Party.

The El Paso shooter is not actually the Republican Party. It would be shallow, stupid and moronic to drive the trope that he is. But shallow, stupid and moronic never stopped Trumpians from trying to paint Democrats with the ANTIFA brush.

One more thread that tries to weave ANTIFA into the fabric of Democrat politics and every time I reference Trump supporters; El Paso, Pittsburgh and any of the n xh, inevitable mass shootings will be explicitly tied to Trump supporters!
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!

For starters, you have a Liberal mayor in Portland showing his support for ANTIFA by doing noting to protect its citizens. Why does a Presidential candidates’ view matter? The reality is that you are trying to shift this back to Trump because ANTIFA is owned by the Left.
It is illegal in most states to wear a mask in a group demonstration if the intent is to hide identity.
This terrorist group is so extreme, it has no tolerance for Bernie Sanders supporter holding a US Flag.

From Newsweek....

That video of Antifa beating a man carrying an American flag? He's a Bernie voter
You mean he "WAS" a Bernie voter. You can bet that negative reinforcement will have the poor sap voting for President Trump.

The fact that an American citizen is beaten for carrying an American Flag on American soil is disgusting. If that is too “Nationalist” for people then we’ve got bigger problems and threats than we thought.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!
dude - you're like 50lbs of shit shoved in a 20lb capacity potato sack.

'I don't know what Antifa is': Democratic candidates asked on camera to denounce terrorist group

i want to hear more from tulsi gabbard but the radical dems are giving her the sanders treatment. and i don't mean fried chicken.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!

Trump and the GOP condemn and disavow "white supremacists" just about every goddamn day. When is the last time a democrat condemned Antifa?

Pelosi has in the last year condemned ANTIFA. That said, rarely, if ever, do you see Democrats condemn them. They sit passive, quiet and enjoy the disruption and violence.

I remember that. But she fell way, way short of declaring all out war on them like Rubio and Romney did to the mean ol' white supremacists immediately after Charlottesville.

Democrat politicians are content to pretend Antifa doesn't exist and journalists certainly never press them on the issue. No, instead the media publishes articles sanitizing the movement by calling them "counter protesters" or "anti-fascists" and their opponents "far right".
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!

Trump and the GOP condemn and disavow "white supremacists" just about every goddamn day. When is the last time a democrat condemned Antifa?
when all people do is lie - it's time to walk away from them. let them lie to themselves.
Antifa is the military portion of the Democratic party. Both should be declared terrorist organizations. There is no room in this country for bigoted socialists or totalitarians, whatever you want to call them.
You’ve got Donald standing up for white nationalists everywhere. Zero Dem leaders support Antifa. Most anyone can dig up is a random comment from people no one has ever heard of. Put up some links to current presidential candidates about Antifa support! I dare you!!!!!
White Nationalists are fine people-I am one. We believe in America first and the constitution. We accept ALL people willing to pull their weight and support soldiers and law enforcement. White Supremists are not good and cause trouble-just like Antifas.

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