Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

This is no longer about George Floyd, & Antifa just made a FATAL mistake, proving they are the Domestic Terrorist Group the President says they are...

Time to CRUSH Antifa holding 6 blocks in Seattle 'hostage'!

Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking
Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and
Setting Up Armed Security Watch —

List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.

....reminiscent of Muslim 'No Go Zones' in Britain

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. #Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2020

Antifa Demands:

Their demands include:

- Dis-armament and abolishment / elimination of Seattle police

- No use of 'armed force' during transition period - police are being eliminated.
-- No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
* As police are being targeted, ambushed, and killed across the country while thugs, thieves, terrorists, and looters ransack, destroy, and burn

- NO jail / prisons for kids who commit heinous crimes - no accountability

- Reparations for victims of police brutality
-- I would be open to allowing confirmed victims of police brutality to sue the police force / city of Seattle.


- Immediate release of all people in jail for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.

- The immediate right to vote for all felons - which requires legislation to be passed....FOLLOWED by such legislation.

-- No jail time for crimes committed - WTF?!

- 'Replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of 'restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment'
-- Restorative / transformative accountability programs'? WTF?! So those responsible for 18 murders in 24 minutes and those who blew up and robbed 50 ATM machines in Chicago should not face jail time for doing so? We are just going to have them attend groups - similar to AA:

'Hi, I'm Tony (Hi Tony) I blew up and robbed 2 ATMs this week, killed 2 and wounded 1 in a drive-by....oh, and I killed a cop'.
-- Group hug, everybody!

The United States does not negotiate with terrorists! The police / military should roll through the barricades, 'liberate' the 6 blocks, and arrest anyone involved.


I just read the title of this thread. I won't read anymore of it because I know it's all a lie.

The title is a lie.

I found the truth in a real newspaper. Not the gateway pundit. You will never get anything even close to truth from that far right radical extremist propaganda mill.

Antifa isn't anywhere near there. The people there clearly and loudly say they are protesters and Black Lives Matter. Not Antifa.

All they did was block off the police precinct. Not 6 blocks. The precinct is on Capitol Hill East of downtown.

Once the police were gone, the violence stopped. It's been peaceful. The streets were open but closed and the leaders of protesters are working with the police to open the streets.

There's no radicals. No Antifa. No 6 blocks blocked off. Nothing you have posted is even remotely close to truth.

Stop lying. Intelligent people know it's all lies and tune you out. You are doing a lot of harm to the Republican Party and our nation.

If you have to lie through your teeth why should anyone pay any attention to anything you post and how valid is your point if none of it is true?

Here is the truth:

SEATTLE – On Tuesday, for the second straight night, barricades lined the Capitol Hill streets surrounding the East Precinct of the Seattle Police Department.

“Super safe, super peaceful, great vibe. It’s just a community coming together,” said Raz Simone, a community leader who said he’s simply a voice of the protestors. "The people recognize that this building is the people's. We paid for it with our taxes. We just want to make sure it’s used for the right reasons.”

Midway through the evening, protestors hung a banner on the East Precinct that read, “Property of the People.” There were signs and graffiti lining the streets that read "Welcome to Free Capitol Hill" and "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone."

SPD Chief Carmen Best met with Simone and other protestors earlier on Tuesday as part of an effort to negotiate.

“They were asking for open streets, we opened them,” said Best. “That’s what we were doing. They’re not open right now, and maybe this negotiation can help with that.”

While no police were visible for a second straight night, a spokesperson for the Seattle Police Department said they are responding to 911 calls to the East Precinct.

When asked what SPD’s next move was when it comes to re-occupying the East Precinct, a spokesperson said they do not provide tactics or operations information to ongoing incidents.

Mary Ewald lives two blocks away and said the scene had remained peaceful since the police left the area on Monday.

“Everything calmed down immediately as soon as the police left the precinct. And people were just free to gather,” said Ewald.

Some nearby businesses told KOMO News they did fear of the potential for violence from an uprising without SPD present. However, crews on scene have not witnessed any violence since the police left.

Protestors have organized medics, legal aid, and free food and drinks.

“It’s all very inspiring,” said Ewald. “It brings about a lot of hope to see the commitment of so many young people day after day.”

Simone said they will stay “as long as it takes.”

Simone said occupying the East Precinct is part of the protestors' initiative to defund the Seattle Police Department. He said the mission is part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

"You can feel that we’re in the middle of history,” said Simone. “Don’t wait ‘til the problem is on your doorstop to start dealing with it. You want to deal with it immediately so the problem doesn’t get to your doorstep.”
So the photos are fake, the demands are fake? So, you endorse their behavior?

I don't know what their demands are beyond defunding the police. Yes, I believe that funding to the police must be slashed. Put the money to much better use.

Here's a thought, prevent the problem before it happens then the police won't be needed.

Better schools, better opportunity for everyone. After school activities. Teaching everyone a sense of community. Better mental health care, better substance abuse rehab care. There are so many things that need to be addressed but aren't because the money goes to the police.

It's much cheaper to buy a basketball hoop or educate a child or give everyone the same opportunities than it is to buy a tank or machine guns or swat teams or any of the weapons of war that our police now have and use on our own citizens.

Antifa isn't anywhere near there. I've seen a lot of people paranoid and over react to the so called "threat of Antifa" but I haven't actually seen any one from Antifa, I haven't seen or read any reports of someone from Antifa being arrested for any violence or looting.

I have seen and read articles about the boogaloo boys who have been violent and looting. Some have been arrested with Molotov cocktails and other weapons. The boogaloo boys are a far right radical extremist group who hates the police and wants to overthrow the government.

From what I have been reading it's been far right radical extremists who have been violent. Not the protesters.

One of them drove his car into protesters in Seattle, got out of his car and shot people then ran into the crowd. Turns out, the guy is the brother of a cop at the precinct the protesters were in front of. Hummmm. Strange that the brother of a cop who was inside that precinct would do that isn't it?

Photos don't tell the whole story. Photos can be altered very easily in photoshop or other copycat graphic programs.

I've seen photos that aren't even altered be passed off as portraying the exact opposite of the truth of what they portrayed.

So where are the photos you claim prove your lies are true? I would like to see them. I will wan you now, I'm a professional photographer. I've been using photoshop since it's first version in the 1980s. I can spot an altered image from a mile away so be careful of what you claim.

Meanwhile I will believe my eyes. I was born and raised in Seattle. I went up to Capitol Hill yesterday. Everything you claim is happening, isn't happening. Everything in that article I posted claims is happening is actually happening.

No 6 blocks blocked off. Just one police precinct. No Antifa. Just your regular people fed up and protesting. No violence. Nothing of what you claim is happening.

So you and that pack of lies from the gateway pundit can stick a sock in it.

All you're doing is causing more harm to republicans. The only people who will actually buy that pack of lies is an already established trump supporter. They will already vote for him. It's everyone else you are going to have a very bad problem with. People like me who are Independents, I've been registered Independent since 1978, see your lies, that you're totally bat crap crazy and run from you in total horror.

Independents like me are who decide elections yet you're doing all you can to drive us to vote for democrats whether we want to or not.

Good job.
They are peaceful because they stopped doing stuff? It’s peaceful to do what they did and set up road blocks. Am I entirely missing the point that there are zero roads blocks, zero demands and that everyday people like you can go freely without a care in the world? They just started. Wait until they dish out their own justice. Are you telling me the cops were not neutered by local leadership? They just said let’s go get a beer, you can have whatever? Anyone can drive down all the streets surrounding the precinct like nothing happened?
Funny that.....

It's amazing to me that dems think this shit is going to be a winner come November.

It's amazing to be that Republicans think anyone with half a brain is swalling the President's lies:

Nobody believes Donald Trump any more. He's going to have to have EVIDENCE, WITNESSES, ACTUAL MEMBERS OF ANTIFA BEING ARRESTED FOR CRIMES.

So you're dumb canadian ass thinks all these riots aren't actually happening?
Go ahead and say it's all lies,I dare you.
Funny that.....

It's amazing to me that dems think this shit is going to be a winner come November.

It's amazing to be that Republicans think anyone with half a brain is still swallowing the President's lies:

Nobody believes Donald Trump any more. He's going to have to have EVIDENCE, WITNESSES, ACTUAL MEMBERS OF ANTIFA BEING ARRESTED FOR CRIMES.
Bold typing means somebody is really trying to get you to believe them.
Interesting, each article headline essentially mimics the other, hmmmm? Drive by media much?
This is no longer about George Floyd, & Antifa just made a FATAL mistake, proving they are the Domestic Terrorist Group the President says they are...

Time to CRUSH Antifa holding 6 blocks in Seattle 'hostage'!

Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking
Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and
Setting Up Armed Security Watch —

List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.

....reminiscent of Muslim 'No Go Zones' in Britain

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. #Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2020

Antifa Demands:

Their demands include:

- Dis-armament and abolishment / elimination of Seattle police

- No use of 'armed force' during transition period - police are being eliminated.
-- No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
* As police are being targeted, ambushed, and killed across the country while thugs, thieves, terrorists, and looters ransack, destroy, and burn

- NO jail / prisons for kids who commit heinous crimes - no accountability

- Reparations for victims of police brutality
-- I would be open to allowing confirmed victims of police brutality to sue the police force / city of Seattle.


- Immediate release of all people in jail for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.

- The immediate right to vote for all felons - which requires legislation to be passed....FOLLOWED by such legislation.

-- No jail time for crimes committed - WTF?!

- 'Replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of 'restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment'
-- Restorative / transformative accountability programs'? WTF?! So those responsible for 18 murders in 24 minutes and those who blew up and robbed 50 ATM machines in Chicago should not face jail time for doing so? We are just going to have them attend groups - similar to AA:

'Hi, I'm Tony (Hi Tony) I blew up and robbed 2 ATMs this week, killed 2 and wounded 1 in a drive-by....oh, and I killed a cop'.
-- Group hug, everybody!

The United States does not negotiate with terrorists! The police / military should roll through the barricades, 'liberate' the 6 blocks, and arrest anyone involved.


I just read the title of this thread. I won't read anymore of it because I know it's all a lie.

The title is a lie.

I found the truth in a real newspaper. Not the gateway pundit. You will never get anything even close to truth from that far right radical extremist propaganda mill.

Antifa isn't anywhere near there. The people there clearly and loudly say they are protesters and Black Lives Matter. Not Antifa.

All they did was block off the police precinct. Not 6 blocks. The precinct is on Capitol Hill East of downtown.

Once the police were gone, the violence stopped. It's been peaceful. The streets were open but closed and the leaders of protesters are working with the police to open the streets.

There's no radicals. No Antifa. No 6 blocks blocked off. Nothing you have posted is even remotely close to truth.

Stop lying. Intelligent people know it's all lies and tune you out. You are doing a lot of harm to the Republican Party and our nation.

If you have to lie through your teeth why should anyone pay any attention to anything you post and how valid is your point if none of it is true?

Here is the truth:

SEATTLE – On Tuesday, for the second straight night, barricades lined the Capitol Hill streets surrounding the East Precinct of the Seattle Police Department.

“Super safe, super peaceful, great vibe. It’s just a community coming together,” said Raz Simone, a community leader who said he’s simply a voice of the protestors. "The people recognize that this building is the people's. We paid for it with our taxes. We just want to make sure it’s used for the right reasons.”

Midway through the evening, protestors hung a banner on the East Precinct that read, “Property of the People.” There were signs and graffiti lining the streets that read "Welcome to Free Capitol Hill" and "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone."

SPD Chief Carmen Best met with Simone and other protestors earlier on Tuesday as part of an effort to negotiate.

“They were asking for open streets, we opened them,” said Best. “That’s what we were doing. They’re not open right now, and maybe this negotiation can help with that.”

While no police were visible for a second straight night, a spokesperson for the Seattle Police Department said they are responding to 911 calls to the East Precinct.

When asked what SPD’s next move was when it comes to re-occupying the East Precinct, a spokesperson said they do not provide tactics or operations information to ongoing incidents.

Mary Ewald lives two blocks away and said the scene had remained peaceful since the police left the area on Monday.

“Everything calmed down immediately as soon as the police left the precinct. And people were just free to gather,” said Ewald.

Some nearby businesses told KOMO News they did fear of the potential for violence from an uprising without SPD present. However, crews on scene have not witnessed any violence since the police left.

Protestors have organized medics, legal aid, and free food and drinks.

“It’s all very inspiring,” said Ewald. “It brings about a lot of hope to see the commitment of so many young people day after day.”

Simone said they will stay “as long as it takes.”

Simone said occupying the East Precinct is part of the protestors' initiative to defund the Seattle Police Department. He said the mission is part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

"You can feel that we’re in the middle of history,” said Simone. “Don’t wait ‘til the problem is on your doorstop to start dealing with it. You want to deal with it immediately so the problem doesn’t get to your doorstep.”
So the photos are fake, the demands are fake? So, you endorse their behavior?

I don't know what their demands are beyond defunding the police. Yes, I believe that funding to the police must be slashed. Put the money to much better use.

Here's a thought, prevent the problem before it happens then the police won't be needed.

Better schools, better opportunity for everyone. After school activities. Teaching everyone a sense of community. Better mental health care, better substance abuse rehab care. There are so many things that need to be addressed but aren't because the money goes to the police.

It's much cheaper to buy a basketball hoop or educate a child or give everyone the same opportunities than it is to buy a tank or machine guns or swat teams or any of the weapons of war that our police now have and use on our own citizens.

Antifa isn't anywhere near there. I've seen a lot of people paranoid and over react to the so called "threat of Antifa" but I haven't actually seen any one from Antifa, I haven't seen or read any reports of someone from Antifa being arrested for any violence or looting.

I have seen and read articles about the boogaloo boys who have been violent and looting. Some have been arrested with Molotov cocktails and other weapons. The boogaloo boys are a far right radical extremist group who hates the police and wants to overthrow the government.

From what I have been reading it's been far right radical extremists who have been violent. Not the protesters.

One of them drove his car into protesters in Seattle, got out of his car and shot people then ran into the crowd. Turns out, the guy is the brother of a cop at the precinct the protesters were in front of. Hummmm. Strange that the brother of a cop who was inside that precinct would do that isn't it?

Photos don't tell the whole story. Photos can be altered very easily in photoshop or other copycat graphic programs.

I've seen photos that aren't even altered be passed off as portraying the exact opposite of the truth of what they portrayed.

So where are the photos you claim prove your lies are true? I would like to see them. I will wan you now, I'm a professional photographer. I've been using photoshop since it's first version in the 1980s. I can spot an altered image from a mile away so be careful of what you claim.

Meanwhile I will believe my eyes. I was born and raised in Seattle. I went up to Capitol Hill yesterday. Everything you claim is happening, isn't happening. Everything in that article I posted claims is happening is actually happening.

No 6 blocks blocked off. Just one police precinct. No Antifa. Just your regular people fed up and protesting. No violence. Nothing of what you claim is happening.

So you and that pack of lies from the gateway pundit can stick a sock in it.

All you're doing is causing more harm to republicans. The only people who will actually buy that pack of lies is an already established trump supporter. They will already vote for him. It's everyone else you are going to have a very bad problem with. People like me who are Independents, I've been registered Independent since 1978, see your lies, that you're totally bat crap crazy and run from you in total horror.

Independents like me are who decide elections yet you're doing all you can to drive us to vote for democrats whether we want to or not.

Good job.
They are peaceful because they stopped doing stuff? It’s peaceful to do what they did and set up road blocks. Am I entirely missing the point that there are zero roads blocks, zero demands and that everyday people like you can go freely without a care in the world? They just started. Wait until they dish out their own justice. Are you telling me the cops were not neutered by local leadership? They just said let’s go get a beer, you can have whatever? Anyone can drive down all the streets surrounding the precinct like nothing happened?

Soros/foreign entity-funded Antifa just 'secured' a 6 block area they are promising to guard / keep with guns - an armed domestic-terrorist ' No-Go' zone and have released demands...

GITMO should have new inhabitants by this time tomorrow...

This is no longer about George Floyd, & Antifa just made a FATAL mistake, proving they are the Domestic Terrorist Group the President says they are...

Time to CRUSH Antifa holding 6 blocks in Seattle 'hostage'!

Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking
Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and
Setting Up Armed Security Watch —

List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.

....reminiscent of Muslim 'No Go Zones' in Britain

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. #Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2020

Antifa Demands:

Their demands include:

- Dis-armament and abolishment / elimination of Seattle police

- No use of 'armed force' during transition period - police are being eliminated.
-- No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
* As police are being targeted, ambushed, and killed across the country while thugs, thieves, terrorists, and looters ransack, destroy, and burn

- NO jail / prisons for kids who commit heinous crimes - no accountability

- Reparations for victims of police brutality
-- I would be open to allowing confirmed victims of police brutality to sue the police force / city of Seattle.


- Immediate release of all people in jail for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.

- The immediate right to vote for all felons - which requires legislation to be passed....FOLLOWED by such legislation.

-- No jail time for crimes committed - WTF?!

- 'Replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of 'restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment'
-- Restorative / transformative accountability programs'? WTF?! So those responsible for 18 murders in 24 minutes and those who blew up and robbed 50 ATM machines in Chicago should not face jail time for doing so? We are just going to have them attend groups - similar to AA:

'Hi, I'm Tony (Hi Tony) I blew up and robbed 2 ATMs this week, killed 2 and wounded 1 in a drive-by....oh, and I killed a cop'.
-- Group hug, everybody!

The United States does not negotiate with terrorists! The police / military should roll through the barricades, 'liberate' the 6 blocks, and arrest anyone involved.


I just read the title of this thread. I won't read anymore of it because I know it's all a lie.

The title is a lie.

I found the truth in a real newspaper. Not the gateway pundit. You will never get anything even close to truth from that far right radical extremist propaganda mill.

Antifa isn't anywhere near there. The people there clearly and loudly say they are protesters and Black Lives Matter. Not Antifa.

All they did was block off the police precinct. Not 6 blocks. The precinct is on Capitol Hill East of downtown.

Once the police were gone, the violence stopped. It's been peaceful. The streets were open but closed and the leaders of protesters are working with the police to open the streets.

There's no radicals. No Antifa. No 6 blocks blocked off. Nothing you have posted is even remotely close to truth.

Stop lying. Intelligent people know it's all lies and tune you out. You are doing a lot of harm to the Republican Party and our nation.

If you have to lie through your teeth why should anyone pay any attention to anything you post and how valid is your point if none of it is true?

Here is the truth:

SEATTLE – On Tuesday, for the second straight night, barricades lined the Capitol Hill streets surrounding the East Precinct of the Seattle Police Department.

“Super safe, super peaceful, great vibe. It’s just a community coming together,” said Raz Simone, a community leader who said he’s simply a voice of the protestors. "The people recognize that this building is the people's. We paid for it with our taxes. We just want to make sure it’s used for the right reasons.”

Midway through the evening, protestors hung a banner on the East Precinct that read, “Property of the People.” There were signs and graffiti lining the streets that read "Welcome to Free Capitol Hill" and "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone."

SPD Chief Carmen Best met with Simone and other protestors earlier on Tuesday as part of an effort to negotiate.

“They were asking for open streets, we opened them,” said Best. “That’s what we were doing. They’re not open right now, and maybe this negotiation can help with that.”

While no police were visible for a second straight night, a spokesperson for the Seattle Police Department said they are responding to 911 calls to the East Precinct.

When asked what SPD’s next move was when it comes to re-occupying the East Precinct, a spokesperson said they do not provide tactics or operations information to ongoing incidents.

Mary Ewald lives two blocks away and said the scene had remained peaceful since the police left the area on Monday.

“Everything calmed down immediately as soon as the police left the precinct. And people were just free to gather,” said Ewald.

Some nearby businesses told KOMO News they did fear of the potential for violence from an uprising without SPD present. However, crews on scene have not witnessed any violence since the police left.

Protestors have organized medics, legal aid, and free food and drinks.

“It’s all very inspiring,” said Ewald. “It brings about a lot of hope to see the commitment of so many young people day after day.”

Simone said they will stay “as long as it takes.”

Simone said occupying the East Precinct is part of the protestors' initiative to defund the Seattle Police Department. He said the mission is part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

"You can feel that we’re in the middle of history,” said Simone. “Don’t wait ‘til the problem is on your doorstop to start dealing with it. You want to deal with it immediately so the problem doesn’t get to your doorstep.”
So the photos are fake, the demands are fake? So, you endorse their behavior?

I don't know what their demands are beyond defunding the police. Yes, I believe that funding to the police must be slashed. Put the money to much better use.

Here's a thought, prevent the problem before it happens then the police won't be needed.

Better schools, better opportunity for everyone. After school activities. Teaching everyone a sense of community. Better mental health care, better substance abuse rehab care. There are so many things that need to be addressed but aren't because the money goes to the police.

It's much cheaper to buy a basketball hoop or educate a child or give everyone the same opportunities than it is to buy a tank or machine guns or swat teams or any of the weapons of war that our police now have and use on our own citizens.

Antifa isn't anywhere near there. I've seen a lot of people paranoid and over react to the so called "threat of Antifa" but I haven't actually seen any one from Antifa, I haven't seen or read any reports of someone from Antifa being arrested for any violence or looting.

I have seen and read articles about the boogaloo boys who have been violent and looting. Some have been arrested with Molotov cocktails and other weapons. The boogaloo boys are a far right radical extremist group who hates the police and wants to overthrow the government.

From what I have been reading it's been far right radical extremists who have been violent. Not the protesters.

One of them drove his car into protesters in Seattle, got out of his car and shot people then ran into the crowd. Turns out, the guy is the brother of a cop at the precinct the protesters were in front of. Hummmm. Strange that the brother of a cop who was inside that precinct would do that isn't it?

Photos don't tell the whole story. Photos can be altered very easily in photoshop or other copycat graphic programs.

I've seen photos that aren't even altered be passed off as portraying the exact opposite of the truth of what they portrayed.

So where are the photos you claim prove your lies are true? I would like to see them. I will wan you now, I'm a professional photographer. I've been using photoshop since it's first version in the 1980s. I can spot an altered image from a mile away so be careful of what you claim.

Meanwhile I will believe my eyes. I was born and raised in Seattle. I went up to Capitol Hill yesterday. Everything you claim is happening, isn't happening. Everything in that article I posted claims is happening is actually happening.

No 6 blocks blocked off. Just one police precinct. No Antifa. Just your regular people fed up and protesting. No violence. Nothing of what you claim is happening.

So you and that pack of lies from the gateway pundit can stick a sock in it.

All you're doing is causing more harm to republicans. The only people who will actually buy that pack of lies is an already established trump supporter. They will already vote for him. It's everyone else you are going to have a very bad problem with. People like me who are Independents, I've been registered Independent since 1978, see your lies, that you're totally bat crap crazy and run from you in total horror.

Independents like me are who decide elections yet you're doing all you can to drive us to vote for democrats whether we want to or not.

Good job.
They are peaceful because they stopped doing stuff? It’s peaceful to do what they did and set up road blocks. Am I entirely missing the point that there are zero roads blocks, zero demands and that everyday people like you can go freely without a care in the world? They just started. Wait until they dish out their own justice. Are you telling me the cops were not neutered by local leadership? They just said let’s go get a beer, you can have whatever? Anyone can drive down all the streets surrounding the precinct like nothing happened?

Of course you cant go get a beer,thats capitalism.
That and the fags have already drank it all anyway.

You know what? I've come to the conclusion that I'm enjoying this shit.
It ain't happening to me and it will only lead to the destruction of the liberal cause.
I hope they keep it up till November,although I think they've already done enough to fuck themselves before the election.
It's probably a Tranny, you know:

Just wow from police press conference a bit ago-

Seattle Police says they have received reports of barricades being set up in the area along with "citizen checkpoints." The department says they have also received "credible" reports of citizens and businesses being asked for a fee to be inside the area set up by protesters.

Nollette asked that anyone who has been subjected to these demands call 911.
Just wow from police press conference a bit ago-

Seattle Police says they have received reports of barricades being set up in the area along with "citizen checkpoints." The department says they have also received "credible" reports of citizens and businesses being asked for a fee to be inside the area set up by protesters.

Nollette asked that anyone who has been subjected to these demands call 911.

"reports of citizens and businesses being asked for a fee to be inside the area set up by protesters."

That is called Extortion and it is a crime. Shoot the POS.
Just wow from police press conference a bit ago-

Seattle Police says they have received reports of barricades being set up in the area along with "citizen checkpoints." The department says they have also received "credible" reports of citizens and businesses being asked for a fee to be inside the area set up by protesters.

Nollette asked that anyone who has been subjected to these demands call 911.

Across America soon the finger will have to be pulled out and the extreme cracking of the whip begin on this Communist filth.

Funny that.....

It's amazing to me that dems think this shit is going to be a winner come November.

It's amazing to be that Republicans think anyone with half a brain is still swallowing the President's lies:

Nobody believes Donald Trump any more. He's going to have to have EVIDENCE, WITNESSES, ACTUAL MEMBERS OF ANTIFA BEING ARRESTED FOR CRIMES.
You really are clueless. Stay the fuck in Canada you lunatic.

Antifa is burning, rioting, and looting. They aren't trying to hide it, moron.
Funny that.....

It's amazing to me that dems think this shit is going to be a winner come November.

It's amazing to be that Republicans think anyone with half a brain is swalling the President's lies:

Nobody believes Donald Trump any more. He's going to have to have EVIDENCE, WITNESSES, ACTUAL MEMBERS OF ANTIFA BEING ARRESTED FOR CRIMES.

So you're dumb canadian ass thinks all these riots aren't actually happening?
Go ahead and say it's all lies,I dare you.
Her IQ is in the negative numbers.

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