Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

lol, how can they take over a city? Are people not working when they normally would or going about their business?

Sounds like some provocateurs. Just walk by them and tell them to F off if they try to stop you. What are they doing? Opening fire on citizens?

what willful ignorance.

Trump should declare a national emergency and send in the Washington National Guard with orders to arrest every single one of these terrorists and charge them with federal crimes. If state or local government officials attempt to intervene, arrest them too.
It goes something like this

Government: What do you want?

Terrorist: You know, social justice stuff

Government: What does that mean?

Terrorist: Give us your money, land, and possessions!

Government: You mean what we took from the American Indians?

Terrorist: Yep, it's ours now!
If I were the police, I would refuse to show up. Let the fucking animals take over, then we'll see how Dimocrat politicians handle it without police.

The problem is there are probably some normal people living in the neighborhood who are now under the "authority" of lefty totalitarian assholes.

It will be a good lesson for them. Let them see first hand the results of continually voting for liberals.
If I were the police, I would refuse to show up. Let the fucking animals take over, then we'll see how Dimocrat politicians handle it without police.

The problem is there are probably some normal people living in the neighborhood who are now under the "authority" of lefty totalitarian assholes.

It will be a good lesson for them. Let them see first hand the results of continually voting for liberals.

I live in NYC in a neighborhood that went to Trump by Election District in 2016. There are areas of sanity in even the most progressive shitholes.

The bolsheviks
The brown shirts
The khmer rouge
The red guard
The movement (castro army)

Welcome. When the power is seized by propping up victims of capitalism and propping themselves up as robin hoods is finished, the useful idiots are in the way.

The mass killing then follows.

lol, how can they take over a city? Are people not working when they normally would or going about their business?

Sounds like some provocateurs. Just walk by them and tell them to F off if they try to stop you. What are they doing? Opening fire on citizens?

what willful ignorance.

Trump should declare a national emergency and send in the Washington National Guard with orders to arrest every single one of these terrorists and charge them with federal crimes. If state or local government officials attempt to intervene, arrest them too.

I don't know, you guys care to much about some rabble rousers. We used to have sit ins and all kinds of trouble makers in university. I just went about my business. Sometimes strangers would bother me and ask me to join clubs or find God. I'd nod and keep walking, or even make a dry smart ass joke.

We talk about Snowflakes all the time, now they are to be viewed as anything but a nuisance? lol, come on man.
It goes something like this

Government: What do you want?

Terrorist: You know, social justice stuff

Government: What does that mean?

Terrorist: Give us your money, land, and possessions!

Government: You mean what we took from the American Indians?

Terrorist: Yep, it's ours now!

You mean what American indians took from other American Indians before the Europeans arrived....
It goes something like this

Government: What do you want?

Terrorist: You know, social justice stuff

Government: What does that mean?

Terrorist: Give us your money, land, and possessions!

Government: You mean what we took from the American Indians?

Terrorist: Yep, it's ours now!

You mean what American indians took from other American Indians before the Europeans arrived....

You mean what American Indians took from dinosaurs before American Indian took it from them, before the Europeans arrived...
Take a quick look at their logistics. A safe bet is that two weeks' siege and they come out with their hands up.

They haven't conquered anything. For now, for this moment government is allowing them to exist. Apparently some American Politicians do negotiate with terrorists. Could be our POTUS is allowing these children to throw a tantrum on social media so sane Americans are left with no doubt this November what the end of his presidency will look like for them. On the other hand, enough is enough already. Get some CAG or Rangers in there, do it covertly—plain clothes uniforms—and waste these toy revolutionaries. Give them a surprise from the skies.
Who's the ANTIFA leader in Seattle?

are you really asking for the leader of a cell based non hierarchical organization?

A cell?

Who is calling the shots within ANTIFA? Give us a name or two.

Two tweeters in this article, who are now hiding their posts.

Antifa Domestic Terrorists Take Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle - Set Up Security Watch - Call for Armed Volunteers

Two tweeters physically took over 6 square city blocks? They are, according to you, occupying stolen property
(and presumably holding inhabitants hostage) and making negotiation demands. And we do not know their names?

You don't see how ridiculous you sound, do you?

You will believe anything.

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