Antifa Takes Over Seattle Area

This is no longer about George Floyd, & Antifa just made a FATAL mistake, proving they are the Domestic Terrorist Group the President says they are...

Time to CRUSH Antifa holding 6 blocks in Seattle 'hostage'!

Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking
Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and
Setting Up Armed Security Watch —

List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.

....reminiscent of Muslim 'No Go Zones' in Britain

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. #Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2020

Antifa Demands:

Their demands include:

- Dis-armament and abolishment / elimination of Seattle police

- No use of 'armed force' during transition period - police are being eliminated.
-- No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
* As police are being targeted, ambushed, and killed across the country while thugs, thieves, terrorists, and looters ransack, destroy, and burn

- NO jail / prisons for kids who commit heinous crimes - no accountability

- Reparations for victims of police brutality
-- I would be open to allowing confirmed victims of police brutality to sue the police force / city of Seattle.


- Immediate release of all people in jail for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.

- The immediate right to vote for all felons - which requires legislation to be passed....FOLLOWED by such legislation.

-- No jail time for crimes committed - WTF?!

- 'Replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of 'restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment'
-- Restorative / transformative accountability programs'? WTF?! So those responsible for 18 murders in 24 minutes and those who blew up and robbed 50 ATM machines in Chicago should not face jail time for doing so? We are just going to have them attend groups - similar to AA:

'Hi, I'm Tony (Hi Tony) I blew up and robbed 2 ATMs this week, killed 2 and wounded 1 in a drive-by....oh, and I killed a cop'.
-- Group hug, everybody!

The United States does not negotiate with terrorists! The police / military should roll through the barricades, 'liberate' the 6 blocks, and arrest anyone involved.


They should be napalmed out.
Trump is exhibiting more restraint than I would. If I were trying to control these antifa assholes, my people would have the OK to shoot when threatened. After 100 or so dead antifa terrorists, they'd change their evil ways.
No violence, no looting.
Just peaceful protesters there.
Gateway pundit is questionable source.

I wonder what the new "owners" of this area would do to a person walking down the street in a MAGA hat.....

Go find out.
Round these self-identifying terrorists up & introduce them to where the US holds and interrogates terrorists: GITMO

If Antifa wants to act like / be terrorists, we can and should accommodate.
No violence, no looting.
Just peaceful protesters there.
Gateway pundit is questionable source.

I wonder what the new "owners" of this area would do to a person walking down the street in a MAGA hat.....

Go find out.

How about no?
This is no longer about George Floyd, & Antifa just made a FATAL mistake, proving they are the Domestic Terrorist Group the President says they are...

Time to CRUSH Antifa holding 6 blocks in Seattle 'hostage'!

Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking
Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and
Setting Up Armed Security Watch —

List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.

....reminiscent of Muslim 'No Go Zones' in Britain

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. #Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2020

Antifa Demands:

Their demands include:

- Dis-armament and abolishment / elimination of Seattle police

- No use of 'armed force' during transition period - police are being eliminated.
-- No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
* As police are being targeted, ambushed, and killed across the country while thugs, thieves, terrorists, and looters ransack, destroy, and burn

- NO jail / prisons for kids who commit heinous crimes - no accountability

- Reparations for victims of police brutality
-- I would be open to allowing confirmed victims of police brutality to sue the police force / city of Seattle.


- Immediate release of all people in jail for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.

- The immediate right to vote for all felons - which requires legislation to be passed....FOLLOWED by such legislation.

-- No jail time for crimes committed - WTF?!

- 'Replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of 'restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment'
-- Restorative / transformative accountability programs'? WTF?! So those responsible for 18 murders in 24 minutes and those who blew up and robbed 50 ATM machines in Chicago should not face jail time for doing so? We are just going to have them attend groups - similar to AA:

'Hi, I'm Tony (Hi Tony) I blew up and robbed 2 ATMs this week, killed 2 and wounded 1 in a drive-by....oh, and I killed a cop'.
-- Group hug, everybody!

The United States does not negotiate with terrorists! The police / military should roll through the barricades, 'liberate' the 6 blocks, and arrest anyone involved.


From Gateway Pundit? That’s totally garbage media. Only weaklings idiots believed GP that includes retard Trump. Trump is full of shit.
No violence, no looting.
Just peaceful protesters there.
Gateway pundit is questionable source.

I wonder what the new "owners" of this area would do to a person walking down the street in a MAGA hat.....

Go find out.

How about no?

Then quit bitching about things you won't do anything about. Makes you sound weak, like your orange Messiah.
No violence, no looting.
Just peaceful protesters there.
Gateway pundit is questionable source.

I wonder what the new "owners" of this area would do to a person walking down the street in a MAGA hat.....

Go find out.

How about no?

Then quit bitching about things you won't do anything about. Makes you sound weak, like your orange Messiah.

I'll try to spell out my point, you sack of worthless shit.

Anti-fa has taken over government functions in that area, allegedly, my question about what they would do to a MAGA hat wearing person is asking if their form of government would allow opposing viewpoints or would quash them.

It would be like walking in NYC with a MAGA hat on and having the NYPD kick your ass for it. Granted you may get your ass kicked by civilians, but it wouldn't be the government (or in the case of this enclave the supposed government) attacking you for displaying an viewpoint they don't approve of.
From Gateway Pundit? That’s totally garbage media. Only weaklings idiots believed GP that includes retard Trump. Trump is full of shit.

So you can debunk what is being reported by posting links and information from 'legitimate' liberal back up[ your claim...

tick, tock, are on the clock.

Link or liar / snowflake.
Ya'll seem to forget this is a Democratic state and those in charge have rendered the police abilities to be bystanders with no power to confront or control the actions of these terrorists. But even those 'in charge' of the state (gov Inslee) and city of Seattle (mayor Durkin) have had opposing views with the City Council members. City Council is calling for Durkins resignation...….and many members are supporting Antifa's actions. Including inviting them into the now empty east Precinct of SPD. But from what I understand, after Antifa left the building, SPD moved back in. But their power to police is still in question.

Don't like Gateway Pundint? Here's a local source........ Protesters return to 'Free Capitol Hill' after packing into City Hall

From what I can find out, or not.....any major local source like Seattle Times or PI or other news sources aren't giving much voice to this story. What a surprise
This is no longer about George Floyd, & Antifa just made a FATAL mistake, proving they are the Domestic Terrorist Group the President says they are...

Time to CRUSH Antifa holding 6 blocks in Seattle 'hostage'!

Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking
Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and
Setting Up Armed Security Watch —

List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.

....reminiscent of Muslim 'No Go Zones' in Britain

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. #Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2020

Antifa Demands:

Their demands include:

- Dis-armament and abolishment / elimination of Seattle police

- No use of 'armed force' during transition period - police are being eliminated.
-- No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
* As police are being targeted, ambushed, and killed across the country while thugs, thieves, terrorists, and looters ransack, destroy, and burn

- NO jail / prisons for kids who commit heinous crimes - no accountability

- Reparations for victims of police brutality
-- I would be open to allowing confirmed victims of police brutality to sue the police force / city of Seattle.


- Immediate release of all people in jail for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.

- The immediate right to vote for all felons - which requires legislation to be passed....FOLLOWED by such legislation.

-- No jail time for crimes committed - WTF?!

- 'Replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of 'restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment'
-- Restorative / transformative accountability programs'? WTF?! So those responsible for 18 murders in 24 minutes and those who blew up and robbed 50 ATM machines in Chicago should not face jail time for doing so? We are just going to have them attend groups - similar to AA:

'Hi, I'm Tony (Hi Tony) I blew up and robbed 2 ATMs this week, killed 2 and wounded 1 in a drive-by....oh, and I killed a cop'.
-- Group hug, everybody!

The United States does not negotiate with terrorists! The police / military should roll through the barricades, 'liberate' the 6 blocks, and arrest anyone involved.

Here is my take on this King of the Hill match....In due time, there will be a response by the authorities. The authorities will choke off any support routes and stuff like that. When they have no food, water, medical they will ask for a Starbucks coffee and concede. If shooting starts, the Antifa freedom fighters-lol-will stop. Once they drop like flies, they will concede. They are not the bad asses they want you to think they are.
Funny that.....

It's amazing to me that dems think this shit is going to be a winner come November.
I have an idea...

melt them and who like them take all the major cities, the exodus with go to fly over country where the vast majority of food comes from. So, everyone will build a wall and they will starve.

popcorn ready

  1. The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle.
  2. In the transitionary period between now and the dismantlement of the Seattle Police Department, we demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely. No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
  3. We demand an end to the school-to-prison pipeline and the abolition of youth jails. Get kids out of prison, get cops out of schools. We also demand that the new youth prison being built in Seattle currently be repurposed.
  4. We demand that not the City government, nor the State government, but that the Federal government launch a full-scale investigation into past and current cases of police brutality in Seattle and Washington, as well as the re-opening of all closed cases reported to the Office of Police Accountability. In particular, we demand that cases particular to Seattle and Washington be reopened where no justice has been served, namely the cases of Iosia Faletogo, Damarius Butts, Isaiah Obet, Tommy Le, Shaun Fuhr, and Charleena Lyles.
  5. We demand reparations for victims of police brutality, in a form to be determined.
  6. We demand that the City of Seattle make the names of officers involved in police brutality a matter of public record. Anonymity should not even be a privilege in public service.
  7. We demand a retrial of all People in Color currently serving a prison sentence for violent crime, by a jury of their peers in their community.
  8. We demand decriminalization of the acts of protest, and amnesty for protestors generally, but specifically those involved in what has been termed “The George Floyd Rebellion” against the terrorist cell that previously occupied this area known as the Seattle Police Department. This includes the immediate release of all protestors currently being held in prison after the arrests made at 11th and Pine on Sunday night and early Saturday morning June 7th and 8th, and any other protesters arrested in the past two weeks of the uprising, the name Evan Hreha in particular comes to mind who filmed Seattle police macing a young girl and is now in jail.
  9. We demand that the City of Seattle and the State Government release any prisoner currently serving time for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.
  10. We demand the City of Seattle and State Government release any prisoner currently serving time just for resisting arrest if there are no other related charges, and that those convictions should also be expunged.
  11. We demand that prisoners currently serving time be given the full and unrestricted right to vote, and for Washington State to pass legislation specifically breaking from Federal law that prevents felons from being able to vote.
  12. We demand an end to prosecutorial immunity for police officers in the time between now and the dissolution of the SPD and extant justice system.
  13. We demand the abolition of imprisonment, generally speaking, but especially the abolition of both youth prisons and privately-owned, for-profit prisons.
  14. We demand in replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment.
  15. We demand autonomy be given to the people to create localized anti-crime systems.
  16. We demand that the Seattle Police Department, between now and the time of its abolition in the near future, empty its “lost and found” and return property owned by denizens of the city.
  17. We demand justice for those who have been sexually harassed or abused by the Seattle Police Department or prison guards in the state of Washington.
  18. We demand that between now and the abolition of the SPD that each and every SPD officer turn on their body cameras, and that the body camera video of all Seattle police should be a matter of easily accessible public record.
  19. We demand that the funding previously used for Seattle Police be redirected into: A) Socialized Health and Medicine for the City of Seattle. B) Free public housing, because housing is a right, not a privilege. C) Public education, to decrease the average class size in city schools and increase teacher salary. D) Naturalization services for immigrants to the United States living here undocumented. (We demand they be called “undocumented” because no person is illegal.) E) General community development. Parks, etc.
We also have economic demands that must be addressed.
  1. We demand the de-gentrification of Seattle, starting with rent control.
  2. We demand the restoration of city funding for arts and culture to re-establish the once-rich local cultural identity of Seattle.
  3. We demand free college for the people of the state of Washington, due to the overwhelming effect that education has on economic success, and the correlated overwhelming impact of poverty on people of color, as a form of reparations for the treatment of Black people in this state and country.
  4. We demand that between now and the abolition of the SPD that Seattle Police be prohibited from performing “homeless sweeps” that displace and disturb our homeless neighbors, and on equal footing we demand an end to all evictions.
  5. We demand a decentralized election process to give the citizens of Seattle a greater ability to select candidates for public office such that we are not forced to choose at the poll between equally undesirable options. There are multiple systems and policies in place which make it impractical at best for working-class people to run for public office, all of which must go, starting with any fees associated with applying to run for public office.
Related to economic demands, we also have demands pertaining to what we would formally call “Health and Human Services.”
  1. We demand the hospitals and care facilities of Seattle employ black doctors and nurses specifically to help care for black patients.
  2. We demand the people of Seattle seek out and proudly support Black-owned businesses. Your money is our power and sustainability.
  3. We demand that the city create an entirely separate system staffed by mental health experts to respond to 911 calls pertaining to mental health crises, and insist that all involved in such a program be put through thorough, rigorous training in conflict de-escalation.
Finally, let us now address our demands regarding the education system in the City of Seattle and State of Washington.
  1. We demand that the history of Black and Native Americans be given a significantly greater focus in the Washington State education curriculum.
  2. We demand that thorough anti-bias training become a legal requirement for all jobs in the education system, as well as in the medical profession and in mass media.
  3. We demand the City of Seattle and State of Washington remove any and all monuments dedicated to historical figures of the Confederacy, whose treasonous attempts to build an America with slavery as a permanent fixture were an affront to the human race.

General Anthony McAuliffe's response jumps to my tongue when he was told to surrender.


Funny that.....

It's amazing to me that dems think this shit is going to be a winner come November.
And if Trump is smart, he will do like they did to him and "white supremacists" and make every effort he can to tie these commie loons to the Democrat party.

Most people know that. I feel many are coming around. They can’t deny what they see. Sure, those protecting the white House used tear gas or whatever it was and that is worse? Even if people lobbed bottles or not, you don’t move back, you get handled. Case closed. Photo op or not.
This is no longer about George Floyd, & Antifa just made a FATAL mistake, proving they are the Domestic Terrorist Group the President says they are...

Time to CRUSH Antifa holding 6 blocks in Seattle 'hostage'!

Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking
Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and
Setting Up Armed Security Watch —

List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.

....reminiscent of Muslim 'No Go Zones' in Britain

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. #Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2020

Antifa Demands:

Their demands include:

- Dis-armament and abolishment / elimination of Seattle police

- No use of 'armed force' during transition period - police are being eliminated.
-- No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
* As police are being targeted, ambushed, and killed across the country while thugs, thieves, terrorists, and looters ransack, destroy, and burn

- NO jail / prisons for kids who commit heinous crimes - no accountability

- Reparations for victims of police brutality
-- I would be open to allowing confirmed victims of police brutality to sue the police force / city of Seattle.


- Immediate release of all people in jail for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.

- The immediate right to vote for all felons - which requires legislation to be passed....FOLLOWED by such legislation.

-- No jail time for crimes committed - WTF?!

- 'Replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of 'restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment'
-- Restorative / transformative accountability programs'? WTF?! So those responsible for 18 murders in 24 minutes and those who blew up and robbed 50 ATM machines in Chicago should not face jail time for doing so? We are just going to have them attend groups - similar to AA:

'Hi, I'm Tony (Hi Tony) I blew up and robbed 2 ATMs this week, killed 2 and wounded 1 in a drive-by....oh, and I killed a cop'.
-- Group hug, everybody!

The United States does not negotiate with terrorists! The police / military should roll through the barricades, 'liberate' the 6 blocks, and arrest anyone involved.


I just read the title of this thread. I won't read anymore of it because I know it's all a lie.

The title is a lie.

I found the truth in a real newspaper. Not the gateway pundit. You will never get anything even close to truth from that far right radical extremist propaganda mill.

Antifa isn't anywhere near there. The people there clearly and loudly say they are protesters and Black Lives Matter. Not Antifa.

All they did was block off the police precinct. Not 6 blocks. The precinct is on Capitol Hill East of downtown.

Once the police were gone, the violence stopped. It's been peaceful. The streets were open but closed and the leaders of protesters are working with the police to open the streets.

There's no radicals. No Antifa. No 6 blocks blocked off. Nothing you have posted is even remotely close to truth.

Stop lying. Intelligent people know it's all lies and tune you out. You are doing a lot of harm to the Republican Party and our nation.

If you have to lie through your teeth why should anyone pay any attention to anything you post and how valid is your point if none of it is true?

Here is the truth:

SEATTLE – On Tuesday, for the second straight night, barricades lined the Capitol Hill streets surrounding the East Precinct of the Seattle Police Department.

“Super safe, super peaceful, great vibe. It’s just a community coming together,” said Raz Simone, a community leader who said he’s simply a voice of the protestors. "The people recognize that this building is the people's. We paid for it with our taxes. We just want to make sure it’s used for the right reasons.”

Midway through the evening, protestors hung a banner on the East Precinct that read, “Property of the People.” There were signs and graffiti lining the streets that read "Welcome to Free Capitol Hill" and "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone."

SPD Chief Carmen Best met with Simone and other protestors earlier on Tuesday as part of an effort to negotiate.

“They were asking for open streets, we opened them,” said Best. “That’s what we were doing. They’re not open right now, and maybe this negotiation can help with that.”

While no police were visible for a second straight night, a spokesperson for the Seattle Police Department said they are responding to 911 calls to the East Precinct.

When asked what SPD’s next move was when it comes to re-occupying the East Precinct, a spokesperson said they do not provide tactics or operations information to ongoing incidents.

Mary Ewald lives two blocks away and said the scene had remained peaceful since the police left the area on Monday.

“Everything calmed down immediately as soon as the police left the precinct. And people were just free to gather,” said Ewald.

Some nearby businesses told KOMO News they did fear of the potential for violence from an uprising without SPD present. However, crews on scene have not witnessed any violence since the police left.

Protestors have organized medics, legal aid, and free food and drinks.

“It’s all very inspiring,” said Ewald. “It brings about a lot of hope to see the commitment of so many young people day after day.”

Simone said they will stay “as long as it takes.”

Simone said occupying the East Precinct is part of the protestors' initiative to defund the Seattle Police Department. He said the mission is part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

"You can feel that we’re in the middle of history,” said Simone. “Don’t wait ‘til the problem is on your doorstop to start dealing with it. You want to deal with it immediately so the problem doesn’t get to your doorstep.”
This is no longer about George Floyd, & Antifa just made a FATAL mistake, proving they are the Domestic Terrorist Group the President says they are...

Time to CRUSH Antifa holding 6 blocks in Seattle 'hostage'!

Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking
Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and
Setting Up Armed Security Watch —

List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept.

....reminiscent of Muslim 'No Go Zones' in Britain

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. #Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2020

Antifa Demands:

Their demands include:

- Dis-armament and abolishment / elimination of Seattle police

- No use of 'armed force' during transition period - police are being eliminated.
-- No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
* As police are being targeted, ambushed, and killed across the country while thugs, thieves, terrorists, and looters ransack, destroy, and burn

- NO jail / prisons for kids who commit heinous crimes - no accountability

- Reparations for victims of police brutality
-- I would be open to allowing confirmed victims of police brutality to sue the police force / city of Seattle.


- Immediate release of all people in jail for a marijuana-related offense and expunge the related conviction.

- The immediate right to vote for all felons - which requires legislation to be passed....FOLLOWED by such legislation.

-- No jail time for crimes committed - WTF?!

- 'Replacement of the current criminal justice system the creation of 'restorative/transformative accountability programs as a replacement for imprisonment'
-- Restorative / transformative accountability programs'? WTF?! So those responsible for 18 murders in 24 minutes and those who blew up and robbed 50 ATM machines in Chicago should not face jail time for doing so? We are just going to have them attend groups - similar to AA:

'Hi, I'm Tony (Hi Tony) I blew up and robbed 2 ATMs this week, killed 2 and wounded 1 in a drive-by....oh, and I killed a cop'.
-- Group hug, everybody!

The United States does not negotiate with terrorists! The police / military should roll through the barricades, 'liberate' the 6 blocks, and arrest anyone involved.


I just read the title of this thread. I won't read anymore of it because I know it's all a lie.

The title is a lie.

I found the truth in a real newspaper. Not the gateway pundit. You will never get anything even close to truth from that far right radical extremist propaganda mill.

Antifa isn't anywhere near there. The people there clearly and loudly say they are protesters and Black Lives Matter. Not Antifa.

All they did was block off the police precinct. Not 6 blocks. The precinct is on Capitol Hill East of downtown.

Once the police were gone, the violence stopped. It's been peaceful. The streets were open but closed and the leaders of protesters are working with the police to open the streets.

There's no radicals. No Antifa. No 6 blocks blocked off. Nothing you have posted is even remotely close to truth.

Stop lying. Intelligent people know it's all lies and tune you out. You are doing a lot of harm to the Republican Party and our nation.

If you have to lie through your teeth why should anyone pay any attention to anything you post and how valid is your point if none of it is true?

Here is the truth:

SEATTLE – On Tuesday, for the second straight night, barricades lined the Capitol Hill streets surrounding the East Precinct of the Seattle Police Department.

“Super safe, super peaceful, great vibe. It’s just a community coming together,” said Raz Simone, a community leader who said he’s simply a voice of the protestors. "The people recognize that this building is the people's. We paid for it with our taxes. We just want to make sure it’s used for the right reasons.”

Midway through the evening, protestors hung a banner on the East Precinct that read, “Property of the People.” There were signs and graffiti lining the streets that read "Welcome to Free Capitol Hill" and "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone."

SPD Chief Carmen Best met with Simone and other protestors earlier on Tuesday as part of an effort to negotiate.

“They were asking for open streets, we opened them,” said Best. “That’s what we were doing. They’re not open right now, and maybe this negotiation can help with that.”

While no police were visible for a second straight night, a spokesperson for the Seattle Police Department said they are responding to 911 calls to the East Precinct.

When asked what SPD’s next move was when it comes to re-occupying the East Precinct, a spokesperson said they do not provide tactics or operations information to ongoing incidents.

Mary Ewald lives two blocks away and said the scene had remained peaceful since the police left the area on Monday.

“Everything calmed down immediately as soon as the police left the precinct. And people were just free to gather,” said Ewald.

Some nearby businesses told KOMO News they did fear of the potential for violence from an uprising without SPD present. However, crews on scene have not witnessed any violence since the police left.

Protestors have organized medics, legal aid, and free food and drinks.

“It’s all very inspiring,” said Ewald. “It brings about a lot of hope to see the commitment of so many young people day after day.”

Simone said they will stay “as long as it takes.”

Simone said occupying the East Precinct is part of the protestors' initiative to defund the Seattle Police Department. He said the mission is part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

"You can feel that we’re in the middle of history,” said Simone. “Don’t wait ‘til the problem is on your doorstop to start dealing with it. You want to deal with it immediately so the problem doesn’t get to your doorstep.”
So the photos are fake, the demands are fake? So, you endorse their behavior?

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