antifa threw rocks, urine and bottles at police

antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.
That's true but Charlottesville has no bearing on what happened in Boston. :dunno:

Nevertheless the principle of seeing the violence as a vicious and fascist like thing is the same.
Of course but not falsely portrayed for political reasons (overarching accusation) as the OP did, makes him no different than the opposition thus automatically surrendering the moral high ground.
Last edited:
I don't see democrats supporting violence.

I so wish we could be hearing more from him now. A little reasonableness would be welcome in the midst of all this over inflated rhetoric.

"The black BLM member that shot five cops, it wasnt it his fault. It is the systems fault"
Reasonableness to OL. But if someone condemns all sides, the shit hits the fan :rofl:
But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.

In my opinion he made absolutely no moral equivalence. He simply said both sides were to blame which is true.
Well, you're the only person on the planet defending the orange dildo. Everyone else agrees Donnie-boy is an imbecile.
She's defending Trump or is she stating the obvious? Or is it you're being a partisan imbecile? Looks a lot like the latter.
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.

Thanks WQ. The fact is there will be times that on one or another given issue we will be in agreement with those we most abhor. That we both approve of something or we both disapprove of something does not mean that we are alike in any way.

In this case I agree with the white supremacists et al that the historical monuments should remain where they are. But there are some here who would therefore brand me a white supremacist even though the very idea is abhorrent to me.
And they would be wrong to do so.
I ha
I don't see democrats supporting violence.

I so wish we could be hearing more from him now. A little reasonableness would be welcome in the midst of all this over inflated rhetoric.

"The black BLM member that shot five cops, it wasnt it his fault. It is the systems fault"
Reasonableness to OL. But if someone condemns all sides, the shit hits the fan :rofl:

I hate to burst your little snot bubble but most cop killer (71%) look like you.
KING: White men killed most cops in 2016, conservatives silent
I ha
I don't see democrats supporting violence.

I so wish we could be hearing more from him now. A little reasonableness would be welcome in the midst of all this over inflated rhetoric.

"The black BLM member that shot five cops, it wasnt it his fault. It is the systems fault"
Reasonableness to OL. But if someone condemns all sides, the shit hits the fan :rofl:

I hate to burst your little snot bubble but most cop killer (71%) look like you.
KING: White men killed most cops in 2016, conservatives silent

Not as a % of the population you fucking monkey.
I ha
I don't see democrats supporting violence.

I so wish we could be hearing more from him now. A little reasonableness would be welcome in the midst of all this over inflated rhetoric.

"The black BLM member that shot five cops, it wasnt it his fault. It is the systems fault"
Reasonableness to OL. But if someone condemns all sides, the shit hits the fan :rofl:

I hate to burst your little snot bubble but most cop killer (71%) look like you.
KING: White men killed most cops in 2016, conservatives silent

Thanks for the irrelevancy, dumbfuck
But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.

In my opinion he made absolutely no moral equivalence. He simply said both sides were to blame which is true.
Well, you're the only person on the planet defending the orange dildo. Everyone else agrees Donnie-boy is an imbecile.

I am defending what the President said about Charlottesville despite how hatefully and childishly you describe him. I agree with him that there is plenty to blame for violence on both sides. According to even the most left wing polls, four in ten people approve of his position on Charlottesville. Only those who disapprove of everything about him disapproved even as they mischaracterize what he said because they are not at all interested in being objective or intellectually honest about it.

Also a large majority of Americans do not want the confederate history markers taken down.
A Majority of Americans Say Confederate Statues Should Remain in Place
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.
That's true but Charlottesville has no bearing on what happened in Boston. :dunno:

Nevertheless the principle of seeing the violence as a vicious and fascist like thing is the same.
Of course but not falsely portrayed for political reasons (overarching accusation) as the OP did, makes him no different than the opposition thus automatically surrendering the moral high ground.
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

In the context of Charlottesville one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. To put equal blame on both sides is absurd.

If Antifa and others like them had not shown up with ball bats and other weapons with full intention of a violent encounter, there would have been no violence. Antifa is every bit as much to blame as anybody else.

White surpremecists were violent long before anyone ever heard of antifa.
Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia

When has antifa committed mass murder since you think they are on equal ground?

No group committed mass murder. One nut job did. If the whole group is to be tarred with the murder brush because of one nut job, then the entire environmental movement are as guilty of mass murder as the Unibomber, all Muslims are guilty of terrorism because of Al Qaeda and ISIS, all Democrats are guilty of attempted murder because one nut job tried to gun down Republicans on a ball field, all leftists are guilty because one nut job shot Congresswoman Giffords and others at a political rally..
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

In the context of Charlottesville one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. To put equal blame on both sides is absurd.

If Antifa and others like them had not shown up with ball bats and other weapons with full intention of a violent encounter, there would have been no violence. Antifa is every bit as much to blame as anybody else.

Was this because of antifa?

‘Anti-government’ killers put swastika, flag on Metro Police officer’s body

Nope. And it wasn't done by any white supremacist group either. See Post #109.

Was this because of Black Lives Matter or Antifa?
Sniper fire kills five police officers at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas

You can nitpick incidents all you want but unless you can show where it is the POLICY of a group to effect violence, the blame lies with individuals who commit murder.

But when it is a group that provokes or participates in violence, the group is to blame. Thus there is plenty to blame both sides in Charlottesville. And there is plenty to blame Antifa in Boston, in Chicago and elsewhere that had nothing to do with white supremacist groups or persons other than that was the excuse Antifa used for the violence and havoc they created..
Last edited:
Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

In the context of Charlottesville one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. To put equal blame on both sides is absurd.

If Antifa and others like them had not shown up with ball bats and other weapons with full intention of a violent encounter, there would have been no violence. Antifa is every bit as much to blame as anybody else.
Yet one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. You realize they worship Nazis right?

'Shocking' Holocaust Study Claims Nazis Killed Up To 20 Million People

I abhor the concept and most of the goals of all white supremacist groups and find nothing to commend them. But the Nazis haven't killed anybody at least as Nazis in 72 years.

The Democrats were the promoters and defenders of slavery and then segregation. But slavery ended 169 years ago and segregation ended 53 years ago. Shall we continue to blame Democrats some of who invented and perpetuated those atrocities even now? Because there are Democrats who are decidedly racist still, shall all be tarred with the same brush?

Because one nutjob plowed through a crowd in his vehicle and killed somebody does not mean that this was wanted by any of the others. Did you and other Democrats want some nutjob to go to a ball field and shoot Republicans?

The extreme positions of hate and blame and accusation taken by some are in themselves part of the problem intellectually dishonest, and should not be condoned by any thinking person.

The democrats condemned the nut job who shot up the ball field. They didn't say but republicans take some of the blame. They condemned it completely! Can't you see trump didn't do that? Only one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. Without that this isn't a tragedy. So yes he should come down hard on the side that actually killed a woman.

Trump condemned both sides for the violence in Charlottesville. And if you were the least bit objective or intellectually honest about it, you would see that. The white supremacists did not start the violence that day, but they did eagerly participate in it. Both sides are to blame. Which is what the President said. And he is right.
Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

In the context of Charlottesville one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. To put equal blame on both sides is absurd.

If Antifa and others like them had not shown up with ball bats and other weapons with full intention of a violent encounter, there would have been no violence. Antifa is every bit as much to blame as anybody else.
Yet one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. You realize they worship Nazis right?

'Shocking' Holocaust Study Claims Nazis Killed Up To 20 Million People

I abhor the concept and most of the goals of all white supremacist groups and find nothing to commend them. But the Nazis haven't killed anybody at least as Nazis in 72 years.

The Democrats were the promoters and defenders of slavery and then segregation. But slavery ended 169 years ago and segregation ended 53 years ago. Shall we continue to blame Democrats some of who invented and perpetuated those atrocities even now? Because there are Democrats who are decidedly racist still, shall all be tarred with the same brush?

Because one nutjob plowed through a crowd in his vehicle and killed somebody does not mean that this was wanted by any of the others. Did you and other Democrats want some nutjob to go to a ball field and shoot Republicans?

The extreme positions of hate and blame and accusation taken by some are in themselves part of the problem intellectually dishonest, and should not be condoned by any thinking person.

The democrats condemned the nut job who shot up the ball field. They didn't say but republicans take some of the blame. They condemned it completely! Can't you see trump didn't do that? Only one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. Without that this isn't a tragedy. So yes he should come down hard on the side that actually killed a woman.

And the Republicans and the President condemned the white supremacists and all they stand for. They also are able to separate the people involved from the principle involved. That is something President Obama and/or his followers are not good at doing.
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."


Yes, and 33 were arrested. Good for the cops. In the meantime, 40,000 good American Citizens stood up against the nazis like you. And, of course, they did not show up.
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."


Yes, and 33 were arrested. Good for the cops. In the meantime, 40,000 good American Citizens stood up against the nazis like you. And, of course, they did not show up.

You keep calling me a nazi....asswipe.....I will state this for the record......I am an American Conservative, I support individual rights, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence......I believe all men and women are created equal and I don't care about skin color.

You, however, are a different support socialism, which is responsible for about 100 million murders around the support racism, as you support the democrat party and black lives of the two of are the one who is actually a national socialist in sympathy...moron. That you support racism and socialism shows you are a really, really stupid do you manage to put your clothes on and feed yourself?
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.
That's true but Charlottesville has no bearing on what happened in Boston. :dunno:

Nevertheless the principle of seeing the violence as a vicious and fascist like thing is the same.
Of course but not falsely portrayed for political reasons (overarching accusation) as the OP did, makes him no different than the opposition thus automatically surrendering the moral high ground.

The OP presented Antifa as a violent group instigating violence. I don't have a problem with Antifa being exposed as the too often violent group that it is.

Has there ever been an Antifa demonstration that didn't include violence? I honestly don't know. I know when I typed in a search for "Antifa stages peaceful protest" my browser came up with this:
peaceful antifa protests - Bing images

The images on their various websites are often disturbing:


The problem with a group like Antifa that sets out to do something noble like punching fascists and Nazis and white supremacists is that it doesn't take long for anything they want to punch to look like a fascist or Nazi or white supremacist. And punching things is what they seem to enjoy doing the most. And if their target actually does turn out to be a white supremacist, etc. then they claim the moral high ground. If not, oh well. Their motives were right.
Last edited:
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
But but but how is this possible? Antifa promotes Leftist / anti American commie / anarchist causes and is the darling of the media so how they possibly be violent and full of hate?! Even though Antifa has said its okay to be violent!
Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.
That's true but Charlottesville has no bearing on what happened in Boston. :dunno:

Nevertheless the principle of seeing the violence as a vicious and fascist like thing is the same.
Of course but not falsely portrayed for political reasons (overarching accusation) as the OP did, makes him no different than the opposition thus automatically surrendering the moral high ground.

The OP presented Antifa as a violent group instigating violence. I don't have a problem with Antifa being exposed as the too often violent group that it is.

Has there ever been an Antifa demonstration that didn't include violence? I honestly don't know. I know when I typed in a search for "Antifa stages peaceful protest" my browser came up with this:

The images on their various websites are often disturbing:


The problem with a group like Antifa that sets out to do something noble like punching fascists and Nazis and white supremacists is that it doesn't take long for anything they want to punch to look like a fascist or Nazi or white supremacist. And punching things is what they seem to enjoy doing the most.

What we have today is the reverse of 1920s Germany. In the 1920s...the national socialists had the protection of the elites, the communists didn', the national socialists don't have popular support, the communists do......

And those who support antifa and black lives marxists, these groups follow in the tradition of a system that murdered 100 million innocent men, women and children, all over the world.........
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

In the context of Charlottesville one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. To put equal blame on both sides is absurd.

No, one PERSON. Perhaps you should look at what Obama said about judging all by the actions of one.

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