antifa threw rocks, urine and bottles at police

antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

So there is good antifa? How dare you blame all Nazis for what one did in Charlottesville. Fucking kill yourself dipshit.
Where the fuck did that short bus rant come from? Obviously your reading comprehension skills are still at the level of Dick and Jane books.........

And I quote:

"the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did."

As to imply tgat there are good antifa.
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

So there is good antifa? How dare you blame all Nazis for what one did in Charlottesville. Fucking kill yourself dipshit.
Where the fuck did that short bus rant come from? Obviously your reading comprehension skills are still at the level of Dick and Jane books.........

And I quote:

"the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did."

As to imply tgat there are good antifa.
There are those (the vast majority) who did not commit what the few did at the topic under discussion, the protest march IN BOSTON, obviously that's too esoteric a statement, not moron level black and white for you. Can't help ya there. :dunno:
The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.
The controversy, as I understand it, has nothing to do with ordinary folks who might have been at the event. What everyone seems to be upset about is the president and others who try to act as if there is no difference between the antifa nutjobs and the KKK and Nazis. There is a world of difference, and any honest person knows and admits it.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories. They are both domestic terrorist groups, and it's time everyone starting to include the full description when mentioning their names. The KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the south. AND they would get away with it, because so many of the other people in those areas were so racist that they wouldn't dream of holding klan members responsible for their crimes.

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

As obnoxious and nasty as antifa and BLM are, they are nothing compared to the KKK. They are innocent babies compared to the klan. So when the Orange Dip-Shit, or others, try to lie and act as if the groups are the same, they are LYING through their yellow, stinking teeth.
The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.
The controversy, as I understand it, has nothing to do with ordinary folks who might have been at the event. What everyone seems to be upset about is the president and others who try to act as if there is no difference between the antifa nutjobs and the KKK and Nazis. There is a world of difference, and any honest person knows and admits it.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories. They are both domestic terrorist groups, and it's time everyone starting to include the full description when mentioning their names. The KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the south. AND they would get away with it, because so many of the other people in those areas were so racist that they wouldn't dream of holding klan members responsible for their crimes.

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

As obnoxious and nasty as antifa and BLM are, they are nothing compared to the KKK. They are innocent babies compared to the klan. So when the Orange Dip-Shit, or others, try to lie and act as if the groups are the same, they are LYING through their yellow, stinking teeth.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories

Antifa and black lives matter are racist, brutal and have criminal histories in this country, and as they are marxists, they believe in a system that acutally murdered more people than the German socialists did.....

he KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the sout

The kkk was a demoocrat terrorist group.....they haven't been a threat for about 50 years now.....antifa....has shut down the political rallies of those they disagree with, violently attacked peaceful rally attendees and lives matter are racists and their sympathizers have murdered at least 10 police officers...

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

And black lives matter is a racist terrorist supporting group......their sympathizers are black racists, by declaration....who have murdered at least 10 police officers....

White racists, antifa and black racists are the same......
The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.
The controversy, as I understand it, has nothing to do with ordinary folks who might have been at the event. What everyone seems to be upset about is the president and others who try to act as if there is no difference between the antifa nutjobs and the KKK and Nazis. There is a world of difference, and any honest person knows and admits it.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories. They are both domestic terrorist groups, and it's time everyone starting to include the full description when mentioning their names. The KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the south. AND they would get away with it, because so many of the other people in those areas were so racist that they wouldn't dream of holding klan members responsible for their crimes.

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

As obnoxious and nasty as antifa and BLM are, they are nothing compared to the KKK. They are innocent babies compared to the klan. So when the Orange Dip-Shit, or others, try to lie and act as if the groups are the same, they are LYING through their yellow, stinking teeth.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories

Antifa and black lives matter are racist, brutal and have criminal histories in this country, and as they are marxists, they believe in a system that acutally murdered more people than the German socialists did.....

he KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the sout

The kkk was a demoocrat terrorist group.....they haven't been a threat for about 50 years now.....antifa....has shut down the political rallies of those they disagree with, violently attacked peaceful rally attendees and lives matter are racists and their sympathizers have murdered at least 10 police officers...

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

And black lives matter is a racist terrorist supporting group......their sympathizers are black racists, by declaration....who have murdered at least 10 police officers....

White racists, antifa and black racists are the same.....
Your response is pathetic. How can you not be embarrassed to believe such utter bullshit?

There is NO comparison between antifa, BLM — and the racist sickos in the KKK and murderous Nazis.

• That the kkk was a dem group is irrelevant. They HAVE always been and still are a threat (Except to other racists).
• Demonstrating, fighting, shutting down other rallies, is NOT the same as LYNCHING innocent people as the kkk did so often.
• Post proof that BLM sympathisers killed 10 cops. I hate BLM and its supporters. But even if what you assert is true, 10 murders comes nowhere near to the hundreds (probably thousands) of blacks beaten, murdered, tortured, and lynched, by the KKK. Again, there is NO comparison.
• Want to talk about hideous beliefs and acts? Nazis believe they are superior to others, and have the right to murder them. They used to routinely engage in mass murders, then throw the victims into ovens, or toss them into mass graves, and try to hide their crimes. They also tortured, beat, and raped their MILLIONS of victims.

Your post is pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT. I know it, everyone else who reads it will know it. The only one who may not know it is YOU. And that's nothing to be proud of.
The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.
The controversy, as I understand it, has nothing to do with ordinary folks who might have been at the event. What everyone seems to be upset about is the president and others who try to act as if there is no difference between the antifa nutjobs and the KKK and Nazis. There is a world of difference, and any honest person knows and admits it.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories. They are both domestic terrorist groups, and it's time everyone starting to include the full description when mentioning their names. The KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the south. AND they would get away with it, because so many of the other people in those areas were so racist that they wouldn't dream of holding klan members responsible for their crimes.

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

As obnoxious and nasty as antifa and BLM are, they are nothing compared to the KKK. They are innocent babies compared to the klan. So when the Orange Dip-Shit, or others, try to lie and act as if the groups are the same, they are LYING through their yellow, stinking teeth.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories

Antifa and black lives matter are racist, brutal and have criminal histories in this country, and as they are marxists, they believe in a system that acutally murdered more people than the German socialists did.....

he KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the sout

The kkk was a demoocrat terrorist group.....they haven't been a threat for about 50 years now.....antifa....has shut down the political rallies of those they disagree with, violently attacked peaceful rally attendees and lives matter are racists and their sympathizers have murdered at least 10 police officers...

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

And black lives matter is a racist terrorist supporting group......their sympathizers are black racists, by declaration....who have murdered at least 10 police officers....

White racists, antifa and black racists are the same.....
Your response is pathetic. How can you not be embarrassed to believe such utter bullshit?

There is NO comparison between antifa, BLM — and the racist sickos in the KKK and murderous Nazis.

• That the kkk was a dem group is irrelevant. They HAVE always been and still are a threat (Except to other racists).
• Demonstrating, fighting, shutting down other rallies, is NOT the same as LYNCHING innocent people as the kkk did so often.
• Post proof that BLM sympathisers killed 10 cops. I hate BLM and its supporters. But even if what you assert is true, 10 murders comes nowhere near to the hundreds (probably thousands) of blacks beaten, murdered, tortured, and lynched, by the KKK. Again, there is NO comparison.
• Want to talk about hideous beliefs and acts? Nazis believe they are superior to others, and have the right to murder them. They used to routinely engage in mass murders, then throw the victims into ovens, or toss them into mass graves, and try to hide their crimes. They also tortured, beat, and raped their MILLIONS of victims.

Your post is pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT. I know it, everyone else who reads it will know it. The only one who may not know it is YOU. And that's nothing to be proud of.

antifa and black lives matter are the same as white racists, in all their forms......give them time and they will commit mass murder the same way the communists they idolize did all around the world......

the marxism that antifa believes in murdered more people than the national socialists did you dumb ass.......close to 100 million people around the world, in more countries than the national socialists did....and no one is lying about what the national socialists did...but morons like you are hiding and excusing the marxism of black lives matter and antifa........
If Antifa and others like them had not shown up with ball bats and other weapons with full intention of a violent encounter, there would have been no violence. Antifa is every bit as much to blame as anybody else.
Yet one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. You realize they worship Nazis right?

'Shocking' Holocaust Study Claims Nazis Killed Up To 20 Million People

I abhor the concept and most of the goals of all white supremacist groups and find nothing to commend them. But the Nazis haven't killed anybody at least as Nazis in 72 years.

The Democrats were the promoters and defenders of slavery and then segregation. But slavery ended 169 years ago and segregation ended 53 years ago. Shall we continue to blame Democrats some of who invented and perpetuated those atrocities even now? Because there are Democrats who are decidedly racist still, shall all be tarred with the same brush?

Because one nutjob plowed through a crowd in his vehicle and killed somebody does not mean that this was wanted by any of the others. Did you and other Democrats want some nutjob to go to a ball field and shoot Republicans?

The extreme positions of hate and blame and accusation taken by some are in themselves part of the problem intellectually dishonest, and should not be condoned by any thinking person.

The democrats condemned the nut job who shot up the ball field. They didn't say but republicans take some of the blame. They condemned it completely! Can't you see trump didn't do that? Only one side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. Without that this isn't a tragedy. So yes he should come down hard on the side that actually killed a woman.
The point she's tying to make that you're missing or dismissing is at Charlottesville Antifa came prepared for violence and committed it, the fact that one racist scum bag tried to commit mass murder among a peaceful group of the protesters has nothing to do with that fact, two separate issues. Unless of course you're a partisan hack then both instances MUST be tied together to use as political ammunition. You're not a political hack are you?

The point isn't missed. When it comes to violence, murder is the worst at Charlottesville.

The endless droning about Antifa does not obscure the NeoNazis and KKK roots of the violence. Antifa is not as well organized, nor are 'members' as rabid in their allegiance. Still, ARREST when they break laws, just as Fields was arrested after killing HEATHER HEYER, the too seldom mentioned victim of the NeoNazis. Fields stood with Hopper, and Hopper is no friend of the US.
The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.
The controversy, as I understand it, has nothing to do with ordinary folks who might have been at the event. What everyone seems to be upset about is the president and others who try to act as if there is no difference between the antifa nutjobs and the KKK and Nazis. There is a world of difference, and any honest person knows and admits it.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories. They are both domestic terrorist groups, and it's time everyone starting to include the full description when mentioning their names. The KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the south. AND they would get away with it, because so many of the other people in those areas were so racist that they wouldn't dream of holding klan members responsible for their crimes.

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

As obnoxious and nasty as antifa and BLM are, they are nothing compared to the KKK. They are innocent babies compared to the klan. So when the Orange Dip-Shit, or others, try to lie and act as if the groups are the same, they are LYING through their yellow, stinking teeth.

But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.
The controversy, as I understand it, has nothing to do with ordinary folks who might have been at the event. What everyone seems to be upset about is the president and others who try to act as if there is no difference between the antifa nutjobs and the KKK and Nazis. There is a world of difference, and any honest person knows and admits it.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories. They are both domestic terrorist groups, and it's time everyone starting to include the full description when mentioning their names. The KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the south. AND they would get away with it, because so many of the other people in those areas were so racist that they wouldn't dream of holding klan members responsible for their crimes.

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

As obnoxious and nasty as antifa and BLM are, they are nothing compared to the KKK. They are innocent babies compared to the klan. So when the Orange Dip-Shit, or others, try to lie and act as if the groups are the same, they are LYING through their yellow, stinking teeth.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories

Antifa and black lives matter are racist, brutal and have criminal histories in this country, and as they are marxists, they believe in a system that acutally murdered more people than the German socialists did.....

he KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the sout

The kkk was a demoocrat terrorist group.....they haven't been a threat for about 50 years now.....antifa....has shut down the political rallies of those they disagree with, violently attacked peaceful rally attendees and lives matter are racists and their sympathizers have murdered at least 10 police officers...

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

And black lives matter is a racist terrorist supporting group......their sympathizers are black racists, by declaration....who have murdered at least 10 police officers....

White racists, antifa and black racists are the same.....
Your response is pathetic. How can you not be embarrassed to believe such utter bullshit?

There is NO comparison between antifa, BLM — and the racist sickos in the KKK and murderous Nazis.

• That the kkk was a dem group is irrelevant. They HAVE always been and still are a threat (Except to other racists).
• Demonstrating, fighting, shutting down other rallies, is NOT the same as LYNCHING innocent people as the kkk did so often.
• Post proof that BLM sympathisers killed 10 cops. I hate BLM and its supporters. But even if what you assert is true, 10 murders comes nowhere near to the hundreds (probably thousands) of blacks beaten, murdered, tortured, and lynched, by the KKK. Again, there is NO comparison.
• Want to talk about hideous beliefs and acts? Nazis believe they are superior to others, and have the right to murder them. They used to routinely engage in mass murders, then throw the victims into ovens, or toss them into mass graves, and try to hide their crimes. They also tortured, beat, and raped their MILLIONS of victims.

Your post is pure, unadulterated BULLSHIT. I know it, everyone else who reads it will know it. The only one who may not know it is YOU. And that's nothing to be proud of.

antifa and black lives matter are the same as white racists, in all their forms......give them time and they will commit mass murder the same way the communists they idolize did all around the world......

the marxism that antifa believes in murdered more people than the national socialists did you dumb ass.......close to 100 million people around the world, in more countries than the national socialists did....and no one is lying about what the national socialists did...but morons like you are hiding and excusing the marxism of black lives matter and antifa........[/QUOTE]
You said: "give them time and they will commit mass murder the same way..."

You're full of shit. You don't know what will happen in the future. So you're pulling more dumb shit out of your ass.

You said: "the marxism that antifa believes in murdered more people than the..."

Their "beliefs" have hurt no one. Antifa cannot be held responsible for what other people have done on another continent and with whom they share no ties.

You said: "but morons like you are hiding and excusing the marxism of black lives matter and antifa..."

I excuse no one. I hate BLM AND antifa. BUT, they are no where near as bad as the KKK and Nazis. The KKK has a long history of murder, rape, torture, and brutality, in THIS country and against OUR fellow citizens.

The Nazis have murdered million of people, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICAN soldiers. How can YOU support these pigs? Have you no shame? You support the Nazis that killed Americans? Why are you a traitor to America?

Please, for your own sake, stop embarrassing yourself. Stop posting BULLSHIT and lies.

You're making yourself look like an idiot. So, please, have a lie-down. Take your meds. Grow a brain...
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

So there is good antifa? How dare you blame all Nazis for what one did in Charlottesville. Fucking kill yourself dipshit.
Where the fuck did that short bus rant come from? Obviously your reading comprehension skills are still at the level of Dick and Jane books.........

And I quote:

"the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did."

As to imply tgat there are good antifa.
There are those (the vast majority) who did not commit what the few did at the topic under discussion, the protest march IN BOSTON, obviously that's too esoteric a statement, not moron level black and white for you. Can't help ya there. :dunno:

Anyone identifying as antifa is subject to extrajudicial execution, the Kek army is mobilized, none of them are safe, we are coming and hell's coming with us, you have been warned.
But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.
But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.

All members of Antifa and BLM will be identified and summarily extrajudicially executed, the armies of Kek are mobilized and they can not hide from us, thanks to the Portland authorities we have the faces and names of 33 Antifa members, that's all we need.

Mugshots, IDs released of 25 arrested in Portland anti-Trump protests

Time to run like the ****** dick taking communist rats that you are.
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

So there is good antifa? How dare you blame all Nazis for what one did in Charlottesville. Fucking kill yourself dipshit.
Where the fuck did that short bus rant come from? Obviously your reading comprehension skills are still at the level of Dick and Jane books.........

And I quote:

"the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did."

As to imply tgat there are good antifa.
There are those (the vast majority) who did not commit what the few did at the topic under discussion, the protest march IN BOSTON, obviously that's too esoteric a statement, not moron level black and white for you. Can't help ya there. :dunno:

Anyone identifying as antifa is subject to extrajudicial execution, the Kek army is mobilized, none of them are safe, we are coming and hell's coming with us, you have been warned.
Oh please....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.
That's true but Charlottesville has no bearing on what happened in Boston. :dunno:
Antifa are against free speech. Why the hell anyone defends them is beyond puzzling. They are pigs.

"Left-wing counter-protesters at a June 4 free speech rally in Portland, Oregon launched balloons filled with human urine and feces at the free speech rally-goers, the city police chief recounted in a letter to Portland’s mayor

“The decision to move the group located in Chapman Square was made after [Portland police] had repeatedly observed objects being thrown and shot from slingshot type devices from Chapman Square into Terry Shrunk Plaza,” Chief of Police Michael Marshman wrote. (He noted earlier in the letter that Chapman Square was “the site of one of the counter protests,” while Terry Shrunk Plaza was the location of the free speech rally.)

“These objects included urine and feces filled balloons, balloons with unknown chemicals, marbles, bricks and rocks,” Marshman wrote.

Local news coverage described the urine-flinging counter-protesters as antifa members"

Pee-Filled Projectiles A Recurring Weapon Of Choice For ‘Anti-Fascists’
But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.

In my opinion he made absolutely no moral equivalence. He simply said both sides were to blame which is true.
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.

Thanks WQ. The fact is there will be times that on one or another given issue we will be in agreement with those we most abhor. That we both approve of something or we both disapprove of something does not mean that we are alike in any way.

In this case I agree with the white supremacists et al that the historical monuments should remain where they are. But there are some here who would therefore brand me a white supremacist even though the very idea is abhorrent to me.
antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.
That's true but Charlottesville has no bearing on what happened in Boston. :dunno:

Nevertheless the principle of seeing the violence as a vicious and fascist like thing is the same.
But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.

In my opinion he made absolutely no moral equivalence. He simply said both sides were to blame which is true.
Well, you're the only person on the planet defending the orange dildo. Everyone else agrees Donnie-boy is an imbecile.

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