antifa threw rocks, urine and bottles at police

antifa....the other racist, socialist violent thugs who are supported by the democrat party....

Antifa Thugs Get Violent (Again), Clash With Police During 'Peace Rally' in Boston

According to the Boston Police Department, protesters threw rocks, urine, and bottles at officers manning the rally.

According to an unconfirmed report, a teenaged Trump supporter with a “F*** Nazis, F*** Antifa, Donald Trump 2020" sign was surrounded by Antifa before being "rescued" by police officers:

MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake reported on Antifa members assaulting pro-life advocates. "Antifa folks just mobbed some anti-abortion protestors w/ posters. Yelled & tore posters til cops came."
Thirty three out of supposedly 40,000 were arrested......... All groups have their radical fringe element.
Now to some of you far right nutjobs and far left nutjobs you will see that as me taking their side. I'm simply pointing out a fact to minimize the OP's intended political smear job that blames all Antifa for what a very few did. For those of you who don't recognize it it's called an unbiased observation, you should try it sometime.

Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State
It appears you made the mistake of assuming I'm siding with Antifa or claiming they have the moral high ground......... Never said that.

And I didn't say that you did.

But the point is that there is equal blame on both sides and possibly more to blame on Antifa who instigates violence while the white supremacists usually don't. But they'll engage in a rumble if somebody starts one. They might encourage it. I don't know. I have never attended one of their rallies.

I am just saying that the intellectually honest will acknowledge that neither side is completely to blame and both sides share blame. That isn't what we are getting from the media or the talking heads on television is it though.

The hypocrisy is rampant.

I don't see people defending violent protesters. They want the side that killed a person while attempting mass murder to get the vast majority of the blame as they should.

A side didn't kill someone.
Well whether I am a nutjob is open for debate, :) but I do agree on one point.

The President was right that not all who were defending the historical monuments in Charlottesville were white supremacists or anything other than ordinary concerned citizens. The uber left condemns them though it was those concerned citizens who organized the rally and got the permit. I personally agree with them that the monuments should be left where they are unless the people of that city vote to have them removed.

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.



Antifa thugs attack a free speech rally at Evergreen State College on August 17
VIDEO: Antifa thugs attack free speech rally at Evergreen State

Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.
That's true but Charlottesville has no bearing on what happened in Boston. :dunno:

Nevertheless the principle of seeing the violence as a vicious and fascist like thing is the same.
Of course but not falsely portrayed for political reasons (overarching accusation) as the OP did, makes him no different than the opposition thus automatically surrendering the moral high ground.

The OP presented Antifa as a violent group instigating violence. I don't have a problem with Antifa being exposed as the too often violent group that it is.

Has there ever been an Antifa demonstration that didn't include violence? I honestly don't know. I know when I typed in a search for "Antifa stages peaceful protest" my browser came up with this:
peaceful antifa protests - Bing images

The images on their various websites are often disturbing:


The problem with a group like Antifa that sets out to do something noble like punching fascists and Nazis and white supremacists is that it doesn't take long for anything they want to punch to look like a fascist or Nazi or white supremacist. And punching things is what they seem to enjoy doing the most. And if their target actually does turn out to be a white supremacist, etc. then they claim the moral high ground. If not, oh well. Their motives were right.
In your apparent view of Antifa you did the same thing the OP did, you're generalizing and stereotyping. Is that your intent?
But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.

In my opinion he made absolutely no moral equivalence. He simply said both sides were to blame which is true.
Well, you're the only person on the planet defending the orange dildo. Everyone else agrees Donnie-boy is an imbecile.
She's defending Trump or is she stating the obvious? Or is it you're being a partisan imbecile? Looks a lot like the latter.
I make no apology for considering trump a racist, worthless waste of skin.

But trumps statements on the KKK, Nazis vs anti-protesters were condemned by leaders around the world. And here, they were condemned by a load of our own Congressmen including many republicans, a couple of past republican presidents, and republican presidential candidated.

So please try to THINK before posting your idiotic comments and insults, you brainless piece of shit.
Thank you for taking such a sensible position. The reality is when any issue is in dispute there is rarely one side that is 100% wrong and the other side is as pure as the driven snow(flake). :)

Fair media reports from Charlottesville indicated there was violence on both sides. Personally, I condemn all who resorted to violence. MLK and Ghandi had it right. The only way to maintain the moral high ground is non-violence. The fact that members from both sides resorted to violence makes them both reprehensible imho.
That's true but Charlottesville has no bearing on what happened in Boston. :dunno:

Nevertheless the principle of seeing the violence as a vicious and fascist like thing is the same.
Of course but not falsely portrayed for political reasons (overarching accusation) as the OP did, makes him no different than the opposition thus automatically surrendering the moral high ground.

The OP presented Antifa as a violent group instigating violence. I don't have a problem with Antifa being exposed as the too often violent group that it is.

Has there ever been an Antifa demonstration that didn't include violence? I honestly don't know. I know when I typed in a search for "Antifa stages peaceful protest" my browser came up with this:
peaceful antifa protests - Bing images

The images on their various websites are often disturbing:


The problem with a group like Antifa that sets out to do something noble like punching fascists and Nazis and white supremacists is that it doesn't take long for anything they want to punch to look like a fascist or Nazi or white supremacist. And punching things is what they seem to enjoy doing the most. And if their target actually does turn out to be a white supremacist, etc. then they claim the moral high ground. If not, oh well. Their motives were right.
In your apparent view of Antifa you did the same thing the OP did, you're generalizing and stereotyping. Is that your intent?

I did not intend to generalize anything. I intended to be specific that I do not see Antifa as any kind of noble, well intentioned, non violent organization. It just isn't no matter how they characterize themselves. I judge them not by what they say but by what they do. I have looked for some examples of peaceful constructive rallies and protests they have staged. So far I haven't found any, but the odds are good that there have probably been some.

I don't draw any moral equivolancy between Antifa and the KKK or any other extreme groups. They are all their own entities, they are each responsible for their own actions.

I certainly won't commend Antifa when they do bad stuff any more than any other group who does bad stuff. To defend them because 'at least they aren't as bad as ______' is just silly. And to tar peaceful protesters or demonstrators or rally goers as equally guilty for the violence just because an uninvited KKK or neo-Nazis or Antifa showed up is even more silly.
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But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.

In my opinion he made absolutely no moral equivalence. He simply said both sides were to blame which is true.
Well, you're the only person on the planet defending the orange dildo. Everyone else agrees Donnie-boy is an imbecile.

I am defending what the President said about Charlottesville despite how hatefully and childishly you describe him. I agree with him that there is plenty to blame for violence on both sides. According to even the most left wing polls, four in ten people approve of his position on Charlottesville. Only those who disapprove of everything about him disapproved even as they mischaracterize what he said because they are not at all interested in being objective or intellectually honest about it.

Also a large majority of Americans do not want the confederate history markers taken down.
A Majority of Americans Say Confederate Statues Should Remain in Place
I also want the confederate statues left in place. The idiots trying to rip them down should be arrested and thrown in prison.

You think my description of trump is childish? Fine, I don't give a fuck what you think. Most people on the planet seem to be laughing at the Shit-Eating Orange Turd. Some foreign newspapers are openly making jokes about the Clown in Chief. So I'm in good company.

What is really troubling, is that you, and trump, and other people like you, cannot bring yourselves to see or admit how hateful, racist, and dangerous the KKK and Nazis are. Almost 500,000 Americans died fighting the Nazis in WWll. The Nazis murdered millions more, including tossing people into ovens to dispose ot the bodies or burying victims in mass graves.

And the KKK murdered, tortured, raped, beat, and lynched thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of our own AMERICAN citizens.

Yet the (ugh) president, The Cowardly Orange Draft Dodger, is too fucking cowardly to denounce the KKK and American Nazis as the TERRORIST groups they are. The terrorists support trump, that is why he will not call them what they are. trump is a miserable, lying, racist, coward. How can you support such a person?

That's why trump trys to say "both groups are at fault". BUT the truth is, one group is made up of racists and terrorists. The other group was there to protest racism and hate. There is a HUGE difference even if you cannot, or will not allow yourself to see it.

Don't get me wrong. I hate the protesters, too. They're a pain in the ass, and, especially when added to the BLM imbeciles, cause a ton of problems. But they are innocent children when compared to the KKK and Nazis. Your bosom buddies.
But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.

In my opinion he made absolutely no moral equivalence. He simply said both sides were to blame which is true.
Well, you're the only person on the planet defending the orange dildo. Everyone else agrees Donnie-boy is an imbecile.

I am defending what the President said about Charlottesville despite how hatefully and childishly you describe him. I agree with him that there is plenty to blame for violence on both sides. According to even the most left wing polls, four in ten people approve of his position on Charlottesville. Only those who disapprove of everything about him disapproved even as they mischaracterize what he said because they are not at all interested in being objective or intellectually honest about it.

Also a large majority of Americans do not want the confederate history markers taken down.
A Majority of Americans Say Confederate Statues Should Remain in Place
I also want the confederate statues left in place. The idiots trying to rip them down should be arrested and thrown in prison.

You think my description of trump is childish? Fine, I don't give a fuck what you think. Most people on the planet seem to be laughing at the Shit-Eating Orange Turd. Some foreign newspapers are openly making jokes about the Clown in Chief. So I'm in good company.

What is really troubling, is that you, and trump, and other people like you, cannot bring yourselves to see or admit how hateful, racist, and dangerous the KKK and Nazis are. Almost 500,000 Americans died fighting the Nazis in WWll. The Nazis murdered millions more, including tossing people into ovens to dispose ot the bodies or burying victims in mass graves.

And the KKK murdered, tortured, raped, beat, and lynched thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of our own AMERICAN citizens.

Yet the (ugh) president, The Cowardly Orange Draft Dodger, is too fucking cowardly to denounce the KKK and American Nazis as the TERRORIST groups they are. The terrorists support trump, that is why he will not call them what they are. trump is a miserable, lying, racist, coward. How can you support such a person?

That's why trump trys to say "both groups are at fault". BUT the truth is, one group is made up of racists and terrorists. The other group was there to protest racism and hate. There is a HUGE difference even if you cannot, or will not allow yourself to see it.

Don't get me wrong. I hate the protesters, too. They're a pain in the ass, and, especially when added to the BLM imbeciles, cause a ton of problems. But they are innocent children when compared to the KKK and Nazis. Your bosom buddies.

Some quotes are simply too extreme and hateful and so miss the point being made that they are just best ignored. Yours sort of fits into that category so I will just wish you a pleasant afternoon.
But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.

In my opinion he made absolutely no moral equivalence. He simply said both sides were to blame which is true.
Well, you're the only person on the planet defending the orange dildo. Everyone else agrees Donnie-boy is an imbecile.
She's defending Trump or is she stating the obvious? Or is it you're being a partisan imbecile? Looks a lot like the latter.
I make no apology for considering trump a racist, worthless waste of skin.

But trumps statements on the KKK, Nazis vs anti-protesters were condemned by leaders around the world. And here, they were condemned by a load of our own Congressmen including many republicans, a couple of past republican presidents, and republican presidential candidated.

So please try to THINK before posting your idiotic comments and insults, you brainless piece of shit.
Oooohhhh, struck a nerve....... So are you going to retreat further into your paradigm bubble and call me a Trumptard now? :lmao:
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That's true but Charlottesville has no bearing on what happened in Boston. :dunno:

Nevertheless the principle of seeing the violence as a vicious and fascist like thing is the same.
Of course but not falsely portrayed for political reasons (overarching accusation) as the OP did, makes him no different than the opposition thus automatically surrendering the moral high ground.

The OP presented Antifa as a violent group instigating violence. I don't have a problem with Antifa being exposed as the too often violent group that it is.

Has there ever been an Antifa demonstration that didn't include violence? I honestly don't know. I know when I typed in a search for "Antifa stages peaceful protest" my browser came up with this:
peaceful antifa protests - Bing images

The images on their various websites are often disturbing:


The problem with a group like Antifa that sets out to do something noble like punching fascists and Nazis and white supremacists is that it doesn't take long for anything they want to punch to look like a fascist or Nazi or white supremacist. And punching things is what they seem to enjoy doing the most. And if their target actually does turn out to be a white supremacist, etc. then they claim the moral high ground. If not, oh well. Their motives were right.
In your apparent view of Antifa you did the same thing the OP did, you're generalizing and stereotyping. Is that your intent?

I did not intend to generalize anything. I intended to be specific that I do not see Antifa as any kind of noble, well intentioned, non violent organization. It just isn't no matter how they characterize themselves. I judge them not by what they say but by what they do. I have looked for some examples of peaceful constructive rallies and protests they have staged. So far I haven't found any, but the odds are good that there have probably been some.

I don't draw any moral equivolancy between Antifa and the KKK or any other extreme groups. They are all their own entities, they are each responsible for their own actions.

I certainly won't commend Antifa when they do bad stuff any more than any other group who does bad stuff. To defend them because 'at least they aren't as bad as ______' is just silly. And to tar peaceful protesters or demonstrators or rally goers as equally guilty for the violence just because an uninvited KKK or neo-Nazis or Antifa showed up is even more silly.
So does that mean the multitude of the peaceful protesters in Boston didn't exist? :dunno:
Nevertheless the principle of seeing the violence as a vicious and fascist like thing is the same.
Of course but not falsely portrayed for political reasons (overarching accusation) as the OP did, makes him no different than the opposition thus automatically surrendering the moral high ground.

The OP presented Antifa as a violent group instigating violence. I don't have a problem with Antifa being exposed as the too often violent group that it is.

Has there ever been an Antifa demonstration that didn't include violence? I honestly don't know. I know when I typed in a search for "Antifa stages peaceful protest" my browser came up with this:
peaceful antifa protests - Bing images

The images on their various websites are often disturbing:


The problem with a group like Antifa that sets out to do something noble like punching fascists and Nazis and white supremacists is that it doesn't take long for anything they want to punch to look like a fascist or Nazi or white supremacist. And punching things is what they seem to enjoy doing the most. And if their target actually does turn out to be a white supremacist, etc. then they claim the moral high ground. If not, oh well. Their motives were right.
In your apparent view of Antifa you did the same thing the OP did, you're generalizing and stereotyping. Is that your intent?

I did not intend to generalize anything. I intended to be specific that I do not see Antifa as any kind of noble, well intentioned, non violent organization. It just isn't no matter how they characterize themselves. I judge them not by what they say but by what they do. I have looked for some examples of peaceful constructive rallies and protests they have staged. So far I haven't found any, but the odds are good that there have probably been some.

I don't draw any moral equivolancy between Antifa and the KKK or any other extreme groups. They are all their own entities, they are each responsible for their own actions.

I certainly won't commend Antifa when they do bad stuff any more than any other group who does bad stuff. To defend them because 'at least they aren't as bad as ______' is just silly. And to tar peaceful protesters or demonstrators or rally goers as equally guilty for the violence just because an uninvited KKK or neo-Nazis or Antifa showed up is even more silly.
So does that mean the multitude of the peaceful protesters in Boston didn't exist? :dunno:

Not at all. I'm sure there were peaceful protesters in Boston just as there were in Charlottesville. And I don't tar everybody with the violence anywhere--just those looking for it and instigating it and participating in it. So conversely I can't excuse the violent people because not everybody is.

Are there peaceful Antifa people who abhor violence? I don't know. Do you?
But seriously . . .

1. The President did not--repeat DID NOT--equate Antifa, BLM, or other leftwing groups with the white supremacist groups. That's a connection the Trump haters have made, but the President said nothing like that. And it is completely intellectually dishonest to continue to promote that he did as a fact.

2. The 'innocent babes in comparison' as you describe them, i.e. Antifa, showed up in helmets and armed with ball bats, pepper spray, and other weapons clearly expecting to initiate a rumble. And it was they who instigated the hostilities.

3. The President was absolutely right to say there was plenty of blame to go around. That is not making a statement of the worth or lack thereof of any organization. He was saying there were those on both sides who were responsible for the hostilities and there were also people on both sides of the issue at the rally who did not participate in the hostilities and who were blameless.

The President refuses to excuse one side and put all the blame on the other just because it is politically correct to do so. And because he is not politically correct and refuses to excuse the 'politically correct' side makes him more intellectually honest than any of his critics in that matter.
trump tried to draw a moral equivalence between the Nazis and the KKK, and those protesters who were demonstrating against hate and racism. Such an equivalence does NOT exist.

The Nazis murdered millions during WWll, including hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS.

The KKK murdered thousands, probably tens of thousands of our fellow AMERICAN citizens.

How can you possibly excuse and defend them — and even take their side? You are an American, aren't you?

It's true that both groups caused some problems. What is a LIE is trying to imply that both sides are somehow alike. One group has a long history of MURDER of our own citizens.

The other side BLM and antifa were protesting the clear racism of the KKK and Nazis.

In my opinion he made absolutely no moral equivalence. He simply said both sides were to blame which is true.
Well, you're the only person on the planet defending the orange dildo. Everyone else agrees Donnie-boy is an imbecile.
She's defending Trump or is she stating the obvious? Or is it you're being a partisan imbecile? Looks a lot like the latter.
I make no apology for considering trump a racist, worthless waste of skin.

But trumps statements on the KKK, Nazis vs anti-protesters were condemned by leaders around the world. And here, they were condemned by a load of our own Congressmen including many republicans, a couple of past republican presidents, and republican presidential candidated.

So please try to THINK before posting your idiotic comments and insults, you brainless piece of shit.
Trump's statements were fine. They were condemned by people on both sides who had an ax to grind with him. And the fake news grabbed it and ran with it.
The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.
The controversy, as I understand it, has nothing to do with ordinary folks who might have been at the event. What everyone seems to be upset about is the president and others who try to act as if there is no difference between the antifa nutjobs and the KKK and Nazis. There is a world of difference, and any honest person knows and admits it.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories. They are both domestic terrorist groups, and it's time everyone starting to include the full description when mentioning their names. The KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the south. AND they would get away with it, because so many of the other people in those areas were so racist that they wouldn't dream of holding klan members responsible for their crimes.

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

As obnoxious and nasty as antifa and BLM are, they are nothing compared to the KKK. They are innocent babies compared to the klan. So when the Orange Dip-Shit, or others, try to lie and act as if the groups are the same, they are LYING through their yellow, stinking teeth.
They are, or may be, growing to be. Antifa isn't a true organization, so all kinds can filter in. BLM so far, I know of no advocacy for violence, most Antifa DO.
The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.
The controversy, as I understand it, has nothing to do with ordinary folks who might have been at the event. What everyone seems to be upset about is the president and others who try to act as if there is no difference between the antifa nutjobs and the KKK and Nazis. There is a world of difference, and any honest person knows and admits it.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories. They are both domestic terrorist groups, and it's time everyone starting to include the full description when mentioning their names. The KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the south. AND they would get away with it, because so many of the other people in those areas were so racist that they wouldn't dream of holding klan members responsible for their crimes.

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

As obnoxious and nasty as antifa and BLM are, they are nothing compared to the KKK. They are innocent babies compared to the klan. So when the Orange Dip-Shit, or others, try to lie and act as if the groups are the same, they are LYING through their yellow, stinking teeth.
They are, or may be, growing to be. Antifa isn't a true organization, so all kinds can filter in. BLM so far, I know of no advocacy for violence, most Antifa DO.

Chanting about killing police officers isn't advocacy for violence?

The white supremacists, all reprehensible, who came were not invited and the fact that they were there presumably to support the same cause does not paint all who share the cause with that brush. Only the most extreme ultra snowflakes from the left would characterize them as such.

Likewise, I am sure there are those associated with Antifa or find themselves on the same side of issues as Antifa who are not militant terrorist types. But to think Antifa somehow has the moral high ground over the white supremacists is absurd.
The controversy, as I understand it, has nothing to do with ordinary folks who might have been at the event. What everyone seems to be upset about is the president and others who try to act as if there is no difference between the antifa nutjobs and the KKK and Nazis. There is a world of difference, and any honest person knows and admits it.

The KKK and Nazis both have brutal, racist, criminal, histories. They are both domestic terrorist groups, and it's time everyone starting to include the full description when mentioning their names. The KKK used to terrorize, beat, torture, and lynch blacks, including men, women, and childred, throughout the south. AND they would get away with it, because so many of the other people in those areas were so racist that they wouldn't dream of holding klan members responsible for their crimes.

And the klan hasn't changed. It is still the most racist and vile terrorist group in America.

As obnoxious and nasty as antifa and BLM are, they are nothing compared to the KKK. They are innocent babies compared to the klan. So when the Orange Dip-Shit, or others, try to lie and act as if the groups are the same, they are LYING through their yellow, stinking teeth.
They are, or may be, growing to be. Antifa isn't a true organization, so all kinds can filter in. BLM so far, I know of no advocacy for violence, most Antifa DO.

Chanting about killing police officers isn't advocacy for violence?


I stand corrected if BLM did such.
Trump has a 37 percent approval and 62 percent disapproval. There are more calls for articles of impeachment and the investigations are not helping Trump either. Trump will either resign or be impeached
Those manufactured polls are off by at least 10%. If the election were held today Trump would win by a bigger margin. All that the Left and their fake news media lapdogs have done since November is get people even more angry and disgusted by them.
Of course but not falsely portrayed for political reasons (overarching accusation) as the OP did, makes him no different than the opposition thus automatically surrendering the moral high ground.

The OP presented Antifa as a violent group instigating violence. I don't have a problem with Antifa being exposed as the too often violent group that it is.

Has there ever been an Antifa demonstration that didn't include violence? I honestly don't know. I know when I typed in a search for "Antifa stages peaceful protest" my browser came up with this:
peaceful antifa protests - Bing images

The images on their various websites are often disturbing:


The problem with a group like Antifa that sets out to do something noble like punching fascists and Nazis and white supremacists is that it doesn't take long for anything they want to punch to look like a fascist or Nazi or white supremacist. And punching things is what they seem to enjoy doing the most. And if their target actually does turn out to be a white supremacist, etc. then they claim the moral high ground. If not, oh well. Their motives were right.
In your apparent view of Antifa you did the same thing the OP did, you're generalizing and stereotyping. Is that your intent?

I did not intend to generalize anything. I intended to be specific that I do not see Antifa as any kind of noble, well intentioned, non violent organization. It just isn't no matter how they characterize themselves. I judge them not by what they say but by what they do. I have looked for some examples of peaceful constructive rallies and protests they have staged. So far I haven't found any, but the odds are good that there have probably been some.

I don't draw any moral equivolancy between Antifa and the KKK or any other extreme groups. They are all their own entities, they are each responsible for their own actions.

I certainly won't commend Antifa when they do bad stuff any more than any other group who does bad stuff. To defend them because 'at least they aren't as bad as ______' is just silly. And to tar peaceful protesters or demonstrators or rally goers as equally guilty for the violence just because an uninvited KKK or neo-Nazis or Antifa showed up is even more silly.
So does that mean the multitude of the peaceful protesters in Boston didn't exist? :dunno:

Not at all. I'm sure there were peaceful protesters in Boston just as there were in Charlottesville. And I don't tar everybody with the violence anywhere--just those looking for it and instigating it and participating in it. So conversely I can't excuse the violent people because not everybody is.

Are there peaceful Antifa people who abhor violence? I don't know. Do you?
Based on the law of averages, yes. As for the Boston protest the police themselves claimed the vast majority (99%) were well behaved.
The OP presented Antifa as a violent group instigating violence. I don't have a problem with Antifa being exposed as the too often violent group that it is.

Has there ever been an Antifa demonstration that didn't include violence? I honestly don't know. I know when I typed in a search for "Antifa stages peaceful protest" my browser came up with this:
peaceful antifa protests - Bing images

The images on their various websites are often disturbing:


The problem with a group like Antifa that sets out to do something noble like punching fascists and Nazis and white supremacists is that it doesn't take long for anything they want to punch to look like a fascist or Nazi or white supremacist. And punching things is what they seem to enjoy doing the most. And if their target actually does turn out to be a white supremacist, etc. then they claim the moral high ground. If not, oh well. Their motives were right.
In your apparent view of Antifa you did the same thing the OP did, you're generalizing and stereotyping. Is that your intent?

I did not intend to generalize anything. I intended to be specific that I do not see Antifa as any kind of noble, well intentioned, non violent organization. It just isn't no matter how they characterize themselves. I judge them not by what they say but by what they do. I have looked for some examples of peaceful constructive rallies and protests they have staged. So far I haven't found any, but the odds are good that there have probably been some.

I don't draw any moral equivolancy between Antifa and the KKK or any other extreme groups. They are all their own entities, they are each responsible for their own actions.

I certainly won't commend Antifa when they do bad stuff any more than any other group who does bad stuff. To defend them because 'at least they aren't as bad as ______' is just silly. And to tar peaceful protesters or demonstrators or rally goers as equally guilty for the violence just because an uninvited KKK or neo-Nazis or Antifa showed up is even more silly.
So does that mean the multitude of the peaceful protesters in Boston didn't exist? :dunno:

Not at all. I'm sure there were peaceful protesters in Boston just as there were in Charlottesville. And I don't tar everybody with the violence anywhere--just those looking for it and instigating it and participating in it. So conversely I can't excuse the violent people because not everybody is.

Are there peaceful Antifa people who abhor violence? I don't know. Do you?
Based on the law of averages, yes. As for the Boston protest the police themselves claimed the vast majority (99%) were well behaved.

I don't think all 40,000 counter protesters who showed up in Boston were Antifa. Probably a small portion of them were and it is that small portion that created the problems they had. 1% of 40,000 is 400 people. 400 people can create a lot of problems and did.

But the fact that 40,000 people showed up to shut down a free speech rally just because there might have been a few 'objectionable' people there is really scary to me. We are literally losing our First Amendment rights when the militants can deny us ability to use them.

From the Free SpeechMovement who organized the Boston rally:
This Free Speech Movement is dedicated to peaceful rallies and are in no way affiliated with the Charlottesville rally on 8/12/17

While we maintain that every individual is entitled to their freedom of speech and defend that basic human right, we will not be offering our platform to racism or bigotry. We denounce the politics of supremacy and violence. We denounce the actions, activities, and tactics of the so-called Antifa movement. We denounce the normalization of political violence.

We are witnessing an unprecedented move towards sweeping censorship that undermines our democratic system. We are witnessing increasingly regular incidents of political violence being used to silence political opponents. We are witnessing our social media and online communities purging both progressive and conservative content from their networks. We oppose all instances of censorship. We believe that the way to defeat and disarm toxic ideas and ideologies is through dialogue and reason, and that attempting to silence any voice by force of mob or force of law only empowers the radical elements of society and divides us.

There is a lot of misinformation in the media slandering our name by likening our organization to those that ran the Charlottesville rally. THIS COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! “I can tell you the march we had in May…That group pulled a permit, they worked very well with us” as stated by Boston Police Commissioner William Evans in a press conference Monday (8/14/17)

We are a coalition of libertarians, progressives, conservatives, and independents and we welcome all individuals and organizations from any political affiliations that are willing to peaceably engage in open dialogue about the threats to, and importance of, free speech and civil liberties. Join us at the Parkman Bandstand where we will be holding our event. We look forward to this tide-changing peaceful event that has the potential to be a shining example of how we, in the city of Boston, can come together for the common goal of preserving freedom of speech for all and respectfully discussing our differences of opinion without engaging in violence.


Women For Trump Movement II: #maga2018
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In your apparent view of Antifa you did the same thing the OP did, you're generalizing and stereotyping. Is that your intent?

I did not intend to generalize anything. I intended to be specific that I do not see Antifa as any kind of noble, well intentioned, non violent organization. It just isn't no matter how they characterize themselves. I judge them not by what they say but by what they do. I have looked for some examples of peaceful constructive rallies and protests they have staged. So far I haven't found any, but the odds are good that there have probably been some.

I don't draw any moral equivolancy between Antifa and the KKK or any other extreme groups. They are all their own entities, they are each responsible for their own actions.

I certainly won't commend Antifa when they do bad stuff any more than any other group who does bad stuff. To defend them because 'at least they aren't as bad as ______' is just silly. And to tar peaceful protesters or demonstrators or rally goers as equally guilty for the violence just because an uninvited KKK or neo-Nazis or Antifa showed up is even more silly.
So does that mean the multitude of the peaceful protesters in Boston didn't exist? :dunno:

Not at all. I'm sure there were peaceful protesters in Boston just as there were in Charlottesville. And I don't tar everybody with the violence anywhere--just those looking for it and instigating it and participating in it. So conversely I can't excuse the violent people because not everybody is.

Are there peaceful Antifa people who abhor violence? I don't know. Do you?
Based on the law of averages, yes. As for the Boston protest the police themselves claimed the vast majority (99%) were well behaved.

I don't think all 40,000 counter protesters who showed up in Boston were Antifa. Probably a small portion of them were and it is that small portion that created the problems they had. 1% of 40,000 is 400 people. 400 people can create a lot of problems and did.

But the fact that 40,000 people showed up to shut down a free speech rally just because there might have been a few 'objectionable' people there is really scary to me. We are literally losing our First Amendment rights when the militants can deny us ability to use them.

From the Free SpeechMovement who organized the Boston rally:
This Free Speech Movement is dedicated to peaceful rallies and are in no way affiliated with the Charlottesville rally on 8/12/17

While we maintain that every individual is entitled to their freedom of speech and defend that basic human right, we will not be offering our platform to racism or bigotry. We denounce the politics of supremacy and violence. We denounce the actions, activities, and tactics of the so-called Antifa movement. We denounce the normalization of political violence.

We are witnessing an unprecedented move towards sweeping censorship that undermines our democratic system. We are witnessing increasingly regular incidents of political violence being used to silence political opponents. We are witnessing our social media and online communities purging both progressive and conservative content from their networks. We oppose all instances of censorship. We believe that the way to defeat and disarm toxic ideas and ideologies is through dialogue and reason, and that attempting to silence any voice by force of mob or force of law only empowers the radical elements of society and divides us.

There is a lot of misinformation in the media slandering our name by likening our organization to those that ran the Charlottesville rally. THIS COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! “I can tell you the march we had in May…That group pulled a permit, they worked very well with us” as stated by Boston Police Commissioner William Evans in a press conference Monday (8/14/17)

We are a coalition of libertarians, progressives, conservatives, and independents and we welcome all individuals and organizations from any political affiliations that are willing to peaceably engage in open dialogue about the threats to, and importance of, free speech and civil liberties. Join us at the Parkman Bandstand where we will be holding our event. We look forward to this tide-changing peaceful event that has the potential to be a shining example of how we, in the city of Boston, can come together for the common goal of preserving freedom of speech for all and respectfully discussing our differences of opinion without engaging in violence.

Antifa is a coalition of different groups, those who used to protest the World Monetary Fund and World Bank were a coalition of different groups. The common factor we found with both these organizations is that in almost all cases it was the anarchist faction that perpetuated the most violence. The media, hence the viewers always focus on the violent and not those who are not being violent. Why? Because it sells, ratings, so we the viewing public are left with a skewed vision of events. Take that combined with the ever present search for bias confirmation and suddenly they're all bad or all good depending on one's viewpoint.
You're making assumptions based solely on your bias not on observable fact.
The OP presented Antifa as a violent group instigating violence. I don't have a problem with Antifa being exposed as the too often violent group that it is.

Has there ever been an Antifa demonstration that didn't include violence? I honestly don't know. I know when I typed in a search for "Antifa stages peaceful protest" my browser came up with this:
peaceful antifa protests - Bing images

The images on their various websites are often disturbing:


The problem with a group like Antifa that sets out to do something noble like punching fascists and Nazis and white supremacists is that it doesn't take long for anything they want to punch to look like a fascist or Nazi or white supremacist. And punching things is what they seem to enjoy doing the most. And if their target actually does turn out to be a white supremacist, etc. then they claim the moral high ground. If not, oh well. Their motives were right.
In your apparent view of Antifa you did the same thing the OP did, you're generalizing and stereotyping. Is that your intent?

I did not intend to generalize anything. I intended to be specific that I do not see Antifa as any kind of noble, well intentioned, non violent organization. It just isn't no matter how they characterize themselves. I judge them not by what they say but by what they do. I have looked for some examples of peaceful constructive rallies and protests they have staged. So far I haven't found any, but the odds are good that there have probably been some.

I don't draw any moral equivolancy between Antifa and the KKK or any other extreme groups. They are all their own entities, they are each responsible for their own actions.

I certainly won't commend Antifa when they do bad stuff any more than any other group who does bad stuff. To defend them because 'at least they aren't as bad as ______' is just silly. And to tar peaceful protesters or demonstrators or rally goers as equally guilty for the violence just because an uninvited KKK or neo-Nazis or Antifa showed up is even more silly.
So does that mean the multitude of the peaceful protesters in Boston didn't exist? :dunno:

Not at all. I'm sure there were peaceful protesters in Boston just as there were in Charlottesville. And I don't tar everybody with the violence anywhere--just those looking for it and instigating it and participating in it. So conversely I can't excuse the violent people because not everybody is.

Are there peaceful Antifa people who abhor violence? I don't know. Do you?
Based on the law of averages, yes. As for the Boston protest the police themselves claimed the vast majority (99%) were well behaved.

"Well behaved"? No.
I did not intend to generalize anything. I intended to be specific that I do not see Antifa as any kind of noble, well intentioned, non violent organization. It just isn't no matter how they characterize themselves. I judge them not by what they say but by what they do. I have looked for some examples of peaceful constructive rallies and protests they have staged. So far I haven't found any, but the odds are good that there have probably been some.

I don't draw any moral equivolancy between Antifa and the KKK or any other extreme groups. They are all their own entities, they are each responsible for their own actions.

I certainly won't commend Antifa when they do bad stuff any more than any other group who does bad stuff. To defend them because 'at least they aren't as bad as ______' is just silly. And to tar peaceful protesters or demonstrators or rally goers as equally guilty for the violence just because an uninvited KKK or neo-Nazis or Antifa showed up is even more silly.
So does that mean the multitude of the peaceful protesters in Boston didn't exist? :dunno:

Not at all. I'm sure there were peaceful protesters in Boston just as there were in Charlottesville. And I don't tar everybody with the violence anywhere--just those looking for it and instigating it and participating in it. So conversely I can't excuse the violent people because not everybody is.

Are there peaceful Antifa people who abhor violence? I don't know. Do you?
Based on the law of averages, yes. As for the Boston protest the police themselves claimed the vast majority (99%) were well behaved.

I don't think all 40,000 counter protesters who showed up in Boston were Antifa. Probably a small portion of them were and it is that small portion that created the problems they had. 1% of 40,000 is 400 people. 400 people can create a lot of problems and did.

But the fact that 40,000 people showed up to shut down a free speech rally just because there might have been a few 'objectionable' people there is really scary to me. We are literally losing our First Amendment rights when the militants can deny us ability to use them.

From the Free SpeechMovement who organized the Boston rally:
This Free Speech Movement is dedicated to peaceful rallies and are in no way affiliated with the Charlottesville rally on 8/12/17

While we maintain that every individual is entitled to their freedom of speech and defend that basic human right, we will not be offering our platform to racism or bigotry. We denounce the politics of supremacy and violence. We denounce the actions, activities, and tactics of the so-called Antifa movement. We denounce the normalization of political violence.

We are witnessing an unprecedented move towards sweeping censorship that undermines our democratic system. We are witnessing increasingly regular incidents of political violence being used to silence political opponents. We are witnessing our social media and online communities purging both progressive and conservative content from their networks. We oppose all instances of censorship. We believe that the way to defeat and disarm toxic ideas and ideologies is through dialogue and reason, and that attempting to silence any voice by force of mob or force of law only empowers the radical elements of society and divides us.

There is a lot of misinformation in the media slandering our name by likening our organization to those that ran the Charlottesville rally. THIS COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! “I can tell you the march we had in May…That group pulled a permit, they worked very well with us” as stated by Boston Police Commissioner William Evans in a press conference Monday (8/14/17)

We are a coalition of libertarians, progressives, conservatives, and independents and we welcome all individuals and organizations from any political affiliations that are willing to peaceably engage in open dialogue about the threats to, and importance of, free speech and civil liberties. Join us at the Parkman Bandstand where we will be holding our event. We look forward to this tide-changing peaceful event that has the potential to be a shining example of how we, in the city of Boston, can come together for the common goal of preserving freedom of speech for all and respectfully discussing our differences of opinion without engaging in violence.

Antifa is a coalition of different groups, those who used to protest the World Monetary Fund and World Bank were a coalition of different groups. The common factor we found with both these organizations is that in almost all cases it was the anarchist faction that perpetuated the most violence. The media, hence the viewers always focus on the violent and not those who are not being violent. Why? Because it sells, ratings, so we the viewing public are left with a skewed vision of events. Take that combined with the ever present search for bias confirmation and suddenly they're all bad or all good depending on one's viewpoint.
You're making assumptions based solely on your bias not on observable fact.

Maybe so. But those who have been at these things and tell me about them would say that you are the one making assumptions about what is going on. And I witnessed it first hand here in Albuquerque. It wasn't pretty. And our friends who live in Boston report the event as downright scary there.

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