Antifa urges members to take up arms after Rittenhouse verdict

When have I said this?…Answer..never. It’s just a hat. It doesn’t trigger me. I don’t care what people spend their money on. I only care when the hat starts causing them to act like a-holes in public.
Uh huh. Riiiiight.
In a rare moment of honesty, Fort Fun Indiana admits public schools are brainwashing children.

Didn't think you had it in you, really.
So you let your kids get brainwashed too? Wow, we have us a collection of some pretty weak parents, here.
I dont think you mentally challenged white suptemists get it. You are going to lose the race war because you won't be battling urban blacks. You will be battling the police and the courts, who will remove you pukes from society or kill you.
:oops: Another rare moment of honesty! Indy admits he wants the government to murder people he disagrees with.
Not sure if this is going to work out the way they think it will. :laughing0301:

"Some members of Antifa are responding to the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse last week by getting guns themselves.

According to social media posts collected by conservative journalist Andy Ngo, the violent leftist group sees as a threat to them Mr. Rittenhouse’s successful claim of self-defense in the shootings of three rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year.

“Antifa accounts in Portland & beyond are terrified over the Rittenhouse acquittal because they’re afraid others will shoot them dead during an attack & have a legal argument for self-defense. They’re urging comrades to get guns immediately so they can kill before being killed,” Mr. Ngo wrote on Twitter, providing multiple screenshots to support his claim.

The account Antifada161 noted that “every leftist and antifascist who doesn’t have guns…should consider getting one/some as fast as possible” just hours after the acquittal.

Another screen-shotted activist replied by saying he was worried about carrying a gun without knowing how to use it, but solicited for “an antifascist group to learn with in SW Washington.”

Antifa urges members to take up arms after Kyle Rittenhouse verdict
how many people of color did rittenhouse shoot
A couple things. First the Rednecks you champion are so fat that Stevie Wonder couldn’t help but hit the target.

Second. None of those heroes stepped up while Kyle was being chased did they? All those armed and determined folks just sat quiet as Kyle was attacked and chased through the streets.

Third. Those people who will supposedly shit themselves and start running chased Kyle out of the area. The sight of the gun didn’t scare them. The gunshot didn’t scare them. And next time they’ll be armed too.

Fourth. It will be tough to do this battle living in Mommy’s basement. Where most of you Keyboard Commandos reside.

We have seen your heroes handle weapons. It isn’t impressive. They aren’t smart.

No cover. No armor. No spare magazines.

Armor. Spare magazines. And these are new members. Testing to get in.

And look who is buying. And learning. And all that.

Your best chance at a victory in the upcoming war was about a year ago. Every week you lose more ground. Every week the odds get longer. Every week another person like me decides to get involved.

And those folks are not choosing your side.

But stay with the stereotypes. It helps the other side. Imagine the rude awakening that came about when the Americans learned the Japanese were not buck toothed little bastards who we could whip with one arm behind our backs.

> "But stay with the stereotypes."
> "First the Rednecks you champion are so fat that Stevie Wonder couldn’t help but hit the target."

Pick one.

Oh, wait, sorry. Leftists believe the stereotypes they're programmed with are reality.

You guys really are gullible.
Umm, we are talking about you fascists now, silly boi.
Haha, sure. That might carry more weight, if you drooling retards even knew what that word means. But ya don't.

So go ahead. Cry it all out. I will leave you crybabies to it and get back on topic.
So you let your kids get brainwashed too? Wow, we have us a collection of some pretty weak parents, here.
My children are grown and out of school. We monitored what they were taught, and when necessary, we gave them correct information.

And I get that you don't believe public schools indoctrinate children, but that's only because you agree with the indoctrination.

It should tell leftists something that their ideology can't spread unless it's forced on people too unsophisticated to question it. No rational person choose leftism.

It should tell you something -- but you simply lack the wit to grasp it.
You certainly don't.

I was in the 82nd Airborne from 1989 to 1993. So my knowledge is rather personal.

I left the Division as a Sergeant. MOS 12B2P.

I did a total of 9 years in the Army. Most of it with the patch for the 82nd on my Right Shoulder.

So what is your experience? Or should I ask how many times you have watched Rambo?
> "But stay with the stereotypes."
> "First the Rednecks you champion are so fat that Stevie Wonder couldn’t help but hit the target."

Pick one.

Oh, wait, sorry. Leftists believe the stereotypes they're programmed with are reality.

You guys really are gullible.



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