Antifa urges members to take up arms after Rittenhouse verdict

Most of their casualties will be their comrades.

These clowns are STUPID.
Not at all. This Saturday we are covering Thermite. How to make it and how to ignite it. Nice and legal. I learned how when I was at Fort Bragg. 307th Engineers Airborne.

I know you hope I am lying. Because armed and prepared Blacks is scary for you racists dreaming of eradicating them.
Urban spray-and-pray wannnabees are nothing to be afraid of.

I was busy explaining how to use their new rifles with some friends of mine. You would hate them. Dark skin.

An explanation of Army Tactics from my time with the 82nd Airborne.

I doubt I’ll have time to fully train them before the RW kicks the war off. But every day you give us is worth a ton of gold. If you give us six months they will be team leaders. With three trained militiamen behind them.
Blacks who grew up in the hood using guns to kill will make excellent soldiers for you

They already have the killing mentality that white homeowners in the suburbs may need to develop

But even so it wont be as easy as you imagine

I’ll place my bets with the pasty whites even if they do get off to a slow start

Because the numbers are not with you

and you will have to come to them and fight on foreign ground - i.e. outside the ghetto

So in my opinion you are better off not going to war
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...says the guy who hates people who wear red hats.
When have I said this?…Answer..never. It’s just a hat. It doesn’t trigger me. I don’t care what people spend their money on. I only care when the hat starts causing them to act like a-holes in public.
Not sure if this is going to work out the way they think it will. :laughing0301:

"Some members of Antifa are responding to the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse last week by getting guns themselves.

According to social media posts collected by conservative journalist Andy Ngo, the violent leftist group sees as a threat to them Mr. Rittenhouse’s successful claim of self-defense in the shootings of three rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year.

“Antifa accounts in Portland & beyond are terrified over the Rittenhouse acquittal because they’re afraid others will shoot them dead during an attack & have a legal argument for self-defense. They’re urging comrades to get guns immediately so they can kill before being killed,” Mr. Ngo wrote on Twitter, providing multiple screenshots to support his claim.

The account Antifada161 noted that “every leftist and antifascist who doesn’t have guns…should consider getting one/some as fast as possible” just hours after the acquittal.

Another screen-shotted activist replied by saying he was worried about carrying a gun without knowing how to use it, but solicited for “an antifascist group to learn with in SW Washington.”

Antifa urges members to take up arms after Kyle Rittenhouse verdict
The $queaky wheel get$ the grea$e!
They don't do anything. BLM and antifa are nutless pussies that won't ever do anything requiring guts on their parts. They are all spineless cowards afraid to get up close and personal. They are the opitomy of the scared black man.

All they can do is make threats online, hide at night to steal, loot, burn and attack people as a group.

They don't have what it takes to outright people. They just want to do just enough to be able to hide behind democrats protection. They don't have the minerals to outright attack anyone with deadly force.
Fuck you, troll.
But you just said they are being brainwashed. This is not trolling. So, are you letting g them be brainwashed, or is it happening despite your best efforts, because the liberals have outsmarted you? Which is it? You brought it up. Now you run scared.
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I dont think you mentally challenged white suptemists get it. You are going to lose the race war because you won't be battling urban blacks. You will be battling the police and the courts, who will remove you pukes from society or kill you.
I want some of what you're drinking. I'd love to be able to live in a fiction.

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