Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

Careful…..IM2 will call you a racist for implying that, generally speaking, one is safer walking through a Jewish neighborhood at 10 pm than a black one.
Blacks are also safer walking through a Jewish neighborhood at 10:00 pm than a black one.
For those playing along at home, @JoeB131 thinks that it is a universal excuse for his support of all sorts of sick, perverted shit, even that done to children; to tell hateful and absurd lies about my religion in a very clumsy attempt at a tu quoque.

I think it's hard for you to complain about stuff when the founders of your deranged cult did far, far worse things.

Not when they demand the extermination of their neighbors and elect scum who use rape and mass murder of civilians as a political tactic. You probably don't have any principles and don't get that; sociopaths usually don't.

Again, the attacks of 10-7 killed 1400 Zionist squatters, and that's bad. It's a fucking tragedy.
Zionist counterattacks have killed 20,000 Palestinians including 9000 children. And that's not counting the thousands of Palestinians who have been bombed, killed, maimed or displaced in the previous 75 years.

No Clean Hands.

The Zionists are like the guy who kicks his pit bull every day from the day it was a puppy, and then is amazed when said pit bull rips off his arm.

no, they don't. If they want to embrace their identity as "Palestinians" then they have a right to be in "Palestine" which at this point is under the rule of either Fatah in areas of Judea and Samaria or Hamas in Gaza. Why should they have any right to be in Israel? Canadians have no right to live and work in the US.

Okay, so you are for a Two-State solution. That should include a FAIR division of the land, including East Jerusalem being part of Palestine.

Ignore IM2. He Is angry at me for pointing out that the millions of Jews who immigrated here impoverished and uneducated around the turn of the last century were able to move from abject poverty in NYC tenements in one generation to college-educated professionals with homes in the suburbs the next due to responsible life choices, discipline, and motivation - and despite blatant antisemitism.
Again, it's easy to overcome racism when you can pass for just another white person.

Nobody knows your a Jew unless you tell them. (In what I imagine would be the most shrill voice possible.)

IM can't stop being black or pretend he's not black.
Blacks are also safer walking through a Jewish neighborhood at 10:00 pm than a black one.

A black will steal your wallet.

A Jew will cheat you out of your life savings.

Okay, so you are for a Two-State solution. That should include a FAIR division of the land, including East Jerusalem being part of Palestine.
who said I'm for or against anything? I just said that if they want to call themselves Palestinians and not Israeli citizens, then they should understand that there are different laws for citizens and non-citizens, just like anywhere else in the world.

I want to make it clear that I am in favor of everything that enhances the safety and well being of God's Chosen People everywhere in the world they choose to live, especially in Israel.
I LOVE that theme. Conveys strength - and the knowledge that the antisemites who seek our destruction will NEVER succeed.
There is a long list of the enemies of the Jews that the Jews outlived.

The novel, the movie, and the song Exodus did much to win support for Israel in the United States.
The novel, the movie, and the song Exodus did much to win support for Israel in the United States.
Those were different times. Now we have an entire generation brainwashed at liberal universities to proudly proclaim their hate for Israel and Jews. That Harvard is circling the wagons against their AA plagiarizing president who refused to condemn the calls to genocide the Jews is abhorrent beyond words.

Please don’t vote for another liberal in office, or at least consider voting for someone who supports Israel.
Please don’t vote for another liberal in office, or at least consider voting for someone who supports Israel.
I will not vote for anyone who takes the side of Hamas against Israel, how is that? I feel no concern for the Palestinians, but if a Democrat candidate expresses moderate concern, I will probably still vote for that Democrat.

I agree with the Democrats on the issues of the economy and the environment, and with the Republicans on the issues of crime, race, and immigration. I continue to vote Democrat, but without my youthful enthusiasm. The Democrat Party I really love died with President Kennedy.

I see little moral significance in the distribution of wealth and income. I also think there is often wisdom in tradition. Take the civil rights legislation, for example. I was enthusiastic about it when it was passed into law. Now I think it was a well intended mistake.

My ambivalence prevents me from becoming a fanatic.
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I will not vote for anyone who takes the side of Hamas against Israel, how is that? I feel no concern for the Palestinians, but if a Democrat candidate expresses moderate concern, I will probably still vote for that Democrat.

I agree with the Democrats on the issues of the economy and the environment, and with the Republicans on the issues of crime, race, and immigration. I continue to vote Democrat, but without my youthful enthusiasm. The Democrat Party I really love died with President Kennedy.

I see little moral significance in the distribution of wealth and income. I also think there is often wisdom in tradition. Take the civil rights legislation, for example. I was enthusiastic about it when it was passed into law. Now I think it was a well intended mistake.

My ambivalence prevents me from becoming a fanatic.
What if Biden defers too much to the Muslims and says he will stop foreign aid to Israel unless they cease fire (and thus give HAMAS a chance to rearm and decapitate and rape to death more Jews)? what then?
What if Biden defers too much to the Muslims and says he will stop foreign aid to Israel unless they cease fire (and thus give HAMAS a chance to rearm and decapitate and rape to death more Jews)? what then?
I will think about that if it happens. I will never vote for Trump.
I think it's hard for you to complain about stuff when the founders of your deranged cult did far, far worse things.

It's very easy for you to tell the most hateful, malevolent, absurd lies about the founders of my religion. None of that is any reflection on me nor my faith; it is all on you and your deep pathological evil and deceitfulness.

You are a deeply evil, soulless, Godless subhuman piece of shit, that openly advocates and defends some of the very lowest of subhuman evil behavior.

Somehow, you delusionally imagine that you can excuse what you are, and what you defend, by falsely accusing others of comparable evils, as a clumsy form of a tu quoque. You are not fooling anyone other than yourself. Everyone on this forum knows what you are; and knows better than to give any credence at all to any of your lies.
It's very easy for you to tell the most hateful, malevolent, absurd lies about the founders of my religion. None of that is any reflection on me nor my faith; it is all on you and your deep pathological evil and deceitfulness.

You are a deeply evil, soulless, Godless subhuman piece of shit, that openly advocates and defends some of the very lowest of subhuman evil behavior.

Somehow, you delusionally imagine that you can excuse what you are, and what you defend, by falsely accusing others of comparable evils, as a clumsy form of a tu quoque. You are not fooling anyone other than yourself. Everyone on this forum knows what you are; and knows better than to give any credence at all to any of your lies.
If you are only a "decent" person because you are afraid of an imaginary man in the sky, that doesn't make you "good", it makes you "fearful".

I guess it helps to have a full belly and a warm place to sleep. If you were truly desperate, you'd be scary.

But still waiting for you to tell me what I got wrong about Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. History isn't good or evil, it's just a reciting of events.

Joseph Smith was convicted of Fraud in New York
He did run a fraudulent bank in Kirtland, OH.
He did form terror gangs in Missouri before being chased out of the state.
He married 34 women in IL before a lynch mob got him.

Brigham Young married 62 women.
He attempted rebel against the US Government and form his own country
He was complicit in the Mountain Meadow Massacre
If you are only a "decent" person because you are afraid of an imaginary man in the sky, that doesn't make you "good", it makes you "fearful".

It is not any fear of “an imaginary man in the sky” that makes me a decent person, to whatever degree I qualify as such. It is my soul, my conscience, my sense of right and wrong, that guides my behavior, that makes me try to do what is right, and to avoid doing what is wrong.

I get that you are incapable of understanding this, because as a soulless, subhuman piece of shit, you do not have these traits that distinguish human beings from lesser animals; and are incapable of understanding those of us who do have these traits.

You are driven by hatred and evil, that motivates you to support evil behavior, and to relentlessly condemn and slander those who are otherwise.
It is not any fear of “an imaginary man in the sky” that makes me a decent person, to whatever degree I qualify as such. It is my soul, my conscience, my sense of right and wrong, that guides my behavior, that makes me try to do what is right, and to avoid doing what is wrong.
Yet you want to murder women who have abortions, teachers who are gay, and a whole list of other people.

That's the problem when you base your morality on trying to please and imaginary man in the let your imagination run away with you. So by some logic, executing a girl who had an abortion seems, "right".

I get that you are incapable of understanding this, because as a soulless, subhuman piece of shit, you do not have these traits that distinguish human beings from lesser animals; and are incapable of understanding those of us who do have these traits.
Uh, turn on the news any given night... humans are hardly proving themselves "Greater animals". Just watch the carnage from Gaza where they are slaughtering each other over who a Magic Sky Pixie gave a strip of desert to.

I hope I never understand the kind of mentality that makes that "okay".

You are driven by hatred and evil, that motivates you to support evil behavior, and to relentlessly condemn and slander those who are otherwise.
It's been my experience that those who cloak themselves in virtue are often hypocrites.

you have yet to point out any "Evil" behavior I support, other than it's behavior you disagree with. I really don't have time to deal with your Aspbergers Morality today, Bob.

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