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1)your reply avoids and does not refute that the Bible calls Jesus Lucifer.

Different morning star. There is only one morning star that is brighter than others. It outshines all others. That is Jesus. That which you call Lucifer was a morning star, but he fell from the heaven. So you are wrong.
That's a false statement and dishonest Ad Hominem (out of context)reply by you, the post described Ezekiel 28 which Preachers themselves use to reveal Lucifer and it fits Jesus to a "T" and as stated no other prophet but Jesus can be deemed Lucifer in those verses, because only Jesus was deemed the anointed(christ)
cherub(guardian-Nazarene) who fell in & by the hands of the seas(i.e. Rome)claiming to be a god.
*Note Ding was not able to refute that fact, nor you*
You can't refute Jesus calls himself Lucifer without lying to people about what calling yourself Morning Star means in multiple fronts.

Is a term people use for a portrayed character fortold in the bible (I showed you Ezekiel 28 without refutation only Jesus fulfills Lucifer in scripture PERIOD!
Known as the first messiah aka the imposter and fallen prophet claimed a god. The planet venus represented both archangels (top prophet messengers) the fallen arc of venus called morning star symbolized lucifers fall while the rising arc of the planet Evening Star represented
Michael's rise-Dan 12:1-4.
So that's symbolism of why the Morning Star means Lucifer.
But On the subject of Morning Star it was Baal's son and Ishtar's (easter) son. Baal's wife was Isis and she is basically another cultures mimick of Ishtar, so said to be the same mythical figure. Furthermore Morning Star is the adversary to Shalem (Evening Star), thus adversary of the God of Israeland top messenger. To call yourself Morning Star is to call yourself the fallen false prophet Lucifer son of Baal adversary of God and Michael.
Hence celebration of the Morning Star on Baal's special day Dec 25th as father and son are the same Mythology (as proven by predated ancient Tablets the same death scene 3 day risen story) predating the Jesus myth.
So Now we know the secret of the number of his name;father & son are one-one masking the other.
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
Claiming to be all knowing and yet calling himself Baal's son Lucifer is priceless and game over unarguable!
Yet you took the Bible, ignored it, then used an Ad Hominem smokescreen avoidance technique to make fallacious claims on a word you do not understand the origens of symbolism and references nor legend of how YeruShalem becomes city of Shalom (peace).

You can not get passed the fact Jesus calls himself the Nemesis of the God of Shalem and the king of Shalem.
Period! End of discussion!

Not I who is false which leaves...

Just look for the brightest morning star. It is said Lucifer fell and thus he isn't the brightest morning star anymore. It's more a description than a name. I'm not preaching, but telling like it is written. Maybe your teacher is a false teacher who was placed in church to mislead the believers.

>> Yet you took the Bible, ignored it, then used an Ad Hominem smokescreen avoidance technique to make fallacious claims on a word you do not understand the origens of symbolism and references nor legend of how YeruShalem becomes city of Shalom (peace).<<

You gotta be kidding haha. This is joke of an argument. I'm sure you committed an ad hominem fallacy saying I ignored the Bible. Read it and weep, me bucko.

"How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low!" Isaiah 14:12

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” Revelation 22:16

Jesus is the one who saved us and succeeded. It is you who failed the kingdom of Israel.
>>>Lucifer fell and thus he isn't the brightest morning star
Once again Venus represented both archangels: So you are saying:
The first messiah Lucifer as the
arch (top/brightest) star/angel[malakh](messenger) fell
Acts 2:27 , 1 Peter 3:19 and Apostles creed Jesus(the first messiah) fell to the pit thus isn't the Arch (brightest) star (angel) anymore, which is why Ezekiel's Shiloh (one who's right it is that overturns the imposter) is Michael (Evening Star).
Look up in the search engines Shalem=Evening Star.
The legend of YeruShalem becoming city of Peace is at that overturning of the day(morning star) by the Night (Evening Star).
This is why my extensive post showing that in the Hebrew Bible and scrolls, Michael is the Moshiach(top messenger/reflection[malakh]
Jesus is deemed the opposition or HINDERANCE BY THEFT/THE ADVERSARY of Michael thus Jesus is calling himself Lucifer, Rome is stealing from the Jews their God, their mediator, their Temple, their religion, their identity, their sovereignty, their freedom, hence Michael is the Liberator from the "Kittim" (ancient slang for Rome).
"He’ll Proclaim liberty
to the captives" (Isaiah lxi,I) &
4Q285 5&10 Judgment of the Kittim

To further grasp this, perhaps you should view Pastor Percy Stone's take on how the U.S. is repeating Rome's History to decline and "FALL" by way of liberalism, and open border flow of migrants, something you would agree is a problem and it's emulation might make you see this clearer by examples in our time.

It was already made clear to you in the Bible or God's word. I do not see how you cite Scripture to make your case. Anyway, I can't help it if you think Jesus did not deliver for you. He saved those who have faith in him which is more important that Israel. You have to be careful as Satan has placed those who deceive as teachers/prophets in the church.
Rome answers your question with it's little scattered gems (ISHTAR/Easter eggs scattered throughout the story).
In this case they hint through the story that the Sawtawn (hinderer adversary) which was Rome at that time and in hidden slang in the scripture, offered their character fame and popularity as an enticement and even though the many christ figures revolted/rejected Rome's offers to shut it down the Roman Authority (Satan) still used their images lifted high without their permission to deceive the world.
Still got his fame and popularity through the borrowed Baal death and risen scene, which Rome used to claim the icon eternal (cheat death) and all powerful(a god) thus speak through it's revered mask and benefit through it's taxation now in the guise of tithes, through that fame and popularity promised.
Those are the gems /easter eggs left throughout the story if you look hard enough. Part of that easter egg is the not recognizing him risen from the dead scene, so by claiming to be him alive again, Satan deceives the world through lifting high the dying god (as per Canaanite Dying god mythology morning star needs to die like his father so he can surpass father Baal on his throne.)

More of this Jesus as King of Tyre instead of Satan. There was a human king of Tyre, too, which I thought you were referring to. Rather than recognize God’s sovereignty, this king of Tyre attributed his city's riches to his own wisdom, strength, and accomplishments. He was under the influence of Satan, King of Tyre. What good is all that if he can't keep it and lose his most precious? That's what I meant and why I am moved when some person like that admits it. (I see it was a wrong reply to your deranged post.) However, in your case, you again defame Jesus. Your hatred of Jesus has left you misled and deceived -- up is down and down is up.
As an excuse missionaries are taught to lie about Ezekiel 28 being about a literal historical king of Tyre even though they've taught it to be about Lucifer. This is both historically false since that period we got along with Tyre and the kings, and it's false because it calls him a
"created image" that existed even in the garden of eden(ancient Persia and bordering Babylon=where Mithra and Baal originate that plagiarised "image".
Fact; Tyre means rock.
prince means popularity or sacrificing for others both describe Jesus who in NT was popular in Tyre and called king of the Rock(tyre).
Tyre was ruled by Rome adding to the king of the Rock connection.
The verses can be about the created image Jesus and even the sucession of Popes lifted as gods in the heart of the seas as kings of the Rock.
Once again; only Jesus is deemed perfect(sinless) and
anointed (christ)
Cherub(nazarei)-Ezekiel 28:14-15
He's the only prophet lifted high as a god -Ezekiel 28:2-9
Only Jesus came first and fell.
Only Jesus took 1/3 with him in his fall and made 1/3 the fishes like wormwood. only Jesus claimed to be Lucifer, only Jesus fulfilled Lucifer and since denial would be in using the same standard & methods of placement as Messiah, then this called checkmate, because you have to deny his fulfillment as messiah to deny his fulfillment as Lucifer, meaning if he isn't messiah that definitively makes him Lucifer automatically and my kNight to your King backed in a corner either move you make is Checkmate, you lose your king.

In Ezekiel, it's subject to interpretation. The way I look at it was there was a human king and what happens if that it's Satan. How else can a human be described as such? Possibly, the human king was possessed or what most Biblical scholars see as both king and Satan, i.e. it's a dual prophecy. However, the way you describe it is wrong.
your cartoon isn't the country's election being referred too, those lunatics had it sewnup according to the callous jew ... and your big buddy.

not much hope for the better side if they even still exist in that forsaken land.

The callous jew has been twisted so down is up and up is down. You've been twisted that he does not exist. Both the work of Satan using false teachers -- one religions, the other secular. Anyway, what else is new?


The impeachment dialog continues and has done so for two years now. Yet, you think that's more important than God who debunks your false teacher Darwin and those who preached evolutionary thinking and history. This is your up is down and down is up. That's the only diff I see.
Rome answers your question with it's little scattered gems (ISHTAR/Easter eggs scattered throughout the story).
In this case they hint through the story that the Sawtawn (hinderer adversary) which was Rome at that time and in hidden slang in the scripture, offered their character fame and popularity as an enticement and even though the many christ figures revolted/rejected Rome's offers to shut it down the Roman Authority (Satan) still used their images lifted high without their permission to deceive the world.
Still got his fame and popularity through the borrowed Baal death and risen scene, which Rome used to claim the icon eternal (cheat death) and all powerful(a god) thus speak through it's revered mask and benefit through it's taxation now in the guise of tithes, through that fame and popularity promised.
Those are the gems /easter eggs left throughout the story if you look hard enough. Part of that easter egg is the not recognizing him risen from the dead scene, so by claiming to be him alive again, Satan deceives the world through lifting high the dying god (as per Canaanite Dying god mythology morning star needs to die like his father so he can surpass father Baal on his throne.)

More of this Jesus as King of Tyre instead of Satan. There was a human king of Tyre, too, which I thought you were referring to. Rather than recognize God’s sovereignty, this king of Tyre attributed his city's riches to his own wisdom, strength, and accomplishments. He was under the influence of Satan, King of Tyre. What good is all that if he can't keep it and lose his most precious? That's what I meant and why I am moved when some person like that admits it. (I see it was a wrong reply to your deranged post.) However, in your case, you again defame Jesus. Your hatred of Jesus has left you misled and deceived -- up is down and down is up.
As an excuse missionaries are taught to lie about Ezekiel 28 being about a literal historical king of Tyre even though they've taught it to be about Lucifer. This is both historically false since that period we got along with Tyre and the kings, and it's false because it calls him a
"created image" that existed even in the garden of eden(ancient Persia and bordering Babylon=where Mithra and Baal originate that plagiarised "image".
Fact; Tyre means rock.
prince means popularity or sacrificing for others both describe Jesus who in NT was popular in Tyre and called king of the Rock(tyre).
Tyre was ruled by Rome adding to the king of the Rock connection.
The verses can be about the created image Jesus and even the sucession of Popes lifted as gods in the heart of the seas as kings of the Rock.
Once again; only Jesus is deemed perfect(sinless) and
anointed (christ)
Cherub(nazarei)-Ezekiel 28:14-15
He's the only prophet lifted high as a god -Ezekiel 28:2-9
Only Jesus came first and fell.
Only Jesus took 1/3 with him in his fall and made 1/3 the fishes like wormwood. only Jesus claimed to be Lucifer, only Jesus fulfilled Lucifer and since denial would be in using the same standard & methods of placement as Messiah, then this called checkmate, because you have to deny his fulfillment as messiah to deny his fulfillment as Lucifer, meaning if he isn't messiah that definitively makes him Lucifer automatically and my kNight to your King backed in a corner either move you make is Checkmate, you lose your king.

In Ezekiel, it's subject to interpretation. The way I look at it was there was a human king and what happens if that it's Satan. How else can a human be described as such? Possibly, the human king was possessed or what most Biblical scholars see as both king and Satan, i.e. it's a dual prophecy. However, the way you describe it is wrong.
You inadvertantly admitted the world killed over 50 million people in thousands of wars over Christians subjective opinion on reading scripture and placing Jesus in it....however this does not change the fact only Jesus fulfilled Lucifer prophecy and you could not refute that.

Dan 10:21 is pretty clear, no subjective opinion on who best knows these things.
So I ask a simple question;
Who do you say best knows who Lucifer is?
*playing the Jeopardy waiting for the answer theme in the background*
your cartoon isn't the country's election being referred too, those lunatics had it sewnup according to the callous jew ... and your big buddy.

not much hope for the better side if they even still exist in that forsaken land.

The callous jew has been twisted so down is up and up is down. You've been twisted that he does not exist. Both the work of Satan using false teachers -- one religions, the other secular. Anyway, what else is new?

View attachment 263873

The impeachment dialog continues and has done so for two years now. Yet, you think that's more important than God who debunks your false teacher Darwin and those who preached evolutionary thinking and history. This is your up is down and down is up. That's the only diff I see.
That's the only diff I see.

the reality is neither you nor the jew have ever lost an election throughout history and neither of you have ever accomplished a single redeemable accomplishment for all the time that has been wasted on your bankrupt religions ... only a few good people have managed for humanity to simply still exist.
You inadvertantly admitted the world killed over 50 million people in thousands of wars over Christians subjective opinion on reading scripture and placing Jesus in it....however this does not change the fact only Jesus fulfilled Lucifer prophecy and you could not refute that.

Dan 10:21 is pretty clear, no subjective opinion on who best knows these things.
So I ask a simple question;
Who do you say best knows who Lucifer is?
*playing the Jeopardy waiting for the answer theme in the background*

People live and die because of their sin. I doubt you care who killed the most, but it wasn't the Christians. Not by a long shot. We know who killed Jesus the Messiah tho. It was the Jews. They rejected the Messiah then and there are those who still reject him. Call him Lucifer. It's no wonder there is the morning star and the lion.

"Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Let him be crucified!” Matthew 27:22

You would say the same thing today. It's no wonder, "So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” And all the people answered, “His blood be on us and eon our children!” Then he released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him to be crucified." Matthew 27:24-26

Daniel 10:21 is Michael the Archangel, the good, but you get the prince of Persia, the bad. I don't want to say what will happen, but it doesn't sound good.
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You inadvertantly admitted the world killed over 50 million people in thousands of wars over Christians subjective opinion on reading scripture and placing Jesus in it....however this does not change the fact only Jesus fulfilled Lucifer prophecy and you could not refute that.

Dan 10:21 is pretty clear, no subjective opinion on who best knows these things.
So I ask a simple question;
Who do you say best knows who Lucifer is?
*playing the Jeopardy waiting for the answer theme in the background*

People live and die because of their sin. I doubt you care who killed the most, but it wasn't the Christians. Not by a long shot. We know who killed Jesus the Messiah tho. It was the Jews. They rejected the Messiah then and there are those who still reject him. Call him Lucifer. It's no wonder there is the morning star and the lion.

"Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Let him be crucified!” Matthew 27:22

You would say the same thing today. It's no wonder, "So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.” And all the people answered, “His blood be on us and eon our children!” Then he released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him to be crucified." Matthew 27:24-26

Daniel 10:21 is Michael the Archangel, the good, but you get the prince of Persia, the bad. I don't want to say what will happen, but it doesn't sound good.

>>>We know who killed Jesus the Messiah tho. It was the Jews.

See, that was a false account of history, one that caused over 6.5 million murders of Jews between the Inquisition and Holocaust.
Let's use something in our time period that you understand to get a reflection of the past similarity.
You hadin Rome as in our day now a sexual deviant liberal society who used open border migrants as slaves, killed babies, subverted and taxed many cultures and mocked their religions. This Roman society demonized the Judaic authority it was imposing itself on, so when thiefing their religion they blame the religious authority for what
ROME DID in deflection nature liken to how liberal subversives displace blame and demonize opposition to propaganda a narrative in order to get people to hate the opposition and accept them as the proxy authority.

True history shows the Christ figures in the Time of King Herod(died 4bc) and in the era of Pilate(ad era) both were Revolters against Rome.
Rome sentenced them for their revolts, and they died because of their revolts=Rome is to blame.
It's the 100bc era figure who was sentenced as a forbidden sorcerer by his religious authority, and that's where the blame game story is borrowed deceptively from.
Rome writes the text and can blame the opposing side liken to the MSM can blame the opposition for whatever the DNC does.
Now do you get it?
You do not learn the Hebrew Bible or history through Romans, you learn through Jews/Rabbis.
Getting your historical reporting from Rome would be like getting your political reporting today from CNN and MSNBC. Now do you grasp the problem?

Regarding Dan 10:21 that was not the question, that was the clear cut hint to the answer and you were wrong about the Persian king, Cyrus ended up being deemed anointed, by changing his heart to do all the messianic things like gather the people, protect them from Babylon, and return them to their land and rebuild the Temple.
Even Jesus performed none of these messianic requirements, in fact Jesus did all opposite these things.
So by calling Cyrus bad, you'd be calling Jesus failed and worse then bad.

But now the question again,
Who would best know who the thief/imposter (Lucifer) is?
Who is the remover/overturner of this false fallen one? Simple question with a simple name answer.
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See, that was a false act of history, one that caused over 6.5 million murders of Jews between the Inquisition and Holocaust.

Jesus warned us the false teachers/preachers placed in the church which is explained in the Bible (New Testament). In the OT, there is Jude. 'A Call to Persevere

But you must tremember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."' Jude 17:18

I can't combat that in a forum.
See, that was a false act of history, one that caused over 6.5 million murders of Jews between the Inquisition and Holocaust.

Jesus warned us the false teachers/preachers placed in the church which is explained in the Bible (New Testament). In the OT, there is Jude. 'A Call to Persevere

But you must tremember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."' Jude 17:18

I can't combat that in a forum.
Actually when you read tenses carefully you will notice what is taught is not how it's to be read properly. You have to notice singular from plural, past from present tense, and if quoting what the person is saying then Jesus speaking says they will say *"I am the christ" and deceive many, means they will say he (Jesus) is the Christ and deceive many.
All throughout the NT one of the characters used for the Jesus image is speaking son of man as "third person tense" and they even say he will come in whole different person in a new name.
Once again let me use something familiar to you to get this: when Daniel spoke of his vision of the Night, of the one (third person tense) coming out or with the clouds(gathering) this son of man is not Daniel himself, but another person he deems in Dan 12;1-4 as.....

Sources as evidence Jesus isn't claiming to be son of man:
Jesus is not the son of man he was "emulating"/impostering("like unto" is used)-rev 1:13
Son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to be served', but to serve.
But Jesus answered, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:55-56)
"Jesus said to him: You yourself said [it]; Yet I say to YOU MEN, FROM HENCEFORTH YOU WILLSEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Temple Priests) of heaven (time to come=future)."Matthew26:64
"Then, Jesus said: I am and YOU PERSONS WILL SEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand ofpower and coming with ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Priests) of heaven (Olam Habah=world to come=future)." -- Mark 14:62
If he is seeing son of man along with the others, then he is not the son of man. If you said you and friends were gonna see the Pope then you are viewing the procession of the Pope and are not the Pope yourself.
See, that was a false act of history, one that caused over 6.5 million murders of Jews between the Inquisition and Holocaust.

Jesus warned us the false teachers/preachers placed in the church which is explained in the Bible (New Testament). In the OT, there is Jude. 'A Call to Persevere

But you must tremember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."' Jude 17:18

I can't combat that in a forum.
Actually when you read tenses carefully you will notice what is taught is not how it's to be read properly. You have to notice singular from plural, past from present tense, and if quoting what the person is saying then Jesus speaking says they will say *"I am the christ" and deceive many, means they will say he (Jesus) is the Christ and deceive many.
All throughout the NT one of the characters used for the Jesus image is speaking son of man as "third person tense" and they even say he will come in whole different person in a new name.
Once again let me use something familiar to you to get this: when Daniel spoke of his vision of the Night, of the one (third person tense) coming out or with the clouds(gathering) this son of man is not Daniel himself, but another person he deems in Dan 12;1-4 as.....

Sources as evidence Jesus isn't claiming to be son of man:
Jesus is not the son of man he was "emulating"/impostering("like unto" is used)-rev 1:13
Son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to be served', but to serve.
But Jesus answered, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:55-56)
"Jesus said to him: You yourself said [it]; Yet I say to YOU MEN, FROM HENCEFORTH YOU WILLSEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Temple Priests) of heaven (time to come=future)."Matthew26:64
"Then, Jesus said: I am and YOU PERSONS WILL SEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand ofpower and coming with ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Priests) of heaven (Olam Habah=world to come=future)." -- Mark 14:62
If he is seeing son of man along with the others, then he is not the son of man. If you said you and friends were gonna see the Pope then you are viewing the procession of the Pope and are not the Pope yourself.
You don’t even understand what the Tower of Babel was all about.
See, that was a false act of history, one that caused over 6.5 million murders of Jews between the Inquisition and Holocaust.

Jesus warned us the false teachers/preachers placed in the church which is explained in the Bible (New Testament). In the OT, there is Jude. 'A Call to Persevere

But you must tremember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."' Jude 17:18

I can't combat that in a forum.
Actually when you read tenses carefully you will notice what is taught is not how it's to be read properly. You have to notice singular from plural, past from present tense, and if quoting what the person is saying then Jesus speaking says they will say *"I am the christ" and deceive many, means they will say he (Jesus) is the Christ and deceive many.
All throughout the NT one of the characters used for the Jesus image is speaking son of man as "third person tense" and they even say he will come in whole different person in a new name.
Once again let me use something familiar to you to get this: when Daniel spoke of his vision of the Night, of the one (third person tense) coming out or with the clouds(gathering) this son of man is not Daniel himself, but another person he deems in Dan 12;1-4 as.....

Sources as evidence Jesus isn't claiming to be son of man:
Jesus is not the son of man he was "emulating"/impostering("like unto" is used)-rev 1:13
Son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to be served', but to serve.
But Jesus answered, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:55-56)
"Jesus said to him: You yourself said [it]; Yet I say to YOU MEN, FROM HENCEFORTH YOU WILLSEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Temple Priests) of heaven (time to come=future)."Matthew26:64
"Then, Jesus said: I am and YOU PERSONS WILL SEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand ofpower and coming with ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Priests) of heaven (Olam Habah=world to come=future)." -- Mark 14:62
If he is seeing son of man along with the others, then he is not the son of man. If you said you and friends were gonna see the Pope then you are viewing the procession of the Pope and are not the Pope yourself.
You don’t even understand what the Tower of Babel was all about.
Your Tower of Babel?
Yes "we" (all the people you asked) do, it's your repetitive off topic posts stacked one on top of each other in your futile and infantile attempt to reach the sky. But that doesn't address your leather chapp wearing, pierced nipple
Luciferous Jesus in the room.
In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."' Jude 17:18

In the last time ...

- all will become the same to bring about the final Judgement.

the desert religions haven't the wherewithal for the prescribed triumph the religion of antiquity is meant, for the inclusive outcome for all humanity together claiming it only for themselves, individually. all three have abandoned the Almighty.
See, that was a false act of history, one that caused over 6.5 million murders of Jews between the Inquisition and Holocaust.

Jesus warned us the false teachers/preachers placed in the church which is explained in the Bible (New Testament). In the OT, there is Jude. 'A Call to Persevere

But you must tremember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."' Jude 17:18

I can't combat that in a forum.
Actually when you read tenses carefully you will notice what is taught is not how it's to be read properly. You have to notice singular from plural, past from present tense, and if quoting what the person is saying then Jesus speaking says they will say *"I am the christ" and deceive many, means they will say he (Jesus) is the Christ and deceive many.
All throughout the NT one of the characters used for the Jesus image is speaking son of man as "third person tense" and they even say he will come in whole different person in a new name.
Once again let me use something familiar to you to get this: when Daniel spoke of his vision of the Night, of the one (third person tense) coming out or with the clouds(gathering) this son of man is not Daniel himself, but another person he deems in Dan 12;1-4 as.....

Sources as evidence Jesus isn't claiming to be son of man:
Jesus is not the son of man he was "emulating"/impostering("like unto" is used)-rev 1:13
Son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to be served', but to serve.
But Jesus answered, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:55-56)
"Jesus said to him: You yourself said [it]; Yet I say to YOU MEN, FROM HENCEFORTH YOU WILLSEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Temple Priests) of heaven (time to come=future)."Matthew26:64
"Then, Jesus said: I am and YOU PERSONS WILL SEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand ofpower and coming with ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Priests) of heaven (Olam Habah=world to come=future)." -- Mark 14:62
If he is seeing son of man along with the others, then he is not the son of man. If you said you and friends were gonna see the Pope then you are viewing the procession of the Pope and are not the Pope yourself.
You don’t even understand what the Tower of Babel was all about.
Your Tower of Babel?
Yes "we" (all the people you asked) do, it's your repetitive off topic posts stacked one on top of each other in your futile and infantile attempt to reach the sky. But that doesn't address your leather chapp wearing, pierced nipple
Luciferous Jesus in the room.
View attachment 263945
I didn’t think you knew.
See, that was a false act of history, one that caused over 6.5 million murders of Jews between the Inquisition and Holocaust.

Jesus warned us the false teachers/preachers placed in the church which is explained in the Bible (New Testament). In the OT, there is Jude. 'A Call to Persevere

But you must tremember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."' Jude 17:18

I can't combat that in a forum.
Actually when you read tenses carefully you will notice what is taught is not how it's to be read properly. You have to notice singular from plural, past from present tense, and if quoting what the person is saying then Jesus speaking says they will say *"I am the christ" and deceive many, means they will say he (Jesus) is the Christ and deceive many.
All throughout the NT one of the characters used for the Jesus image is speaking son of man as "third person tense" and they even say he will come in whole different person in a new name.
Once again let me use something familiar to you to get this: when Daniel spoke of his vision of the Night, of the one (third person tense) coming out or with the clouds(gathering) this son of man is not Daniel himself, but another person he deems in Dan 12;1-4 as.....

Sources as evidence Jesus isn't claiming to be son of man:
Jesus is not the son of man he was "emulating"/impostering("like unto" is used)-rev 1:13
Son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to be served', but to serve.
But Jesus answered, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:55-56)
"Jesus said to him: You yourself said [it]; Yet I say to YOU MEN, FROM HENCEFORTH YOU WILLSEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Temple Priests) of heaven (time to come=future)."Matthew26:64
"Then, Jesus said: I am and YOU PERSONS WILL SEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand ofpower and coming with ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Priests) of heaven (Olam Habah=world to come=future)." -- Mark 14:62
If he is seeing son of man along with the others, then he is not the son of man. If you said you and friends were gonna see the Pope then you are viewing the procession of the Pope and are not the Pope yourself.

Daniel talks about the end times, so this is what Satan fears the most -- the return of the Son of Man.

Jesus is the Son of Man. I'm not sure how else I can make that clearer with whatever tense you want to use. It says so multiple, multiple, multiple times in the NT.

'“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.”' Daniel 7:13-14 The Son of Man means he is the Messiah. Jesus is claiming to be the Messiah in Daniel. What you may be referring to is Satan who could look like Jesus. The real Jesus saw Lucifer fall from heaven and become Satan. The verses you quote show Jesus explaining what those persons he is talking to will see. We agree that this is in the future still to come.

How do you see Satan as the Son of Man when Jesus makes the claim that he is? How can Jesus be Satan when he saw Lucifer fall from heaven like lightning and become Satan?
See, that was a false act of history, one that caused over 6.5 million murders of Jews between the Inquisition and Holocaust.

Jesus warned us the false teachers/preachers placed in the church which is explained in the Bible (New Testament). In the OT, there is Jude. 'A Call to Persevere

But you must tremember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."' Jude 17:18

I can't combat that in a forum.
Actually when you read tenses carefully you will notice what is taught is not how it's to be read properly. You have to notice singular from plural, past from present tense, and if quoting what the person is saying then Jesus speaking says they will say *"I am the christ" and deceive many, means they will say he (Jesus) is the Christ and deceive many.
All throughout the NT one of the characters used for the Jesus image is speaking son of man as "third person tense" and they even say he will come in whole different person in a new name.
Once again let me use something familiar to you to get this: when Daniel spoke of his vision of the Night, of the one (third person tense) coming out or with the clouds(gathering) this son of man is not Daniel himself, but another person he deems in Dan 12;1-4 as.....

Sources as evidence Jesus isn't claiming to be son of man:
Jesus is not the son of man he was "emulating"/impostering("like unto" is used)-rev 1:13
Son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to be served', but to serve.
But Jesus answered, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:55-56)
"Jesus said to him: You yourself said [it]; Yet I say to YOU MEN, FROM HENCEFORTH YOU WILLSEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Temple Priests) of heaven (time to come=future)."Matthew26:64
"Then, Jesus said: I am and YOU PERSONS WILL SEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand ofpower and coming with ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Priests) of heaven (Olam Habah=world to come=future)." -- Mark 14:62
If he is seeing son of man along with the others, then he is not the son of man. If you said you and friends were gonna see the Pope then you are viewing the procession of the Pope and are not the Pope yourself.

Daniel talks about the end times, so this is what Satan fears the most -- the return of the Son of Man.

Jesus is the Son of Man. I'm not sure how else I can make that clearer with whatever tense you want to use. It says so multiple, multiple, multiple times in the NT.

'“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.”' Daniel 7:13-14 The Son of Man means he is the Messiah. Jesus is claiming to be the Messiah in Daniel. What you may be referring to is Satan who could look like Jesus. The real Jesus saw Lucifer fall from heaven and become Satan. The verses you quote show Jesus explaining what those persons he is talking to will see. We agree that this is in the future still to come.

How do you see Satan as the Son of Man when Jesus makes the claim that he is? How can Jesus be Satan when he saw Lucifer fall from heaven like lightning and become Satan?
Boy when you butcher stuff, you really butcher it up real good.
1)you butchered up reading the tenses and did not refute that fact.
2) Son of man is in Daniels vision of the Night(Evening Star) and we just went over that Jesus claims to be the nemesis of the Night and thief in the Night and there's the whole admission in Rev 22:16 that he is the Day(morning star). We also had just discussed the legend of how Shalem becomes Shalom when that very same Night in Dan's vision (Dan 12:1-4) overturns that very same fallen Day(morning star Jesus).
Even Islam maintains this legend in
The "Al Isra" where the legend of Jerusalem becoming peace at the Night Ascension to the city in his Name.
How the hell do you make the morning star the evening star and keep a straight face? If you don't know how you confuse and swap the 2 around then perhaps you are realizing in your confusion how you mix Lucifer (Jesus) with Moshiach(Michael) and how you confuse Baal with Shalem.
Furthermore your religion never properly taught you what Biblical terms/words describing appearances meant in their day and age, so instead you interpret them as literal words defined today.
Example I stated clearly for you that Clouds=gathering (of temple priests) as sen in 1 Kings and in scrolls commentary making Daniels vision describing the Procession to the temple (MIKdash) where the High Priest comes in or out of the clouds (gathering of Kohanim).
Now go back to Theslonians version of Daniel and read the description properly, "up to" Mt Zion to be in the gathering (clouds) of Kohanim and who's the Master/King(Lord) calling the gathering?=the arch(master/king)angel(messenger).
-1 Thessalonians 4:16
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See, that was a false act of history, one that caused over 6.5 million murders of Jews between the Inquisition and Holocaust.

Jesus warned us the false teachers/preachers placed in the church which is explained in the Bible (New Testament). In the OT, there is Jude. 'A Call to Persevere

But you must tremember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."' Jude 17:18

I can't combat that in a forum.
Actually when you read tenses carefully you will notice what is taught is not how it's to be read properly. You have to notice singular from plural, past from present tense, and if quoting what the person is saying then Jesus speaking says they will say *"I am the christ" and deceive many, means they will say he (Jesus) is the Christ and deceive many.
All throughout the NT one of the characters used for the Jesus image is speaking son of man as "third person tense" and they even say he will come in whole different person in a new name.
Once again let me use something familiar to you to get this: when Daniel spoke of his vision of the Night, of the one (third person tense) coming out or with the clouds(gathering) this son of man is not Daniel himself, but another person he deems in Dan 12;1-4 as.....

Sources as evidence Jesus isn't claiming to be son of man:
Jesus is not the son of man he was "emulating"/impostering("like unto" is used)-rev 1:13
Son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28 Just as the son of man did not come to be served', but to serve.
But Jesus answered, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:55-56)
"Jesus said to him: You yourself said [it]; Yet I say to YOU MEN, FROM HENCEFORTH YOU WILLSEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Temple Priests) of heaven (time to come=future)."Matthew26:64
"Then, Jesus said: I am and YOU PERSONS WILL SEE the Son of man sitting at the right hand ofpower and coming with ‘the clouds’ (gathering of Priests) of heaven (Olam Habah=world to come=future)." -- Mark 14:62
If he is seeing son of man along with the others, then he is not the son of man. If you said you and friends were gonna see the Pope then you are viewing the procession of the Pope and are not the Pope yourself.

Daniel talks about the end times, so this is what Satan fears the most -- the return of the Son of Man.

Jesus is the Son of Man. I'm not sure how else I can make that clearer with whatever tense you want to use. It says so multiple, multiple, multiple times in the NT.

'“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.”' Daniel 7:13-14 The Son of Man means he is the Messiah. Jesus is claiming to be the Messiah in Daniel. What you may be referring to is Satan who could look like Jesus. The real Jesus saw Lucifer fall from heaven and become Satan. The verses you quote show Jesus explaining what those persons he is talking to will see. We agree that this is in the future still to come.

How do you see Satan as the Son of Man when Jesus makes the claim that he is? How can Jesus be Satan when he saw Lucifer fall from heaven like lightning and become Satan?
Boy when you butcher stuff, you really butcher it up real good.
1)you butchered up reading the tenses and did not refute that fact.
2) Son of man is in Daniels vision of the Night(Evening Star) and we just went over that Jesus claims to be the nemesis of the Night and thief in the Night and there's the whole admission in Rev 22:16 that he is the Day(morning star). We also had just discussed the legend of how Shalem becomes Shalom when that very same Night in Dan's vision (Dan 12:1-4) overturns that very same fallen Day(morning star Jesus).
Even Islam maintains this legend in
The "Al Isra" where the legend of Jerusalem becoming peace at the Night Ascension to the city in his Name.
How the hell do you make the morning star the evening star and keep a straight face? If you don't know how you confuse and swap the 2 around then perhaps you are realizing in your confusion how you mix Lucifer (Jesus) with Moshiach(Michael) and how you confuse Baal with Shalem.
Furthermore your religion never properly taught you what Biblical terms/words describing appearances meant in their day and age, so instead you interpret them as literal words defined today.
Example I stated clearly for you that Clouds=gathering (of temple priests) as sen in 1 Kings and in scrolls commentary making Daniels vision describing the Procession to the temple (MIKdash) where the High Priest comes in or out of the clouds (gathering of Kohanim).
Now go back to Theslonians version of Daniel and read the description properly, "up to" Mt Zion to be in the gathering (clouds) of Kohanim and who's the Master/King(Lord) calling the gathering?=the arch(master/king)angel(messenger).
-1 Thessalonians 4:16

Just how easy is it for you to post crap like #289 or #295? Are you one those who lives proudly with the mark of the beast? What will you fear when you are close to death?

And of course, you didn't (when you woulda, coulda, shoulda) answered my question about Jesus claiming he is the Son of Man after he saw Lucifer fall from heaven like lightning?

I had a dank feeling I was going to get more revisionist history with your skewed views. It isn't I who mixes Jesus and Michael with Lucifer. You can keep your Baal and go home now.
I rest my case, you are teaching Baal mythologies under the mask of his dying son (morning star) and yet you claim my Shalem as being Baal.
You did this in response to a post that told you you were mixing them up, so why would you deflect what you are doing as being my problem when you don't like that tactic done to you by your political opposition? Aren't you religiously no better then they politically? Deflective behavior and excuses towards "Unpopular Truth"
are the same behavior flaws whether about religion or politics, so learn from resmblances and stop being that which you hate (intellectual dishonesty and
ad hominem responses).
I rest my case, you are teaching Baal mythologies under the mask of his dying son (morning star) and yet you claim my Shalem as being Baal.
You did this in response to a post that told you you were mixing them up, so why would you deflect what you are doing as being my problem when you don't like that tactic done to you by your political opposition? Aren't you religiously no better then they politically? Deflective behavior and excuses towards "Unpopular Truth"
are the same behavior flaws whether about religion or politics, so learn from resmblances and stop being that which you hate (intellectual dishonesty and
ad hominem responses).
Aren't you religiously no better then they politically?

all three desert manuscripts are political documents disguised as religions ... what the jews have done in the middle east, their occupied land would give a good nazi a refreshing course of old fashioned nostalgia.

how the jews long for donald trump ...
I rest my case, you are teaching Baal mythologies under the mask of his dying son (morning star) and yet you claim my Shalem as being Baal.
You did this in response to a post that told you you were mixing them up, so why would you deflect what you are doing as being my problem when you don't like that tactic done to you by your political opposition? Aren't you religiously no better then they politically? Deflective behavior and excuses towards "Unpopular Truth"
are the same behavior flaws whether about religion or politics, so learn from resmblances and stop being that which you hate (intellectual dishonesty and
ad hominem responses).
Aren't you religiously no better then they politically?

all three desert manuscripts are political documents disguised as religions ... what the jews have done in the middle east, their occupied land would give a good nazi a refreshing course of old fashioned nostalgia.

how the jews long for donald trump ...
I can tell your news source is CNN, because they embedded that false info and narrative about occupation ages ago. YOU DO REALIZE I've been calling CNN propaganda TV for over 20 years, way before all this fake news being recognized as problematic. I bet you all your info(not just some) is historically inaccurate making you sound ignorant like the source that fed you the missinformation.
The same problem with how you view religions, as I'm guessing you base your knowledge of Judaism through Christian precepts of the religion they butchered when adding it to the fold of compiled beliefs.
LET'S SEE, were you raised by Christian parents and taught religion by Christian influences or other?
I REPEAT what I said to Bond:
you do not learn Judaism through Rome(the opposition), that's like getting your view of Republicans from CNN.
And we know how well they taught you about the Middle East, being they were proportionally owned by Sheiks for numbers of years and started sounding like Al Jazeera 2.0 at one time.

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