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Any deep inspiring Spiritual Experiences? Share your Story!

One other point do you think Pelosi rides a bicycle like the witch did in the wizard of OZ ...It really is kinda fitting if someone thinks of it and sees the humorous side of it my little pretty....lol...
This is the real reason the president banned Pelosi from flying that time;

I don't know why people are worried about The tariffs, we bought more then we sold, our prices were already luxury to them and will remain luxury items that spare no expense buyers still purchase, and we will make up any difference through buying and selling from India and other Asian nation supply chains who are more then glad and willing to have our business or buy our products.
Any temp sacrifice by farmers will be subsidized and also once again diverted to India and others.
Seems to me just political scare tactics by the left who actually agree with tough stances on China trade and property theft. Best to do it now while we can with this strong economy.
Now my buying goods like clothes, solar panels, controllers, and inverters before the Tariffs is looking pretty smart, the clothes already doubled even before the trade talks slowed down and hit a temp snag.
I already did, but will do so again. You provide no verses from the Bible to back your statements.
No you didn’t.

The verses are all of Genesis chapter 1 and 2. Those chapters tell us that God created existence and that man is a product of that creation.

I’m going to repeat it again to contrast your lack of a competing interpretation. You literally cannot summarize Genesis chapters 1 and 2 because it would look exactly like this...

1. God created existence. Everything that exists exists because God created it. Everything comes from God. True or false?

2. What we see, the heavens and the earth, were created in steps. True or false?

3. Man is a product of that creation. Man came from creation. Man arose from creation. True or false?

4. Man is unique in God's creation. Man is set apart from the other creatures in God's creation. True or false?

5. Man is the pinnacle of God's creation. True or false?

6. The difference between man and other animals is that man can possess knowledge of good and evil. True or false?

7. Man is broken. Man is a rebel. Man is at war with God. True or false?

8. The reason man is at war with God is because man worships created things instead of the Creator. True or false?

9. Man knows right from wrong and when he violates it rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he did not violate it. True or false?

I saw how you replied to hobelim. You would not accept the word of God and insulted YEC. Also, I found out you were Catholic, you believe in the Nicene Creed. Why can't you be honest about that with me? I went to parochial school and rebelled against Catholicism at thirteen. It was too much of a guilt trip. However, I believed in God even as a child. That said, I didn't seriously look for God and moral values until college. Until then, God = moral values. It wasn't until 2012 that I discovered Christianity again and became a born-again Christian, i.e. a God fearing person.

If you do not accept all of the Bible, then you can be swayed in the future, if not already. You may not find the way and end up misled by humans. Already, you are going your own way. Most Catholics I know do not say such things. They'll strongly argue for their differences, but I still consider them brothers-in-arms even though they practice differently. I think they may be swayed by the leaders, but I do not know for sure. I think it will be made clear as the prophecies reveal themselves.
Also, I found out you were Catholic, you believe in the Nicene Creed.

- you believe in the Nicene Creed ...

they wrote your book, bond what makes you any different than the church of the roman empire what you call catholic all is the same, christianity.

"Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works."

* no such document from the primary personages exist to verify the above statement written 4 centuries after the event.

there was no christ in the 1st century nor a biological son - the entire quote above is a forgery ... not the roman empire but itself an insidious diversion from the religion of antiquity prescribed by the Almighty.

the commonality is the uninterrupted divergence through history from the prescribed religion of antiquity irregardless the nomenclature the two examples of bing and bond maintain by their adherence to the same document purposely disguised as a religion to satisfy their own mutual and unjust objectives.
Everything in the creed originated from the early Christians.
This morning I had PHYSICALLY felt someone tapping heavy on my shoulders waking me up, so nervously my first thought was "uh oh, I must have p'o'd a precious snowflake or exposed to much and someone broke into my house" *L* But when I came to there was nobody here, and being beyond a dream, that physical sense made me think perhaps I needed to get up, so I went to see the news and sure enough our Board host is having tornados in their area, so I think we almost lost these boards.
I never dated this prediction that I hid within my post, but I was looking for it yesterday when Shimon mentioned the storms.

If it wasn't for the tap and waking up I wouldn't have found it along with my solution to the immigration migration crisis, that being:
if every nation participated in financing the transport and set up, the spread out of nations facing food shortage crisises could benefit from a kibbutz like participation of migrants in their regions, working the fields to create abundance like they did in Israel.
Spreading out the migrants from SA and Syria would lesson the burden to any one region. Then cost effective modular housing and robotic self replication technique technologies can be tested in these regions for housing in order to find viable solutions that we might be able to use for our own tent cities.
This would help resolve the Migration or lesson the burden, while helping Food crisis regions, some of the U.S. homeless issues, and help further research and investment in future cost effective building technologies.
Then on top of these benefits, the bringing in of other cultures help a closed society open up to more diversity which helps in progression and hopefully stabilization of various regions.
Of course I might just be groggy, and still half asleep, but at least I have ideas to solve major issues, not like the Dems who have candidates like Beto O'Rourke who doesn't even know what he should do when cameras are at his back but audience is to his front. *L*
(he literally said he didn't know what to do and was confused for a good few minutes panicking). That's your future leaders people, they just don't know what to do, which way to face, how to resolve an issue. That will come in handy dealing with Kim or Iran. *shaking my head*
View attachment 262936
As usual you are bang on...lol........Borrowing from another storm in good old Kansas and Dorothy and the wizard of OZ..The problem as I see it today is that countries like China are offering everyone to follow their new improved YELLOW BRICK( The Brick nations) road but unfortunately at the end of the road once the people have been led down the garden path there is no prize and the wizard hiding behind his veil has no answers for the questions we need to get answered....Thus it is more of the same old same old and as the issues and problems continue to grow and the rotten old politicians keep kicking the proverbial Tin(Tin man) can down the road neither solving nor helping but certainly hindering our every move.... So what is our answer... Simple stop doing what we have always done and continue to do expecting a different outcome( true definition of insanity) or try new improved solutions or innovations by starting to think out of the box and finding people who are willing and able to implement them..People like Trump are hated by the wizards hiding behind their veils because he has exposed them as emperors without any clothing or answers and they are naked for all to see...
The problem today is the same as it ever was, man worships created things rather than the creator.
The problem today is the same as it ever was, man worships created things rather than the creator.
And so you worship the fallen morning star as the created image of a man warned about in Ezekiel 28.
Ezekiel describes Lucifer as a Created Image of a man, one that's image walked the garden of eden (between Babylon & ancient Persia) [where Baal and Mithras image came out of]
Ezekiel is explicit in describing this fallen image that would be claimed a god in the heart of the seas
(I.e. Rome).
Sources for you worshiping the forbidden created image:
Ezekiel 28:8 They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of [them that are] slain in the midst of the ‘seas’ (i.e.Rome). =Jesus 1 peter 3:19, Acts 2:27

Eze 28:9 Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I [am] God? but thou [shalt be] a man, and no God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee. =Jesus
(John 8:57, 10:25-36, Psalm 82:1-8)
Later he rose from the Pit declared as God fulfilling the AntiChrist warnings.

Ezekiel 28:2 Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart [is] lifted up, and thou hast said, I [am] a God, I sit [in] the seat of God, in the midst of the seas(Rome); yet thou [art] a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God (this is like how the Popes claim to be viceroy and gods in Rome, set up as imposters of the Jerusalem Temple and throne and TRUE Authority)

Ezekiel 28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the *king of Tyrus*(Tyrus meaning Rock, Jesus was the King of the Rock (the Church) and popular in TYRE according to the NT as in deemed a Prince of Tyre), and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
(similar- Isaiah 44 talks about the carpenter making an idol of a beautiful man (sinless-whitewashed image)and placing it on walls in homes and bowing to it.)
Ezekiel 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone [was] thy covering,
(The image of his man was formed from borrowed mythology of Mithra which came out of ancient persia thus literally been in the garden of eden describing the region in ancient Persia.)

Ezekiel 28:14 Thou [art] the anointed (christ) cherub (guardian=nazarene) that covereth; and I have set thee [so]: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

28:15 Thou [wast] perfect(sinless) in thy ways from the day that thou wast created(his image/icon was created with this intention), till iniquity was found in thee(till the information age exposed what the preachers avoided or whitewashed over).

No other prophet was ever deemed perfect, nor called christ (anointed) Cherub(nazarei) therefore nobody but Jesus fulfills lucifer.
Coming first as the first and fallen messiah should make it obvious enough as Lucifer comes first and is overturned by the Shiloh, (one who's right it is.) If jesus was Messiah there would be no Shiloh.

More verses on you worshiping a created image:
Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17
The problem today is the same as it ever was, man worships created things rather than the creator.
And so you worship the fallen morning star as the created image of a man warned about in Ezekiel 28.
Ezekiel describes Lucifer as a Created Image of a man, one that's image walked the garden of eden (between Babylon & ancient Persia) [where Baal and Mithras image came out of]
Ezekiel is explicit in describing this fallen image that would be claimed a god in the heart of the seas
(I.e. Rome).
Sources for you worshiping the forbidden created image:
Ezekiel 28:8 They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of [them that are] slain in the midst of the ‘seas’ (i.e.Rome). =Jesus 1 peter 3:19, Acts 2:27

Eze 28:9 Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I [am] God? but thou [shalt be] a man, and no God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee. =Jesus
(John 8:57, 10:25-36, Psalm 82:1-8)
Later he rose from the Pit declared as God fulfilling the AntiChrist warnings.

Ezekiel 28:2 Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart [is] lifted up, and thou hast said, I [am] a God, I sit [in] the seat of God, in the midst of the seas(Rome); yet thou [art] a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God (this is like how the Popes claim to be viceroy and gods in Rome, set up as imposters of the Jerusalem Temple and throne and TRUE Authority)

Ezekiel 28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the *king of Tyrus*(Tyrus meaning Rock, Jesus was the King of the Rock (the Church) and popular in TYRE according to the NT as in deemed a Prince of Tyre), and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
(similar- Isaiah 44 talks about the carpenter making an idol of a beautiful man (sinless-whitewashed image)and placing it on walls in homes and bowing to it.)
Ezekiel 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone [was] thy covering,
(The image of his man was formed from borrowed mythology of Mithra which came out of ancient persia thus literally been in the garden of eden describing the region in ancient Persia.)

Ezekiel 28:14 Thou [art] the anointed (christ) cherub (guardian=nazarene) that covereth; and I have set thee [so]: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

28:15 Thou [wast] perfect(sinless) in thy ways from the day that thou wast created(his image/icon was created with this intention), till iniquity was found in thee(till the information age exposed what the preachers avoided or whitewashed over).

No other prophet was ever deemed perfect, nor called christ (anointed) Cherub(nazarei) therefore nobody but Jesus fulfills lucifer.
Coming first as the first and fallen messiah should make it obvious enough as Lucifer comes first and is overturned by the Shiloh, (one who's right it is.) If jesus was Messiah there would be no Shiloh.

More verses on you worshiping a created image:
Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17
God is a big boy. He can handle himself. He really doesn't need your help. In fact, the last thing he wants any of us to do is to get in his way.

You spend all your time criticizing the beliefs of others rather than singing the praises of God. Do you think God needs your help?

If you look at nature you can't help but see diversity. It is the one constant in life. So each person will see God in the manner that works best for them. Through this unique and special relationship, God will progress us but only if we make the first move towards him.

Logically, there is only one creator of existence. There are not multiple deities. There is only one. If my perception of God offends you, tough shit. Don't you have any faith in God at all? He has everything under control. There are no accidents. There are no coincidences. Everything works for the good of men who love God. Even - and especially - the things we think aren't good for us.
God is a big boy. He can handle himself. He really doesn't need your help.

1)your reply avoids and does not refute that the Bible calls Jesus Lucifer.

2)Anthropromorphizing God once again proves you worship another and oppose the command not to and scripture verses describing not to.
3)1QM v, 1-2) States:He (Michael)will not have much room to act as Royal Messiah while battling the Sons of Darkness.
“God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael.”
[even your own text of Revelation proves you wrong]

Commander of G-d of Israel, 4Q285, Fr.4&5 and fr 10

War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, it says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of "the Kingdom of Michael". He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.

All these prove your words false and prove you teach of another god=opposition= Baal worship.

God is a big boy. He can handle himself. He really doesn't need your help.
1)your reply avoids and does not refute that the Bible calls Jesus Lucifer.
2)Anthropromorphizing God once again proves you worship another and oppose the command not to and scripture verses describing not to.
3)1QM v, 1-2) States:He (Michael)will not have much room to act as Royal Messiah while battling the Sons of Darkness.
“God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael.”
[even your own text of Revelation proves you wrong about not needing help/mediation between God and man]

Commander of G-d of Israel, 4Q285, Fr.4&5 and fr 10

War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, it says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of "the Kingdom of Michael". He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.

All these prove your words false and by claiming no mediator this proves you teach a fallen mediator placed high as also your god (making them all in one image) thus teach another god=the forbidden image made a god in Rome as on the description I posted using Ezekiel 28/
the opposition
= Baal worship.

View attachment 263744
One other point do you think Pelosi rides a bicycle like the witch did in the wizard of OZ ...It really is kinda fitting if someone thinks of it and sees the humorous side of it my little pretty....lol...
This is the real reason the president banned Pelosi from flying that time;
View attachment 262952

I don't know why people are worried about The tariffs, we bought more then we sold, our prices were already luxury to them and will remain luxury items that spare no expense buyers still purchase, and we will make up any difference through buying and selling from India and other Asian nation supply chains who are more then glad and willing to have our business or buy our products.
Any temp sacrifice by farmers will be subsidized and also once again diverted to India and others.
Seems to me just political scare tactics by the left who actually agree with tough stances on China trade and property theft. Best to do it now while we can with this strong economy.
Now my buying goods like clothes, solar panels, controllers, and inverters before the Tariffs is looking pretty smart, the clothes already doubled even before the trade talks slowed down and hit a temp snag.
This is the real reason the president banned Pelosi from flying that time;

no jew boy, she told him to deliver it in writing -


your man went apeshit ...


good luck in your new elections, maybe the murdering lunatics will finally hang themselves.
The problem today is the same as it ever was, man worships created things rather than the creator.
And so you worship the fallen morning star as the created image of a man warned about in Ezekiel 28.
Ezekiel describes Lucifer as a Created Image of a man, one that's image walked the garden of eden (between Babylon & ancient Persia) [where Baal and Mithras image came out of]
Ezekiel is explicit in describing this fallen image that would be claimed a god in the heart of the seas
(I.e. Rome).
Sources for you worshiping the forbidden created image:
Ezekiel 28:8 They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of [them that are] slain in the midst of the ‘seas’ (i.e.Rome). =Jesus 1 peter 3:19, Acts 2:27

Eze 28:9 Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I [am] God? but thou [shalt be] a man, and no God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee. =Jesus
(John 8:57, 10:25-36, Psalm 82:1-8)
Later he rose from the Pit declared as God fulfilling the AntiChrist warnings.

Ezekiel 28:2 Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart [is] lifted up, and thou hast said, I [am] a God, I sit [in] the seat of God, in the midst of the seas(Rome); yet thou [art] a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God (this is like how the Popes claim to be viceroy and gods in Rome, set up as imposters of the Jerusalem Temple and throne and TRUE Authority)

Ezekiel 28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the *king of Tyrus*(Tyrus meaning Rock, Jesus was the King of the Rock (the Church) and popular in TYRE according to the NT as in deemed a Prince of Tyre), and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
(similar- Isaiah 44 talks about the carpenter making an idol of a beautiful man (sinless-whitewashed image)and placing it on walls in homes and bowing to it.)
Ezekiel 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone [was] thy covering,
(The image of his man was formed from borrowed mythology of Mithra which came out of ancient persia thus literally been in the garden of eden describing the region in ancient Persia.)

Ezekiel 28:14 Thou [art] the anointed (christ) cherub (guardian=nazarene) that covereth; and I have set thee [so]: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

28:15 Thou [wast] perfect(sinless) in thy ways from the day that thou wast created(his image/icon was created with this intention), till iniquity was found in thee(till the information age exposed what the preachers avoided or whitewashed over).

No other prophet was ever deemed perfect, nor called christ (anointed) Cherub(nazarei) therefore nobody but Jesus fulfills lucifer.
Coming first as the first and fallen messiah should make it obvious enough as Lucifer comes first and is overturned by the Shiloh, (one who's right it is.) If jesus was Messiah there would be no Shiloh.

More verses on you worshiping a created image:
Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17

That's pretty deep. I'm still shaken at people who realize "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" Matthew 16:26
1)your reply avoids and does not refute that the Bible calls Jesus Lucifer.

Different morning star. There is only one morning star that is brighter than others. It outshines all others. That is Jesus. That which you call Lucifer was a morning star, but he fell from the heaven. So you are wrong.
God is a big boy. He can handle himself. He really doesn't need your help.
1)your reply avoids and does not refute that the Bible calls Jesus Lucifer.
2)Anthropromorphizing God once again proves you worship another and oppose the command not to and scripture verses describing not to.
3)1QM v, 1-2) States:He (Michael)will not have much room to act as Royal Messiah while battling the Sons of Darkness.
“God himself is a supreme agent of salvation and after him in importance is Michael.”
[even your own text of Revelation proves you wrong]

Commander of G-d of Israel, 4Q285, Fr.4&5 and fr 10

War Scroll” (4Q471)
Where in verse XVII, it says, “God will send eternal bliss by the might of the Princely Angel of "the Kingdom of Michael". He will enlighten with joy the children of Israel.

All these prove your words false and prove you teach of another god=opposition= Baal worship.

View attachment 263744
What are you yammering about?
1)your reply avoids and does not refute that the Bible calls Jesus Lucifer.

Different morning star. There is only one morning star that is brighter than others. It outshines all others. That is Jesus. That which you call Lucifer was a morning star, but he fell from the heaven. So you are wrong.
That's a false statement and dishonest Ad Hominem (out of context)reply by you, the post described Ezekiel 28 which Preachers themselves use to reveal Lucifer and it fits Jesus to a "T" and as stated no other prophet but Jesus can be deemed Lucifer in those verses, because only Jesus was deemed the anointed(christ)
cherub(guardian-Nazarene) who fell in & by the hands of the seas(i.e. Rome)claiming to be a god.
*Note Ding was not able to refute that fact, nor you*
You can't refute Jesus calls himself Lucifer without lying to people about what calling yourself Morning Star means in multiple fronts.

Is a term people use for a portrayed character fortold in the bible (I showed you Ezekiel 28 without refutation only Jesus fulfills Lucifer in scripture PERIOD!
Known as the first messiah aka the imposter and fallen prophet claimed a god. The planet venus represented both archangels (top prophet messengers) the fallen arc of venus called morning star symbolized lucifers fall while the rising arc of the planet Evening Star represented
Michael's rise-Dan 12:1-4.
So that's symbolism of why the Morning Star means Lucifer.
But On the subject of Morning Star it was Baal's son and Ishtar's (easter) son. Baal's wife was Isis and she is basically another cultures mimick of Ishtar, so said to be the same mythical figure. Furthermore Morning Star is the adversary to Shalem (Evening Star), thus adversary of the God of Israeland top messenger. To call yourself Morning Star is to call yourself the fallen false prophet Lucifer son of Baal adversary of God and Michael.
Hence celebration of the Morning Star on Baal's special day Dec 25th as father and son are the same Mythology (as proven by predated ancient Tablets the same death scene 3 day risen story) predating the Jesus myth.
So Now we know the secret of the number of his name;father & son are one-one masking the other.
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
Claiming to be all knowing and yet calling himself Baal's son Lucifer is priceless and game over unarguable!
Yet you took the Bible, ignored it, then used an Ad Hominem smokescreen avoidance technique to make fallacious claims on a word you do not understand the origens of symbolism and references nor legend of how YeruShalem becomes city of Shalom (peace).

You can not get past the fact Jesus calls himself the Nemesis of the God of Shalem and the king of Shalem.
Period! End of discussion!
Last edited:
The problem today is the same as it ever was, man worships created things rather than the creator.
And so you worship the fallen morning star as the created image of a man warned about in Ezekiel 28.
Ezekiel describes Lucifer as a Created Image of a man, one that's image walked the garden of eden (between Babylon & ancient Persia) [where Baal and Mithras image came out of]
Ezekiel is explicit in describing this fallen image that would be claimed a god in the heart of the seas
(I.e. Rome).
Sources for you worshiping the forbidden created image:
Ezekiel 28:8 They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of [them that are] slain in the midst of the ‘seas’ (i.e.Rome). =Jesus 1 peter 3:19, Acts 2:27

Eze 28:9 Wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee, I [am] God? but thou [shalt be] a man, and no God, in the hand of him that slayeth thee. =Jesus
(John 8:57, 10:25-36, Psalm 82:1-8)
Later he rose from the Pit declared as God fulfilling the AntiChrist warnings.

Ezekiel 28:2 Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart [is] lifted up, and thou hast said, I [am] a God, I sit [in] the seat of God, in the midst of the seas(Rome); yet thou [art] a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God (this is like how the Popes claim to be viceroy and gods in Rome, set up as imposters of the Jerusalem Temple and throne and TRUE Authority)

Ezekiel 28:12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the *king of Tyrus*(Tyrus meaning Rock, Jesus was the King of the Rock (the Church) and popular in TYRE according to the NT as in deemed a Prince of Tyre), and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
(similar- Isaiah 44 talks about the carpenter making an idol of a beautiful man (sinless-whitewashed image)and placing it on walls in homes and bowing to it.)
Ezekiel 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone [was] thy covering,
(The image of his man was formed from borrowed mythology of Mithra which came out of ancient persia thus literally been in the garden of eden describing the region in ancient Persia.)

Ezekiel 28:14 Thou [art] the anointed (christ) cherub (guardian=nazarene) that covereth; and I have set thee [so]: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.

28:15 Thou [wast] perfect(sinless) in thy ways from the day that thou wast created(his image/icon was created with this intention), till iniquity was found in thee(till the information age exposed what the preachers avoided or whitewashed over).

No other prophet was ever deemed perfect, nor called christ (anointed) Cherub(nazarei) therefore nobody but Jesus fulfills lucifer.
Coming first as the first and fallen messiah should make it obvious enough as Lucifer comes first and is overturned by the Shiloh, (one who's right it is.) If jesus was Messiah there would be no Shiloh.

More verses on you worshiping a created image:
Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17

That's pretty deep. I'm still shaken at people who realize "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" Matthew 16:26
Rome answers your question with it's little scattered gems (ISHTAR/Easter eggs scattered throughout the story).
In this case they hint through the story that the Sawtawn (hinderer adversary) which was Rome at that time and in hidden slang in the scripture, offered their character fame and popularity as an enticement and even though the many christ figures revolted/rejected Rome's offers to shut it down the Roman Authority (Satan) still used their images lifted high without their permission to deceive the world.
Still got his fame and popularity through the borrowed Baal death and risen scene, which Rome used to claim the icon eternal (cheat death) and all powerful(a god) thus speak through it's revered mask and benefit through it's taxation now in the guise of tithes, through that fame and popularity promised.
Those are the gems /easter eggs left throughout the story if you look hard enough. Part of that easter egg is the not recognizing him risen from the dead scene, so by claiming to be him alive again, Satan deceives the world through lifting high the dying god (as per Canaanite Dying god mythology morning star needs to die like his father so he can surpass father Baal on his throne.)
1)your reply avoids and does not refute that the Bible calls Jesus Lucifer.

Different morning star. There is only one morning star that is brighter than others. It outshines all others. That is Jesus. That which you call Lucifer was a morning star, but he fell from the heaven. So you are wrong.
That's a false statement and dishonest Ad Hominem (out of context)reply by you, the post described Ezekiel 28 which Preachers themselves use to reveal Lucifer and it fits Jesus to a "T" and as stated no other prophet but Jesus can be deemed Lucifer in those verses, because only Jesus was deemed the anointed(christ)
cherub(guardian-Nazarene) who fell in & by the hands of the seas(i.e. Rome)claiming to be a god.
*Note Ding was not able to refute that fact, nor you*
You can't refute Jesus calls himself Lucifer without lying to people about what calling yourself Morning Star means in multiple fronts.

Is a term people use for a portrayed character fortold in the bible (I showed you Ezekiel 28 without refutation only Jesus fulfills Lucifer in scripture PERIOD!
Known as the first messiah aka the imposter and fallen prophet claimed a god. The planet venus represented both archangels (top prophet messengers) the fallen arc of venus called morning star symbolized lucifers fall while the rising arc of the planet Evening Star represented
Michael's rise-Dan 12:1-4.
So that's symbolism of why the Morning Star means Lucifer.
But On the subject of Morning Star it was Baal's son and Ishtar's (easter) son. Baal's wife was Isis and she is basically another cultures mimick of Ishtar, so said to be the same mythical figure. Furthermore Morning Star is the adversary to Shalem (Evening Star), thus adversary of the God of Israeland top messenger. To call yourself Morning Star is to call yourself the fallen false prophet Lucifer son of Baal adversary of God and Michael.
Hence celebration of the Morning Star on Baal's special day Dec 25th as father and son are the same Mythology (as proven by predated ancient Tablets the same death scene 3 day risen story) predating the Jesus myth.
So Now we know the secret of the number of his name;father & son are one-one masking the other.
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
Claiming to be all knowing and yet calling himself Baal's son Lucifer is priceless and game over unarguable!
Yet you took the Bible, ignored it, then used an Ad Hominem smokescreen avoidance technique to make fallacious claims on a word you do not understand the origens of symbolism and references nor legend of how YeruShalem becomes city of Shalom (peace).

You can not get passed the fact Jesus calls himself the Nemesis of the God of Shalem and the king of Shalem.
Period! End of discussion!

Not I who is false which leaves...

Just look for the brightest morning star. It is said Lucifer fell and thus he isn't the brightest morning star anymore. It's more a description than a name. I'm not preaching, but telling like it is written. Maybe your teacher is a false teacher who was placed in church to mislead the believers.

>> Yet you took the Bible, ignored it, then used an Ad Hominem smokescreen avoidance technique to make fallacious claims on a word you do not understand the origens of symbolism and references nor legend of how YeruShalem becomes city of Shalom (peace).<<

You gotta be kidding haha. This is joke of an argument. I'm sure you committed an ad hominem fallacy saying I ignored the Bible. Read it and weep, me bucko.

"How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low!" Isaiah 14:12

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” Revelation 22:16

Jesus is the one who saved us and succeeded. It is you who failed the kingdom of Israel.
Rome answers your question with it's little scattered gems (ISHTAR/Easter eggs scattered throughout the story).
In this case they hint through the story that the Sawtawn (hinderer adversary) which was Rome at that time and in hidden slang in the scripture, offered their character fame and popularity as an enticement and even though the many christ figures revolted/rejected Rome's offers to shut it down the Roman Authority (Satan) still used their images lifted high without their permission to deceive the world.
Still got his fame and popularity through the borrowed Baal death and risen scene, which Rome used to claim the icon eternal (cheat death) and all powerful(a god) thus speak through it's revered mask and benefit through it's taxation now in the guise of tithes, through that fame and popularity promised.
Those are the gems /easter eggs left throughout the story if you look hard enough. Part of that easter egg is the not recognizing him risen from the dead scene, so by claiming to be him alive again, Satan deceives the world through lifting high the dying god (as per Canaanite Dying god mythology morning star needs to die like his father so he can surpass father Baal on his throne.)

More of this Jesus as King of Tyre instead of Satan. There was a human king of Tyre, too, which I thought you were referring to. Rather than recognize God’s sovereignty, this king of Tyre attributed his city's riches to his own wisdom, strength, and accomplishments. He was under the influence of Satan, King of Tyre. What good is all that if he can't keep it and lose his most precious? That's what I meant and why I am moved when some person like that admits it. (I see it was a wrong reply to your deranged post.) However, in your case, you again defame Jesus. Your hatred of Jesus has left you misled and deceived -- up is down and down is up.
1)your reply avoids and does not refute that the Bible calls Jesus Lucifer.

Different morning star. There is only one morning star that is brighter than others. It outshines all others. That is Jesus. That which you call Lucifer was a morning star, but he fell from the heaven. So you are wrong.
That's a false statement and dishonest Ad Hominem (out of context)reply by you, the post described Ezekiel 28 which Preachers themselves use to reveal Lucifer and it fits Jesus to a "T" and as stated no other prophet but Jesus can be deemed Lucifer in those verses, because only Jesus was deemed the anointed(christ)
cherub(guardian-Nazarene) who fell in & by the hands of the seas(i.e. Rome)claiming to be a god.
*Note Ding was not able to refute that fact, nor you*
You can't refute Jesus calls himself Lucifer without lying to people about what calling yourself Morning Star means in multiple fronts.

Is a term people use for a portrayed character fortold in the bible (I showed you Ezekiel 28 without refutation only Jesus fulfills Lucifer in scripture PERIOD!
Known as the first messiah aka the imposter and fallen prophet claimed a god. The planet venus represented both archangels (top prophet messengers) the fallen arc of venus called morning star symbolized lucifers fall while the rising arc of the planet Evening Star represented
Michael's rise-Dan 12:1-4.
So that's symbolism of why the Morning Star means Lucifer.
But On the subject of Morning Star it was Baal's son and Ishtar's (easter) son. Baal's wife was Isis and she is basically another cultures mimick of Ishtar, so said to be the same mythical figure. Furthermore Morning Star is the adversary to Shalem (Evening Star), thus adversary of the God of Israeland top messenger. To call yourself Morning Star is to call yourself the fallen false prophet Lucifer son of Baal adversary of God and Michael.
Hence celebration of the Morning Star on Baal's special day Dec 25th as father and son are the same Mythology (as proven by predated ancient Tablets the same death scene 3 day risen story) predating the Jesus myth.
So Now we know the secret of the number of his name;father & son are one-one masking the other.
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
Claiming to be all knowing and yet calling himself Baal's son Lucifer is priceless and game over unarguable!
Yet you took the Bible, ignored it, then used an Ad Hominem smokescreen avoidance technique to make fallacious claims on a word you do not understand the origens of symbolism and references nor legend of how YeruShalem becomes city of Shalom (peace).

You can not get passed the fact Jesus calls himself the Nemesis of the God of Shalem and the king of Shalem.
Period! End of discussion!

Not I who is false which leaves...

Just look for the brightest morning star. It is said Lucifer fell and thus he isn't the brightest morning star anymore. It's more a description than a name. I'm not preaching, but telling like it is written. Maybe your teacher is a false teacher who was placed in church to mislead the believers.

>> Yet you took the Bible, ignored it, then used an Ad Hominem smokescreen avoidance technique to make fallacious claims on a word you do not understand the origens of symbolism and references nor legend of how YeruShalem becomes city of Shalom (peace).<<

You gotta be kidding haha. This is joke of an argument. I'm sure you committed an ad hominem fallacy saying I ignored the Bible. Read it and weep, me bucko.

"How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low!" Isaiah 14:12

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” Revelation 22:16

Jesus is the one who saved us and succeeded. It is you who failed the kingdom of Israel.
>>>Lucifer fell and thus he isn't the brightest morning star
Once again Venus represented both archangels: So you are saying:
The first messiah Lucifer as the
arch (top/brightest) star/angel[malakh](messenger) fell
Acts 2:27 , 1 Peter 3:19 and Apostles creed Jesus(the first messiah) fell to the pit thus isn't the Arch (brightest) star (angel) anymore, which is why Ezekiel's Shiloh (one who's right it is that overturns the imposter) is Michael (Evening Star).
Look up in the search engines Shalem=Evening Star.
The legend of YeruShalem becoming city of Peace is at that overturning of the day(morning star) by the Night (Evening Star).
This is why my extensive post showing that in the Hebrew Bible and scrolls, Michael is the Moshiach(top messenger/reflection[malakh]
Jesus is deemed the opposition or HINDERANCE BY THEFT/THE ADVERSARY of Michael thus Jesus is calling himself Lucifer, Rome is stealing from the Jews their God, their mediator, their Temple, their religion, their identity, their sovereignty, their freedom, hence Michael is the Liberator from the "Kittim" (ancient slang for Rome).
"He’ll Proclaim liberty
to the captives" (Isaiah lxi,I) &
4Q285 5&10 Judgment of the Kittim

To further grasp this, perhaps you should view Pastor Percy Stone's take on how the U.S. is repeating Rome's History to decline and "FALL" by way of liberalism, and open border flow of migrants, something you would agree is a problem and it's emulation might make you see this clearer by examples in our time.
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Rome answers your question with it's little scattered gems (ISHTAR/Easter eggs scattered throughout the story).
In this case they hint through the story that the Sawtawn (hinderer adversary) which was Rome at that time and in hidden slang in the scripture, offered their character fame and popularity as an enticement and even though the many christ figures revolted/rejected Rome's offers to shut it down the Roman Authority (Satan) still used their images lifted high without their permission to deceive the world.
Still got his fame and popularity through the borrowed Baal death and risen scene, which Rome used to claim the icon eternal (cheat death) and all powerful(a god) thus speak through it's revered mask and benefit through it's taxation now in the guise of tithes, through that fame and popularity promised.
Those are the gems /easter eggs left throughout the story if you look hard enough. Part of that easter egg is the not recognizing him risen from the dead scene, so by claiming to be him alive again, Satan deceives the world through lifting high the dying god (as per Canaanite Dying god mythology morning star needs to die like his father so he can surpass father Baal on his throne.)

More of this Jesus as King of Tyre instead of Satan. There was a human king of Tyre, too, which I thought you were referring to. Rather than recognize God’s sovereignty, this king of Tyre attributed his city's riches to his own wisdom, strength, and accomplishments. He was under the influence of Satan, King of Tyre. What good is all that if he can't keep it and lose his most precious? That's what I meant and why I am moved when some person like that admits it. (I see it was a wrong reply to your deranged post.) However, in your case, you again defame Jesus. Your hatred of Jesus has left you misled and deceived -- up is down and down is up.
As an excuse missionaries are taught to lie about Ezekiel 28 being about a literal historical king of Tyre even though they've taught it to be about Lucifer. This is both historically false since that period we got along with Tyre and the kings, and it's false because it calls him a
"created image" that existed even in the garden of eden(ancient Persia and bordering Babylon=where Mithra and Baal originate that plagiarised "image".
Fact; Tyre means rock.
prince means popularity or sacrificing for others both describe Jesus who in NT was popular in Tyre and called king of the Rock(tyre).
Tyre was ruled by Rome adding to the king of the Rock connection.
The verses can be about the created image Jesus and even the sucession of Popes lifted as gods in the heart of the seas as kings of the Rock.
Once again; only Jesus is deemed perfect(sinless) and
anointed (christ)
Cherub(nazarei)-Ezekiel 28:14-15
He's the only prophet lifted high as a god -Ezekiel 28:2-9
Only Jesus came first and fell.
Only Jesus took 1/3 with him in his fall and made 1/3 the fishes like wormwood. only Jesus claimed to be Lucifer, only Jesus fulfilled Lucifer and since denial would be in using the same standard & methods of placement as Messiah, then this called checkmate, because you have to deny his fulfillment as messiah to deny his fulfillment as Lucifer, meaning if he isn't messiah that definitively makes him Lucifer automatically and my kNight to your King backed in a corner either move you make is Checkmate, you lose your king.

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