Any experience with coyotes?

Sunshine - You're probably safe with the coyotes. They either leave people alone altogether, or they've been clever enough not to get caught attacking a human. I wouldn't leave small animals or babies or toddlers or even young children out there on their own, though, light or no light.

The coyotes are filling an empty ecological niche - if we've wiped out bobcabs & wolves & badgers, then there's only feral dogs, cats, pigs, & coyotes. Feral dogs in packs are dangerous. Feral cats - not that I've ever heard of - other than as carriers of disease. If you see the slightest sign of feral pigs, get inside, call the police & sit tight. They are dangerously unpredictable animals, & they will charge humans, in a pinch. They also carry a number of nasty diseases. The meat is supposed to be edible, but it takes some processing.
If there are small children or family pets outside, then kill the coyotes. That's what I did with certain breeds of pets that the neighbors did not properly supervise. Take no prisoners if any animal may be a threat to your own.
There are a lot of coyotes around these days extending even into urban areas. When I talk to hunters and good ole boys here in a rural part of the Mid-Atlantic they all tell me they hate coyotes and kill them every chance they get. Personally I like the idea of wolf like predators prowling the woods in the 21'st century. Occasionally a pack of them come through my property at night and the howling is pretty cool. My dog hears them first and makes strange howling noises on the porch. We had sheep at one time but were bothered more by wild dogs in the daylight than coyotes. The local farmers have llamas pastured with sheep and apparently it keeps the coyotes away. It's a strange sight though. There used to be a bounty on them here in Va. but I don't think it's in effect anymore.

Hunters who kill coyotes are stupid, sadistic assholes.

What they don't understand is this fact: Killing coyotes increases the number of coyotes.

Coyotes that are under hunting pressure produce larger litters.

Men have been trying to eliminate coyotes out west for over a century. This reproductive fact is one reason why they have been unable to.
Naw, my friend was hired by a huge sheep operation to hunt coyotes from the time he was a kid.

Now he does it for spare change. He's not sadistic, he's just a hunter.
I've never heard of coyotes attacking people. I supposed it's possible, but I had small kids in areas with heavy coyote populations and it never even crossed my mind. I always worry about cougar, though. And bear.

Coyotes are really smart, I think, and they're so clever and versatile that they seldom starve to my knowledge. I just have never heard of them jumping people.
Sunshine - You're probably safe with the coyotes. They either leave people alone altogether, or they've been clever enough not to get caught attacking a human. I wouldn't leave small animals or babies or toddlers or even young children out there on their own, though, light or no light.

The coyotes are filling an empty ecological niche - if we've wiped out bobcabs & wolves & badgers, then there's only feral dogs, cats, pigs, & coyotes. Feral dogs in packs are dangerous. Feral cats - not that I've ever heard of - other than as carriers of disease. If you see the slightest sign of feral pigs, get inside, call the police & sit tight. They are dangerously unpredictable animals, & they will charge humans, in a pinch. They also carry a number of nasty diseases. The meat is supposed to be edible, but it takes some processing.

We actually still have bobcats here. Some say we have panthers too, but others say they are just black bobcats. There were feral cats all over the woods behind my house in Nashville. I have a friend that adopted one and tamed it. Pigs, I don't know, never heard of any here. Who knows what is in these woods, they are so deep around here., but a lot of things got eaten off during the Great Depression and are just now making a come back. There have been some instances here where children have been bitten by coyotes. I can tell by the sounds that they are very close to the houses at night.

The fox was up on my deck and there is a bunch of sick raccoons crawling up into my neighbor's yard and dying. I keep telling him to call animal control, because they could have rabies.
Eww! yes, when raccoons are dying in the yard, a call needs to be made.

Black panthers are generally black cougar...I've never heard of a black bobcat.

Coytoes throw their voices's really hard to tell where they are located by their calls...they can sound far away when they're close and close by when they aren't. It's completely weird. I used to listen to them when they'd get going...the sound would come from all over, the strangest racket you ever heard.
There is a pack of Coyotes that hangs out at a local bar

I find that if you stop buying them drinks, they go away
Eww! yes, when raccoons are dying in the yard, a call needs to be made.

Black panthers are generally black cougar...I've never heard of a black bobcat.

Coytoes throw their voices's really hard to tell where they are located by their calls...they can sound far away when they're close and close by when they aren't. It's completely weird. I used to listen to them when they'd get going...the sound would come from all over, the strangest racket you ever heard.

They are close around here, I have seen them on the way to work. When they start they echo over the lake and it sounds like women screaming. They would have to be near the lake for an echo to happen. I saw a dead bobcat on the road a couple weeks ago. But it was the usual coloring.
When the fox was on my deck, I tried to get his pic. But all I got was his tail as he ran down the steps. They are fast little boogers!
When the fox was on my deck, I tried to get his pic. But all I got was his tail as he ran down the steps. They are fast little boogers!

If you can borrow or rent one, there are cameras made to automatically snap pix of intruding animals. I don't know if they're BW or color. Try any friends who hunt good-sized game.

The other possibility is one-way glass - but even then, if the fox can hear the floor creaking as you move to the window, he'll bolt. Can you rig a video camera to a remote control? Otherwise, it's near impossible to sneak up on a fox.
I think COYDOGS are the problem that most hunters hereabouts bitch about.

Apparently they can get pretty big and become rather formitable hunters of deer.
When the fox was on my deck, I tried to get his pic. But all I got was his tail as he ran down the steps. They are fast little boogers!

Try Cabela's Official Website - Quality Hunting, Fishing, Camping and Outdoor Gear at competitive prices. : Cabela's. They sell lots of backpacking, camping and hunting gear. I know they sell those outdoor cameras. I'm thinking about getting one as well. With all the growls I hear in my woods, I wonder if I really want to know what's in there. I know we have bears. I wish my wife would stop watching that Bigfoot show.
Sunshine - You're probably safe with the coyotes. They either leave people alone altogether, or they've been clever enough not to get caught attacking a human. I wouldn't leave small animals or babies or toddlers or even young children out there on their own, though, light or no light.

The coyotes are filling an empty ecological niche - if we've wiped out bobcabs & wolves & badgers, then there's only feral dogs, cats, pigs, & coyotes. Feral dogs in packs are dangerous. Feral cats - not that I've ever heard of - other than as carriers of disease. If you see the slightest sign of feral pigs, get inside, call the police & sit tight. They are dangerously unpredictable animals, & they will charge humans, in a pinch. They also carry a number of nasty diseases. The meat is supposed to be edible, but it takes some processing.

We actually still have bobcats here. Some say we have panthers too, but others say they are just black bobcats. There were feral cats all over the woods behind my house in Nashville. I have a friend that adopted one and tamed it. Pigs, I don't know, never heard of any here. Who knows what is in these woods, they are so deep around here., but a lot of things got eaten off during the Great Depression and are just now making a come back. There have been some instances here where children have been bitten by coyotes. I can tell by the sounds that they are very close to the houses at night.

The fox was up on my deck and there is a bunch of sick raccoons crawling up into my neighbor's yard and dying. I keep telling him to call animal control, because they could have rabies.

Where I live, we have coyotes, cougars, and some small alligators have been seen.

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