Any Free Speech outrage about this campus event?

College kids are generally a-political when they enter college and have more on their plate than jumping up to protest every speaker. The protests are usually generated by left wing faculty which in turn are lap dogs of the democrat party.
College kids are generally a-political when they enter college and have more on their plate than jumping up to protest every speaker. The protests are usually generated by left wing faculty which in turn are lap dogs of the democrat party.
I'm still patiently waiting for someone to tell me what Comey has said or done that is so offensive/objectionable. Is it because he was Director of the FBI and he symbolizes the whole "law and order" thing or what?
Comey attended knowing full well some people were not going to want to hear what he said. Your logic is amazingly faulty.

Now you've gone from the hypocritical to the ridiculous. How would they have the preconceived notion of what Comey was going to say? These rudely obnoxious products of the soft racism of lowered behavioral expectations infringed upon the rights of those who did come to hear the message - which by all accounts was inspirational.
Why would they need to have a preconceived notion of what he was going to say in order to form the opinion that they didnt want to hear what he had to say? I'm really curious as to how youre going to logically explain this one?

I have no clue what a random white speaker would say about Chinese culture but I damn sure know I wouldnt be the least bit interested in hearing it.
Then why would you attend?
To protest him speaking like the kids at Howard did.
Well, I think it sucked. They could have protested outside the hall, egged his car, whatever. If you were invited to attend my college and speak and I didn't like your ideas or what you'd done in the past, I would either bitch to the people who had invited you or I would throw my hissy fit outside the hall.
Shouting the guy down through his entire attempt of a speech is not good form.
Thats fine. Youre entitled to your thoughts just like kids were entitled to theirs that what they did was not sucky. Its all a personal preference. Its very possible that they did bitch to the people that invited him but were turned down. If they had egged his car thats vandalism and protesting outside really doesnt give him problems in delivering the message.
College kids are generally a-political when they enter college and have more on their plate than jumping up to protest every speaker. The protests are usually generated by left wing faculty which in turn are lap dogs of the democrat party.
I'm still patiently waiting for someone to tell me what Comey has said or done that is so offensive/objectionable. Is it because he was Director of the FBI and he symbolizes the whole "law and order" thing or what?
He helped facilitate the climate where white cops could gun down Blacks with impunity for starters

Howard U. Students Protest During James Comey’s Convocation Speech – The Ticker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education

In a news release, student activists with the group HU Resist wrote that Mr. Comey’s work at the FBI included a “dismissal of racist state-sanctioned violence, and efforts to dismantle the growing Black Lives Matter movement, similar to the FBI’s efforts to dismantling of the civil-rights and black-power movements just a few decades prior.”
Shouting the guy down through his entire attempt of a speech is not good form.
That's what we're teaching our kids to do.

If you don't like someone's opinion, shut it down. If you can't shut down, shout it down. If you can't shout if down, run to your safe space. They have no sense of, no skill in, constructively communicating with someone with different views.

This is a really fucked up thing to do to our kids.
Shouting the guy down through his entire attempt of a speech is not good form.
That's what we're teaching our kids to do.

If you don't like someone's opinion, shut it down. If you can't shut down, shout it down. If you can't shout if down, run to your safe space. They have no sense of, no skill in, constructively communicating with someone with different views.

This is a really fucked up thing to do to our kids.
I think its dangerous to listen to people speak that dont have your best interests at heart. Thats why so many Blacks are fucked in the head today listening to white bullshit and reading white lies in the history books.
But there is no ‘right’ to ‘free speech’ in the context of private society.

The doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private citizens and private organizations.

That protesters might disrupt Comey’s address in no manner ‘violates’ his right to ‘free speech.’
Yep. Everyone.

We're teaching our kids the opposite, from coast to coast.

Children should be taught that the right to ‘free speech’ does not apply in the context of private society, that as private citizens they are at liberty to oppose and denounce speech they object to, and that by doing so no ‘rights’ are being ‘violated.’
Yep. Everyone.

We're teaching our kids the opposite, from coast to coast.

Children should be taught that the right to ‘free speech’ does not apply in the context of private society, that as private citizens they are at liberty to oppose and denounce speech they object to, and that by doing so no ‘rights’ are being ‘violated.’
I know, any excuse to shut down opinions you don't like.

I know, I know.
Why would they need to have a preconceived notion of what he was going to say in order to form the opinion that they didnt want to hear what he had to say? I'm really curious as to how youre going to logically explain this one?

I have no clue what a random white speaker would say about Chinese culture but I damn sure know I wouldnt be the least bit interested in hearing it.

Ah, now it makes sense - because Comey's skin color is lighter than theirs they knew they didn't want to hear what he had to say, even though they didn't know what he was going to say, so they went anyway to prevent others who, despite Comey's offensive skin coloring, did want to hear what he had to say. That about right?

If you didn't want to hear about Chinese culture from a non-Chinese person (of any skin color, or just white? - because many Asians have very white skin) would you attend anyway with the intent of infringing on the rights of the less bigoted to hear the lecture?
This makes no sense.

Again, private citizens cannot ‘infringe’ upon the rights of other private citizens – only government has the potential to infringe upon citizens’ rights when it enacts measures contrary to Constitutional jurisprudence.

Indeed, it was the intent of the Founding Generation that the conflicts and controversies of the day be addressed in the context of private society with debate and discourse among private citizens, absent unwarranted interference by government or the courts.

And the Founders foresaw that these debates might be robust, adversarial, and confrontational – indicators of a healthy, flourishing democracy.
“Any Free Speech outrage about this campus event?”

There can’t be ‘outrage’ about an event which has nothing to do with ‘free speech.’
Okay I'll bear that in mind the next time Ann Coulter is shouted down in Berkeley.
College kids are generally a-political when they enter college and have more on their plate than jumping up to protest every speaker. The protests are usually generated by left wing faculty which in turn are lap dogs of the democrat party.
I'm still patiently waiting for someone to tell me what Comey has said or done that is so offensive/objectionable. Is it because he was Director of the FBI and he symbolizes the whole "law and order" thing or what?
He helped facilitate the climate where white cops could gun down Blacks with impunity for starters

Howard U. Students Protest During James Comey’s Convocation Speech – The Ticker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education

In a news release, student activists with the group HU Resist wrote that Mr. Comey’s work at the FBI included a “dismissal of racist state-sanctioned violence, and efforts to dismantle the growing Black Lives Matter movement, similar to the FBI’s efforts to dismantling of the civil-rights and black-power movements just a few decades prior.”
Thanks for FINALLY explaining what this was all about. It's pretty much what I expected.
I still don't agree he should have been shouted down, anymore than I would want one of these students to be shouted down if they got up and tried to make an address.
I hope they also refuse his scholarship.
College kids are generally a-political when they enter college and have more on their plate than jumping up to protest every speaker. The protests are usually generated by left wing faculty which in turn are lap dogs of the democrat party.
I'm still patiently waiting for someone to tell me what Comey has said or done that is so offensive/objectionable. Is it because he was Director of the FBI and he symbolizes the whole "law and order" thing or what?
He helped facilitate the climate where white cops could gun down Blacks with impunity for starters

Howard U. Students Protest During James Comey’s Convocation Speech – The Ticker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education

In a news release, student activists with the group HU Resist wrote that Mr. Comey’s work at the FBI included a “dismissal of racist state-sanctioned violence, and efforts to dismantle the growing Black Lives Matter movement, similar to the FBI’s efforts to dismantling of the civil-rights and black-power movements just a few decades prior.”
Thanks for FINALLY explaining what this was all about. It's pretty much what I expected.
I still don't agree he should have been shouted down, anymore than I would want one of these students to be shouted down if they got up and tried to make an address.
I hope they also refuse his scholarship.
He is giving them scholarships?
Shouting the guy down through his entire attempt of a speech is not good form.
That's what we're teaching our kids to do.

If you don't like someone's opinion, shut it down. If you can't shut down, shout it down. If you can't shout if down, run to your safe space. They have no sense of, no skill in, constructively communicating with someone with different views.

This is a really fucked up thing to do to our kids.
"We" are not teaching our kids this anymore than our parents taught us to take over college campuses in the 60's and 70's. "We" when young and idealistic and full of beans do all sorts of things that old folk tsk tsk about as if they had never had such a notion in their lives. Maybe some didn't. I sure as hell did, but I would never ever have shouted down Comey for his whole speech like that, not in that situation.
I got raised right.
Shouting the guy down through his entire attempt of a speech is not good form.
That's what we're teaching our kids to do.

If you don't like someone's opinion, shut it down. If you can't shut down, shout it down. If you can't shout if down, run to your safe space. They have no sense of, no skill in, constructively communicating with someone with different views.

This is a really fucked up thing to do to our kids.
"We" are not teaching our kids this anymore than our parents taught us to take over college campuses in the 60's and 70's. "We" when young and idealistic and full of beans do all sorts of things that old folk tsk tsk about as if they had never had such a notion in their lives. Maybe some didn't. I sure as hell did, but I would never ever have shouted down Comey for his whole speech like that, not in that situation.
I got raised right.
Well, of course I meant "we" as a country.

It's the illiberal leftist authoritarians who are most responsible for nurturing, defending and ultimately enabling what is happening to our kids.

It's not the kids' fault. They're kids. It's the adults who are using them for political leverage.
College kids are generally a-political when they enter college and have more on their plate than jumping up to protest every speaker. The protests are usually generated by left wing faculty which in turn are lap dogs of the democrat party.
I'm still patiently waiting for someone to tell me what Comey has said or done that is so offensive/objectionable. Is it because he was Director of the FBI and he symbolizes the whole "law and order" thing or what?
He helped facilitate the climate where white cops could gun down Blacks with impunity for starters

Howard U. Students Protest During James Comey’s Convocation Speech – The Ticker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education

In a news release, student activists with the group HU Resist wrote that Mr. Comey’s work at the FBI included a “dismissal of racist state-sanctioned violence, and efforts to dismantle the growing Black Lives Matter movement, similar to the FBI’s efforts to dismantling of the civil-rights and black-power movements just a few decades prior.”
Thanks for FINALLY explaining what this was all about. It's pretty much what I expected.
I still don't agree he should have been shouted down, anymore than I would want one of these students to be shouted down if they got up and tried to make an address.
I hope they also refuse his scholarship.
He is giving them scholarships?
Comey has taken on the role as endowed chair in public policy at Howard for the 2017-18 school year, and will deliver a series of lectures.
He is donating his $100,000 salary to a scholarship for students who came to the school from foster care. That gift is being used to support seven students at the university this year who have been in foster care.

The very last sentences of the link in the OP.
Shouting the guy down through his entire attempt of a speech is not good form.
That's what we're teaching our kids to do.

If you don't like someone's opinion, shut it down. If you can't shut down, shout it down. If you can't shout if down, run to your safe space. They have no sense of, no skill in, constructively communicating with someone with different views.

This is a really fucked up thing to do to our kids.
"We" are not teaching our kids this anymore than our parents taught us to take over college campuses in the 60's and 70's. "We" when young and idealistic and full of beans do all sorts of things that old folk tsk tsk about as if they had never had such a notion in their lives. Maybe some didn't. I sure as hell did, but I would never ever have shouted down Comey for his whole speech like that, not in that situation.
I got raised right.
Well, of course I meant "we" as a country.

It's the illiberal leftist authoritarians who are most responsible for nurturing, defending and ultimately enabling what is happening to our kids.

It's not the kids' fault. They're kids. It's the adults who are using them for political leverage.
Its a new dynamic. No longer are kids taught to be sheep. They are taught to have a voice nowdays. i raised mine to question everything. Sometimes it has come back to bite me but I would rather they question me than blindly follow some of the bullshit white society is trying to force feed them. No wonder all of them are such successful young ladies.

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