Any Free Speech outrage about this campus event?

Of course its disruptive. That was the intention. No one stopped him from voicing his opinion. They just didnt want to hear it. I'm pretty sure if you showed up at a BLM event doing that it wouldnt be for long The same thing applies to those that did want to hear him. They should have found a way to make the disrupters stop.

I missed the part where the students were forced to attend. Did they attend willingly? Either way there are acceptable forms to protest - heckling a speaker is not one of them.

However, if a heckler did attend a BLM rally with the intent of being vocally disruptive - you don't have to listen to him, right?
You can appeal to the police to remove him for causing a disturbance but if you lay hands on him you might find yourself on the wrong side of the bars, as you should.
I missed the part where Comey was forced to attend. Seems to me both parties were invited. Thats what a convocation means.

A false dichotomy. The students attended knowing full well who the speaker was going to be - unless you're saying he was a surprise guest speaker? Apparently he is going to continue being involved with Howard University - even sponsoring a scholarship. Maybe the hecklers aren't interested in hearing about that either.
Comey attended knowing full well some people were not going to want to hear what he said. Your logic is amazingly faulty.
If you don't want to hear what someone is saying don't attend the speech get up and leave put earphones in and listen to something on your phone. There are numerous ways to not have to hear someone speak who you don't agree with without preventing others from hearing them.
If you dont want someone interrupting you while you speak talk louder or leave.
If you don't want to hear what someone is saying don't attend the speech get up and leave put earphones in and listen to something on your phone. There are numerous ways to not have to hear someone speak who you don't agree with without preventing others from hearing them.
If you dont want someone interrupting you while you speak talk louder or leave.
The fact you can put that much stupid in one sentence is impressive.
Yep. Everyone. We're teaching our kids the opposite, from coast to coast.
To me, it's a glaring example of what you get from kids that their entire life have been told how special they are and probably never had to deal with contrary ideas. They don't know adversity... boy are they in for a surprise.
Yep, such special little snowflakes should never have to be exposed to ideas and opinions that are contrary to yours. If that happens, they must do whatever they can to shout down or shut down the opposing opinion. If all else fails, they must run to their safe space and hide.

In America. Incredible.
Yep. Everyone.

We're teaching our kids the opposite, from coast to coast.

To me, it's a glaring example of what you get from kids that their entire life have been told how special they are and probably never had to deal with contrary ideas. They don't know adversity... boy are they in for a surprise.
Its silly to listen to contrary ideas from people you dont respect. Has nothing to do with adversity.
I listen to people I don't respect all the time, helps me sharpen my responses. Of course when your entire discourse consists of sitting in the back of a room chanting slogans there's not much to sharpen.
You like doing that because you're not afraid of hearing opposing views.

Regressives pretend it's about "respect", but it's about FEAR.
Yep. Everyone.

We're teaching our kids the opposite, from coast to coast.

To me, it's a glaring example of what you get from kids that their entire life have been told how special they are and probably never had to deal with contrary ideas. They don't know adversity... boy are they in for a surprise.
Its silly to listen to contrary ideas from people you dont respect. Has nothing to do with adversity.
They weren't hostages. They could leave. And show class by letting others who wanted to; listen. Typical lack of class from the usual suspects...
Well, the Regressives hate the country to begin with, it just follows that they hate its First Amendment.
Comey was invited to attend. Likely he was paid for his time by the people who wanted to hear what he had to say.

Although, what was the man thinking appearing at a black University! What ever possessed him to think that, as a white man, he had anything to say that the chimps wanted to hear? Surely the school knew that he was going to be be shouted down. Whites need to get the money up front, and walk off in the first five minutes. Laugh all the way to the bank.

Black speakers for black schools. Segregation today. Segregation tomorrow. Segregation forever.
Comey attended knowing full well some people were not going to want to hear what he said. Your logic is amazingly faulty.

Now you've gone from the hypocritical to the ridiculous. How would they have the preconceived notion of what Comey was going to say? These rudely obnoxious products of the soft racism of lowered behavioral expectations infringed upon the rights of those who did come to hear the message - which by all accounts was inspirational.
Comey attended knowing full well some people were not going to want to hear what he said. Your logic is amazingly faulty.

Now you've gone from the hypocritical to the ridiculous. How would they have the preconceived notion of what Comey was going to say? These rudely obnoxious products of the soft racism of lowered behavioral expectations infringed upon the rights of those who did come to hear the message - which by all accounts was inspirational.
Why would they need to have a preconceived notion of what he was going to say in order to form the opinion that they didnt want to hear what he had to say? I'm really curious as to how youre going to logically explain this one?

I have no clue what a random white speaker would say about Chinese culture but I damn sure know I wouldnt be the least bit interested in hearing it.
Why would they need to have a preconceived notion of what he was going to say in order to form the opinion that they didnt want to hear what he had to say? I'm really curious as to how youre going to logically explain this one?

I have no clue what a random white speaker would say about Chinese culture but I damn sure know I wouldnt be the least bit interested in hearing it.

Ah, now it makes sense - because Comey's skin color is lighter than theirs they knew they didn't want to hear what he had to say, even though they didn't know what he was going to say, so they went anyway to prevent others who, despite Comey's offensive skin coloring, did want to hear what he had to say. That about right?

If you didn't want to hear about Chinese culture from a non-Chinese person (of any skin color, or just white? - because many Asians have very white skin) would you attend anyway with the intent of infringing on the rights of the less bigoted to hear the lecture?

Does OP think that because it's Comey that conservatives would agree with preventing him from speaking?

I disagree with anyone who tries to silence another American's right to speak freely.

One can make it clear they disagree, but the person has to be allowed to speak.

No one has been able to tell me what Ben Shapiro said at Berkeley that he should not have been allowed to say.
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Comey attended knowing full well some people were not going to want to hear what he said. Your logic is amazingly faulty.

Now you've gone from the hypocritical to the ridiculous. How would they have the preconceived notion of what Comey was going to say? These rudely obnoxious products of the soft racism of lowered behavioral expectations infringed upon the rights of those who did come to hear the message - which by all accounts was inspirational.
Why would they need to have a preconceived notion of what he was going to say in order to form the opinion that they didnt want to hear what he had to say? I'm really curious as to how youre going to logically explain this one?

I have no clue what a random white speaker would say about Chinese culture but I damn sure know I wouldnt be the least bit interested in hearing it.
Then why would you attend?
Comey attended knowing full well some people were not going to want to hear what he said. Your logic is amazingly faulty.

Now you've gone from the hypocritical to the ridiculous. How would they have the preconceived notion of what Comey was going to say? These rudely obnoxious products of the soft racism of lowered behavioral expectations infringed upon the rights of those who did come to hear the message - which by all accounts was inspirational.
Why would they need to have a preconceived notion of what he was going to say in order to form the opinion that they didnt want to hear what he had to say? I'm really curious as to how youre going to logically explain this one?

I have no clue what a random white speaker would say about Chinese culture but I damn sure know I wouldnt be the least bit interested in hearing it.
Then why would you attend?
To protest him speaking like the kids at Howard did.
Comey attended knowing full well some people were not going to want to hear what he said. Your logic is amazingly faulty.

Now you've gone from the hypocritical to the ridiculous. How would they have the preconceived notion of what Comey was going to say? These rudely obnoxious products of the soft racism of lowered behavioral expectations infringed upon the rights of those who did come to hear the message - which by all accounts was inspirational.
Why would they need to have a preconceived notion of what he was going to say in order to form the opinion that they didnt want to hear what he had to say? I'm really curious as to how youre going to logically explain this one?

I have no clue what a random white speaker would say about Chinese culture but I damn sure know I wouldnt be the least bit interested in hearing it.
Then why would you attend?
To protest him speaking like the kids at Howard did.
Well, I think it sucked. They could have protested outside the hall, egged his car, whatever. If you were invited to attend my college and speak and I didn't like your ideas or what you'd done in the past, I would either bitch to the people who had invited you or I would throw my hissy fit outside the hall.
Shouting the guy down through his entire attempt of a speech is not good form.

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