Any Free Speech outrage about this campus event?

The reason the left is trying to silence the right is because the left can only push through their agenda on an ignorant and compliant constituency.

Information and truth is the enemy of the left.
Obviously you dont get the concept of free speech as pertains to the 1rst amendment. it doesnt mean you have to listen to someone or have a conversation.
Yup. I sure don't get it.
It also doesnt mean you have to be quiet when someone else speaks especially if you could give a fuck what they are talking about.

It also means the private party that puts on an event with a speaker can remove anyone disrupting their speaker.
Shouting the guy down through his entire attempt of a speech is not good form.
That's what we're teaching our kids to do.

If you don't like someone's opinion, shut it down. If you can't shut down, shout it down. If you can't shout if down, run to your safe space. They have no sense of, no skill in, constructively communicating with someone with different views.

This is a really fucked up thing to do to our kids.
"We" are not teaching our kids this anymore than our parents taught us to take over college campuses in the 60's and 70's. "We" when young and idealistic and full of beans do all sorts of things that old folk tsk tsk about as if they had never had such a notion in their lives. Maybe some didn't. I sure as hell did, but I would never ever have shouted down Comey for his whole speech like that, not in that situation.
I got raised right.
Well, of course I meant "we" as a country.

It's the illiberal leftist authoritarians who are most responsible for nurturing, defending and ultimately enabling what is happening to our kids.

It's not the kids' fault. They're kids. It's the adults who are using them for political leverage.
I've heard that view on Fox, but so far I'm not convinced that's actually happening. This nebulous "we" "the country" and "illiberal leftist authoritarians" are all ephemeral concepts. What actually DOES happen comes down to a real person talking to a real person. And I don't hear a lot of what you're saying in real life.
Shouting the guy down through his entire attempt of a speech is not good form.
That's what we're teaching our kids to do.

If you don't like someone's opinion, shut it down. If you can't shut down, shout it down. If you can't shout if down, run to your safe space. They have no sense of, no skill in, constructively communicating with someone with different views.

This is a really fucked up thing to do to our kids.
"We" are not teaching our kids this anymore than our parents taught us to take over college campuses in the 60's and 70's. "We" when young and idealistic and full of beans do all sorts of things that old folk tsk tsk about as if they had never had such a notion in their lives. Maybe some didn't. I sure as hell did, but I would never ever have shouted down Comey for his whole speech like that, not in that situation.
I got raised right.
Well, of course I meant "we" as a country.

It's the illiberal leftist authoritarians who are most responsible for nurturing, defending and ultimately enabling what is happening to our kids.

It's not the kids' fault. They're kids. It's the adults who are using them for political leverage.
I've heard that view on Fox, but so far I'm not convinced that's actually happening. This nebulous "we" "the country" and "illiberal leftist authoritarians" are all ephemeral concepts. What actually DOES happen comes down to a real person talking to a real person. And I don't hear a lot of what you're saying in real life.
No one is communicating, and that's the problem. It's a problem in business, relationships and politics.

By the way, Fox is unwatchable for me. I created the term illiberal leftist authoritarians to describe the Regressive Left, a term coined by a liberal Brit Muslim.

We can't support, defend or enable anyone who chooses to attack and not engage.
The far left is now the centrist left.

They have defined any contrary opinion as racist misogynist homophobic and Islamaphobic.

They have prevented reasonable discourse.

Either you agree with them, or you are an inherently bad person.

Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the assholes who call Ben Carson an Uncle Tom and a White Supremacist.

If you deem Ben Carson a bad person, you are fucked in the head.
The far left is now the centrist left.

They have defined any contrary opinion as racist misogynist homophobic and Islamaphobic.

They have prevented reasonable discourse.

Either you agree with them, or you are an inherently bad person.

Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the assholes who call Ben Carson an Uncle Tom and a White Supremacist.

If you deem Ben Carson a bad person, you are fucked in the head.
Ben Carson is definitely a shucking and jivin tom.

Smart dude in his field but its kind of ironic he wishes to stop the social programs he used to get ahead. Thats your ultimate tom. Hell he is a full fledged super tom

""There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, who worked even longer, even harder, for less.""
-uncle ben
The far left is now the centrist left.

They have defined any contrary opinion as racist misogynist homophobic and Islamaphobic.

They have prevented reasonable discourse.

Either you agree with them, or you are an inherently bad person.

Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the assholes who call Ben Carson an Uncle Tom and a White Supremacist.

If you deem Ben Carson a bad person, you are fucked in the head.
No doubt this idea of shutting down opposing speech is gaining steam.

PC has been building slowly over time, and now freedom of expression is no longer something that we can assume as a benefit of being a citizen of this country.

Of course, when it starts in the public schools, the kids are conditioned to completely buy into it, similar to what you see in your average Madrassa.
To me, it's a glaring example of what you get from kids that their entire life have been told how special they are and probably never had to deal with contrary ideas. They don't know adversity... boy are they in for a surprise.
Its silly to listen to contrary ideas from people you dont respect. Has nothing to do with adversity.
I listen to people I don't respect all the time, helps me sharpen my responses. Of course when your entire discourse consists of sitting in the back of a room chanting slogans there's not much to sharpen.
I have a different philosophy regarding that. The way I see it if I dont respect you then its because I have heard you before. In that case I have no reason to respond to you.

You seem to put a lot of stock in your respect. Nobody here does though.
Thats really not my problem or any of my business. It doesnt effect who I do or dont respect.

You're amazing, just ask you.
The far left is now the centrist left.

They have defined any contrary opinion as racist misogynist homophobic and Islamaphobic.

They have prevented reasonable discourse.

Either you agree with them, or you are an inherently bad person.

Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the assholes who call Ben Carson an Uncle Tom and a White Supremacist.

If you deem Ben Carson a bad person, you are fucked in the head.
Ben Carson is definitely a shucking and jivin tom.

Smart dude in his field but its kind of ironic he wishes to stop the social programs he used to get ahead. Thats your ultimate tom. Hell he is a full fledged super tom

""There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, who worked even longer, even harder, for less.""
-uncle ben

For a guy on the down low you're pretty judgmental.
Ah, now it makes sense - because Comey's skin color is lighter than theirs they knew they didn't want to hear what he had to say, even though they didn't know what he was going to say, so they went anyway to prevent others who, despite Comey's offensive skin coloring, did want to hear what he had to say. That about right?

If you didn't want to hear about Chinese culture from a non-Chinese person (of any skin color, or just white? - because many Asians have very white skin) would you attend anyway with the intent of infringing on the rights of the less bigoted to hear the lecture?

This makes no sense.

Which part?

Again, private citizens cannot ‘infringe’ upon the rights of other private citizens – only government has the potential to infringe upon citizens’ rights when it enacts measures contrary to Constitutional jurisprudence.

Indeed, it was the intent of the Founding Generation that the conflicts and controversies of the day be addressed in the context of private society with debate and discourse among private citizens, absent unwarranted interference by government or the courts.

And the Founders foresaw that these debates might be robust, adversarial, and confrontational – indicators of a healthy, flourishing democracy.

This is not a case of Congressional infringement which would carry the weight of law - illegality of their behavior is not the issue. But you are incorrect in that people don't have rights that should be respected by others, especially in but not limited to, the academic setting. Without respect for the speech of others we would have no discourse, lively or otherwise, and society would descend into chaos.

What happened at Howard could not, by even the widest stretch of the imagination, be mistaken for debate or discourse.
To protest him speaking like the kids at Howard did.

Not wanting to hear him speak?

So don't go to the event. Problem solved.
Where would the fun be in not going?
The problem was he was speaking. What solved it was the heckling. Score 1 for the good guys.

Well now, why didn't you say so in the first place. All in fun was it, just a few college kids out for a good time, meaning no harm ...and here you almost had me convinced there was some sort of principle involved. ;)
To protest him speaking like the kids at Howard did.

Not wanting to hear him speak?

So don't go to the event. Problem solved.
Where would the fun be in not going?
The problem was he was speaking. What solved it was the heckling. Score 1 for the good guys.

Well now, why didn't you say so in the first place. All in fun was it, just a few college kids out for a good time, meaning no harm ...and here you almost had me convinced there was some sort of principle involved. ;)
You can have fun while having principle involved. Thats what the kids did. :cool-45:

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