Any news on Exculpatory Evidence omitted from the FISA Warrant?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?

Bombshell: Top Brass At DOJ And FBI Deliberately Withheld Exculpatory Evidence That Would Absolve Trump Campaign From FISA Court | Tea Party Pac

Congressman: FBI Withheld "Exculpatory" Evidence In Carter Page FISA Apps

Rep. Jim Jordan Drops Bombshell on ‘Hannity’: FISA Court Was Duped, Clinton Campaign Paid For Warrant To Spy On Trump
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?

Bombshell: Top Brass At DOJ And FBI Deliberately Withheld Exculpatory Evidence That Would Absolve Trump Campaign From FISA Court | Tea Party Pac

Congressman: FBI Withheld "Exculpatory" Evidence In Carter Page FISA Apps

Rep. Jim Jordan Drops Bombshell on ‘Hannity’: FISA Court Was Duped, Clinton Campaign Paid For Warrant To Spy On Trump
In other, there is no news or update, just unsupported propaganda.
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?
Hannity tends to go over board
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?
Hannity tends to go over board
I remember when we used to call that, "lying".
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?

Bombshell: Top Brass At DOJ And FBI Deliberately Withheld Exculpatory Evidence That Would Absolve Trump Campaign From FISA Court | Tea Party Pac

Congressman: FBI Withheld "Exculpatory" Evidence In Carter Page FISA Apps

Rep. Jim Jordan Drops Bombshell on ‘Hannity’: FISA Court Was Duped, Clinton Campaign Paid For Warrant To Spy On Trump
In other, there is no news or update, just unsupported propaganda.

Apparently, yes, if you can call three separate sources from the federal government "unsupported propaganda."
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?
Hannity tends to go over board

Getting the information, first hand, from people who have seen it is going "overboard"..?

:abgg2q.jpg: That is priceless..
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?

Bombshell: Top Brass At DOJ And FBI Deliberately Withheld Exculpatory Evidence That Would Absolve Trump Campaign From FISA Court | Tea Party Pac

Congressman: FBI Withheld "Exculpatory" Evidence In Carter Page FISA Apps

Rep. Jim Jordan Drops Bombshell on ‘Hannity’: FISA Court Was Duped, Clinton Campaign Paid For Warrant To Spy On Trump
In other, there is no news or update, just unsupported propaganda.

Apparently, yes, if you can call three separate sources from the federal government "unsupported propaganda."
Indeed I do, when that is what it is.
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?

Bombshell: Top Brass At DOJ And FBI Deliberately Withheld Exculpatory Evidence That Would Absolve Trump Campaign From FISA Court | Tea Party Pac

Congressman: FBI Withheld "Exculpatory" Evidence In Carter Page FISA Apps

Rep. Jim Jordan Drops Bombshell on ‘Hannity’: FISA Court Was Duped, Clinton Campaign Paid For Warrant To Spy On Trump

Thank you toobfreak and cc: Third Party
This must be what was referred to.

It was also described as being worse than Watergate
and the most historically significant attempt to "overthrow" govt by
seizing power and keeping it once they got into office instead of Trump.

Is it really an "attempted coup"?

My question is how is this any worse than Clinton destroying any
evidence on the server except what was allowed to get leaked through other sources?

Isn't this just more of the same?

How is this any more serious than what Democrats were already doing?

My understanding is that Justice Roberts reinterpreting ACA as a tax
did more to damage the integrity of govt and history of political corruption of govt functions.

Had these investigations succeeded, maybe they would be historic corruption and abuse of power.
Can you please explain or compare to something similar
in severity that I can understand. Maybe it's just because
it didn't work that I don't take it as seriously.
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?
Hannity tends to go over board
I remember when we used to call that, "lying".
That would be CNN, MSDNC, NBC, among others on a daily basis.
If police moved as slowly as Horowitz no case would ever be solved. This is the same guy who claimed Strozk wasn't biased....huh? Now he says "new witnesses" have come forward so the report that was supposed to be released in May is now due in September....Odds are it will be next September.
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?
Hannity tends to go over board
I remember when we used to call that, "lying".
That would be CNN, MSDNC, NBC, among others on a daily basis.
And Hannity. Don't forget Hannity.
Hannity tends to go over board

Compared to the clowns on CNN and MSLSD?

Dear WillPower and Third Party
This was brought to my attention with the claim that sentencing to prison
would HAVE to be enforced, because this is such a blatant abuse of govt to commit violations.

Is it really that serious?
How is it worse than Clinton not facing any consequences for
destroying evidence on the server.

If that wasn't pursued, then why would this be different?
Someone said Hannity was about break more bad news:
of proof that Exculpatory Evidence was withheld from the FISA warrants
that was REQUIRED to present and would have prevented obtaining warrants on false grounds.

The closest I could find was this but it's not recent and seems to apply to a different warrant:
Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Can anyone find me the source where
"Exculpatory Evidence was withheld"

Instead of just "speculating" on this, the source I'm looking for
is establishing CONCRETE legal-record evidence RECENTLY
because Trump DECLASSIFIED a lot more information so this can be accessed.

Anyone have the source, link or description of this new information
recently or about to become public knowledge?

Bombshell: Top Brass At DOJ And FBI Deliberately Withheld Exculpatory Evidence That Would Absolve Trump Campaign From FISA Court | Tea Party Pac

Congressman: FBI Withheld "Exculpatory" Evidence In Carter Page FISA Apps

Rep. Jim Jordan Drops Bombshell on ‘Hannity’: FISA Court Was Duped, Clinton Campaign Paid For Warrant To Spy On Trump
In other, there is no news or update, just unsupported propaganda.

Apparently, yes, if you can call three separate sources from the federal government "unsupported propaganda."
Indeed I do, when that is what it is.

Thanks for telling us you don't believe Mueller, Nadler, Schiff or any of the democrats neither.
Getting the information, first hand, from people who have seen it
Um, hey genius...that's not "first hand"
Well Genius... IF they have seen the evidence what hand is it? Fucking Moron..
That would be secondhand when you get it from them, idiot.

Getting the information, first hand, from people who have seen it
Um, hey genius...that's not "first hand"
Well Genius... IF they have seen the evidence what hand is it? Fucking Moron..

Until we see the evidence it is nothing but more hot air.

Oh I Get it, you all think that it is not evidence until you see it and determine if it is... Stupidity should be painful...

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